In year eight of the Obama administration, it is amazing to watch the Democratic candidates on the campaign trail.
They both say how terrible the economy has treated Americans. And the town-hall regular citizens complain to them about unemployment, high cost of health care, etc.. And neither of them lay the blame on the Obama regime. It’s as if he was not in charge for the last seven years.
Then you hear President Obama talk about how wonderful his recovery and economic policies have been. Especially Obamacare. And how he has created a gazillion jobs.
Listening to it all can subject you to political whiplash. Watch the candidates, and watch President Obama. The economy is good. The economy sucks. The economy is good. The economy sucks. See how dangerous that can be for one’s psyche?
Here’s the kicker. “There’s still more we can do.” Like “investing” in infrastructure and education. Isn’t that what that $787 Billion stimulus bill in 2008 was for? And the $302 Billion more two years ago? The same old RBI line. Roads, Bridges, and Infrastructure.
Obama’s explanation . . .
[Wages and incomes] haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to in previous generations. There are a lot of reasons for that. Global competition. Technology. You know, corporate practices have changed. In some cases tax policies that I’d like to see changed, and I’ve tried to push Congress to change have made a difference.
“Haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to?” You mean like when there was a competent leader in The White House who understood free-market economics? Wages and incomes have dropped.
Why is that? According to the president, it’s because of global competition, technology, and, corporate practices have changed. Spoken like a true ignoramus on free-market economics and capitalism. In his world, which Ms. Sinclair refused to penetrate, companies and industries are not supposed to protect their interests. They’re not supposed to react to market or government pressures. They are supposed to do what the government wants them to do, including pay higher taxes and spend shareholder’s investments where he says they should. That’s economic fascism.
You can’t spend your way into prosperity, nor borrow your way out of debt. Winston Churchill understood economics, “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”
It’s disgusting to see financial reporter Nicole Sinclair let Obama get away with his excuse without challenge and, in light of more than doubling the national debt, sit there and say “we need to spend more.” Zero accountability for the last seven years and 10 trillion dollars (and climbing) national debt. It is typical of the way the media has given this president a pass throghout his presidency.
The media’s anti-Trump syndrome manifested itself last week when the Boston Globe put out what they deemed a fear & smear piece against current GOP front-runner Donald J. Trump. They projected their fears in various headlines a year from now if Trump were to be President. In other words, fake news like, “Deportations Begin!” “Economy in Tailspin!” “Wall Construction Halted Because of Lack of Funds.”
With all the push-back from the media, and even from the GOP, aligned against Trump and Ted Cruz, why do you suppose there has been zip, zero, nada pushback from the media or from anyone in political power for what the Democrat Party and President Obama is doing — IS DOING, not “is going to,” is doing?
The people at have answered that with their own version of a Boston Globe front page. The difference is, these headlines are not made up. They are real and, have never been seen. And, they are what the GOP candidates ought to be talking about.
There is a lot that we, as Americans, do not know about what is now called Black History Month.
Here are two pieces from Stacy Swimp at the Project 21 website on the subject.
The Origin and Purpose of Black History Month
History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. History tells a people where they have been and what they have been, where they are and what they are. Most important, history tells a people where they still must go, what they still must be. The relationship of history to the people is the same as the relationship of a mother to her child.
– J.H. Clarke
Stacy Swimp
February is observed as “Black History Month” in America.
Its precursor, “Negro History Week,” was created by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in 1926 and observed on the second week of February.
A staunch Republican, Woodson choose that week in that month to honor the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
Woodson created Negro History Week because black Americans and their accomplishments were largely left out of the educational curricula of that time. Where blacks were mentioned, it was usually very demeaning imagery or discriminatory ideas.
Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro (now African-American) Life and History in 1915 and the Journal of Negro History in 1916. He was dedicated to helping educate black and white Americans about blacks and their accomplishments and potential in a way that would benefit everyone.
His week-long observance was expanded to become Black History Month – officially recognized by the U.S. government – in 1976.
Unlike it often seems to be today, Woodson never intended black history to be about black firsts and a parade of black icons. Woodson was a scholar. He intended this observance as a means to get around the institutional hatred of the era and ultimately have this new information included in the teaching of American history, period.
In particular, Woodson wanted black Americans to understand the strong family values, work ethic, sense of individual responsibility, spirit of entrepreneurship and incredible dignity that was indicative of black Americans and their African ancestors.
This educational pursuit was also important to Woodson because he felt that historical awareness would inspire black Americans of his time to avoid becoming dependent on government to do for them what they could do for themselves.
Woodson also believed that, if white Americans knew the true history of blacks in America and in Africa, it would help overcome negative stereotyping.
Negro History Week was envisioned as a tool to develop and cultivate new awareness and new critiques. It was about unity. It was not a basis for ethnocentric pride and cultural divide – the path radical black Americans on the left have pursued over the past few decades.
I personally take advantage of the national spotlight that Black History Month provides to educate others about the real history leftist scholars rewrite or ignore, and stress the original purpose of Negro History Week.
Woodson’s vision was that someday a special week or month would no longer be required in order to appropriately honor black Americans and their accomplishments. Black history is American history – and a year-round school curricula relevant to all.
But that won’t occur under the oversight of the U.S. Department of Education as long as there continues to be a left-wing domination of public education.
When we segregate months to highlight ethnicities and genders, we cease to simply recognize accomplishments and instead encourage disunity among Americans of all stripes. The political left deserves scorn for their determination to keep America divided along ethnic, cultural and so-called class lines.
I am thankful for the work and the vision of Dr. Carter G. Woodson. History is indeed a human need. His contribution and that of other black Americans is considerable and far too important to ever be compartmentalized into just one month.
I pray for a day when Dr. Woodson’s desire to observe “Negro History” comes to proper fruition.
Black History Month Makes a Mockery of Black History
During “Black History Month” most people focus on black America’s “heroes.” Stories are shared about the past, or what some call the “black experience” in America.
Unfortunately, Black History Month seems to have become a mechanical celebration of a few people and a few things that are deemed appropriate by the media and black establishment.
This tired programming doesn’t do justice to the vision of Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the founder of “Negro History Week” — the precursor to Black History Month.
I suggest that merely heralding a few black heroes and situations is a perversion of the reason Negro History Week was originally created back in 1926.
The great Dr. Woodson believed we study black history to learn an historical perspective to use to deal with modern problems and practices.
Dr. Woodson wanted black Americans to understand where we came from, who we were and what we had done so that we might also understand where we really are, who we really are and what we can do today as well as where we still need to go, who we still need to become and what still must be done.
Negro History Week, as Dr. Woodson saw it, was not simply a commemoration or a celebration — it was a call to action.
His hope was that, by learning the valuable lessons of history, we would not make the same mistakes. Likewise, studying history and learning about the struggles of the past should motivate us to take some level of personal responsibility in making our home, neighborhood and society at-large a better place to live, work and play.
In his speech to the National Urban League’s annual conference on September 6, 1960, Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. provided a strong indictment of the black community’s failure to honor heroes with personal integrity and dignity rather than with phony ad hoc observances, saying: “The Negro must make a vigorous effort to improve his personal standards… One of the sure signs of maturity is the ability to rise to the point of self-criticism.”
We are suffering today for not properly studying, understanding and acting in response to the lessons of yesterday.
As a result, too many of us have become cynical and disillusioned. Some of us have conditioned ourselves to perpetuate a system of segregation. We have lost touch with an important something that’s called initiative.
Too many now cite the oppression of the past as an excuse for modern mediocrity.
Many of us also live beyond our means, spend money on frivolities and fail to give to serious causes, organizations and educational institutions that so desperately need our charity.
In that same 1960 speech to the National Urban League, Dr. King said: “Our crime rate is far too high.”
It is indeed an insult to the legacy of so-called Black History Month heroes that so many of us claim to honor when we too often live our lives in direct contrast to the values and principles that they challenged us to maintain.
Black History Month celebrations, in my opinion, have all-too-often become something other than an honorable commemoration.
It’s not an outright mockery, but the ways we sometimes behave would surely disgust Dr. Woodson and the people about whom he sought to teach us. They would be disgusted at how their contributions are increasingly being wasted.
If they saw how we commemorate Black History Month today, I think our forefathers might say: “Keep your fake celebrations. Try practicing some integrity and self respect.”
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Stacy Swimp is a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network. Comments may be sent to [email protected].
Have you heard the latest Hillary interpretation, or, impersonation? She does a pretty good dog.
We all know, well, unless you only look at mainstream media, then you might not know, how Hillary changes her voice inflection to suit the audience she is addressing. Like when she takes on a Southern Black Preacher accent/cadence when speaking to a Black audience in the South. Then there’s her famous cackle of a laugh. Like when she is nailed with a question about her Benghazi or e-mail server issues.
Her latest being a barking dog. Rush Limbaugh had some fun with this soundbite and made a montage of her greatest hits (including his watermark) in a 29 second treat.
Here, graciously lifted from Rush 24/7 (the subscriber’s side of his website), is this little ditty.
In one of the most ignored (by the media) campaign events so far, this little gem from a Bush campaign stop in New Hampshire.
There’s never been a need for an applause sign in a presidential campaign. Until now. This is pathetic. Watch Jeb ending a key point about defending the country fall so flat that those in attendance must have been asleep.
If you have to tell your supporters “please clap.” The message is that they are more curious about him than they are supporters of him. This should be the time to re-think staying in the race.
So a Cruz campaign supporter, based on a “breaking story” on CNN that said nothing more than Carson’s itinerary, suggested Carson supporters vote for Cruz, in a tweet, has become the latest in the soap opera coverage of the 2016 presidential primary.
CNN’s “breaking story” was that Carson was going home, then to Washington, instead of going right to New Hampshire. They said Carson was “taking a break.” This was characterized as “unusual news.” Wolf Blitzer followed with “very unusual news.”
Excuse me, but if you’re going to claim that you lost a position or two in the Iowa caucuses because of a tweet that happened 15 minutes before the voting begins, then you’re not saying very much about the smarts of your supporters. Supporters who would not bother to verify the assumption that Carson ended his campaign, which the tweet never claimed he did.
CNN’s senior political reporter, Chris Moody, merely said this. It didn’t say Carson quit. But the way CNN’s on-air talent put it, video above, it was full of speculation that it was over. Yet, they never said it was over.
Carson won’t go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He’ll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.
Doesn’t say much about Trump either who, because of that tweet, says he wants a do-over.
Gee, can we get on with the issues of why we need to toss the Democrats out of The White House already, and stop this BS soap opera?
Republicans are losing valuable time, and focus, on this. All of which benefits Democrats and the Obama administration. Why? Because no one is talking about what a mess Obama created and how much more of a mess either Democrat candidate has in store for the country. Instead, they are feeding the media soap opera that is covering back and forth tweets about nonsense.
What’s up with National Review coming out against Trump with a chorus of “he’s hurting conservatism” and “he’s not a conservative?”
Trump never said he was politically “conservative” in the sense that National Review understands conservatism to be. From day one, Trump has only said he wants what most everybody wants. He wants to turn this ship around. He set the brand for his campaign, to ‘Make America Great Again.” That’s about all he is guilty of and, it is resonating across the country, and across party lines.
The fact that “National Review” did not endorse someone, but only attacks Trump for something he never claimed to be, makes them look a little silly. ‘Petty’ is probably a better fit. Like the kid in the back of the room who keeps interrupting the class calling for attention, they’re getting too full of themselves.
It’s not Donald Trump who is hurting conservative beliefs. The GOP is doing that.
Does the Democratic Party own misery? The answer to this question lies in how Democrats get their power base. It’s called identity politics. They play and prey on victimhood. And there’s no better example how that has worked than a look of Baltimore, MD.
Stunning statistics. You might think that Baltimore is a utopia of some measure. But, it’s not. Baltimore has not had a Republican mayor since 1967. Other Democrat-run cities join Baltimore with surging gun crime. Using the logic of the Left and President Obama, seems like banning Democrats would be “doing something, anything to prevent gun violence.”
During the racially tumultuous 1950’s and 60’s, more and more Black Americans began to migrate to the Republican Party. President Lyndon B. Johnson set out to change that with his ‘War on Poverty.’ Johnson set out to get Blacks voting for Democrats by, essentially, paying them off with welfare.
In the decades that followed, the demographics of large cities changed. For two reasons. “The greatest generation” (not all White) experienced the American Dream they created. Good economic conditions enabled them to make the move to the suburbs to raise their family with space and a yard. Two comforts not found in a big city. The whole Ozzie and Harriet thing. At the same time, Johnson’s War on Poverty created a migration of Americans (not all Black) from small towns in the country into these cities. Because that’s where the welfare money is. The perceived ‘victims’ went to where the ‘help’ was. That help, led to the dissolving of family values and the family unit itself. It led to a condition where the government supplanted the family values and personal responsibility that existed before the War on Poverty.
The same cities, at the same time, saw the growth of suburbs. Something President Obama is waging his own war against. Race pimp that he is, he and the left/media call this migration ‘White flight,’ even though Blacks are moving out too. Labeling the population migration by race serves to support the victimhood status of Blacks, and ‘justifies’ even more welfare and dependency on government.
Lyndon Johnson’s plan worked beyond his wildest dreams. Black Americans consistently vote Democrat by over 90%. The latest incarnation of the War on Poverty is “Social Justice.” No one believes the war on poverty is intended to end poverty or help the poor, but to perpetuate it for political gain. That’s what Social Justice, the latest incarnation, is intended to do.
As the graphic on Baltimore shows, the only winner here is the Democrat Party. The losers are the people in those cities who vote for them.
As more of the (shrinking) working and middle class and (expanding) poor people are coming to realize, the solution to ending the misery is to try something different. It’s not about what the politicians in Washington are going to do specifically for your segment of the population, but what they can do for everybody.
The long knives are out for Donald J. Trump, now that his polling numbers continue to grow, or at the very least, show no signs of falling. A great example of this is this impish article about him by George Will. News Flash George. There is no conservative party. And never was. There was a conservative president, Ronaldus Magnus (as Rush Limbaugh affectionately calls Reagan), but not a Party. In fact, the Republican Party was attacking him like the current party elite (and George Will) are attacking Trump today.
I see it differently than Will. I see it as the beginning of the end of the Republican Party, the RNC, as we know it. I see it as the beginning of a huge housecleaning that needs to be done in the House, the Senate, and the RNC. And Trump, Ted Cruz, or Dr. Ben Carson are poised to do just that.
Will is in total denial if he believes what he is saying, that there even is a conservative party called Republican. The way I see it, if Trump wins, it could mean the beginning of the conservative party.
When all the media, ABC included, opine how Donald Trump has brought the country to focus on issues important to most Americans, wouldn’t you have liked to hear the three Democrats running for president weigh in? Didn’t happen.
Democrat Debate Missing Words: Border Security, Illegal Immigration. Media shield: ON. Not one question about what is important to 70 percent of Americans. There was no mention of the words, let alone questions about either.
After the cage matches (the Republican debates), in response to the meme of the media,’s provocative and leading questions, their answer was, well, if you can’t handle (insert debate moderator), how can you handle the Democrat nominee in the general? Or, how can you handle Putin?
It’s not just media bias and hypocrisy. This is what circling the wagons looks like.
Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.