Tag Archives: Energy

What’s Pelosi’s Excuse Now?

The last time gas prices were this high, then Speaker Pelosi put the blame on the “two oil men in The White House.” It is instructive to see how nothing on her part, or on the part of her political party has changed with respect to increasing our oil supply and capacity.

Pelosi said she would continue to oppose two policy changes that President Bush and congressional Republicans have been advocating: lifting the ban on offshore drilling and opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration. Video Watch Pelosi argue against more drilling »

Pelosi said she had no plans to allow votes to lift a ban on offshore drilling despite widespread support for the move.

You know we haven’t seen the peak of high gas prices yet, and they’re already at or above the 2008 levels. If you want a laugh at how ignorant this woman is on this subject, look at the video.

Every time you fill up your gas tank(s) at a record high price, remember all that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are doing to bring prices down. Nothing.

Link: ‘Two oil men’ to blame for high gas prices, Pelosi says

Obama, Oil Is The Energy Of The Past

Never missing an opportunity to prolong our dependence on foreign oil, and high gas prices, President Obama lobbied the Democrat controlled Senate to oppose a bill that would, if passed, be the start of the Keystone Pipeline project with our Canadian neighbors.

The message to the president was clear. There is majority bi-partisan support for the pipeline. The senate voted for it 56-42. But because the Senate rules required 60 votes for passage, it was defeated.

In all, 11 Democrats joined 45 Republicans to support the pipeline. Only the fact that 60 votes were needed for passage saved the White House from an embarrassing defeat.

How does a president justify turning down a project that would build a measure of energy independence and energy infrastructure and lower gas prices?

How does a president justify turning down a project that would create 20,000 jobs now, and over 140,000 jobs once complete? Union jobs in fact. (Big Labor supports the pipeline.)

Today it’s out. President Obama doesn’t want jobs if they have anything to do with the oil industry. He doesn’t want energy infrastructure improvements nor any oil from Canada to come to our refineries and our ports. He made that known today.

President Obama finally gave us his blueprint for the nation’s energy future, beginning today apparently. He told us that oil is the energy of the past.

Oh really? Here’s what the United States Energy Information Administration has to say about it.

EIA projects that most petroleum-based and non-petroleum based liquid fuels — including those derived from fuels such as coal, biomass, and natural gas — will continue to be used for transportation over the next two decades.

Who at the EIA is going to update President Obama on this?

Gasoline, The Hidden Tax On Working People

Whether high gas prices at the pump are referred to as a tax is irrelevant. Although high gas prices are not a tax, they may as well be because it is a distinction without a difference. Everyone pays the price regardless of your economic status or family budget.

Under normal circumstances, the president could effectively lower the price of a barrel of crude oil in a matter of minutes. All he has to do is announce and commit this country into becoming an oil producer instead of an oil buyer.

Using his bully pulpit, he can announce an energy policy that actually gets energy.

  • Free-up natural gas and oil drilling and exploration
  • Call for the rapid approval of the XL Pipeline
  • Building of new refineries.
  • Stop fining the coal industry out of existence with Cap and Trade.
  • Reverse himself on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depot.

All the needed parts to get to energy independence can be announced, and the markets would react.

There is a problem. These are not normal circumstances. We have heard his commitment to reach energy independence before. We have seen his actions doing the opposite. His liberal man-made-global-warming ‘theology’ is calling the shots.

President Obama could hold his press conference on energy independence, a new ‘war,’ if you will, on high energy prices. But his biggest obstacle to him using the bully pulpit on this subject is that no world leader or oil speculator would believe him.

Link: Obama’s Oily Rope-a-Dope, Part 2  |  Who Do You Trust?

The Department Of Energy’s Record Of Failure

Aside from using the price of gas, heating oil, and electricity as a measure, take a look at the statistics of how well served the folks are by the Department of Energy.

Under President Jimmy Carter, The ‘Department of Energy’ was instituted on August 4, 1977. Its purpose was to lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

Imports: In 1977, 8,565,000 barrels of oil (net) per day, or 37.3%.  For 2009, 9,667,000 barrels per day, or 51%

Continue reading The Department Of Energy’s Record Of Failure

Obama’s Energy, National Security Dilemma

If there’s one thing people are growing tired of in Washington it is the lack of will to solve problems by kicking those problems down the road and calling it a solution. That is where we are with the Keystone XL Pipeline project.

All the studies of the pipeline are done. Our Canadian neighbors are not happy that Obama chose to delay his decision on the pipeline until after the 2012 election. Senate bill S.1932 is Republican’s attempt to force the president’s hand before the election, calling for a decision from the Sec. of State within 60 days.

The bill would:

  1. Establish congressional affirmation that Keystone XL is good for job creation, economic growth, and national security;
  2. Require the President, through the Secretary of State, to issue a permit within 60 days to allow the Keystone XL project to move ahead, unless he finds that it’s not in the national interest;
  3. Require the permit for Keystone XL to contain strong and specific environmental protections and protect states’ rights;
  4. Require the federal permit to recognize an alternative route approved by Nebraska, protecting their ability to shift the route of the pipeline to avoid the Sand Hills area, while not holding up construction elsewhere;
  5. Concludes more than three years of federal review by deeming the Final Environmental Impact Statement to be adequate.

Where President Obama is concerned, his re-election takes precedent over the national interest. Because if he were to approve the pipeline, he would alienate his environmental base and risk losing their campaign contributions. If he rejects it before the election, he puts BIG LABOR (labor unions are in favor of the pipeline) on the ropes and risks losing their support.  To him, putting off the decision until after the election is his way of voting present and doesn’t risk a dime of campaign contributions or support from either the environmental or labor union special interests.

If he rejects it, how could he explain to the American people why the nation doesn’t need 700,000 barrels a day of Canadian crude and 140,000 high-paying jobs? After all the green-energy bankruptcy scandals (BrightSource, Solyndra, etc.), he can’t say with a straight face how green energy is the answer to today’s energy problems. His own Energy Information Administration . . .

projects that most petroleum-based and non-petroleum based liquid fuels — including those derived from fuels such as coal, biomass, and natural gas — will continue to be used for transportation over the next two decades.

At a time when our economy is struggling and real unemployment is north of 11 percent, a truly shovel ready project like this means over a hundred thousand jobs nationwide. 14,000 in Oklahoma alone according to Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), ranking Republican on the Senate Environment Committee.

In my state of Oklahoma alone, we’d be creating 14,000 jobs with the Keystone pipeline. Existing pipeline infrastructure can’t accommodate the current volume of crude oil, which makes us more dependent on imports and vulnerable to increasing prices. The Keystone pipeline will improve both the inbound and outbound flow of crude oil at Cushing, OK.

Speaking to the President’s speeches of lessening U.S. dependence on Middle East oil and creating jobs, Inhofe continues . . .

There’s not one piece of legislation in the House or Senate right now that would do more to achieve both of these goals than this Keystone bill that we are introducing today.

If you think we don’t have an energy problem, consider this. Bill Clinton opposed ANWR exploration because, he said, it would take 10 years to get anything out of it. That was nearly 20 years ago and ANWR is still closed. As recent as five years ago, people in the Northeast United States were suffering from a lack of heating oil. (84 percent of heating in the NE comes from oil.) Back then, Joe Kennedy’s oil company accepted discounted heating oil from the hemisphere’s idiot, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, to ostensibly ‘help’ poor people in the United States. A political move to give then President Bush a slap in the face.

All the green energy talk and environmental lobbies have managed to do to solve the NE problem is . . . nothing. Five years later and we have headlines like this one, ‘Northeast states cut heating aid to poor.’

If there ever was a case to increase oil production, I think people going without heat or food would make a compelling case. Even though these are the people Obama champions on the campaign trail, he officially ignores them in The White House.

National security meets foreign policy

While we’re on the subject of oil independence, let’s take a look back to the Carter administration and the long lines at the pump, the gas rationing, and OPEC’s embargo that caused it all.

Jimmy Carter was forced into getting a spine and came up with the Carter Doctrine. It was supposed to ensure protection of Middle East oil. Carter declared that the United States would consider any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the gulf region an assault on U.S. vital interests, and would be considered an act of war that would be repelled by military force if necessary. Carter also invented the Cabinet position of the Department of Energy which, thanks to environmentalists and big government statists, was and is a dismal failure.

Today, the Iranian situation is still volatile. They are making threats via military exercises to close the Strait of Hormuz to oil traffic. With the Keystone Pipeline project on the table, and people in the Northeast  being left in the cold, and Iran threatening to cut off oil to most of the world, how does him voting present on the Keystone Pipeline work for you?

So far, except for ‘social justice,’ there is no Obama Doctrine.

Throwing Good Money After Bad, Again

Speaking of the government stimulus spending and green jobs. The Obama administration picked Southeast Michigan as one of 20 regions from around the country for economic growth grant money. The goal is to create an economic cluster of so-called clean technology manufacturing that is expected to generate jobs, business and exports for the region. Emphasis on jobs, business, and exports for the region.

News of the transaction is also noteworthy. You have the headline-grabbing union-busting Huffington Post putting a happy face on the deal. But when you follow the link to the story, you’ll see evidence that this is yet another waste of taxpayer money in the name of green jobs. Apparently, the thieves at the Huffington post don’t even read the stories they steal, let alone give credit to Jaclyn Trop, the writer of the story.

In reading the story, the economic growth stimulus money will be used in the Southeast Michigan Advanced Energy Storage Systems Initiative. Batteries. Great idea when you consider that Michigan is home to more than 35 advanced battery companies and suppliers for battery systems and electric vehicles, more than any other state, according to the Michigan Economic Development Corp.

Sounds like a good investment of taxpayer money. Except for the fact that, once again, markets exist when there is demand for a product. Lacking demand, there is no market, no business. According to the article, this is a product that nobody wants. What is the point of boosting manufacturing of a product that is already over supplied and without market demand sufficient to stay in business and effectively compete with China?

Michigan has given solar and lithium-ion battery manufacturers tens of millions of dollar in state tax incentives in recent years, but both industries are building more products than there is demand for, according to industry reports.

OK, that was the ‘good’ news. The bad news is . . .

The worldwide manufacturing capacity of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles will greatly exceed supply unless demand by automakers increases significantly in the short run, according to a September report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.


Energy Conversion Devices Inc., the Auburn Hills maker of solar panels and lithium-ion batteries, has been trying to sell its battery operation. And its losses grow since demand for solar panels in Europe has dried up and Chinese companies have offered lower-priced alternatives.

Given the circumstances in the marketplace, I’m not anticipating this government spending will have a different result than Solyndra. Meanwhile, keep a sharp eye out for all the new jobs, business, and exports for Southeast Michigan.

Where Is The Green Energy Market?

To say that there is no green in the so-called green energy sector is indicative of why that is. It is not because people don’t want a low-cost, in terms of dollars and efficiency, solution to their energy needs. It is because there is no practical market for it yet. Not for Solyndra. Not for BrightSource Energy either.

If Solyndra’s bankruptcy was not a sign of no market in this industry, all you have to do is to look at BrightSource Energy’s registration statement for going public. In their own words, without government money, they can not survive.

We depend heavily on government policies that support renewable energy and enhance the economic feasibility of developing solar energy projects.

They can’t even say that what they want to do can even be done.

Our proprietary technology has a limited history and may perform below expectations when implemented on utility-scale projects.

We use proprietary technology that has not been previously implemented on utility-scale projects of the size and complexity of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, or Ivanpah, and Ivanpah may experience technological problems that neither we nor any of the third-party independent engineers that have reviewed our projects are able to foresee. The systems that we will implement on utility-scale projects include a solar field with heliostats controlled by advanced software systems that concentrate sunlight onto a receiver to produce high-temperature steam. If the implementation of our proprietary technology is unsuccessful, it could negatively impact the successful operation of projects using our systems and may result in additional payments, deductions or defaults under key project documents, including our PPAs or other financing arrangements.

The company’s registration statement is as dismal as anyone could imagine. Scaring away any private-sector investor with no expectation of a government bailout. Except for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s. venture capital company,  VantagePoint Partners, the largest investor in BrightSource Energy. BrightSource received a $1.4 Billion loan guarantee from Obama’s Department of Energy.

The lesson to learn is that just because it sounds like a good idea, doesn’t make it worth throwing good money after bad. Regardless of the size of political contributions made to the administration. That, and government can not create a market because it wants to. Markets are created when companies make something they can sell at a profit that customers want.

Contrary to what Obama may think, he is not creating jobs in this country (China, yes) by gambling with the taxpayers money on green energy. With every dollar Obama removes from the private sector, he is killing them.

With his regulations and drilling moratorium, and pipeline rejection, he is killing even more jobs. Kind of makes you wonder about President Obama’s priority. Is it jobs in a free-market economy or jobs in a government controlled economy?

BrightSource Energy Inc.

Another Obama Scandal In the Making

Peter Schweizer disclosed this “green” boondoggle in his new book, Throw Them All Out. Big Government has the story.

It has to do with a “green energy” company called BrightSource Energy Inc., which develops solar energy products (or intends to someday, anyway). In 2010, BrightSource was in deep trouble. It was $1.8 billion in debt and was losing money hand over fist–a $71.6 million loss on a mere $13.5 million in revenue. A company destined to go down the drain, one would think. But no! The Obama administration bailed out BrightSource to the tune of a cool $1.4 billion in loan guarantees.

How could that possibly have happened? Well, start with the fact that the principal investor in BrightSource is VantagePoint Partners. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a Venture Partner in VantagePoint. But BrightSource had an even more valuable contact than that:

Sanjay Wagle…was one of the principals in Kennedy’s firm who raised money for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. When Obama won the White House, Wagle was installed at the Department of Energy (DOE), advising on energy grants.

Well, that was convenient! So BrightSource got its $1.4 billion. BrightSource isn’t out of business yet, but how promising was the Obama administration’s investment? Check out the registration statement for the company’s IPO. This is from the discussion of risk factors:

This offering involves a high degree of risk. … We have generated substantial net losses and negative operating cash flows since our inception and expect to continue to do so for the foreseeable future as part of the development and construction of solar thermal energy projects using our systems.

We have generated substantial net losses and negative cash flows from operating activities since we commenced operations. We have incurred losses of approximately $204.1 million from our inception through March 31, 2011. For the year ended December 31, 2010 and three months ended March 31, 2011, we incurred a net loss of $71.6 million and $26.8 million, respectively, and our operating activities used cash of $64.1 million and $28.8 million, respectively.

We expect that our net losses and our negative operating cash flows will continue for the foreseeable future, as we increase our development activities and construct solar thermal energy projects. …

Our proprietary technology has a limited history and may perform below expectations when implemented on utility-scale projects.

We use proprietary technology that has not been previously implemented on utility-scale projects of the size and complexity of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, or Ivanpah, and Ivanpah may experience technological problems that neither we nor any of the third-party independent engineers that have reviewed our projects are able to foresee. The systems that we will implement on utility-scale projects include a solar field with heliostats controlled by advanced software systems that concentrate sunlight onto a receiver to produce high-temperature steam. If the implementation of our proprietary technology is unsuccessful, it could negatively impact the successful operation of projects using our systems and may result in additional payments, deductions or defaults under key project documents, including our PPAs or other financing arrangements.

Ivanpah is being primarily financed by a U.S. Department of Energy, or DOE, guaranteed loan facility, which requires the project companies to remain in compliance with numerous financial, construction and operational covenants to draw funds under the loan facility, compliance with which are within the control of NRG Solar, the majority equity owner and operator of Ivanpah….

Furthermore, adoption of our systems for use in solar-to-steam applications, such as thermal EOR, depends on successful implementation of the 29 MWth EOR project for Chevron in Coalinga, California that is expected to begin operations in the second half of 2011. We have recently experienced significant cost overruns related to the project. If the Coalinga Solar-to-Steam for EOR project does not meet expectations, our ability to sell additional thermal EOR systems may be negatively impacted.

How on Earth does a company like this survive for 15 minutes? Crony capitalism. This risk disclosure conveys a sense of how deep the rot runs:

We depend heavily on government policies that support renewable energy and enhance the economic feasibility of developing solar energy projects. Renewable energy sources currently benefit from various federal, state and local governmental incentives such as investment tax credits, or ITCs, cash grants in lieu of ITCs, loan guarantees, renewables portfolio standard programs, or RPS programs, modified accelerated cost-recovery system of depreciation and bonus depreciation. For example, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the Code, provides an ITC of 30% of the cost-basis of an eligible resource, including solar thermal energy projects placed in service prior to the end of 2016. Additionally, many states have adopted RPS programs mandating that a specified percentage of electricity sales come from eligible sources of renewable energy.

Companies like BrightSource can survive only as long as governments continue to pursue foolish “green energy” policies. If the voters ever wise up, they are finished:

However, the regulations that govern the RPS programs, including pricing incentives for renewable energy, or reasonableness guidelines for pricing that increase valuation above conventional power (such as a projected value for carbon reduction), may change. If the RPS requirements are reduced or eliminated, we could sustain fewer future power contracts or receive lower prices for the sale of power in future power contracts, which could have a material adverse effect on us and our project development plans. Such material adverse effects may result from decreased revenues, reduced economic returns on certain project company investments, increased financing costs, and/or difficulty obtaining financing. Furthermore, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, or ARRA, included over $80 billion in incentives to encourage investment in the renewable energy sector, such as cash grants in lieu of ITCs, bonus depreciation and expansion of the DOE loan guarantee program. Although the ARRA expanded the DOE loan guarantee program, this program faces challenges and may not continue past the projects already financed such as Ivanpah. In addition, the cash grant in lieu of ITCs program only applies to projects that commence construction prior to December 31, 2011.

Notice how the stimulus act makes an appearance. BrightSource isn’t a scandal like Solyndra yet, but give it time.

Posted on November 16, 2011 by John Hinderaker in Energy Policy, Obama Administration Scandals

The above was graciously lifted from John Hinderaker at PowerLine Blog.

Herman Cain At The National Press Club

The Politico article about two un-named women who claimed that Herman Cain directed ‘inappropriate behavior’ at them immediately cast a huge cloud over his possible presidential future.

After addressing that issue today at the National Press Club’s luncheon, it seems to me that Cain knocked it out of the park as a non-issue. Not only did he knock that one out, but he explained his plans for his administration regarding the economy, foreign relations, and everything else very well.

That said, here is Cain’s date with the National Press Club. For walking into the media’s house and answering all the tough questions squarely, I think he handled himself and his campaign chances very well.

As for the actions of Politico, they are just showing their colors.