It’s one thing for the president to violate the oath he took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It’s quite another to demand, as a dictator would, that those under him also violate the same oath.
Can’t help but notice the smoke and mirrors President Obama (and Democrats in general) is blowing over the DHS funding bill. He says he wants a clean bill to fund Homeland Security.
OK fine. Give us a clean immigration bill, and don’t try stuffing it into your DHS budget. That way, you’ll have the clean DHS funding bill you asked for, and Congress, not you, can deliberate your immigration/amnesty proposal on its own merits.
Obama is the one playing politics with the security of our country.
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) published a fifty page document that catalogues President Obama’s executive orders that grease the skids for illegal aliens already here, and to those who haven’t yet run across the border.
And the precursor to illegals being able to vote is the trojan horse called ‘motor voter,’ a device passed during the Clinton administration. Here’s the way Clinton sold it. . .
Roughly 65% of eligible Americans are registered to vote. Supporters of the new law predict that number will top 90% within a few years because of easier registration. States must comply with the law by Jan. 1, 1995. Young people are likely to benefit most from the new rules.
That’s what we were told in 1993. Twenty-one years later the number is 70%. An increase of 5% can hardly be attributed to ‘motor voter’ legislation.
But today, President Obama (not Congress) wants to issue Drivers Licenses and Social Security Cards to illegals in (and coming to) this country. The two documents needed to register to vote.
And isn’t it odd that Mexico requires proof of citizenship to vote but the United States Supreme Court says we can’t?
Know what burns my ass? That so many people believe the crap Obama is feeding us about illegal aliens getting amnesty and then “paying their taxes” like everyone else.
Why? Because unless they are drug dealers or human traffickers and stupid enough to declare that income, none of them make enough money to actually pay any taxes.
But the IRS code will allow them to file for, get this, “Earned” Income Tax credit, and the Per Child Tax credit, for all their kids, real or imagined.
The reality is, them paying taxes amounts to just more redistribution of wealth via the tax code, from you to them. That started under Clinton when The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 morphed the tax code into a vehicle for spending programs.
So when Obama sticks his nose in the air at you while he says they’ll be paying taxes, what the slime ball really means is that he’s going to give them thousands of dollars for being here illegally.
Senate Democrats vote to shut down Department of Homeland Security. Because . . . continuing the flow of illegal aliens is more important than the nation’s security.
Besides all that, Democrats are right in lock step with their leader, Barack Obama, for their lack of fidelity to the Constitution that they took an oath to protect, and defend. Their actions on this budget item is proof of it.
House Speaker Representative John Boehner (R-OH) closes debate on his party’s fifth and final amendment to H.R. 240, a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security, by noting 20 times President Obama has mentioned respecting the Constitution.
Nice speech. Too bad it took 6 years for anyone to say it on the House floor. Should have heard this 20 times before.
Question is, why is this not on the mainstream media? You know if it was Nancy Pelosi calling out a different president, it would be out there every day for a week.
We’ve heard Speaker Boehner say good stuff before, before elections, then act contrary to what he had said after the election.
Time will tell whether Boehner is finally serious about the conservative agenda he was elected to keep, or this is but a bone thrown to disaffected conservatives and, will find a way to pass Obama’s agenda while appearing to fight it.
If the political pundits want to pin the recent wave of dissatisfaction with the Democrat party to an issue, failing to keep illegals out is one of them. The problem has gotten so bad that now, a federal judge has changed the meaning of the word immigration to include trespassing. If you illegally cross the border, you are trespassing. You are not immigrating. There are laws that regulate immigration, and illegally crossing the border isn’t one of them. Well, until now apparently.
A ruling Friday that struck down the state’s 2005 immigrant smuggling law marks the latest in a string of restrictions placed by the courts on Arizona’s effort to get local police to take action on illegal immigration. The smuggling law, like similar state statutes, was tossed because a judge concluded it conflicted with the federal government’s immigration powers.
Jonathan Paton, a former Republican lawmaker from Tucson who was one of the smuggling law’s top sponsors, said “It basically shows this administration has no intention to enforce its own laws or let the state enforce its laws.”
The media (and others) have already begun to frame President Obama’s pick, Loretta Lynch, to replace Eric Holder as an outsider to Washington.
It’s unusual for Obama to pick someone he doesn’t know well for such a sensitive administration post. But at a time when Obama is under political fire, Lynch’s distance from the president could be an asset in the confirmation process.
She has a proven record of going after the bad guys. That’s good. The first test of the Republican majority will be evident in her confirmation process. To draw from Ms. Lynch whether she sees a difference between trespassing and immigration. It is obvious that the administration doesn’t see a difference. Lawmakers need to vet whether she sees Arizona as the bad guys for protecting its border and citizens, or as victims of an administration’s failure to enforce the law. Any sympathy for the ‘bad guys’ concept should, but won’t, be a disqualifier. The 2016 elections will have to fix that. And I’m not just talking about Democrats.
Why do you think Democrats don’t see a problem with voting registration and voting laws? Why do they rile at the thought of a requiring a picture ID to vote? Why wouldn’t they want to join Republicans to take steps to keep your vote sacred, and not negated by someone ineligible to vote? Here are two reasons.
The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Raza helpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.
Then there are Democrats telling “illegals” that they can vote. And not just campaign workers, candidates themselves. No problem.
Especially when elections are close, as the country is closely matched on both sides by political party affiliation, it doesn’t take much fraud to alter the outcome. That’s why, from the White House and Justice Department on down, there is no emphasis on stopping voter fraud. The moral standards for Democrats are different.
And if you have to cheat to win, that’s OK. That’s why.
Immigration officials say local authorities across the U.S. released thousands of immigrants from jails this year despite efforts to take them into federal custody, including more than 3,000 with previous felony charges or convictions.
This is the Cloward-Piven strategy to a T. Overwhelm the system. What seems like incompetence of ICE, really isn’t. It’s the plan. This is but one of Obama’s Catch & Release immigration programs.
It is no longer even arguable that this administration is hell-bent on not securing our border while telling us that it’s never been more secure. One day after posting this On Immigration, Show Me The Metrics, there were four terrorists caught on the Texas border, two each from two different locations. That was on Septermber 10th. One day before the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack.
It was that attack that begat the Department of Homeland Security cabinet position. The purpose of that multi-billion dollar bureaucracy was to streamline communication on threats or potential threats, and to protect the country. So one would think that the capture of four terrorists would elevate to the level and interest of DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson to jump on the details and tell his boss, the president. No way.
His response at a House Homeland Security meeting yesterday was . . .
Chaffetz: “Since you took office, Secretary Johnson, on December 23, are you aware of any apprehensions of suspected or known terrorists who were trying to come to our country illegally?”
Johnson: “Umm. That’s an important question. Uh, attempting to come to this country?”
Chaffetz: “Who came across our border illegally. Did you ever apprehend anybody who was a known terrorist, a suspected terrorist, somebody who had ties to a terrorist organization?”
Johnson: “Sitting here right now, um, no specific case comes to mind; that doesn’t mean there is none. Um, uh, perhaps, perhaps Director Comey can think of one. Siting here right now none comes to mind but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Nor does that mean there’s no investigation of one either.”
Chaffetz: “I have reason to believe that on September 10th there were actually four individuals trying to cross through the Texas border, who were apprehended at two different stations that do have ties to known terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Are you aware of that?
Johnson: “Uh, I’ve heard reports to that effect. Uh, I don’t know the accuracy of the reports, or uh, how much creedence to give them. But I’ve heard reports to that effect.
As if that incompetence isn’t enough, an internal (as in we’re not supposed to know the truth) DHS report shows these disturbing metrics.
During the 351 days of fiscal year 2014, there were 466,000 apprehensions of illegals, also 157,012 illegals that “got away,” and 142,630 individuals that were reported “turn backs”. The compilation of apprehensions represented people from 143 different countries. Additionally, the sensors that are placed in locations primarily in the southwest, recorded a jump of over 1,000,000 hits from fiscal year 2013 until now.
Think that’s bad? It’s worse. Much worse.
According to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report mentioned by Congressman Chaffetz, there is only a 6% operational control of our border. Which means, the numbers quoted above are likely only a very small representation of the real traffic of illegals from all across the world, including the Middle East, which are easily gaining access to our country.
Chaffetz: “Previously the GAO had indicated that there was only a 6% operational control of the border. What percentage, what is the operational control of the border at this time?”
Johnson: “Um, I don’t have that number off-hand. I do agree with you that the challenge of those coming from countries other than Mexico, particularly into the Rio Grand Valley sector is one I’m very concerned about. It’s something I’ve been concerned about since taking office in January. I’ve seen it myself at our detention center in Brownsville when I visited there in January. There were something like 80 nationalities of illegal migrants present there.
Not only is the administration not taking their job seriously, in the last 13 years, they’ve made no attempt to secure the border.
The explanation is horribly simple. The protection and security of the country is secondary to the protection and security of the Democratic party.