Category Archives: Race Relations

Open Letter To President Obama

President Barack Obama holds a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Jan. 14, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
President Barack Obama holds a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Jan. 14, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Below is a rant-turned-letter that was prompted by a Facebook post from Barack Obama’s OFA that started like this:

We have an opportunity to fix America’s broken immigration system, grow our economy, and give undocumented youth and their families the chance to earn their citizenship.


Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States

Here’s a clue Barack ol buddy. You’ve had the opportunity to do something to grow our economy via private sector jobs, not by growing government with handouts and dependency programs, for 5 years now. And there’s nothing wrong with the immigration laws we already have. What’s wrong is you won’t enforce them.

You continue to amaze me with your criticism of all that is wrong in our country. Everything you are responsible for; high unemployment (U-6 at 13%), lowest worker participation rate since the Carter era, falling family incomes, and all the above hurting Blacks more than any other demographic, as if you are a bystander. The conditions you criticize are valid. But you are the one responsible for all of it. You and your policies are the problem.

Have you ever been accused of being one of those “enemies from within?” As in “foreign and domestic?” You sir, are one of the domestic ones. You make that real clear by the way you make your own laws, and break your own laws, and rule, like a dictator, to get around Congress. As if there is only one branch of government now. And, you use the power of government, the DOJ, IRS, and Treasury, to target your political enemies.

And especially your hissy fit today at your Cabinet meeting when you threatened to rule by executive order. Fidelity to the Constitution doesn’t mean to circumvent it. You, of all people, should know. I’m told you were a Constitutional Professor, as if that’s supposed to mean something. That doesn’t give you the authority to ignore it. You hate our Constitution and refuse to protect and defend it. Your oath didn’t mean to make sure the Smithsonian Institute doesn’t burn down (where the Constitution is archived). That’s not the kind of protecting and defending your oath means. I’m sure you would feel more at home in Venezuela, Cuba, or Egypt, running the streets with the Muslim Brotherhood. Sucks to be you for being responsible for a country you despise.

So I ask you Mr. President, former Constitutional professor, what’s next when a domestic enemy is identified?

Looking forward to hearing from you (not the Secret Service, IRS, DOJ, or Treasury) soon.

Putting America and Americans first,

Ross Calloway

Pensacola FL

{for quality assurance, this post may be recorded by the NSA}

Trickle Down Poverty, The Grand Deflection

I don’t know what neighborhood Mrs. Eleanor Johnson lives in, talking about all this booming economy that Republicans are “deflecting” by talking about what a disaster Obamacare is, because the U.S. Department of Commerce says something completely different about the economy we live in.

“The typical American family’s income has fallen every year since 2007, the year the Great Recession began, for a cumulative decline of 8.3 percent. Median income is also down 9 percent from its record high of $56,080, set two recessions ago in 1999.”

The median income is $56,080. That means that there are incomes higher, and some lower. Lumped together, it comes to 56k. In the economy that Barack Obama has run, not only have incomes fallen, but his economy has hurt Black Americans harder than any other racial demographic.

“The median income for black households was $33,321 last year, less than half the median income for Asian households, who had the highest median family income at $68,636. The current federal poverty threshold for a family of four is $23,550.”

President Barack Obama can tout “progress” in the economy all he wants. Are you feeling it?

I’ll tell you where the deflection is occurring. It’s the Democrat line that Republicans want poor people to vote against their best interest. Ostensibly meaning that economic principles espoused by Republicans would be harmful to the poor, and Blacks. And worse, that Republican’s don’t care about the poor, or Blacks. You know, it’s the race card, class and wealth envy that Democrats habitually use to divides this country. Especially around election time. And it is a very effective tactic. Must be when you consider that over 90% of African Americans continue to support the man responsible for the obstacles we all face. Trickle down poverty.


Because the Pensacola News Journal doesn’t always keep links to articles, and for full context of the above, below is her letter as appeared in the Pensacola News Journal January, 6, 2014.

GOP deflection

In this new year, Republicans have to keep hammering Obamacare so people won’t notice the following facts:

1) Corporate profits are soaring; the stock market has hit record highs.

2) The U.S. now produces as much oil as it imports.

3) General Motors has reported three consecutive years of profitability with 2012 net earnings of $4.9 billion; Ford’s predicting 2014 its best year ever.

4) The job and housing markets are steadily improving.

5) Iraq is allowing U.N. inspections of its nuclear program.

But hey, let’s keep focused on Obamacare so people will vote in Republicans so they can reverse all the above, limit the vote, involve us in more foreign wars, cut taxes for the rich, and plunge us back where we were when Republican Bush left office – teetering on the brink of a depression.

– Eleanor Johnson

Pensacola Beach

Link: GOP deflection

I had a point-by-point response to that too!

Continue reading Trickle Down Poverty, The Grand Deflection

Tea Party-Like Uprising In Chicago

Having felt the heat long enough, Chicagoans are finally seeing the light. Rev. Al Sharpton went to Chicago to discuss gun violence. But the people had something to say that the he never anticipated and, not surprisingly, the media is not covering.

Here are a few choice quotes from the video:

  • “We don’t have a gangs, guns (and) drugs problem. We have a nepotism, cronyism and patronage problem.”
  • “I would call a serious town meeting, like the town meetings Republicans would call … they call it a Tea Party.
  • “we have been trained to vote in a specific manner… we need to start looking at the manner in which our elected officials have been voting… if they have not voted in a manner that is beneficial to you, yours, and your community, then you need to start voting them out.”
  • “This (meeting) was a signal sent to City Hall, to the fifth floor (this is apparently Chicagoans’ term for the Mayor’s office and the “powers that be” in City Hall — Ed.), who sent no one down here to make sure that the city he (p)resides over.” (The apparent reference is to Mayor Rahm Emanuel.)
  • “We’re asking the President of the United States: Let us, the grass roots people, not these name-brand blue-ribbon Negroes … (to) stop giving these evil people our money.”

All I can add to this is, welcome brothers and sisters. Voting differently is the way out of the malaise, the crime, and government dependency.

Link: Sharpton Holds Chicago ‘Town Hall’ on Gun Violence, ‘Tea ‘Party’ Rhetoric Breaks Out; Local Media Mum

The Other Mandela

Well, it’s really the same one. But, despite his travails for human rights and equality in South Africa that included 27 years in prison, there’s his support for Hamas in their never-ending attacks on Israel. And you may also not be aware that South Africa is today the murder capital of the world. And then the atrocities his wife committed while he was in jail.mandelaarafat15

Some people, like Mandela, just were not comfortable saying that Israel had a right to exist too. Buying into the Palistinian’s cry for Israel to give up land lost to them in their 1967 war on Israel. They should have considered the consequences of losing a war of aggression against a sovereign country. They might also consider themselves lucky that Israel stopped where it did. Oh well.

Which reminds me of another similarity between President Obama and Nelson Mandela, besides the color of their skin. They both wanted Israel to leave themselves vulnerable to further terrorist attacks and shelling from Hamas by giving up the security zone they claimed as the spoils of war. What they really mean is, peace for everyone, except the Jews.

As long as the media is focusing their attention away from Obamacare and onto Nelson Mandela, you may as well get the whole picture of the man.

Links: Nelson Mandela 1918-2013 | Nelson Mandela Said WHAT?!  |  Nelson “Kill the Whites” Mandela

Sorry Mr. Obama, You Are No Nelson Mandela

The world lost a great leader and human rights advocate yesterday with the passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. He made the needed transformation of the world by living through apartheid in South Africa that included 27 years in prison for speaking out against racial discrimination where the White minority ruled and the Black majority had no voice.

Quick to draw comparisons between President Obama and Nelson Mandela, the media and The White House are off. Last night on CBS News, Scott Pelley reported “Nelson Mandela kept in his office a photograph of himself with another trail-blazing president: The first black president of the United States, Barack Obama.  The photograph was taken when Mandela visited Washington in 2005, and Mr. Obama was then a brand-new United States senator from Illinois.”

Also yesterday, The White House tweets a picture of President Obama standing inside the prison cell where Mandela spent 27 years of his life. His cell was a museum when the photo was taken.


The two are so much alike if you pay attention to skin color. Sorry Mr. President, but you are no Nelson Mandela. Comparing the two Presidents, one was a uniter, the other is a divider.

Here’s another Presidential selfie, sitting in the seat once occupied by Rosa Parks. Another trailblazer, for real.


Judging from the content of their character, below are some quotes from these men. Who said them? Here’s a hint. Two of them are Mandela’s. Five of them are Obama’s.

  1. “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
  2. “I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make you see problems from all angles.”
  3. “If they bring a knife into the fight, we bring a gun.”
  4. “It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth or sixth most interesting person.”
  5. “We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”
  6. “We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”
  7. “I want you to argue with ’em and get in their face.”

Give yourself a smiley face if you attributed the first two to Nelson Mandela.

Rosa Parks Police Report

Today in 1955, Rosa Parks claimed her civil right to exist which kicked off the civil rights movement. Leading up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that passed with more Democrats than Republicans voting against it by nearly 2 to 1. The House version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by only 61 percent of that Chamber’s Democrats versus 80 percent of the Republicans.

It was Republicans that ended a filibuster by Democrat Senator Robert C. Byrd, preventing a vote on this bill in the Senate. 82 percent of Republicans voted for cloture versus 66 percent of Democrats.

In the final Senate vote on the Act, 82 percent of Republicans voted “Aye” versus 69 percent of Democrats.

Don’t feel bad if this is news to you. Democrats have done a good job in re-writing history about which political party supported civil rights, and still does, and which did not.

H/T Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters

Drive-By Amish Buggy Shooting

In light of the Knockout Game incidents, you wonder how the hell could it get any worse. Then comes this. A horse pulling an Amish buggy was killed Sunday 11/24/2013, in a drive-by shooting in East Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

The family (a married couple and their children, aged 12, 9, and 7) inside the buggy told police that they heard “a loud noise, described as sounding like a firecracker” as the car passed by.

Upon returning to their farm–which is about a mile from the shooting scene–the family discovered the horse was bleeding from its mouth. After removing a harness, family members spotted a bullet hole in the chest of the animal, who died before a veterinarian could arrive at the farm.

Police Lieutenant Robin Weaver told TSG that a veterinarian will attempt to extract the bullet from the horse so that investigators can develop ballistics evidence. Weaver added that, if identified, the unknown assailant could face weapons, reckless endangerment, or even hate crime charges.

Link: Cops: Horse Killed In Drive-By Amish Buggy ShootingUPDATE: Help from public wanted in drive-by horse shooting  |  Investigation continuing in shooting death of horse pulling buggy

“Nigglets” Gone Wild

No civilized person can look at this “game” going on around the country and not be repulsed at the inhumanity perpetrated on non-suspecting innocent victims. It’s called the “knockout game.” The dirty little secret is it seems to be perpetrated by Blacks on Whites. One victim exception I found in videos is an attack on a 70-year-old homeless Black man.

There’s no room for PC on this subject. The crimes perpetrated by these niggers1, and that’s exactly what they are, deserve the full attention of the media and people like Jesse Sharpton, and no less, President Obama himself. Quick to jump into things like Trayvon Martin and the Cambridge MA police, President Obama has been silent on this criminal behavior being carried out by young Blacks (whose unemployment rate is 50%). This game has gone on for five years according to news reports (since around the time of his inauguration) and no one in the country could have more sway on this than the self-proclaimed uniter and post-racial President himself. So where is he?

The language and scenes in this video are not for the mentally weak, or children. It is replete with F-bombs and the N-word the word nigger.

I like his “solution” from the standpoint of a potential victim. Now I’m not advocating shooting a group of Black people because they’re a group and they’re Black, like TJS suggests in a dramatic way. I think that’s just for shock value. He eventually comes down to if you’re a victim, shoot the perp. You gotta believe that anyone who would be attacked like that is justified in making that perp DRT. Dead Right There! The victim has no time to ponder whether that punch will be fatal, or whether the others will take a shot at you too. If you have the power to stop it, for good, then do. Don’t ‘play’ their game and they’ll start thinking of a more civilized way to get their kicks, while they’re still alive.


1Before you get wrapped around the axle on the term nigger, you must know that it means different things to different people. What it means to me, and Tommy Sotomayor, is, it describes a behavior of a person. It’s more a term, than a word. Which is also to say that niggers come in all colors. The term is not exclusive to Black people. There are White niggers too. That they exist is undeniable. It’s not limited to physical violence either. It also includes stealing, blatant or covert, and your basic vandalism ‘for kicks.’ A person that does that to other people is, imho, a nigger. So get over it.

Obamacare Makes Country Music Award Show

Funny bit by Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood on the 2013 CMA. “Obamacare, over six people served.”

Some jerks in cyberspace are accusing the audience of being, among other things, racists because they all laughed and got it. Probably because they’ve tried to check out their health care options like I did and got exactly what the parody portrayed.

But to those jerks I’d say, Yeah right!  We would be dancing in the streets celebrating the dawning of government control of our health care if only Barack Obama were white.