Category Archives: Pensacola

Bang! Stop Or I’ll Shoot

IMG_1247In the ‘I can’t believe this is happening’ department, Escambia County Deputies are involved in another shooting.

With no search warrant, Escambia County deputies climbed through the window of a Warrington couple’s home in search of a suspect, and, shot the owner’s two dogs. One of which died. No arrests were made. And no one, except for the police, was armed. At this point in the investigation, it is believed that there were exigent circumstances that permitted the police to enter the house without a search warrant. But that does not account for shooting the dogs in their own home.

I’m prejudiced, I’m a dog owner. I know my dog wouldn’t sit and watch you enter a window in my house without being challenged and barked at, at the least.

But for the belligerent behavior of the Deputies acting like burglars, neither animal would have been put in a position to risk his/her life for protecting their domain.

What harm is caused by removing yourself from the situation (a reasonable retreat) until the owners can wake up and open the door?

Link: Escambia County deputies shoot two dogs  |  Deputies shoot man in his front yard

Obama Administration, You’re A Racist If You Don’t Hire Criminals

Basing their lawsuit on the disparate affect on minorities for employers having a policy of excluding the hiring of someone with a criminal background, the Obama Administration’s EEOC filed a lawsuit against Dollar General and a BMW facility for using background checks on job applications because it’s racist. It’s now criminal-justiceunlawful to discriminate against applicants who have committed a crime. Well, they may as well add the State of Florida, Sacred Heart Hospital, and Baptist Hospital to the suit. They won’t hire people with a criminal record either.

Talk about having it both ways, the EEOC is sanctioning the same kind of criminal profiling that law enforcement, and community watch people, are not permitted to do.

Under the same assumption, employers like Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, Baptist and Sacred Heart hospitals are racist because they will not hire people that smoke tobacco. Apparently, marijuana is OK because that would be criminal. And, more blacks smoke tobacco than any other demographic except Native Americans.

So how’s the President doing in bringing America to the “post-racial” status he campaigned on?

[polldaddy poll=7273047]

Link: Obama Administration Sues Companies For Running Background Checks Calling them Racist.

County Advances To Top Spot, For Syphilis

According to the Escambia County Florida Department of Health . . .

Since 2010, Escambia County has seen an increase in the number of reported cases of syphilis each year. Prior to 2010, we averaged from 20-25 cases per year. In 2012, we had a total of 106 cases of syphilis reported in Escambia County. Currently, Escambia County is ranked #1 in the state of Florida for the number of cases reported.

Between the contaminated waters, and syphilis, it seems we have a lot more to worry about than what kind of development unrelated to a park is going to be built in a “park.”

The health department’s website recommends the following:

You could have syphilis and not even know it. A syphilis infection may have no signs or symptoms. The Florida Department of Health in Escambia County recommends that any sexually active residents get tested.

  • Syphilis spreads by direct contact with syphilis sores. It can be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy.
  • Symptoms may include the following:
 ͦ  Painless sores
ͦ  Body rashes
ͦ  Patchy hair loss
  • Some people never have symptoms.
  • Syphilis sores may disappear, but the disease will continue to progress.
  • Syphilis is treatable, but left untreated it can be deadly.

If you are sexually active, see your primary care physician to get tested or go to:

Escambia Community Clinic
2200 North Palafox Street
Pensacola, Florida 32501
Florida Department of Health
Escambia County
Pensacola, Florida 32503
Offers testing for HIV and other STDs
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Walk-ins welcome.
No appointment necessary.
Offers testing for HIV and other STDs on Monday (12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.), and
Tuesday through Friday
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.Appointments only.

Bayou Texar Closed Again, v2.0

Not only Bayou Texar, but Bayou Chico and Bayou Grande as well. The Florida Department of Health officials advise against any water-related activities at those locations due to the potential for high bacteria levels.

Chamber bumper sticker . . .

Visit Pensacola, You’ll love our shit!

It is obvious that “the plan” that the mayor has to remedy this chronic contamination problem is not working.

Link: Three local bayou areas under health alert | Pensacola News Journal |

In Support Of Private Sector Health Insurance

The hubris of supporters, media included, of the Affordable Health Care Act, aka Obamacare, never ceases to amaze me. It begins to look foolish when deception is combined with ignorance. Case in point is writers like these who demagogue the private health insurance industry, portraying them as greedy corporatist one-percenters. Their buzz words. Making money hand over fist.

The health insurance industry isn’t the one to demonize for having excessive profits. On its face, that anyone has the right to decide whether a profit is excessive is preposterous. That’s what fascist economic models are all about. In a free-market economy, consumers, not politicians,  decide who survives and who fails in the marketplace. And the profits, if any, are for the owners and investors, the ones who took the risk to offer a product, or service, to sell. Their profits do not belong to the government. Works that way in every industry not government-controlled. Former lefty talk show host Sen. Al Franken and current lefty talk show host Mike Papantonio can tell you about the ups and downs (mostly downs) of Air America Radio.

Lefty Huffington Post declares “Insurer Profits Are Up In The Wake Of Health Care Law They Oppose.” That, referring to a Bloomberg article entitled “Insurers Profit From Health Law They Fought Against.” Which morphs into this on far left Ring of Fire Radio1, “Health Insurance Make Threats to Spike Rate, Despite Record Profits.”

Faced with the reality that Obamacare is going to force insurance carriers to raise their premiums or go out of business, the meme is all about those mean rich insurance companies, already raking it in, and wanting to gouge consumers even more. One problem, and here’s where the ignorance and demagoguery comes in. The articles wrap their argument around net income and operating profit margins. Neither of which are net profit.

They don’t know what they’re talking about, and they’re spreading a false narrative to demonize insurers and idolize Obamacare.

What is a profit margin? It is the percentage of the income that is left over after all expenses. The numbers in the HuffPost/Bloomberg source are of operating margins and do not include expenses like interest payments, tax, depreciation, and amortization. After paying those expenses, you are left with the net, as in last, profit margin.

The profit margin for the Health Care Insurance industry is 3.5%. Ask yourself how they are to stay in business when the federal government under Obamacare expects them to hold or lower premiums, accept all pre-existing conditions, and add 20 or 30 million more policyholders on a 3.5% margin? It can’t happen. And that is Obama’s intent. It will cause the health insurance providers to drop that part of their business and insure something else or just fold. At that point, Obama reaches nirvana. A total single-payer government-run health care system that will be less efficient and more expensive than ever.

To add a little perspective that the Left doesn’t want you to know, here are the profit margins of other industries.

  • Beverages 25.9%. Included in that percentage are Breweries 37.3%, Soft Drinks 13%
  • Biotechnologies 16.1%
  • Banks 13.7%
  • Oil & Gas Drilling and Exploration 10.3%
  • Gas Utilities 7.7%
  • Food 7.2%
  • Electric Utilities4.9%
  • Oil & Gas Pipeline 4.1%
  • Health Care Plan Providers 3.5%

Law firms go from 5% to 60%, and average out at 30%. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know how greedy, by their own standards, the Levin-Papantonio Law Firm is? Makes one wonder what their profit margin is?


1Ring of Fire is hosted by Mike Papantonio, senior partner in the Levin-Papantonio Law Firm in Pensacola, FL. Specializing in mass torts, suing drug companies, car manufacturers, tobacco companies, personal injury, product liability, medical malpractice, slip and falls, and more.

Feeling Vindicated?

Roll back to the 2008 presidential campaign for a moment and recall how the mainstream media refused to thoroughly vett Sen. Obama. There were few media resources that saw the candidate for what he really was. This blog was one that was waving the red flag about what we would be in for if Barack Obama was elected. Meanwhile, the political Left wasn’t interested in vetting him either. Instead, they just called us crazy.

Well, all that has happened. Government growing, private sector shrinking, debt out of control, the welfare state expanding, freedom and liberty have become enemies of the statists now in control, socialized medicine growing and failing simultaneously. So much so that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is doing fundraising to get Obamacare out of the toilet. Which makes me wonder, if the Health Insurance industry is so rolling in the dough, and Obamacare will lower our premiums, what is she doing shaking down companies for money so support it?

“This & no other is the root from which a tyrant springs: when he first appears he is a protector”—Plato
6/6/13 11:52 PM

Some things never change. The Progs are still calling us crazy. Being in denial seems to be their modus operandi. Which reminds me of the definition of the word stupid; doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Never thought I’d say this, but it seems that there may be hope for Michael Moore.

Links: Ring of Fire, Health Insurance , Crazy Science


Florida Dist 2 Race, Open Thread

Mike Hill (R) / Jeremy Lau (D)

There’s been a special election underway, early voting began last Saturday, for a Representative for Florida’s District 2. The Pensacola News Journal and their editorial board both (both? don’t know what the difference could be) endorse the Republican candidate Mike Hill.

The candidates; Mike Hill (R), small business owner and founder of the Northwest Florida Tea Party who also happens to be Black, and Jeremy Lau (D), aircraft mechanic and labor union leader who happens to not be Black, are vying for your vote.

The vitriol in the comment sections in the PNJ directed against Hill are all too commonplace. The fact that Lau is also a labor union leader brings out the union thugs to gang up on him in the comment sections.

I support Mike Hill. Your mileage may vary. But I’m inviting all interested to jump in and opine for your candidate, or against the other candidate. For this post only, to facilitate the unabridged rudeness and nonsense of the Left, I am suspending the rule of being civil in your comments. You may feel free to behave here like some do on the PNJ’s website, or like you normally do.

I’ll start it with this statement from an earlier post:

” Do you want someone who will go to Tallahassee to stand up for the working people?” said Raymond Guillory on Mike Hill’s facebook page. NO Raymond, I want someone who will go to Tallahassee to stand up for ALL people. Someone who will legislate to create more jobs so more people may work. And that man is Mike Hill. The Democrat candidate Lau, is the labor union’s choice. That should tell you who he’s looking out for. He’s looking out for unions, a small percentage of “working people,” and will vote for legislation designed to increase union membership, not more jobs. He’ll vote for legislation that will buttress union’s underfunded pensions. He’ll vote for legislation that is bad for your children’s education, but good for the teachers union. And that’s not good for ALL the people.

Florida House District 2, Sample Ballot

According to Supervisor of Elections David Stafford, election day for the Special General Election for State House District 2 is Tuesday June 11, 2013. Early voting is from Saturday June 1 through Saturday June 8.

There are three locations for early voting:

  • Supervisor of Elections main office, 213 Palafox Place, 2nd Floor
  • Tryon Branch Library, 1200 Langley Avenue
  • Southwest Branch Library, 12248 Gulf Beach Highway

There are two versions of the ballot. One for City residents, and one for Dist 2 residents outside of the city of Pensacola. The only difference between them is that the City ballot has a referendum in it to choose whether to downsize the City Council from 9 to 7 members by the elimination of 2 At-Large seats.

Sample Ballot for Florida District 2 residents, within City of Pensacola.

Sample Ballot for Florida District 2 residents, not in the City of Pensacola

The Lunch Counter endorses Mike Hill. What I know about Mike is 1) he’s not a politician, 2) he believes in First Principles, including the Constitution, 3) he’s no quitter, and 4) you can trust him to stay that way.

Lend your support to Mike HERE.

Vote to downsize the City Council. 7 is too many, but at least it is going in the right direction. The fewer the better.

Gregg Allman Coming To Pensacola

You can’t have grown up in the 60’s and not also have grown with the Allman Bros. Band. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It is the band that started the genre known as Southern Rock. 50 years later, I always look forward to seeing them, or in this case, Gregg and his band. He’s coming to Pensacola July 12, 2013.

To say that the Allman Brothers Band has had an effect on my life would be an understatement. I remember vividly in 1969, or was it 1970? (grin) Standing on the floor, in the Spectrum in Philly, about 20 feet from the stage and a tower of loudspeakers. I think the ticket price was about $6 back then. It is the reason my hearing in my left ear now is pretty much shot. Not complaining. I have to say even now, it was still worth it.

Gregg is touring with Hank Williams Jr. Tickets

Pensacola IRS Office Protest Today

Tea Party Patriots and everybody else that has had enough of what has become Obama’s henchmen will protest outside of the downtown IRS office beginning at 12 Noon today, May 21, 2013.

The address is: IRS OFFICE,  880 N. REUS STREET, PENSACOLA, FL  7180 North 9th Ave (just north of 9th Ave & Creighton Rd)

Click HERE for a location near you.

Update: Click HERE for pics at the North 9th Ave. IRS office. H/T Cheryl Casey Photography

2nd Update: the address originally listed above is obsolete. The IRS office on North 9th Ave is the new one taxpayers paid for. It replaced the one on Reus St. The pics from Cheryl Casey are from in front of the new IRS office on North 9th Ave.