Category Archives: Politics

Drivers Licenses For Illegals?

Until the illegal border crossings are stopped, and some form of policy is enacted to deal with the 12 to 20 million illegals who have already illegally crossed, some politicians seem to be on a mission to grant people who are not legal citizens to obtain a drivers license. From Jeb Bush (former Gov. of Florida) to Elliot Spitzer (current governor of New York) to the latino activist group La Raza, there seems to be a willingness to solve a problem while creating another more perilous one.

The common justification to granting DL’s to illegals is that it will make the streets safer. That is arguable but it is at least a valid point. So on that basis alone I find myself in agreement with Jeb, Elliot, and La Raza to insure that they know how to drive a car and read traffic signs and are aware of the laws regarding driving a motor vehicle. But that is where my agreement ends.

The problem that is created is the potential for abuse that a DL affords an illegal alien. With a drivers license, an illegal alien can purchase an airline ticket and open bank accounts which, you will recall, is a major enabler for terrorists. Neither of which any citizen could or should support. For legal citizens, the drivers license will get you access to federal and state government services as well. And in New York State, it allows one to register to vote. Left as is, giving a drivers license to an illegal alien is merely a step towards back-door amnesty without calling it amnesty, and facilitating voter fraud, and that’s not a good thing.

The only way I would support drivers licenses for people who are not here legally is for the license to read “Drivers License for Non-Citizen” or “Non-Citizen Drivers License,” or even “Illegal Alien Drivers License.” The license should also contain a line stating “This drivers license is for purposes of driving a motor vehicle only and is not a valid identification for voting or any other government or private service.” There is a way to effectively deal with the millions of illegals who are already here, and this is but one step in dealing with it.

related: This Will Make Voter Fraud Easier

Are Democrats Using Wrong Language?

Confused as to why Democrats aren’t just steamrolling over the administrations foreign policies as regards to Iraq, Iran, health care and the lot, they think its because they just aren’t using the right words.   That their message is not persuasive.  I think they are wrong in that assessment.  Their agenda is not being widely accepted because people DO know what their message is.  Trying a different color lipstick on the pig just won’t fly any more.

Democrats are losing the battle for voters’ hearts because the party’s message lacks emotional appeal, according to a widely circulated critique of House Democratic communications strategy.

Sen. Clinton’s Ethics, Place Your Hand On The Bible

The 90’s were ripe with one Chinese contributor after another returning to China to avoid questions and, ostensibly, an investigation. And to this day, she has not yet learned how to stop taking money from Chinese bundlers.

The most recent two donation incidents were Norman Hsu, that Hillary first agreed to return, then changed her mind. Her last word on that was if the donors asked her for ‘their’ money back then her campaign would return it. So there was no return made. The Chinatown scandal in New York City, where donations were made from non-existent people and places was the other.

Her latest scheme was for the so-called Woodstock museum. That became better known when Sen. John McCain commented on it at a recent Republican primary debate. It was about a $1 million earmark that both Hillary and Charles Schumer tried to sneak into a bill. But this story does not end with the killing of the earmark.

You have to look long and hard to find out the logistics of this particular earmark. The recipient of the one million dollars of our tax money is a billionaire named Alan Gerry who is also one of the promoters of Woodstock ’69. On the third page of this Washington Post article, you will find this. . .

Gerry and his family contributed $20,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, headed by Schumer, and $9,200 to Clinton’s presidential campaign after the earmark was inserted into legislation.

Here’s the deal, for a $29,200 total donation from a billionaire, Hillary and Schumer will spend $1 million of yours and my money for the donor’s pet project. There are a lot of questions about the ethics that should be asked of the woman who wants to be President. I think those questions need to be asked under oath.

Price Controls Don’t Work

Ever hear that the fix is worse than the problem? Due in no small way to the ‘save the planet’ hysteria, bio-tech industries have driven the cost of basic foodstuffs up worldwide. That’s when, sure as gravity, the law of supply and demand inserts itself and the four, or six, or eight cylinder cars you drive begin to compete with your four, six, or eight family members for fuel/food.

And again, sure as gravity, politicians will call for price controls to ‘solve’ the problem. I am not aware that price controls have ever effectively altered the law of supply and demand. What they lead to is more shortages of supply. When the $20 loaf is forced to be sold at $2 via ‘price controls,’ that $2 loaf will disappear. IE. its $2 only if you can find one. Witness the empty supermarket shelves in Venezuela where the hemisphere’s idiot, Hugo Chavez, put price controls in effect for his oil rich country. That is exactly what Vladimir Putin will get when he does it. You can’t expect a communist to understand how markets react to supply and demand, but his motivations are more sinister. He is motivated by an upcoming election, not feeding his people.

Putin is just trying to save his administration’s popularity before the parliamentary elections in December.

Russia is introducing Soviet-style price controls on some basic foods in an effort to prevent spiralling prices from denting the Putin administration’s popularity ahead of parliamentary polls in December . . . to freeze prices at October 15 levels on selected types of bread, cheese, milk, eggs and vegetable oil until the end of the year.

He is more interested in himself and his party than his country. Not unlike the behavior of Democrats in Washington.

Eliminate White Guilt Now

If you are white and are feeling especially guilty over slavery, there is an alternative to Sam Brownback and John McCain’s resolution to apologize to blacks in America for slavery. There is a way you can eliminate all your guilt and make amends. You can contribute directly to the “Snoop Save A Negro Foundation.”

But wait, if you act now, you’ll also get a years worth of fried chicken, and the Rosetta Stone Ebonics Edition and more.

Not for whites only.
h/t Snoop @ Political Party Poop

Louisiana Elects Republican Piyush (Bobby) Jindal Governor

Louisiana’s gubernatorial election yesterday has all the elements of the American dream. A son of Governor elect Bobby JindalIndian immigrants, Rep. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) is the first minority to be elected governor since Reconstruction. He won with 53% of the votes against two multimillionaire opponents who, unlike Jindal, put millions of dollars of their own money to run against him.

Jindal, a 36-year-old Republican, will be the nation’s youngest governor. He had 53 percent with 625,036 votes with about 92 percent of the vote tallied. It was more than enough to win Saturday’s election outright and avoid a Nov. 17 runoff.

“My mom and dad came to this country in pursuit of the American dream. And guess what happened. They found the American dream to be alive and well right here in Louisiana.”

Second and third place finishers were Democrat Walter Boasso, who put in $5 million of his own money, got 18 percent of the vote. And Independent John Georges, who put in $11 million of his own cash, got 14 percent. Eight other candidates garnered the rest of the votes.

At 53% to 18%, of if you prefer to look at it another way, 53% to 32%, it appears that the people of the State of Louisiana have decided that decades of Democrats in Baton Rouge, highlighted by the Hurricane Katrina disaster, has not worked out. It also means, as new RNC Chair Mike Duncan says, that “Republican candidates who are true to our Party’s fundamental principles win at the ballot box.”

The reporting of his victory, history-making as it is, has brought up a new phrase for what I would call a minority. “Non-white.” What’s up with that? I think ‘minority’ is not only correct but it doesn’t have a color of skin attached to it. Are we now to believe that ‘minority’ means black? Is there some sort of ownership regarding race for the word ‘minority?’

Jindal, whose first name is Piyush, is the son of immigrants from India and the first non-white Louisiana governor since Reconstruction in the 1870s.

And then there are the nutroots. Who claim that the DNC is calling the GOP racists. Can’t anything happen without being accused of being racist? Didn’t we already go through this last year? It isn’t and wasn’t the Republican party that had a paucity of blacks in key positions of government.

Link:DNC: Racist GOP Elects Jindal Token Governor, Bobby Rises In Louisiana

Harry Reid’s “Smear Letter” Results

The sale of Harry Reid’s attack letter (signed by 41 senators, some presidential wannabes, all Democrats) on the free speech of a private citizen, Rush Limbaugh, breaks eBay’s record for a charitable donation sale. Previous to this the record was $800,000 for one of Jay Leno’s motocycles. This historic document, four pieces of paper, went to Betty Casey for $2,100,100 yesterday. Limbaugh’s press release here, including the philanthropic background of Betty Casey.

And for the most ridiculous item of the day (MRIOTD), Sen. Harry Reid’s pathetic attempt to take some credit for the eBay auction.

Have you noticed the virtual blackout on this letter and what exactly it represents in the mainstream media?

PDF of the infamous and historical letter, signed by Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Charles Schumer, and my own Bill Nelson among others.

Mel Martinez Resigns As RNC Chair

Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) has resigned as chairman of the Republican National Committee. Now there’s a decision I can agree with.

He dragged the party into “comprehensive” reform double-talk when the party itself was not there. Bush started this mess by appointing him. Looking back, it doesn’t take a Latino as RNC chair to engage that special constituency to attract support. Obviously Bush and he were on the same page. But on this issue they were the only pages in the book .Mel Martinez on Immigration

His political career is over in Florida. He has no chance of being re-elected as a republican. His office was flooded with calls from Floridians, like myself, advising against the President’s plan. It was an overwhelming majority of calls NOT in favor of the bill. For whatever reason he chose to ignore his constituents. Then he speaks to his critics with a condescending attitude and challenges us to submit our own suggestions. Then he ignores his constituents again. He still hasn’t released a single word about the suggestions he received. His constituents will never forget how he thumbed his nose at them. It’s over for him politically, as a republican anyway.

The President should pick the guy that he should have picked last year, Michael Steele.

Congress Needs A Good House Cleaning

The problem with Congress is no different than the problem in the country.  After all, it is the citizenry that elects these people.  We’re looking in a mirror like the ones at the county fair.

The problem we face is that way too many citizens have either forgotten about or refuse to acknowledge that we are in a global war defending ourselves (and the world BTW) against Islamofascism.  Way too many wish to return to a 9/10 mindset, which IMHO is suicidal.

To make matters worse, many are focused in expanding government further beyond our means to support, and changing the American paradigm of freedom and capitalism to some socialistic nightmare, while preferring to not fight the war.

al-Qaeda would also like us to stop fighting the war.

As to why it is this way is debatable but I have to think that 6 years of pounding us with the anti-war anti-Bush liberal views (war for oil, Haliburton, Cheney, Bush lied, torture, domestic spying, no WMD’s, etc.)  by the media has contributed to this phenomena in no small way.  They’ve done well in that regard. We are looking at, and facing the result of that propaganda machine, and America is much weaker for it.

A lot of them need the boot.  I think Bush is doing as good a job as he can under the circumstances of fighting the war practically by himself. He’s the one who stood up to the enemy and went after them. He stays focused on the enemy (al Qaeda, not Democrats), while Democrats seem focused on Bush, (not the enemy) instead. That makes for a protracted war with the increased casualties that go with it.  Those are the ones who need the boot.

We need politicians that will do what they think their constituents want instead of the agenda of the people that they take money from. The ones who have been bought are the ones that need to go.

Oh that we still had the unity that existed for about 3 or 4 months after 9/11. When Democrats split from that unity by Dec. 2001 and Jan. 2002, led by Ted Kennedy, it was a move that insured that Democrats could never take credit for winning this war.  Since that time they have done everything in their power (except defunding it) to hang a loss on Bush regardless of the consequences on the country.  Had their support held, I think we’d be way closer to being out of Iraq by now, if not already out.  And we all could say that WE won.  WE broke Iraq, and WE fixed it, and WE took another sanctuary away from al Qaeda, and WE made the world a safer place, with the help of the Iraqi people and our allies.  But no, it has morphed into “Bush’s war” and it’s up to him to fight it without their support.

Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.