Tag Archives: 2008 Election

The Race Race

Remember when there was some hope that, if nothing else, the election of President Obama would at least put a ‘period’ on the ‘Americans are racist’ era? Americans elected the first Black president, with comparatively no experience, over who would have otherwise been the first Woman president, who is White and with a lot more experience.

So what’s this? Last year, Harvard hosted its first ever “black only” graduation ceremony. No word about a “white only” or some other ‘_____ only’ ceremony. It has become an annual event there, and at other colleges.

At the University of West Florida, there is a Black Employee Association. Odd, especially when this is on a state (public) campus, where there are not supposed to be organizations based on race.

Is this a longing for the old days, when there was segregation? Lord I hope not. Kanye West has a great take on it. Has to do with independent thinking.

All this coming from the University crowd, where inclusion was spearheaded and embraced with “Affirmative Action” programs from Washington. Aside from being hypocritical and probably illegal, they are setting “race relations” back 60 years. On purpose.

By 2018, the American people have long accepted integration. I suspect “race relations” are a lot better than the media would like us to believe.  God forbid we can live together without prejudice. That would put the Race Industry out of business, to the success of all those who can think for themselves.

Unfortunately, Civil Rights doesn’t mean what it used to mean. It has become an industry. The Jesse Sharptons in this country don’t have the end of racial discrimination as their goal. Instead, their goal is to keep racial tension going. Why?

Two reasons. The psychology of keeping minorities from leaving the Democrat Plantation by telling them they are victims of those evil racist Republicans. It’s called identity politics, coupled with the soft bigotry of low expectation. This event supplies the touchy-feely ‘pat on the back’ by the Massa.  Kanye, Trump and you know who the victims really are.

The second reason is in the bank. They make a nice one-percenter living on keeping Blacks unsettled. Sick.

No doubt in my mind that the same psychology is at work as in the “Middle East Peace Talks.” They (everyone by Israel) don’t want peace. They want the constant conflict and agitation that “talks” can supply. Which begs the question, how will we know when the Race race is won?

Pretty sure Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be disgusted with what they have done to the ‘civil rights’ he envisioned.

Link: Harvard Holds Graduation Ceremony for Blacks Only

“The Lie” Got Obama A 4-Point Win

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said Tuesday that he regrets saying that aspects of Obamacare needed to be concealed from the public due to the “stupidity of the American voter.”

BUT, makes NO APOLOGY for purposefully deceiving Americans in order to pass legislation that usurped 16% of the economy, representing the largest government control over everyone’s lives since the 16th Amendment (income tax), Social Security, and Medicare.

But it’s worst than that. It was this lie that helped (got) Obama get elected in 2008. No apology for that either.

Link: Obama Lied, And Won By 4 Points

Shinseki, First Of Incompetent Appointments

Just days before President Obama’s first term began, President-elect Obama nominated Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to head the second-largest bureaucracy in the government, behind the Pentagon. In January 2009, the New York Times writes “General Shinseki said that if confirmed he would streamline the disability claims system, use new information technologies to improve the delivery of benefits and services, and focus on unemployed and homeless veterans.”

Like his boss, he knows what to say to gain your confidence. Also like his boss, he hasn’t a clue on how to do it. Five years later, we all know how well that worked out. He accomplished nothing of what he set out to do. Zip, Zero, Nada!

Appointing Shinseki was his political payback for being the first uniformed general to speak against the Iraq war. He was John Kerry’s hero in 2004 when he debated George W. Bush at Washington University. Kerry quoted his newfound anti-Iraq-war-anti-Bush hero.

Shinseki came out and said, “You can’t do this without multiple hundreds of thousands of troops.”

This is what got the attention of Democrats. And this is why qualifications did not matter. Incidentally, despite what the Times reported, Shinseki was wrong about Iraq. The surge was won with 170,000 troops. Not twice that amount like he had “predicted.”

It underscores the point made in THIS POST about the regime’s culture of corruption.

Link: A Second Act for General Shinseki  | General Shinseki: Democrat Hack

Jolly (R) Wins FL13, Who Knew?

One Associated Press piece in the local paper titled Fla. House race could be warning for Democrats was all there was in the news media about the republican win in a district that voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. In a contest that was described as a bellwether for the midterm elections in November, where Obamacare was the focus on both sides.

NBC’s Chuck Todd said . . .

Tomorrow’s race in Florida will tell us a lot about the power of the Republican Party’s health-care attacks on Democrats could have in 2014.

Jolly campaigned on a conservative platform; cutting government spending, balanced budgets and repealing Obamacare. Sink tried a new version of offense with Obamacare; mend it, don’t end it. She followed the President’s agenda with a pro-illegal alien agenda, and more government spending. ‘Cutting spending’ and ‘balanced budget’ as an objective never crossed her lips.

Republican David Jolly beat Democrat Alex Sink with 48.5 percent of the vote to Sink’s 46.7 percent. Before the returns were in, Democrats began downplaying the importance of this contest. When the results were final, DNC Chair Debbie Was-a-man Shultz tried explaining away their loss, saying “the GOP fell short of its traditional margin” in a Republican-leaning district (but trending Democrat) packed with older voters.

She’s right about that. And the mainstream media carried her message. Missing in that fact is a little perspective. What she and the news media won’t say is that in all seven of Rep. Young’s elections, he ran unopposed. In this election, Jolly had two challengers. Sink a Democrat, and Libertarian candidate Lucas Overby.

Speaking of traditional margins. Third parties traditionally have given Democrats the win by siphoning off Republican party votes. Ralph Nader and Ross Perot come to mind. But this time, the nearly 5% that Overby got wasn’t enough to hand Sink a win. Also not mentioned was the fact that Jolly’s candidacy was not taken seriously by the establishment Republicans, allowing Jolly to be outspend by Democrats 3 to 1.

On the day before the election, Todd also said this . . .

Conversely, a Jolly win on Tuesday would signal that it’s open hunting season on Democrats — even in places where Obama has been a strength for Democrats in past elections.

It’s also open season on the establishment Republicans if they don’t stand on the principles that got them elected, and if they refuse to understand that running on conservative principles, compared with the status quo of the last 6 years, is how you win elections.

Obama’s War On Women, Poor, Hispanics, And Young

For better or worse, a truism of American politics is that voters vote their pocketbooks. Yet according to a new report on median household incomes by Sentier Research, in 2012 millions of American voters apparently cast ballots contrary to their economic self-interest. A testament to the power of a media devoted to their president.

Now for some economic facts

Obama’s economic policies are hurting the people who elected him more than any other demographic.

President Obama was re-elected with 51% of the vote. Five demographic groups were crucial to his victory: young voters, single women, those with only a high-school diploma or less, blacks and Hispanics. He cleaned up with 60% of the youth vote, 67% of single women, 93% of blacks, 71% of Hispanics, and 64% of those without a high-school diploma, according to exit polls.

Family income decrease from President Obama’s 5 most dedicated demographics since his “recovery” began.

  • -7% single women households, with or without children
  • -9.6% under age 25
  • -10.9% Black heads of households
  • -4.5% Hispanic heads-of-households
  • -8% incomes of workers with a high-school diploma or less fell by about 8% (-6.9% for those with less than a high-school diploma and -9.3% for those with only a high-school diploma).

To put that into dollar terms, in the four years between the time the Obama recovery began in June 2009 and June of this year, median black household income fell by just over $4,000, Hispanic households lost $2,000 and female-headed households lost $2,300.

The middle class is getting poorer.  While the minimum wage remained steady, the median family income has fallen every year since Obama’s “recovery” began.

Makes one wonder what it would take for these people to realize that what they are living is not what Obama is saying, but what he is doing? He’s not going to stop campaigning. He can’t. Because if he does, the gullible voters that elected this community organizer president twice might begin to realize that President Obama is more interested in gaining political power than making the economy, and their lives, any better.

Which reminds me of what Rand Paul said in this post . . .

Liberals don’t seem to get the point that if you’re trying something and the objective evidence shows that it’s not working, why not try something different?

Paul indirectly referred to the famous definition of insanity as trying something again and again while expecting a different result.

Link: Stephen Moore: Obama’s Economy Hits His Voters Hardest – WSJ.com.

The Grand Deception, If You Like . . . You Can Keep . . .

The American people are not deserving of what Obamacare is inflicting on them. It’s not their fault that they believed President Obama when he was running for President and trying to gain public support for the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, and even after it was passed into law. This isn’t anywhere near a “read my lips, no new taxes” moment. This was the Grand Deception.


It was nothing short of a Grand Deception because the administration knew that millions of Americans would be necessarily kicked off their plans because of the ACA as early as July 20, 2010. Yet, he decided to play “community organizer” on the honesty and integrity of the American people, and snooker them into accepting Obamacare on his words and promise.

Americans let the ACA pass was because they believed President Obama when he said, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period.” And “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.” Which should tell you that for the most part, Americans were happy with the plans they had. And they didn’t have a watchdog media to warn and tell them what was in the law. There was no groundswell of opinion for up-ending the health insurance and health care industries.

Americans believed him because . . . he was the President. He’s still the President, only now they also know what he, democrat operatives in the party, and the media are capable of.

Sad truth is, with him and his acolytes, the end (even lying) justifies the means.

And this “We’re going to work with the employers to lower premiums by $2,500 per family per year.”

Why Would Democrats Resist Voter ID?

Requiring a voter to provide a picture identification would ostensibly prevent people, dead or alive, from voting multiple times. After all, isn’t having a fair and honest election process the right and moral thing to do?Shelton_moral_standards

lessadolla-sowers_mugshot-400x800Fraud on absentee ballots is a whole other issue. NAACP Exec. Lessadolla Sowers of Tunica County, Miss., sentenced on 10 counts of voter fraud. Voted for Obama 10 times using absentee ballots of people living and dead.

Unfortunately, different moral standards exist. There is no right to vote more than once in a given election.

Link: DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud

So You Think Republicans Are Racist?

That anyone who opposed anything Barack Obama would do would be labeled a racist came as no surprise. This was obvious long before his 2008 election. Playing the race card is what democrats do. It’s their way to dismiss the issues because of skin color, rather than debate them. That republicans don’t stand up against the hateful attacks is another subject. Basically, and to their detriment, their moral standards prevent them from going there. But this is what needs to be said.

Here’s what people would have to believe of republicans if they fall for the classless playing of the race card.

  • We would be more than willing to welcome cap-and-trade with open arms, even if we paid a thousand dollars or more extra every year for our energy use, if Barack Obama were only white.
  • We would be dancing in the streets celebrating the dawning of government control of our health care if only Barack Obama were white.
  • It would be just dandy if government bureaucrats rationed health care for our parents, as long as the president is white.
  • We would jump at the chance of the government owning ALL of the auto manufacturing companies .. not just General Motors … if the president just didn’t have dark skin.
  • We would applaud those ACORN workers giving tax avoidance advice to a pimp and his prostitute if the workers hadn’t been black.
  • Most Americans – even ones that don’t pay income taxes now – would be more than willing to give 70% of everything they earn to the federal government when asked … so long as they are asked by a white president.
  • We would have been thrilled, I tell you … THRILLED to have all of those Islamic goons being held at Guantanamo be not only released, but sent to be school resource officers at our local government schools, if only a white president put that plan in motion.
  • It would be OK if a white president stood back and allowed Iran to build its coveted nukes … we’re only unhappy about that because a black president is doing it.
  • Deficits? We don’t care about deficits! Make our children and grand children and great grand children pay through the nose for our president’s spending habits … just so long as the president isn’t black.
  • Government pork? Like we actually care? Look … you folks in Washington can spend all the money you want – how about more studies of the mating habits of Polish Zlotnika pigs? – just make sure it’s not a black president who signs the spending bill into law.
  • We wouldn’t care if all illegal aliens were counted twice in the next Census … just so long as the president isn’t black.
  • Those Black Panther thugs who threatened voters in Philly? The ONLY reason we’re upset that they were given a pass is because Barack Obama is black.
  • Every single member of the president’s cabinet could be a tax cheat as far as we’re concerned … just so long as the president is white.
  • Forced unionization? Bring it on! We love card check! We love the idea of union goons threatening and intimidating workers to sign a card saying they want to belong to a union! What we don’t like is that a black president is pushing this idea.
  • Single-party talks with that Gargoyle that runs North Korea? It’s about time we legitimized that little pipsqueak. We’re only mildly upset here because the person who is doing that happens to be black.
  • More regulation of the finance sector? We could care less! For all we care you can nationalize the banks and decree that only the government can make home loans .. .and you can even apportion those home loans on the basis of race if you want to … just so long as the president is white!
  • Minimum wage? Like we care about that? Raise it to $15 an hour if you want! Just give us our white president back.

So the next time you hear the racist accusations pour from the lips of the likes of Chris Matthews, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Bill Maher, Joe Scarborough, Whoopie Goldberg, Colin Powell, Janine Garofolo, Mike Papantonio, Larry Flint, Chuck Todd, Joy Behar, Ed Schultz, Bill Cosby, Patrick L. Cooney, Karen Finney, Cher, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Julian Bond, Lawrence O’Donnell, Candy Crowley, David Shuster, Rev. William Barber, Jesse Jackson, Charles Rangel, Morgan Freeman, and Mike Malloy, just realize what an imbecile they are.

aSide Order

Why I voted for Obama, twice.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about a voting block that President Obama caught. They’re called low-information voters and are not race-specific, ethnic-specific, or income-specific. If you were like me, scratching my head over how in the world this community organizer could be re-elected in such a dire economic and jobless environment, this video should clear it up. You have the racial aspect, and what became known as the Santa Claus effect.

Don’t know who this person is. But if this is satire, it’s really good.


Gun Dealers Have Problems With Credit Card Processors

Nick McMillan, a gun dealer in Tennessee, recently received an email from Intuit Payment solutions informing him the company was no longer interested in processing his credit card sales. Well isn’t that special? Intuit also sells TurboTax and Quickbooks.

In the email the company wrote “Intuit does not support the services you are providing” and then the reason stated was firearms, ammunition, gun parts and accessories sales not sold in a face-to-face environment with the credit card being swiped.

As you might expect, the KOSites are estatic over it.

There are plenty of gun-friendly credit card processors out there. Payment Alliance International is one.


Tawana Brawley served with court order to pay man she accused of rape in 1987sharpton_brawley1

sharpton_brawleyInfamous hoaxster Tawana Brawley — whose outrageous rape lie 25 years ago inflamed racial tensions nationwide — yesterday was finally slapped with a court order to settle a hefty defamation case against her. It also made Al Sharpton famously famous. Johnny Cochran paid off Sharpton’s bills on the case. Wonder if the good Reverend will step up and pay Tawana’s bill?

President Obama’s Words, Just Words

President Obama demonstrates, with the help of this stunning one-minute video, starring President Obama, exactly what an “empty suit” looks and sounds like.


Compare what he says today to what he has said in the past, going as far back as when he was a candidate running against Hillary Clinton, and you’ll realize that this guy has nothing new in store for America than what we’ve already seen.

He chastises his opponents for their empty words, just words. He should know what “empty words, just words” are. Beginning with this campaign speech in 2008 when he “borrowed” someone else’s words, and the laundry list of empty words provided in this LINK on this blog.

Same speeches. Same promises. Are you better off?

What are the chances the mainstream media will notice the same playlist on the TOTUS? (Teleprompter Of The United States)

Links: An Obama Refrain Bears Echoes of a Governor’s Speeches  |  Links to Obama’s “Words, Just Words”  |  GOP Video Demonstrates Emptiness of Obama’s Words