Category Archives: Florida

No Concealed Weapons Permit For You

It’s not news that the Second Amendment has been under attack by the Left for years. Decades in fact.

Four days from the end of the Obama administration, Obama’s DOJ added an infringement to purchasing a firearm. If you have a prescription for medical marijuana, you have no Second Amendment Right. But prescriptions for all other drugs are OK.

Maybe it’s been this way since 2017, I don’t know. But I heard today that if you have a Concealed Carry Permit, it will be revoked (infringed) if you obtain a medical marijuana prescription. You can’t have both. And you thought you had personal privacy.

All this is predicated on the fact that marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. There’s no distinction between prescribed and not prescribed. But hey, any way they can infringe on the Second Amendment, they will.

The #AmericanMarxist Left must be replaced with real Americans who support and defend the Constitution.



Below was my comment to the DOJ over the show raid at President Trump’s Florida home. The weaponization of the Justice Department for political purposes, FBI, is not acceptable, unconstitutional, and has got to be fixed. Time to stand up to this tyrannical Obama/Biden Administration, DOJ, FBI, and a host of top officials in them. Doing nothing will be to accept a Banana Republic, or Russian style of government. Biden’s version of the KGB. “President” Joe Biden and his administration is the threat to Democracy, not Trump.

If you’d like to petition the government too, here’s the LINK.

The Founding Fathers knew how corrupt a government could get. Because of that, they gave citizens the right and power to defend themselves against a tyrannical government in the Second Amendment. They also gave us the right to petition the government in the First Amendment. So, “when tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”*

Where Biden, Garland, and Wray are concerned, Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to have metastasized.

Want to play a game? I’ll see your 30 Federal Agents, and raise you a 30 round magazine.

You desperately need to get your operation back within the bounds of the Constitution. Expect to pay the price in Nov 2022 and 2024.

LINK: Your Message To The Department of Justice

* Thomas Jefferson

Public health alert, again

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the water quality of Bayou Texar be safe to go into again? Right now, it is not. Page through the last year of Health Department inspections and see how often this occurs for Bayou Texar.

Unless you’ve been paying attention, you will be surprised to learn that the regular and chronic closing of Bayou Texar due to fecal contamination has been an issue in Pensacola for over 30 years. And it isn’t getting any better. Not surprising since the City/County/State government has done nothing to remedy the situation. 

Now, Bayou Texar is ranked the worst in the State of Florida.

Top six Florida sample sites by the number of potentially unsafe days:

  • Bayou Texar: 24 (Escambia County)
  • Sanders Beach: 23 (Escambia County)
  • Crandon Park on Key Biscayne: 17 (Miami-Dade County)
  • Bird Key Park: 17 (Sarasota County)
  • Venice Fishing Pier: 15 (Sarasota County)
  • Bayou Chico: 14 (Escambia County)

The report also revealed, “a sampling site at Bayou Texar in Escambia County was potentially unsafe for 24 days, more than any other site in the state.”

Bayou Texar water quality and what’s being done about it has been on The Lunch Counter’s radar since 2007. A link to all of the articles is HERE.  Sadly, it seems the reason I posed for the lack of action in 2007 remains the same. There is no political will to follow through to clean it up. And there are no deep pockets to sue.

Links: Florida Healthy Beaches Program | Have you been swimming in fecal matter at Alabama and Florida beaches?  | Lawsuit Perfect Storm Set In Pensacola

Florida Stand Your Ground Challenged

Five years ago, President Obama tried to tie the death of Trayvon Martin to gun violence, bringing to question Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law.  Even though Florida’s stand your ground law was not part of the Zimmerman case.

Last week Florida Democrats, trying to repeal ‘stand your ground, thankfully, failed to do so. The law came to question again in that fatal parking lot shooting over a parking space. The law does not allow one free shot. In the case of that video, it looks more like a homicide to me. But that’s what trials are for.

Getting back to your right to defend yourself. Why is it that having and using a gun in self-defense is perceived as something racial? Why can’t these Democrats understand that legally having a concealed weapon can save a the life of a Black man too?

Statistically, in the State of Florida, Blacks benefit more, disproportionately more, than Whites in Florida from the stand your ground law.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Democrats are advocating the revoking of the basic human right of self-defense, from the very people who are benefiting the most from it, for purely political purposes.

Concealed carry permits are issued regardless of race. It’s an easy four-step process. But depending on where you live, steps one and two may be more difficult.

  1. Live to be 21.
  2. Have no criminal record.
  3. Have no drug addictions or mental illness.
  4. Live in a concealed carry or open carry state.


Smokable Medical Pot Prevails

Medical Marijuana was approved in Florida by an amendment to the State’s Constitution in 2016. The product can be consumed every way except by smoking the plant itself. That wasn’t the intent of the law, but this is how it has been interpreted, until today, when the law  was found to be unconstitutional.

Voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2016 allowing the use of medical marijuana. The only mention of smoking in the amendment’s language and in an intent document during the 2016 campaign was that the Legislature and local governments could restrict it in public places.

The next stop will be the state’s 1st District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee.

No reason it should not pass muster all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. Gov. Scott should end his opposition to private use.

Link: Florida’s ban on smokable medical marijuana ruled unconstitutional

Social Musings

A week in review.

January 2nd, 2017, prior to Trump’s inauguration, the re-writing of history begins. Three days before President Obama had his meeting with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, Sally Yates, and Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s senior advisor and Muslim Brotherhood connection, sets the meme by telling the media how scandal-free his administration is.

“Undermines the confidence of the American people in what comes out of Washington” she says. Funny, that’s the same goal as Russia and Valerie Jarrett.

Susan Rice playing CYA catch-up.


Trump On The Trail

Was fortunate enough to see President Trump tonight in Pensacola, Florida. Was good to see that despite the freezing (for locals) weather, 12,000 of us filled the Pensacola Civic Center, or Bay Center as it is called today.

Just as on the campaign trail, President Trump was energetic and having fun, like everyone else there. This time, he not only spoke of what was in store for the coming months on important matters like tax cuts, health care, safe cities and neighborhoods, immigration and border security, draining the swamp and more, he started the night bringing us up to date with what he has accomplished in the first ten months of his administration. And it was a lot. Which begs the question, had it not been coming directly from him, do you think you would have learned about it from the news media?

Tonight’s event was billed as a campaign-style event, and that’s what it was. But it was so much more than that. Like most everything else Trump does, he is finally breaking the mold of Republicans governing by complacency.

As President George H.W. Bush found out, winning one election doesn’t mean you can win another by assuming everybody understands conservative principles.

It was President Clinton and later President Barack Obama who never stopped campaigning. Not one month of their collective sixteen years was a campaign ever over. President G. W. Bush followed his father and, never defended himself from constant attacks from his political opponents. You know, the ones whining about how divisive Republicans are.

Enter President Donald Trump. Along with everything else so non-establishment, Trump knows that to do what the American people elected him to do, he has to keep the people engaged and informed. Because he, you, and I know that the media certainly will not keep us  informed. More like deformed.

I doubt there is anyone who knows the media like Trump. What motivates him is saving America as it was founded to be, and meeting the folks, the forgotten ones, working people pursuing the American Dream. And no better way to do that than to keep the campaign current and constant.

Trump’s support comes from the American people. People who like him fighting back, taking the fight to them and the failed policies of the Left.  All while making the case for his policies and agenda that they and most Americans want and support.

So the next mind blower for the media, Democrats, the Swamp, and never-Trump Republicans is that Donald Trump is not leaving the campaign trail. Unlike Obama, the media did not make Trump. And hard as they try, the media can not break him or separate Trump’s supporters from him.

New Hands Up, Don’t Shoot

It never occurred to me that a Commander-in-Chief would call the wife of a man who gave his last measure for his country, to insult her, her family, and all fallen soldiers. But according to Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL24), that’s what happened.

Rep. Wilson has created her own version of “hands up don’t shoot.” Because like the hands up don’t shoot meme, Wilson’s account of the sympathy call President Trump made to Myeshia Johnson, wife of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, was not real either.

Turns out that Rep. Wilson is a family friend of Mrs. Johnson. Which is why she was with her and her two children when the president’s call came.

Rep. Wilson said on Wednesday . . .

“What he said was, ‘I guess he knew what he was signing up for but it still hurts.’ That’s how he said it.”

Creating a false narrative, then using it to attack a political party or person is not new for Democrats. It’s used all the time.

  • There’s this one used to attack Trump, who she always has despised and made no bones about it.
  • The “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” story, debunked. Did not happen.
  • The “Russian Dossier, ” totally fabricated, was used to start an investigation to explain why Hillary lost, by collusion between Russia and Trump. (Haven’t found any Russians yet, but they’re still looking. And won’t end it for lack of evidence.)

But what good is lying to attack the opposition if you can’t lie to help yourself?

  • Benghazi Attack 9/11/2012, was a result of an internet video. A lie.

As told not just to you, but to the Gold Star parents beside their son’s casket.  That lie was to save Barack Obama’s re-election bid, after campaigning by saying al-Qaeda is on the run. Had to be solidarity in the lie, so there was, by President Obama, Sec. of State Clinton, and Ambassador Rice, echoed by the media ad nauseum.

It remains to be seen in this case whether we are seeing another media/democrat meme that Trump doesn’t treat the military and widows with respect, or whether we’re just talking about the mental capacity of Rep. Frederica Wilson.

You know the experiment where you have 20 people who pass a message from one to the other, and how the message is different by the time it gets to the last person? In Wilson’s case, she can’t handle person #1.

In her quote above from the NYT, she quotes what, according to her, Trump said. Then followed by “That’s how he said it.”  So which is it? Is that how he said it, or is that, in fact, what he said?

Given her hatred for Trump, and not a friend of veterans, chances are very good that’s what she heard, even though that’s not what he said.

Here she is today, pleased with how she has become a “rock star” since the call. That she would use that occasion like a campaign stop is disgusting.

If not wacky.


History, Statues Fall

About ten days ago, in the wake of the Charlottesville clash between some racists and communists, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward decided to jump on the statue removal train. He is for removing the Confederate statue in Lee Square of Confederate soldier Ellsworh Perry, from downtown, where it has been for 126 years when it was dedicated in 1891.

There is an absence of civil discourse on this subject because of the way it is practiced by the political Left, Progressives, Democrats and Antifa, the communist anarchist club. No pun intended, but they do use clubs. To them, if you are against removing a statue from the Confederate/Civil War era, then you are a racist, pure and simple. And, nothing you could say can, or will, cause them to change their mind on the subject, or about you.

This is as close to a reasoned opinion as you’re going to find. From The Pulse.

We can choose to hold fast to the wrong side of history, to cling to relics that glorify a shameful and immoral period in our past, or we can reject them and acknowledge that Confederate symbols are divisive, outdated, and un-American, and have no place in our public spaces in 2017.

Historical perspective? Both sides of the Civil War were composed of Americans. Soldiers and volunteers from both sides of the war, all Americans, were not pondering which side of history they would be on, let alone wondering what people in 2017 might think of them. 500,000 Americans (and their families) who died in the war,  were making history.

And much to the chagrin of Democrats, the United States of America became the first country to specifically ban slavery.  Not only that, but the first country where the people limited the government. Unlike where they (or anyone else at the time) came from, where the government controlled the people. American Exceptionalism, another concept Democrats like President Obama will deny, comes from these formative years of American history. Our heritage. Democrats have been on the wrong side of civil rights ever since, living on the wrong side of history.

Anyone may ignore American history. Anyone may be offended by American history. And anyone is free to offer an opinion about it. History, for any one who cares, is to learn from and understand what happened at that time, compared to where we are today. In short, giving perspective of where we were, and where we are.

In their time, slavery wasn’t the invention of the Confederate States. Slavery existed on every continent. Slavery still exists today. It even existed in the native American tribes. It is unfair and wrong to judge people from another time by today’s understanding and belief.  Removing statues does nothing to change history, nor should anyone try. That’s what the Taliban does.

So if you happen to be driving down South Palafox in Pensacola and you pass a park with a monument in the middle of it, you believe what you want to if or when you see it. Everyone else will do the same. Just don’t make matters worse by going Taliban.

PCC Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Pensacola Christian College wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award for expelling Allen Armentrout, a student who peacefully exercised his 1st Amendment right in Charlottesville, VA last week.

His statement to the Pensacola News Journal was ignored by his school, who apparently succumbed to the media meme that you must deny your ancestors and history, else you’re a violent Nazi White Supremacist.

The college administration failed to show a violation of their rules that would apply to someone exercising their 1st Amendment right. Makes one wonder if any of the anarchists who actually were violent were expelled from school?

“I have been released from my school and will be unable to return to college to finish my senior year. I’m processing this and making adjustments to my life to compensate for this scrutiny.”

He does not deny the history of this country or his family.

Armentrout later told the News Journal he made the trip to Virginia because the KKK, Neo-Nazis and other groups are destroying the history of his ancestors and he wants to share “the true history” of the American South. He said Neo-Nazis have wrongly “latched on” to Confederate history.

One thing is certain, he is consistent in his convictions. Here he is in Pensacola last March.

What’s different this time? The national “news media” made him famous, and he exercised his 2nd Amendment right too! Oh the nerve.

For this reason, Pensacola Christian College wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Can you say “lawsuit?”

Link: Confederate demonstrator kicked out of Pensacola Christian College