Tag Archives: Media

Is ‘Muslim’ The New N-word?

In the latest media attempt to derail the Trump campaign, it only shows who the real ‘racists’ are. Forget for a moment that Islam is not a race, but a religion. But remember that in this country, there is a First Amendment that guarantees freedom of religion for everyone. Even politicians.

So, if I may borrow a phrase from a loser of a Secretary of State who is running for president on her record, on whether Obama is a Muslim, what difference, at this point, does it make? He could be a Christian, a Muslim, or a frigging Witch. That’s all protected by the First Amendment and as such, is irrelevant.

The faux controversy is about why Donald Trump did not defend Obama at a press conference (something Hillary does not do without pre-screened reporters, attendees, and questions) from a member of the public who said he believed that Barack Obama was a Muslim, leading up to his question which was, what are we going to do about terrorist cells having training camps in this country? Trump laughed at his opening shot, and otherwise ignored it. But did answer the question (which no media outlet has bothered to mention) by saying he’s heard about that kind of stuff and would look into it if elected president. In short, it was a pretty generic answer without any controversy.

So from that, Hillary Clinton, the slavish media, and the DNC are going bonkers attacking Trump for something he did not do and did not say. Hillary calls that not acting presidential. Debbie was-a-man Shultz called Trump a racist.

What did Hillary say about the (probably planted) incident? She said that Trump should apologize. As though it is everyone’s duty to defend Barack Obama when anyone says something, true or untrue, about him. And because he didn’t do that, she retorts that Trump “should start behaving like a president.”

You know what the real dialog was. Now this is NBC’s interpretation. The meme . . .

A man at Trump’s event in Rochester, New Hampshire, asked the Republican presidential frontrunner how the U.S. can “get rid” of Muslims and asserted that Obama was a Muslim who was not born in this country.

Suffice it to say, this is not the first time that NBC has cut-n-pasted an event to change its meaning. (Zimmerman case comes to mind.)

Here is CNN’s reporting of the same event . . .

At a Trump event in New Hampshire on Thursday, an unidentified man said, “We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims. You know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American. … That’s my question: When can we get rid of them?”

Cool. You have a pretty good idea of the meme over this fake controversy from the mainstream media and the struggling (for ratings) Cable News Network. Now notice those three little dots that precede “That’s my question.” Here’s what they failed to mention with those three little dots and, as you might expect, it changes the entire context of the dialog.

“Anyway, we have training camps growing where they want to kill us,” the man, wearing a “Trump” T-shirt, continued. “That’s my question: When can we get rid of them?”

From Hillary’s reaction, you would think that being Muslim, or accused of being a Muslim, is like calling someone an illegal alien, or the N-word. She was “appalled” of all the “hatefulness.”

“I was appalled,” Clinton told reporters here. “He should have from the beginning repudiated that kind of rhetoric, that level of hatefulness in a questioner in an audience that he was appearing before.”

0225_obamaturban_460x276Is being called a Muslim, or being a Muslim, something all that appalling? It should be instructive to note who the bigots, racists, really are. The media also conveniently forgot to mention who started the whole birther thing on Obama. It was Hillary’s own 2008 campaign.

If anything, it’s Muslims who should feel offended by Hillary’s reaction. Why, she’s not acting very presidential is she?

Hypnotize Or Obamatize

How much does Obama dislike America? This much.

He doesn’t like anything that gets in the way of his remaking America, like the Constitution, and the entire principle that the government is by, of, and for the people. To this president, these are obstacles, not principles.

His latest scheme is how to fool more Americans into buying into his Marxist/Socialist agenda by using behavioral science. Knowing full well that he could not persuade the public into accepting what he wants to do, and not being interested in the least for what the people he is supposed to serve may want him to do, he’s looking into ways to train, to condition you into accepting something that you would not otherwise accept. You know, like training a pet, Obama wants to train you.

It’s no surprise that Obama and his regulatory czar Cass Sunstein operate this way. What is surprising is how the media and his fellow democrats will fall for it.

Link: President Obama Orders Behavioral Experiments On American Public

On Immigration, Trump Owns Media

There’s one guy just tickled to death that Donald Trump is dominating the news on the subject of immigration. President Barack Obama. Anything to draw attention from participating in nuclear proliferation and providing funding to a terrorist-supporting country. And from trying to cripple the energy industry, coal specifically, and drive up the cost of electricity. But I digress . . .

Were it not for Donald Trump, what would the candidates be talking about?

Trump held a press conference yesterday. It was broadcast on two cable news channels. (Are any other candidates talking to the media? Or, is any media talking to other candidates?) At the start, Jorge Ramos from Univision, failed at imitating a BlackLivesMatter antagonist and got the spanking he deserved. Not because Univision and Trump are involved in a lawsuit, but because Ramos was acting like a spoiled child. After Ramos returned, Trump gave him more time than any other candidate would at answering and taking questions from a single reporter. Trump came out the winner in that exchange.

Later on FNC’s The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly asked Ted Cruz if he would deport an American citizen if his parents were illegals? She was speaking of an anchor baby. Instead of answering that question, Cruz gave his own answer which included words to the effect of “I’m not playing that game.”

I’ll answer your question Megyn Kelly. The answer is YES. That’s because, obviously, the family should be kept together. And if the parents would refuse to take their child with them, abandoning the child, then the kid should be taken from them as unfit parents, put in foster care, and the parents sent back to wherever they came from. And the anchor baby problem will cure itself.

Also yesterday, speaking in McAllen, Texas, Jeb Bush said, in Spanish, “I, as President, I would go to congress and change the law to give them not a residency but citizenship.” It is Bush’s belief that illegals (he and Obama call them Dreamers) deserve it. Like so many other candidates, Jeb is on that “the immigration system is broken” bandwagon.

It’s that whole “deserve” thing that troubles me. The other thing that troubles me is when people/politicians say the immigration system is broken. The only way to determine that is to enforce the immigration laws. They are pretty clear. We need a leader to demand that the laws, all of them, be enforced. No sanctuary cities, no anchor babies, no anything for illegals, except a ride back to the border.

Aside from Trump pretty much owning the media, the media is doing a great disservice to the folks by ignoring all but a select few of the other candidates. One such candidate has filed a complaint to the FEC over the media’s totally biased reporting on the field of candidates. And, he’s the only candidate so far who can show you his plan in writing. That would be Kerry Bowers.

The Buck Stops In The Oval Office

So how’s the 2016 Clinton campaign going? Not very well. The fact that people do not trust her was brought on by her own actions.

From the start of her position as Secretary of State, we now learn that she was allowed to have her own private mail server to conduct official business, instead of the required secure government servers.

True to form, for Hillary Clinton, her mission was to keep her activities out of public view and out of the reach of any Congressional oversight. Can you say Benghazi?

So why is it that the most obvious questions about Sec. Clinton’s mail server activity still has not been asked of her boss, President Obama?

Like these two . . .

Mr. President, the Cabinet officials work under you and for you.  Confidential and Top Secret emails are normal business for our Embassies around the world. Not only between our Ambassadors and the Sec. of State, but between the Sec. of State and yourself. How is it possible that you never noticed that email communications to and from your Cabinet Secretary were not going through a government-secured mail server? Will you agree to an investigation to verify that you also do not, and did not, have a private server and private email account of your own, that was not part of a government-controlled secure environment, for official business?

Hillary Clinton’s Resume

Got a letter from Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, the nation’s government watchdog that took over when the media watchdog died. Since Hillary Clinton is making a second go at her husband’s last job, there are some things Tom reminds us voters of. Things that speak to the character of Hillary Clinton, the person who is asking expecting Americans to vote for her.

Here’s Hillary Clinton’s resume and, what you could expect of her in the future.  She acts as if the laws that apply to other Americans like you and me do not apply to her.

Whether it was . . .

  • Obstructing the release of records about the Whitewater land deal when her husband was running for president in 1992 (her Rose Law Firm billing records were mysteriously lost for two years and then turned up in the White House residence); or
  • Keeping her “Health Care Task Force” proceedings secret when she was First Lady in 1993 (her task force wouldn’t even give the names of all the consultants it brought in for advice); or
  • Refusing to tell the truth about the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack that took place on her watch as Secretary of State in 2012; or
  • Violating and avoiding accountability by using secret email accounts as Secretary of State; or
  • Abusing her public office to funnel money to her personal accounts — with corporate money, foreign money, foreign government money . , , gobs of money, much of which is now sloshing around her vanity “charity” that could be renamed “The Clinton Corruption Family Foundation.”

All throughout her political career, Hillary Clinton has shown chronic contempt for the law and for the American people’s “right to know.”

Obama, Making Dictators Proud

Time was when America’s leaders stood up for it, and the Constitution. No more. Now, thanks to errant and complicit Republicans, behaving like a dictator becomes an “accomplishment.”

A congressional vote of disapproval would not prevent Obama from acting on his own to start putting the accord in place. While he probably would take some heavy criticism, this course would let him add the foreign policy breakthrough to his second-term list of accomplishments.

Link: Obama can do Iran nuclear deal even if Congress disapproves

What Is It About Trump?

Why is it, that despite all the mud thrown at him by a media hell-bent on discrediting him, even if they have to make stuff up, he continues to rise in the polls?

It’s not just that he strikes a nerve on what most Americans feel is important, because there are other candidates who are saying similar things. What’s different is that Donald Trump doesn’t do PC , doesn’t  bow to critics, and is always on offense. That ‘always on offense’ is what’s different. And, what people tired of seeing this country go down the drain are longing for.

It’s what Democrats have perfected. They never lose, even when they lose. They persist. They persist to the point of electing a community organizer as president. Twice! And the other side, being habitually polite, make a science out of caving and face-saving. Which brings us to the point where the Republican leadership, despite what they were elected to do, is going along with Obama’s agenda when every opportunity to stop it comes up.

Trump turns that whole dynamic on its head. And the folks are cheering.

Did Murdoch Cave To Obama?

It is unfortunate that the big “news” coming out of the first Republican “debate” was about conjured up and misleading accusations about Donald Trump, instead of what people tuned in to find out. Which was, who, and how, will one of these candidates reverse America’s decline?

In trying to excuse the ineptness of his policies, President Obama goes to the bogeyman, FOX News and talk radio. The latter of which means Rush Limbaugh. Blaming them for turning his successes into failures. In other words, they’re not buying his spin on how great things are. They’re more fact-based, and for the most part, the national voice that is (or was) fact-based when criticizing the president’s performance.

After last Thursday’s dump-on-Trump show, you have to wonder if Rupert Murdoch is feeling a little intimidated by The One? That would explain some of what we saw on the debate stage.

Megyn Kelly is a lawyer. She knows that asking a question with or without context will shape an image in one way or another. So when she recounts what Trump said about Rosie O’Donnell and attributing his comment to the phony ‘war on women,’ without noting that it was Rosie’s personal attack that Trump responded to, it casts a misogynistic pale over the candidate.

Piling on, Megyn Kelly adds to the Democrat ‘war on women’ meme with a comment about a woman “on her knees.” I doubt that there was anyone who took that question in any way other than a Bill Clinton meeting in the Oval Office. Except for two. Brande Roderick, who the comment was attributed to, and Donald Trump.

With that one, I have to wonder if the FOX producers didn’t get that “knees” quote from the slobs at Media Matters. They’re good at twisting up into down and right into left. Which was just the sort of distortion that Megyn’s question accomplished. Can you say Candy Crowley?

Instead of getting on the ‘Trump should apologize’ bandwagon, it is FOX News and Megyn Kelly who should apologize. And not to Trump, he’s a big boy and can take it. But to the American people who watched that debate with the expectation of finding out how the candidates would govern differently than what we’ve seen these last six years. They were not tough questions. They were misleading questions that made the debate more of a reality TV show, instead of an investigation of what the candidates have to offer.

Still Thinking Obamacare Is Affordable?

It’s so affordable that the Obama administration had to prime the insurance industry with payoffs for their losses for getting onboard with the misnamed Affordable Care Act. Those payoffs end next year.

And already, despite the government’s best efforts to use taxpayer money to give the illusion that it is working as advertised, it is not. And those payoffs are supposed to end in 2016.

It may not be performing as advertised. But, it is working exactly as planned. The pathway to single-payer healthcare is widening.

State-run health insurance markets that offer coverage under President Barack Obama’s health law are struggling with high costs and disappointing enrollment. These challenges could lead more of them to turn over operations to the federal government or join forces with other states.

Critics of Obamacare saw it coming long before it was rammed down America’s collective throat. But they were dismissed by the Left and its media being racists, not liking the government takeover of 16% of the private economy and ruining the health insurance industry just because Obama is Black. As if it would be OK if Obama were only White.

On this legislation, there’s no victory lap for being right. So far it’s a moot point, because electing a Republican majority in both the House and Senate with a mandate to repeal it has failed. It has failed because those Republicans have betrayed their constituents by failing to do what they were elected to do. They have caved on every plank of that mandate.

There are way too few republicans running for president with the gonads to turn this ship around. Most of them are responsible for running full speed ahead.

Links: State health insurance markets struggle with cost challenges   |  OBAMACARE HIGHLIGHTS AND RACKETEERING

Race Politics, Democrat Lies

Here’s a more detailed account on the Democrats’ lie about race than I’ve seen anywhere.

The “we’ve switched” claim is a lie too, and is revealed in this piece as well. Democrats’ record on race was consistently against civil rights from the beginning. Lying about it has been their only defense.

It’s not your fault you never knew this about the history, and behavior of the Democrat Party about race relations, neither the media or the education system are the best teachers of history, past or present.

Bob Parks lays it out for you, and for democrats who are open-minded enough to see.

Links: The Democrat Race Lie | The Dixiecrat Myth