Category Archives: Media

CNN Hides Its Tracks, Edits Debate Transcript

I’ve heard it all now. CNN, “the most trusted name in news” redacting the transcript of theLaShannon Spencer, Arkansas Democrat Operative November 15th Democrat Debate. This doesn’t even come close to the fake news conference that FEMA held a few weeks ago.

It’s about LaShannon Spencer, who was identified as a member of the First African Methodist Church, but she is also an Arkansas Democratic Party operative. Hardly the ‘undecided’ she was purported to be.

Here is CNN’s version of their transcript. Try to findCNN, the most trusted to lie. the exchange. Maybe CNN is the most trusted name in news to lie for an agenda? Yeah, that’s it.

h/t Reality Hammer | Newsbusters | Doug Ross @ Journal | Rush Limbaugh

Lawsuit Perfect Storm Set In Pensacola

In one day, in the same issue, and on the same pages, the editorial pages echo a story on the front page called “Troubled Waters.” The Pensacola News Journal editorial page begins with “Still a long way to go in curbing toxic emissions.” Citing problems with mercury and lead both here and across the nation, raising the impact to “the critical importance of taking stronger steps to reduce or eliminate emissions of toxic chemicals.” It’s lead paint in houses, it’s PCB’s. What would we do without a ‘crisis’ to champion? And who eats houses anyway?

In the same section comes an article from Emerald Coastkeepers, an environmental group with strong ties to BIG law and Air America Radio talk show hosts Mike Papantonio and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., both of whom can lay claim to suing the pants off big corporations from Hudson Falls, NY to a mining town in West Virginia, and BIG pharm and BIG tobacco. This article says that the Coastkeepers are keeping and eye on a BIG company, Archer-Western, doing road infrastructure work for the county. Seems that all the state-required environmental precautions are no match for the occasional signature Florida rainstorm and some runoff goes into a bayou, Bayou Texar.

Curious thing about Bayou Texar is that it is lined with expensive homes with septic systems that leak raw sewage into it, rain or shine, 24-7-365, and the Coastkeepers are not concerned with stopping that. It’s about who has the deepest pockets, not who is doing the most damage.

The PNJ is just playing the responsible role in informing us of the environmental problems around us. And it is also laying the groundwork for the dynamic duo to go after those big, evil corporations again.

Digging deeper into this perfect storm shows the Independent News was the first to bring it up in their November 1st cover story. Coming off his “landmark environmental victory” in Spelter, W.Va, Papantonio says “I’m going to start doing cases like this in our area. I’m ready for it.” Papantonio sort of laid out his cards in an interview with editor Duwayne Escobedo like this . . .

“We have a generational issue here,” he says. “We had a generation of politicians, media types, businessmen, doctors and professionals who knew better but allowed the environmental devastation to happen anyway. There is going to be a backlash.”

He’s already thinking about the next environmental cases Levin Papantonio and its partners will do in Northwest Florida but he’s not ready to reveal them all yet.

Pressed about it, he does single-out lumber and paper company International Paper. Levin Papantonio filed suit last year on behalf of a handful of Cantonment residents against the company, the world’s largest paper company.

PNJ links: Still a long way to go in curbing toxic emissions
Emerald Coastkeeper monitors runoff problem
Troubled Waters
Nov 1 Independent News Cover Story: Papantonio Promises To Clean Up ‘Backyard’

related links in PNJ’s forum from an anonymous poster named hoagie. That would be me.

A Call To Harms, Slip & Fall Gone Wild | Here’s a suggestion

Thanksgiving Episode of NewsBusted TV

Came across this web TV series just in time for Thanksgiving. I’m guessing that this will be a regular feature here at The Lunch Counter. Should give the folks at goLeftTV1 something to squawk about. It is material like this that tends to bring out the very best in them. Brought to you by NewsBusters.

1 is a production of Air America radio host and BIG LAW trial attorney Mike Papantonio of Levin-Papantonio, Pensacola, FL.

More Planted Questions At CNN Democrat Debate

It must depend on what the meaning of ‘undecided’ is. The so-called undecided Undecided voter is Sen. Harry Reid Staffer voters that Wolf Blitzer introduced turn out to be anything but. Is it any wonder that Democrats won’t debate on a FOX sponsored event? They have a burning need to know the questions before they are asked or know that they won’t be asked a question that they don’t want to answer. Yet they do want to be Commander In Chief.

In a nutshell, CNN’s six ‘undecided voters’ were: a Democratic Party bigwig, an antiwar activist, a Union official, an Islamic leader, a Harry Reid staffer,” who’s not even old enough to vote yet, and “a radical Chicano separatist.”

h/t to Rush for mentioning it and Michelle Malkin for the video research.

UPDATE 11/27/07 :And it gets worse for CNN, getting caught redacting the transcript.

Federal Election Commission Fines Democrat 527’s

The Media Fund, a Clinton-inspired union-financed group headed by Harold Ickes, former aide to Bill Clinton, played a major role in the 2004 election and has agreed to pay a $580,000 fine after the Federal Election Commission concluded it illegally ran advertising, $53.4 million worth, against President Bush and in favor of Democrat John Kerry. The FEC ruled the advocacy advertising was a violation of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform bill.

In August, another group allied with Democrats, America Coming Together, agreed to pay a $775,000 fine under the same law. America Coming Together is a George Soros (billionaire socialist) and Peter Lewis (Chairman of Progressive Insurance Co.) financed group. America Coming Together is led by Steve Rosenthal, who is the former political director for the AFL-CIO.

Isn’t it odd that this news was ignored by the media? Is there any doubt as to media bias here?

AP link: FEC Fines Groups Allied With Democrats

CNN’s Democrat Party Primary Debate Analysis

For those who didn’t see the Democrat debate tonight, after all it was on CNN, here is a recap. It started out with some bickering among the candidates, most of whom took shots at Sen. Clinton’s inability to state a position on giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens. To that and many other questions, Hillary’s response was her usual, ‘the American people know where I stand…’ Oh really? I must have missed it. All of them seemed to be running against Bush, who isn’t running.

On the drivers license subject, some came right out and said, like Gov. Bill Richardson, that yes they should be permitted to have a drivers license. Sen. Barak Obama thought it was a good idea too. Others hid behind the smoke of ‘we need comprehensive immigration reform,’ which is code for amnesty, drivers licenses, and more, but they wouldn’t come out and answer the question whether they should have a drivers license.

All of them wanted out of Iraq, and Iran is also out of the question. The most hawkish on Iran was Hillary who did go so far as to say that we should use diplomacy with Iran but keep the stick. She didn’t elaborate on the stick part. She held true to her belief system which is she hasn’t one. She likes blue ribbon panels to make decisions for her.

Iran brought out the weakness of them all on the subject of the Quds Force, the terrorist-supporting wing of the Iranian military. There seemed to be a consensus that calling them a terrorist organization was not nice, except Hillary. She’s the one who voted in favor of the resolution that labeled them a terrorist organization. She had no where to hide on that one, especially after her drivers license debacle at their last debate.

Wolf Blitzer, host of the debate, joined the ranks of Brian Williams and Tim Russert in qualifying for the Chris Matthews award by not asking or even mentioning the Iranian made 107mm rockets and super penetrating IED’s that are killing ours and Iraqi soldiers and Iraqi civilians. A fair question was again ignored, giving way to their diplomatic story line.

John Edwards’ hair looked good. He had trouble completing a sentence that didn’t have the words Bush, Cheney, and neocons in it. Obviously appealing to the Soros wing of their party, but looking very silly for harping on them.

All of them spoke confidently on raising taxes for this that and the other. And on the subject of taxes, another Chris Matthews moment came up. None of them were asked whether they would make permanent the Bush tax cuts due to expire in 2010, which if elected, would be during their first term. Hold on to your wallet or make your escape plan.

On education, Wolf did ask a relevant question. Should exceptional teachers be rewarded with higher pay or bonus incentives? They were in complete agreement in towing the line of the teachers unions with a NO. It was blatantly obvious that the success of the students were not a priority. Hillary surprised me by saying, no, don’t reward good teachers, just fire the bad ones. Another rather stunning revelation was that they couldn’t agree what made a teacher a good teacher. Joe Biden, whose wife is a teacher with a masters and doctorate degree, believes that a good teacher is one who has multiple and higher degrees than just a bachelors degree. No one, not one of them, thought that successful students were relevant in determining whether a teacher was exceptional. Hillary ignored the students’ success by taking the village format. She said all the teachers in a given school should be rewarded if the school does well. Doing well doesn’t mean that the students do well. Doing well by her standards means teachers who teach in the worst of cities or neighborhoods are the ones to be rewarded with higher pay. More like combat pay. Again, no measure of the success of the students was offered. On the subject of education, it is clear that Democrats don’t give a wit about the success of the students, let alone merit pay for a job well done.

One of the funniest and scariest subjects was that of appointments to the Supreme Court. They all wanted an abortion litmus test for potential appointments to the Supreme Court. Abortion is the holy sacrament of the liberals’ political philosophy. None of them seemed at all interested in a strict constructionist type justice. John Edwards said he didn’t want a constitutional scholar on the bench, he wanted ‘a dog catcher’ on the bench. Literally, no exaggeration. I have to give him credit on at least saying what the others wouldn’t say. Which is, they want the supreme court to be filled with justices who don’t know what it is they are supposed to uphold, and who will uphold whatever the democrats want that they can’t get done through the people, the legislature.

After those grueling two hours, I don’t think it is necessary to see any more of their debates. If you see one, you’ve seen them all.

CNN link

UPDATE 11/19/07: ‘undecided’ voters were plants, activists, and Democrat operatives.

Today’s Special

Here’s one example where no news is good news, but in a malicious (by the media) kind of way. Good news is hard to swallow says, Melanie Morgan.

To the news media, reports concerning accomplishments of our troops in Iraq are about as welcome as a visit by Bill Clinton to a shelter for abused women.

Mukasey is sworn in as the country’s 81st Attorney General. First thing on the to-do list, replace every last federal attorney. 100 percent of them. Then hire/rehire who you want. That isn’t going to happen of course, but I’d pay the cost of admission to see the look on (pick your democrat leader’s name)’s face when he or she got the news.

News about Rep. Keith Ellison’s (D-Minn) attempt to make voting-day voting registration a federal law is beginning to dribble out. Same for his plan to prohibit states from requiring a photo ID to vote in all federal elections. But no where near as far and wide as it needs to be. Mychal Massie and David Almasi, of Project 21, the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives, have also opined. Voter fraud isn’t a republican or a democrat issue. At least it shouldn’t be. By these Democrat sponsored legislative attempts, it appears that voter fraud is a Democrat issue. That is, they just want to make laws to facilitate it.

Sarkozy’s Visit, Shhh, Keep It Quiet

Looking through the lens of popular thought on the left, which is, since about 2001 ‘the image’ ofLuncheon at Mt. Vernon w/French President Sarkozy the United States throughout the world and Europe, particularly France, has been soiled. That darn George Bush. In that context, the newly elected President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, makes his first official visit to The White House, with a special luncheon at Mt. Vernon. He also spoke before a joint session of Congress.

The NYT version said . . .

In a speech to a joint meeting of Congress — a rare honor for a head of state — Mr. Sarkozy seemed to strike all the right notes. He spoke of his love of the American dream and cultural icons of the 20th century. He expressed admiration for American values. He thanked the United States for saving France in two world wars, rebuilding Europe with the Marshall Plan and fighting Communism during the cold war.

And here is the one and only NYT quote from Sarkozy himself. He said it before the joint session of congress . . .

“Every time, whenever an American soldier falls somewhere in the world, I think of what the American Army did for France,” Mr. Sarkozy said as his audience applauded. “I think of them and I am sad, as one is saddened to lose a member of one’s family.”

What’s this ‘his audience’ crap? And why do you think they didn’t use his entire statement, like the sentence immediately before what they printed? He wasn’t at convention hall, he was before a joint session of Congress. Wouldn’t you expect mention of this visit to be on the front page? Sorry, it is buried in the ‘Europe’ section.

Then there is the Christian Science Monitor’s version. About which there was nothing Christian, no science, and unfortunately, no monitor either. In this story, ‘monitor’ is all they had to do. The visit ‘symbolizes a return to a more balanced and interdependent relationship.’ That’s one way to look at it, they elaborate . . .

With the new French president visiting a weakened and chastened America post-Iraq invasion, the tour of Mount Vernon symbolizes a return to the more balanced and interdependent relationship at the root of Franco-American ties. Just as Washington needed the France of Marquis de Lafayette to help break the Colonies’ bonds to England, today France prefers an America that needs – and knows it needs – its longstanding Western friends to achieve its goals.

I’m sensing an attitude here . . .

Sarkozy is visiting at the time of a humbler America, its go-it-alone tendencies clipped.

They certainly can have an opinion, but isn’t this a report about his visit? Then the CSM elicit the opinion of two ‘experts’ that speak to this attitude. Eh, the visit is just a bunch of ‘happy talk.’ They mentioned that Sarkozy was going to speak to Congress. NOT ONE quote from Sarkozy. It wasn’t on their ‘front page’ either.

OK fine. Now see what neither of them had the courage to print, let alone tell you about, except through their lens. To quote Rush Limbaugh about the visit, ‘Sarkozy understands American exceptionalism. If only American liberals and Democrats understood what Sarkozy understands. Here is a portion of what he said.’ These are Sarkozy’s words . . .

To the millions of men and women who came from every country of the world and who — with their own hands, their intelligence, and their hearts — built the greatest nation in the world, America did not say, “Come, and everything will be given to you.” Rather, she said, “Come, and the only limits to what you will be able to achieve will be those of your own courage, your boldness, and your talent.”

Wouldn’t you think that that is worth quoting? Does it sound like our image is so horribly soiled?

The America that we love throughout the world impedes this extraordinary ability to grant each and every person a second chance, another chance, because, in America, failure is never the last word. There is always another chance. Here — in your country, on this soil — both the humblest and the most illustrious citizens alike know that nothing is owed to them and that everything has to be earned. That is what constitutes the moral value of America.

Bravo! And this quote, which the NYT parsed by omitting his entire statement. His entire statement was this:

SARKOZY (via translator): America liberated us, and this is an eternal debt we owe America. (applause) Every time, whenever an American soldier falls somewhere in the world, I think of what the American army did for France. I think of them — (applause) — and I am sad as one is saddened to lose a member of one’s family.

Here’s the last quote that never was told, more ‘happy talk’ I suppose.

We need France to be stronger. I am determined to carry through with the reforms that my country has put off for all too long. I will not turn back. I will implement all of them, because France has turned back for all too long. I have come to present to you today a France that comes out to meet America, to renew the covenant of friendship and alliance that Washington and Lafayette sealed in Yorktown. Together, let us be true to their memories. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I say this to you on behalf of the French people: Long live the United States of America. Long live France. Long live French-American friendship!

After reading what Sarkozy actually said, does it look like either of those articles covered his visit accurately?

H/T to Rush Limbaugh for broadcasting Sarkozy’s comments and supplying the transcript. Doing the job the MSM should be doing.

Baghdad Neighborhood ‘Returns To Life’

Here’s the good news that you didn’t see on the nightly or morning news networks.

Just six months ago, this mostly Sunni neighborhood was one of the centers of al-Qaida in Iraq operations. The district in western Baghdad was hit by more than a dozen bombings and shootings some days. Few people dared to venture onto the streets.

On Tuesday, women shopped and men drank tea in sidewalk cafes. Occasionally, U.S. soldiers walking the streets were greeted with salaams and smiles.

What is happening here reflects similar trends across Baghdad and parts of Iraq, where civilian and U.S. military casualties have dropped sharply in the past two months. But the speed of the turnaround in places such as Amariyah has taken almost everyone – including U.S. military forces in the area – by surprise.

AP link

Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.