Tag Archives: Media

CNN Off Of Dish Network

Candy Crowley, Anderson Cooper, and other CNN faces are not available now to 14 million Dish Network customers thanks to a carriage dispute.

“Thank You” carriage dispute!  What this means to CNN is that their cable ratings are (like MSNBC) down to friends and relatives. What this means to me is I’ll have to find another network “cold shower” to look at now that Candy Crowley isn’t available.

Link: CNN, Cartoon Network, TruTV off Dish TV over carriage dispute

What Delusion Looks Like, Ed Shultz, Ring of Fire

Ed Shultz: “The radio stations liberals had as a breeding ground are now home to the conservative talkers trying to harvest a dollar in fast falling format.”

Fast falling format? Ed Shultz must be thinking about Air America Radio. Conservative talkers, according to Sergeant Shultz, are “occupiers.” And, they don’t debate the issues, they “vilify thoughts.”

More of Eddie’s delusion . . .

The public has figured out these occupiers in front of the microphone do not entertain. They don’t do news. They
only vilify thoughts opposite of their own.

Poor Eddie, still making excuses why liberal talk radio has failed in the talk-radio marketplace.

Link: Ed Schultz: A Look at the Sound-Based Conservative Country Club Known as Talk Radio | Ring of Fire.

F Whitey, Let’s Riot

All the information that has been leaking from the Grand Jury investigation concerning Michael Brown’s death seems to be pointing to no indictment. That, ferguson_race_logicunder the circumstances, Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson acted properly.

The odds that the Jesse Sharpton’s and other race baiters of the world will accept that, if that’s what the decision turns out to be, are slim. There have already been threats of “retaliation” if Wilson is not put on trial. And therein lies the problem with race relations in this country. There’s no leadership from this “post-racial” administration calling for calm, reason, and a primer on law and order, and there should be. Before things get further out of control.

Link: Evidence supports officer’s account of shooting in Ferguson

Women Feeling “Unsafe” Under Obama Government

One of the most unreported (maybe because no one saw it, it was on MSNBC) news nuggets this week is about the so-called War on Women. The phrase itself tina_brownhas pre-conceived notions on what that means. The irony is, women care more for their safety than any phony meme Democrats can create to cast them as protectors of women. Or to put it another way, they are not as mindless and “on board” as Obama thinks they are.

In exploring the president’s sinking poll numbers among women, the folks on Morning Joe asked Tina Brown, the Dione of liberal feminists, what it means and why it is? Her response blows the War on Women meme out of the water. She also has come to realize the difference between what Obama says and what he does. The reality is, reality is catching up to President Obama, and women are not happy with him any more. Her response . . .

“I think they’re feeling unsafe,” Brown surmised of female voters. “They feel unsafe, economically; they’re feeling unsafe with regard to ISIS; they’re feeling unsafe about Ebola. What they’re feeling unsafe about is the government response to different crises.”

(Brown also suggested that the president’s own persona makes women voters like him less.)

“I think they’re beginning to feel a bit that Obama’s like that guy in the corner office who’s too cool for school,” she said. “[He] calls a meeting, says this has to change, doesn’t put anything in place to make sure it does change, then it goes wrong and he’s blaming everybody.”

Where the president is concerned, welcome to Realville Tina.

Sarah Palin weighed in on what Tina Brown said when asked by Sean Hannity. She said fellow females aligned with the flawed ideology of leftist feminism are to blame for many of the issues her gender currently faces. That these feminists “support liberal men who have kept women, unfortunately, embracing this lie that they should be dependent upon government.” And “fake feminists” support Obama, “whose failed policies have kept them dependent on a failed government”, while ridiculing conservative principles designed to contribute to the success of all Americans.

Link: Tina Brown Video: Obama Makes Women Feel Unsafe  |  Video: Sarah Palin Just Absolutely Unloaded On Liberal Feminists In This Epic Rant


The Lunch Counter Blog, The First 10 Years

Timeout for a moment to mark some time. A decade. That’s how long The Lunch Counter Blog has served up politics, the right way. Exploring the issues, exposing the Left, holding the news media to account, and generally annoying Liberals with no argument beyond name-calling.

The Lunch Counter software has evolved as information sharing software evolved. Beginning with a software platform called Radio UserLand, then finally settling on WordPress.

Take a look back to August 2004, when The Lunch Counter began.

Looking forward to another decade.

Govt. Outsourcing Lead Blind To The Unemployment Line

Sibyl Mikell, laid off after 34 years on the job at the Mississippi River docks

In a scenario that could only (by the media) be pinned on an evil republican like Mitt Romney, what would you call it when the Obama administration outsources jobs that cause 42 blind workers in New Orleans to lose theirs?

A government program called AbilityOne, is a program that awards government contracts to nonprofits that employ the disabled to produce basic products for the military. A noble program for sure. Especially so when President Obama keeps saying how he won’t rest until everyone who wants a job can get a job. And how outsourcing jobs is un-patriotic. How ironic it is to learn that the administration cares about the economies in Asia over our own, and will take jobs away from workers here to give to people there?

This operation is an integral part of AbilityOne, a program that awards government contracts to nonprofits that employ blind and disabled people to produce basic products for the military. But Ms. Mikell and 42 coworkers were recently and abruptly laid off from their jobs at Lighthouse for the Blind in New Orleans because of a little-known change in federal procurement rules that encourages military forces in Afghanistan to buy from manufacturers and brokers in Central Asia.

“The fact is, the people feeling the impact are the most underemployed people in our country,” said Renee Vidrine, president of Lighthouse for the Blind, who said the changes break both the intent and the letter of the law.

Aside from what President Obama might call a “boneheaded decision,” the lesson here for everyone leading up to the mid-term election is this, what government gives you, government can take away.

Meanwhile, where is the outrage? Where is the so-called media watchdog?

Links: Feds take jobs from disabled Americans, send them to Central Asia  |  Lighthouse Louisiana

h/t Rodger Hedgecock

Obamacare, The Metrics Are Falling

Remember how quick the Obama administration was to tout the Obamacare enrollment numbers, that they wanted to? Of course, they still don’t know (or are not saying) how many new insureds there are as opposed to those who bought into the plan because they could not keep the policy they liked.

Now the house of cards is beginning to fall. Out of the eight million enrollees, 2.5 million are in limbo due to incomplete immigration and/or income status verification.

The Obama administration on Monday said 115,000 people in 36 states could lose their private health insurance under Obamacare after Sept. 30, because of unresolved data problems involving their citizenship or immigration status.

Another 363,000 people could see their insurance costs change, due to problems involving income data that is used to determine whether enrollees qualify for federal subsidies to help pay premiums on health plans obtained through the federal insurance marketplace, according to the administration.

Long story short, the fraud that was perpetrated both by the administration and those lying about their income and immigration status is bubbling to the top. Let’s not forget whose problem this is. It is ALL Democrats that voted for it. ZERO Republicans. Americans deserve better. We deserve an honest, open, and transparent government, and this bunch is not delivering. Not only are they not delivering, they have ruined the best (albeit not beyond improvement) health care delivery system and health insurance industry in the world, just for the sake of their ideology of having a single-payer (socialized) health care system.

What’s astonishing (not really) is the media’s take on this. The WSJ video in the link below, says “immigrants” have “missed the deadline” to verify their status. There is no deadline that an illegal alien can make. Ever.

Link: U.S. says 115,000 could lose Obamacare insurance over immigration – Yahoo News.

Obama Preps Legal Case For Extra-Constitutional Action

Just like his run-around the Senate on climate change, the lawless president demonstrates neglect of duty with this . . .the_beast_train_transporting_illegals_to_us

With impeachment threats and potential lawsuits looming, President Barack Obama knows whatever executive actions he takes on immigration will face intense opposition. So as a self-imposed, end-of-summer deadline to act approaches, Obama’s lawyers are carefully crafting a legal rationale they believe will withstand scrutiny and survive any court challenges, administration officials say.

Media note: notice the meme to remove President Obama from the responsibility of his actions. The key is transferring his name with “The White House” in anything and everything that HE does. The media continues to portray him as the outsider, trying to solve problems. Harken back to the previous administration. Not an article appeared that didn’t begin with the word Bush and, rightly or wrongly, everything that happened was hung on Bush. Following nearly 8 years of media pummeling going unanswered, this is where we are today. See the difference?

Link: Obama preps legal case for immigration steps

Obama By-Passing Congress Again

Refusing to take no for an answer, Obama (not The White House, but Obama) is by-passing the Democrat-controlled Senate on a Useless Nations climate agreement.

King Obama is engineering a UN Climate Accord without Congress. As the media and Democrats in Congress marvel as the lawless Obama administration goes from “deeming” bills passed (ACA) to announcing at a SOTU speech that he’ll go around Congress, and now doing a retroactive re-write of an existing 1992 treaty instead of asking Congress again. Really?

Link: Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty

Selective Transparency For DOJ

Voter registration booth at sight where Brown died.

“Transparency” has lost its meaning. At least where the government and the media is concerned. When there’s a great racial narrative going, like a White cop (or a “White Hispanic” community watch dude) shooting a Black kid, that’s all you need to pick that scab, again. Instant ratings for the media, and another opportunity to stir up racial unrest. With everything else going wrong in the administration, this is a distraction that was made to order.

(Update:8/18/2014, see voter registration booth where Michael Brown was killed)

So we now find out that the Executive Branch (DOJ) didn’t want the convenience store robbery video released. And the media complied. Even though they knew a video existed, there was no reporting about it. That is, until the police released it themselves.

What’s so bad about transparency? All we think we know about the Michael Brown shooting is that the cop wasn’t aware of the robbery that Brown committed fifteen minutes earlier. And, that Brown knew what he did fifteen minutes before coming in contact with the cop. Gee Mr. Media, any chance that something other than a White cop shooting a “gentle giant” may have happened?

Carrying a political agenda is one thing, but it becomes dangerous (in so many ways) when it is coupled with the “news” media. And, reason enough to be skeptical about anything that comes out of the so-called mainstream media.

Links: “They deal in rumors all the time, if they like what the rumor is.”  |  Surveillance Shows Michael Brown Suspected In ‘Strong Arm’ Robbery  |  Ferguson Police Released Robbery Video Despite DOJ Concerns