Tag Archives: Media

aSide Order

When Love Becomes An Instinct

And a law enforcement officer becomes a hero (in my book) to boot.


Shirley and Jenny: Two Elephants Reunited After More Than 20 Years



Shit Southern Women Say


Megyn Kelly Sums Up The Obama Presidency In Under Two Minutes

Add a dash of serious stuff the rest of the media is incapable of reporting.


Obama Balances World Crises With Golf, Time Off

The “optics” of it all doesn’t mean anything any more. That is, when the media has your back. Let’s all marvel at how President Obama “balances world crises with golf and time off.” The implication is, of course, that everything is just fine on the world stage. Is that the way you see it? Regardless, this is the meme of the day/week/month/term. No never-ending cacophony of criticism that we were used to seeing.

Especially for Obama, who couldn’t have been elected without them. This is what “circling the wagons” looks like.

Reuters: No optical illusion: Obama balances world crises with golf, time off

Obama’s “Mission Accomplished”

Equatorial Guinea president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

and his wife Constancia Mangue De Obiang. Like his dictator uncle before him, President Obiang kills or jails political opponents. Wins elections with 99% of the vote, and there is no freedom of the press.

In another time, not so long ago, people around the world suffering oppression or genocide from evil dictators, could look and would look to the United States for help. Because we could help, and because we would help. We’ve been involved militarily to free people, not to take their land, but to free them from those kind of situations.

That was before we elected a President who’s mission became knocking America down to size, withdrawing from world affairs both militarily (in a way that supported our enemies) and morally (by ignoring security agreements with Ukraine).

Out to “improve” our image around the world, President Obama has successfully made that image into a country willing to watch the rest of the world go to hell in a hand basket, while turning our own society into a basket case, by a combination of no border enforcement and increasing the number of government-dependent citizens (usurping 20% of the private sector economy) with the lowest worker participation rate since the Jimmy Carter era.

Two current, and glaring, examples is when President Obama opened up The White House to host Africa’s worst despots and dictators. Correctly described as the “Monster’s Ball.” But not by any of the U.S. media. Imagine the hopes of the poor Africans being dashed when they see the president of the United States having a dinner party with the people directly responsible for their misery.

Then there is 40,000 religious minorities (Christian and other non-Islam), that have been literally chased to a mountain top by ISIS in Iraq, where ISIS says they will either starve to death or come down and be shot to death, unless they agree to convert to Islam.  This is the same group that the world (and President Obama) watched roll unopposed into Iraq in convoys to take it over after our departure. The world also watched Obama refuse (by stalling) Iraq’s request for air strikes on ISIS at a time when it would have been most effective. After all that we accomplished and sacrificed there.

America’s response isn’t to use our air-power to clear out ISIS to free those people. Obama’s response is to air-drop food to them. And threaten to use force IF ISIS attacks any U.S. installations left in Iraq. Apparently, America is now OK with the genocide about to take place.

This is Obama’s America. Is this the new America? The America Michelle Obama can be proud of? There you have it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


For Gaza, This War’s For You!

Weak-kneed politicians, like President Obama and Sec. of State John Kerry asking for Israel to cool it, are showing their ignorance and/or incompetence on the world stage where war is concerned. And casts doubt on how they might react if the United States was under attack like Israel has been. Leaving open borders already casts doubt on their idea of national security.

Recently, Joe Scarborough brought attention to himself on his ‘Morning Joe’ show for comments he made about Israel’s actions in Gaza. People, he said, just mis-understood what he meant. So he made it more clear yesterday.

He still contends that Israel is making their case (their case?) worse by fighting back. He’s forgotten what war is. Yes Virginia, wars still exist.

Yesterday he said . . .

Well, I think it’s simple enough but, Gene, let’s talk quickly about how Hamas, this is a great tragedy after the humanitarian crisis, Hamas, I saw some polls that said over 80 percent of people in Gaza hated Hamas, wanted them out. They were forced to strike a deal with the Palestinian authority. Egypt is against them. Saudi Arabia is against them. U.A.E. is against them. You go down the list. Jordan is against them. They were isolated. This is only serving to prop them back up and it’s the last thing in the long run that Israel needs.

Polls saying that 80% of people in Gaza “hate” Hamas belies the fact that, knowing Hamas’ goal of eliminating the Jewish State (Israel), those people in Gaza elected Hamas and put them in power.

As I recall, it was the PA that had an election there. It was the PA that also knew what Hamas was all about, and that the majority of people in Gaza were Hamas sympathizers. The PA knew what the outcome would be. They got what they expected. Which makes it simpler for Israel to deal with. They’re not responding to a radical minority, they’re reacting to an elected government that wants them all dead.

Gaza (Hamas) wages war on Israel, so Israel engages in war to defend themselves. In a war, civilians also pay the consequence. Besides Israel’s measured response, there are no “innocent civilians.” They are, by definition, Israel’s enemy.

How quickly we forget how hundreds of thousands, or millions, of people (innocent civilians) were killed during WWI and WWII. No one was bellyaching about “the children.”

There will never be peace in that region until one side wins, and the other side either gives up or dies trying.

Links: Joe Scarborough Attempts to Backpedal on Anti-Israel Remarks | Gaza Solution The Same | Take A Look At Hamas’ Charter

Audacity Of Barack, The Victim

“[S]top just hatin’ all the time” said the president.

He’s so arrogant, he thinks it is about him. It’s not about him, and I don’t know anyone who hates him. He’s a nice guy, for a community organizer. What people who know the country and the Constitution hate, is a president who does not do his job, and instead acts like he is some king or dictator. Curious how the media doesn’t see it that way.

Link: Obama to Republicans: ‘Stop just hatin’ all the time’

Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto, National Coyote

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina

Here’s why trainloads of illegals are coming to America in such large numbers. It’s not only from news reports in Central American countries saying that if you can get the United States that you won’t be sent back, but welcomed, given housing, food stamps, clothing, health care, and transportation within the U.S..

It’s because of the agreement that the Presidents of Guatemala and Mexico just signed and announced. It’s called “The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage” program. News of it is also dutifully ignored by the mainstream media.  The Examiner.com broke it, but it’s basically a rewrite of a Spanish language report from El Universal . . .

Mexico government will release two announcements to solve the situation of Central Americans and some Mexicans using this freight train. (Photo: Archive/EL UNIVERSAL )

“On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.”

Coyote status has escalated to the presidents of Mexico and Guatemala, egged on by the rest of Central America. Mexico will escort the illegals as long as they don’t stay in Mexico, but go through Mexico into the United States. Isn’t that special?

There’s more. The Interior Minister, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, announced that the Government of Mexico will regulate the rail system known as “La Bestia” (The Beast) as part of the migration program on the southern border to protect the lives of those who use this transport in their attempt to reach the United States.

And, their illegal cargo is welcomed by the United States’ official Coyote, President Obama, and the departments in the Executive Branch executing the plan to fundamentally change America; DHS, ICE, and the DOJ.

Journalism Colleges Enrollment Declines

That news delivery has changed dramatically over the course of the last 15 years is obvious. We’ve seen print media like your daily newspaper shrink or go away, due in part to the electronic delivery that consumers of news seem to prefer. But there’s still news.

[R]ecent dips as a natural reaction to negative publicity about the news industry. Rosenstiel noted that media outlets have extensively documented the crises of journalism employment for years, causing high school students to wonder whether studying the profession will result in a steady career.

“This [study], to some extent, probably reflects the fact that the economic model that subsidized news for much of the last century has been disrupted in ways that are well-documented and publicized,” he said. “If you’re a young person, you’re wondering, ‘Will I have a job?’ and, ‘How much money will I make?’”

When journalism and the way it is taught morphed from being an objective, aggressive, media watchdog (that dog died) to being a fraternity hell-bent on “doing” good, that was the beginning of the end of journalism as it used to be. This accounts for all the “negative publicity” about the news industry.

I’ve not attended a journalism school. So I don’t know how they teach their craft. I do know what people say about why they want to be a journalist. And it is always they “want to make a difference.” This causes a natural conflict for journalism schools. Doing your job, or making a difference?

In a sense, journalism schools have shot themselves in the foot. Maybe even in the head.

Link: Journalism colleges weigh future amid two years of enrollment declines.

Obama Won’t Visit TX Border, Will Visit Three Fundraisers

I’m bracing myself for the onslaught of media coverage hounding the President over not going to see first-hand, the latest ‘crisis’ to visit the South. Somehow, I think I’m wasting my time expecting any media pushback upon their president.

Instead, what we get is White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest’s statement. OK, so let’s move on. He’s on it. Responding to a question about why PRESBO won’t personally visit the facilities where the illegal children are being stored, Earnest said . . .

Obama has all the information that he needs from his senior advisors. [T]here are a whole range of senior officials in this administration over the course of the last three or four weeks who have spent a lot of time in the southwest border,” he said. “The President has a very good sense of what’s happening on the border,” Earnest said. “He’s getting regular updates from his officials who have traveled to that region.”

Any other president would be there. Can you imagine a response like that from, oh say, the Bush White House after Katrina?

But President Obama will be in the region. Texas governor Perry asked him to see the problems they are dealing with first-hand.  But no. Why wouldn’t he want to go? Maybe he is afraid of bringing a drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis back to his family?

Link: WH: Obama Won’t Visit Border While Attending Three TX Fundraisers Next Week.