Category Archives: Race Relations

Democrats And Jews

The rise in antisemitism in the United States is disturbing to say the least. What’s even more disturbing is the silence coming from The White House on stopping it. And the so-called news media complies by not asking Biden why he’s not doing so.

Could it be because the hate rallies in the streets and on campuses are also Biden supporters? Supported and financed by the same donors that support Biden and Democrats.

It’s about political power and money with them. The Constitution be dammed. We’ve seen this movie before.

Since its founding, the Democrat Party has been pro slavery and anti-Black. In a word, racist. They were against all the civil rights laws of the 50’s and 60’s.

The only thing that has changed now is it’s not Blacks, its Jews. And Biden hasn’t the guts to call it out. Power and money. Since the 10/7/24 attack (and the rest that continue to follow), Biden has demonstrated more support for Israel’s enemy than for Israel. Biden doesn’t want Hamas to lose more than he wants Israel to win.

Same goes with the Russia/Ukraine war. Two countries that have given millions of dollars to the Biden crime family. Biden would not give Ukraine the kind of military support that would have them win. Just like with Israel, Biden doesn’t want Russia to lose more than he wants Ukraine to win.

Now Russia has warships in Cuba and gets a big yawn from Quid Pro Joe. What’s next? WWIII?

Systemic crime

The Left (Democrats/Media), are amplifying “systemic racism” in the country. Since its founding no less. Weird how they just started pushing that narrative when President Trump first ran and won, and not before. 

Playing the Race Card is where they go when they’re out of ideas, or, to distract from real problems facing the country. 

If there’s anything “systemic” going on that needs to be addressed, it’s the systemic violence in Democrat-run cities. The riots, the murders, the shootings, the robberies, the rapes, the no-go zones, the guns, and the drugs. And this has not existed since the country’s founding.

It started when Law Enforcers suddenly became the bad guys, and criminals the victims. Credit The Community Organizer and President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, and “his wing-man” Eric Holder for that. He started it. D’s and the media embraced the narrative. And we are where we are today because of it. 

Politically, it serves their agenda better to blame the opposition Party with the Race Card, than to own up to their failures and get right with enforcing laws everywhere. Protecting people everywhere. Spinning systemic racism like they do is only killing more of the Americans they pretend to represent. But to Democrats, if it means keeping political power, it’s worth it. Or to put it another way, for Democrats, Black lives really don’t matter.

aSide Order

One of the Wizards of Smart


Democratic Party depends on a Dependent Class

And it all began with President Lyndon Johnson over the Civil Rights Act of 1964. His focus then was to try to stop the mass exodus of Black Americans moving to the Republican Party.

Showing a little R E S P E C T

The British Army’s Household Division play Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’ at Buckingham Palace on the day of the Queen of Soul’s funeral.


Florida Stand Your Ground Challenged

Five years ago, President Obama tried to tie the death of Trayvon Martin to gun violence, bringing to question Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law.  Even though Florida’s stand your ground law was not part of the Zimmerman case.

Last week Florida Democrats, trying to repeal ‘stand your ground, thankfully, failed to do so. The law came to question again in that fatal parking lot shooting over a parking space. The law does not allow one free shot. In the case of that video, it looks more like a homicide to me. But that’s what trials are for.

Getting back to your right to defend yourself. Why is it that having and using a gun in self-defense is perceived as something racial? Why can’t these Democrats understand that legally having a concealed weapon can save a the life of a Black man too?

Statistically, in the State of Florida, Blacks benefit more, disproportionately more, than Whites in Florida from the stand your ground law.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Democrats are advocating the revoking of the basic human right of self-defense, from the very people who are benefiting the most from it, for purely political purposes.

Concealed carry permits are issued regardless of race. It’s an easy four-step process. But depending on where you live, steps one and two may be more difficult.

  1. Live to be 21.
  2. Have no criminal record.
  3. Have no drug addictions or mental illness.
  4. Live in a concealed carry or open carry state.


103 Days To Get A Valid ID

Speaking to the NAACP, look how much (or little) Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) thinks of her constituents. Turning voting integrity into racial bias. Less Blacks are buying that anymore. But, identity politics is all the Democrat establishment knows.

For whatever reason, and for however many people who care to vote but don’t have a valid picture ID, there are 103 days left to get one. Senator McCaskill doesn’t believe you can handle it. Witness the soft bigotry of low expectation. Democrats in Washington want you to believe that you are still a victim, and they are looking out for you.

Independent thinking anyone?

Link: McCaskill Rails Against Voter ID at NAACP Dinner

The Race Race

Remember when there was some hope that, if nothing else, the election of President Obama would at least put a ‘period’ on the ‘Americans are racist’ era? Americans elected the first Black president, with comparatively no experience, over who would have otherwise been the first Woman president, who is White and with a lot more experience.

So what’s this? Last year, Harvard hosted its first ever “black only” graduation ceremony. No word about a “white only” or some other ‘_____ only’ ceremony. It has become an annual event there, and at other colleges.

At the University of West Florida, there is a Black Employee Association. Odd, especially when this is on a state (public) campus, where there are not supposed to be organizations based on race.

Is this a longing for the old days, when there was segregation? Lord I hope not. Kanye West has a great take on it. Has to do with independent thinking.

All this coming from the University crowd, where inclusion was spearheaded and embraced with “Affirmative Action” programs from Washington. Aside from being hypocritical and probably illegal, they are setting “race relations” back 60 years. On purpose.

By 2018, the American people have long accepted integration. I suspect “race relations” are a lot better than the media would like us to believe.  God forbid we can live together without prejudice. That would put the Race Industry out of business, to the success of all those who can think for themselves.

Unfortunately, Civil Rights doesn’t mean what it used to mean. It has become an industry. The Jesse Sharptons in this country don’t have the end of racial discrimination as their goal. Instead, their goal is to keep racial tension going. Why?

Two reasons. The psychology of keeping minorities from leaving the Democrat Plantation by telling them they are victims of those evil racist Republicans. It’s called identity politics, coupled with the soft bigotry of low expectation. This event supplies the touchy-feely ‘pat on the back’ by the Massa.  Kanye, Trump and you know who the victims really are.

The second reason is in the bank. They make a nice one-percenter living on keeping Blacks unsettled. Sick.

No doubt in my mind that the same psychology is at work as in the “Middle East Peace Talks.” They (everyone by Israel) don’t want peace. They want the constant conflict and agitation that “talks” can supply. Which begs the question, how will we know when the Race race is won?

Pretty sure Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be disgusted with what they have done to the ‘civil rights’ he envisioned.

Link: Harvard Holds Graduation Ceremony for Blacks Only

Cali And The Lawless Party

That California is going rogue is not new, except that this time they are breaking immigration law in the process. Causing the DOJ to get involved.

A.G. Jeff Sessions filed suit against California over some laws they made that are in violation of the immigration law.

Of course that’s BIG NEWS. Reported everywhere. What is instructive here, is also revealing. And that is the Democrats’ reaction to the lawsuit.

Their response does not dispute the charges. No, their response is to accuse the DOJ and the Trump administration as being racist.

What is instructive is that the Left doesn’t debate the issue when they know they can’t. They call people names instead. This case also reveals the Democrat Party as being the Lawless Party. Nothing new there. Only now it is by their own admission.

Links: Trump’s Justice Department sues California over immigration enforcement  |  Oakland mayor fires back at Sessions: ‘How dare you distort the reality’ to advance ‘racist agenda’

Durbin Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was in The White House for a meeting to make an immigration policy that benefits Americans. At that meeting, chain immigration necessarily came up.

It’s not that Durbin doesn’t know what chain migration is, because in 2010, he knew exactly what it was when he was advocating for the Dream Act. He ostensibly worked to end “chain migration.”

“The DREAM Act would not allow what is known as chain migration,” Durbin said. “In fact, DREAM Act students would have very limited ability to sponsor their family members for legal status.” [Emphasis added]

What’s different today? His political heritage has swelled to the point that now “chain” has only one meaning. For him, a chain is for enslaving Black people. The first, and only, meeting attendee to feel a need to tell the media what he wanted them to know about a private meeting with the president, Durbin said . . .

“When it came to the issue of “chain migration” I said to the President: “Do you realize how painful that term is to so many people? African Americans believe that they migrated to America in chains. And when you speak about ‘chain migration’ it hurts them personally.” He said: “Oh, that’s a good line.”

And of course, the media ate it up. It didn’t have to make any sense because it fit their narrative.

I do like Trump’s response, “Oh, that’s a good line.” Translation: typical race card BS, stick with that and 2018 will be even easier.

For Dick Durbin to tell anyone, let alone the President of the United States, that “chain migration” means slavery migration to African-Americans, he wins the Lunch Counter’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day (M.R.I.O.T.D.) Award.

Missed by the media, of course, and everyone else but Patterico,

let’s focus on a different aspect of Durbin’s statement — because it shows his ability to be absurdly sanctimonious with a straight face. Namely, he claims that he told the President that “chain migration” is offensive to black people, because they came here in chains. Yes, he really said that.

Democrats have spent their total existence dominating Black people. Since the Lyndon Johnson administration, the plantation is in  thought and identity politics, and the chains have been replaced with an ideology that will keep them there.

Tale Of Two Presidents

The more President Trump accomplishes for the country, the more irrational his detractors, the media, and the Washington establishment become.

The garbage thrown at Trump started before his inauguration. From Russian collusion alleged in a phony document that was used as intelligence, used to spy on his campaign and his administration. To obstruction of justice over same. To now, he’s crazy and should be removed from office.

Lets see who’s crazy.

Iran: One president breaks laws to get billions of dollars flown illegally, pallets of cash into the hands of the people who run the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran, and they export it. And this president does everything he can to get them hundreds of millions of dollars in cash. This same country to whom we gave this cash is committed to creating a nuclear arsenal delivered by ICBMs, all of which are known to be under development because this president enabled them to move forward on their research.

The other president is working to stop all of this. The other president is working to unwind this insane deal and do what he can to prevent this state sponsor of terrorism from getting nuclear weapons. Now, who’s the smart one and who’s the dumb one?

Health Care: One president went out there and literally seized one-sixth of the U.S. economy and lied to the American people in doing it. He promised the American people if we would just entrust our health care to him, somebody who doesn’t know anything about it beyond being a theoretician in the academic lounge. Somebody who’s never run a hospital, who’s never talked to anybody who’s run a hospital, who’s never had the slightest interest in running a hospital took over one-sixth of the U.S. economy along with the rest of his party, lied to the American people to do it, claiming that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, and if you like your insurance plan, you can keep that.

The other president is doing everything he can to unwind that and deregulate as much of the Obama health care takeover as he can. Who’s the smart one, who’s the dumb one?

ISIS: A brutally inhumane, militaristic gang which one president said, “We’re doing everything we can. There’s not much we can do. Get used to it. They’re here.” Destabilizing the Middle East, destabilizing a victory in Iraq, leading to terror attacks around the world.

The other president has systematically wiped out this organization in under a year. Surrendering in Iraq. Who is the smart one and who’s the stupid one? Who’s the dangerous one and with whom are we in safer hands?

The Swamp: One president spies on his political opponents. One president knowingly takes opposition research from the presidential candidate of his party, knowingly allows it to be used as legitimate intelligence, when it’s lies and made-up BS, allows his Justice Department to get a FISA warrant to surveil and spy on the presidential candidate of the opposite party. The other president, in the midst of an entire effort by all of Washington to destroy him with this phony dossier, exposes this.

Who is it that’s unraveling? Was it the Obama team? Was it the Hillary team? Was it the Democrat Party? Is it the Washington establishment unraveling, or is it Donald Trump perhaps getting rid of the filth and the dirt and giving this country a working chance again?

The Economy: One president micromanages the economy into the ground and tells the American people that our better days are behind us. And, “you didn’t build that.” Government did. He says the great days of America’s past were not really legitimate. They were built on phony policies, trickle-down economics from the Reagan administration. The United States is not exceptional or deserving of superpower status. We now must manage the decline. And I, Barack Hussein Obama, am the smartest guy in the world to manage the decline of the United States and its economy.

His replacement liberates the economy, to the point in under a year it is growing at twice the rate it ever grew under Barack Obama. The reason is not just his taking the regulation shackles off of business and industries, introducing tax laws that allow us to compete in the world economy, but on curbing illegal immigration. And the beneficiaries of that where jobs are concerned are the poor, of all races. The less illegals taking American jobs means jobs available for our own citizens. Which is clear by the fact that unemployment for Blacks and Hispanics are at all time lows. And yet we’re told Obama is brilliant, he’s so smart, we can’t even stay in the same room with him. Donald Trump is silly. He’s insane. He’s obsessed. His unfit. We need psychiatrists examining him. We need the 25th Amendment.

Who’s the nutcase, who’s the dangerous one, and who is, in under a year, unraveling all of the mistakes borne of the either poor ideology or just blatant stupidity of the previous administration?  Or both?

h/t: Rush Limbaugh


Gaetz, End NFL’s Tax Exemption

Do you think it’s time to extricate taxpayers from the NFL’s tax exempt status?

From my congressman, Matt Gaetz​.

This is corporate welfare run amok, and a gross misuse of American citizens’ tax money—something the government must treat with respect.

Know why tax reform, real tax reform like the FairTax is a loooong shot? It’s a long shot because it removes the means for corporate welfare from the pinheads in Washington. Too many pols there have lobbyists up their arse and campaign contributions in their pocket.

Absent the ‘tax hammer’ the current IRS code provides, politicians would simply be left with managing affairs in their districts and spending priorities instead of trying to figure out how to be a millionaire on a public salary.

Gaetz’s bill does not introduce the FairTax, but it is a good start to ending corporate welfare that the current codes provides. The NFL brought this fight on. And Matt Gaetz has the proper response.

Link: My Bill Would Stop Tax Dollars From Subsidizing the NFL