Category Archives: 2016 Election

Republican Party Area Assessment

Talk about audacity! The NRSC has nothing on Obama.

From the party leadership that funded Obamacare, funded sanctuary cities, funded illegal immigration, increased national debt by habitually raising the debt limit, surrendered its Constitutional power of the purse to the Executive Branch,  surrendered their oversight power to the Executive Branch, and allow the lawless administration to selectively enforce laws and create laws outside of the Legislative Branch . . .

I get this!

It was worth the postage to send my survey back in the envelope provided.

Still Thinking Obamacare Is Affordable?

It’s so affordable that the Obama administration had to prime the insurance industry with payoffs for their losses for getting onboard with the misnamed Affordable Care Act. Those payoffs end next year.

And already, despite the government’s best efforts to use taxpayer money to give the illusion that it is working as advertised, it is not. And those payoffs are supposed to end in 2016.

It may not be performing as advertised. But, it is working exactly as planned. The pathway to single-payer healthcare is widening.

State-run health insurance markets that offer coverage under President Barack Obama’s health law are struggling with high costs and disappointing enrollment. These challenges could lead more of them to turn over operations to the federal government or join forces with other states.

Critics of Obamacare saw it coming long before it was rammed down America’s collective throat. But they were dismissed by the Left and its media being racists, not liking the government takeover of 16% of the private economy and ruining the health insurance industry just because Obama is Black. As if it would be OK if Obama were only White.

On this legislation, there’s no victory lap for being right. So far it’s a moot point, because electing a Republican majority in both the House and Senate with a mandate to repeal it has failed. It has failed because those Republicans have betrayed their constituents by failing to do what they were elected to do. They have caved on every plank of that mandate.

There are way too few republicans running for president with the gonads to turn this ship around. Most of them are responsible for running full speed ahead.

Links: State health insurance markets struggle with cost challenges   |  OBAMACARE HIGHLIGHTS AND RACKETEERING

Confusion On The Left?

Looking at what the political Left is up to is one of those ‘dirty jobs’ I don’t mind doing. The reason is knowing what your political enemy is up to and what motivates them.

The Ring of Fire folks don’t know how to react to a primary race in the Democrat party. Reminds me of  a squirrel crossing the road in front of an oncoming car.

Warren-Sanders-2016-2-300x157In one post, they castigate Jim Webb (D-VA) for calling out the party for moving too far Left, and ask “What Planet is Webb Living? Since Webb’s assessment is true, one could ask the Ring of Fire the same question. On what planet are they living?

In the next, they heap attention to the Socialist candidate (running as a Democrat), Bernie Sanders with the notion of a Sanders-Warren ticket.

endofstoryThe Ring of Fire is a website, web-tv, and progressive talk radio enterprise run by a bunch of slip and fall and mass tort trial lawyers in Pensacola, Fl. Occupying the bottom of the barrel in ratings pretty much shows what world they’re living in.

Hillary “Has No Clothes”

Listening to “democratic strategists” forced to explain why Hillary Clinton is avoiding the media in her campaign for the presidency, they say, she’s talking to small groups to get the feel of what Americans think. You know, those groups who were hand-picked by her campaign. Except they didn’t say that part. Trying to explain away why she has been asked, and answered only 8 questions since announcing her candidacy April 12, 2015. Over a month ago.

They, of course, have it all wrong. The real reason is two-fold. One, to avoid having to answer questions about her past, about her honesty, and two, to avoid the optics of a lot of empty seats at a venue.

Free advice for the DNC. Keep her hidden and insulated from the media. No amount of demagoguery of the GOP will overcome what people see in your candidate, Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Obama Dumps On Blacks, Minorities, Americans

Minorities, and all American citizens, believe this:

Your job, and family, is not as important to President Obama as illegals being able to vote. And it’s not just an affront to Black Americans, it’s an affront to ALL Americans.

Obama pledges allegiance to his ideology in a way that all dictators do. His allegiance is not to this country or you, a citizen.

Ask yourself this;

  • with a labor participation rate at 62.7%, a level not seen since the malaise of the Carter administration, and
  • 2.6 million people among the long-term unemployed, which is 29.8 percent of all unemployed, and
  • 277,000 more people dropped out of the workforce, gave up looking for work, in March 2015, compared to February 2015,
  • with unemployment rates highest among Blacks, 10.1% for 20 yr old and up, 25% for 16-19 yr-olds. (Whites 4.7 and 15.7% respectively), and
  • average family incomes falling greatest among Blacks

Who do you think benefits most by granting millions of illegal aliens work permits, adding 6 to 12 million more people in the country to compete for the same jobs you are? You, or the Democrat Party you’ve enabled to do this, to you?

Think those numbers are bad? Check this out, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ FAQ, which is in the link below.

2. Are undocumented immigrants counted in the surveys?
It is likely that both surveys include at least some undocumented immigrants. However, neither the establishment nor the household survey is designed to identify the legal status of workers. Therefore,
it is not possible to determine how many are counted in either survey.

But wait, it gets worse. All the bad numbers and statistics above, by the government’s own admission, include illegal aliens. If you are one of the unemployed, the exact number of them doesn’t matter very much does it?

Not only does this administration condone illegals coming here and working, taking jobs from American citizens, it now is in court fighting both Kansas and Arizona to keep them from identifying non-citizens on voter registration forms. The Obama administration is just fine with Mexican and other illegals nullifying your vote and the votes of all American citizens.

If you weren’t aware that Obama’s ideology is his primary motivation behind his need to “fundamentally change America,” it should be crystal clear now. He has set the stage, laid the foundation. He’ll be gone by 2016, but his agenda, the Democrat Party’s agenda, will lead us down the same path, if America would be reckless enough to put a Democrat in The White House for a third consecutive term.

Links: THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION —MARCH 2015  |  Mark Levin: Obama fighting to keep states from identifying NONCITIZENS on VOTER REG FORMS

Hillary Losing Votes From The Graveyard

If this is a sign of things to come, this could be game changer for Democrats. Not so much that Republicans will pick up the dead vote, but that Democrats will lose the dead vote.

A North Carolina man made a last political stand with his obituary, asking mourners to not vote for Hillary Clinton,

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to Shriners Hospital for Children,” the obituary stated. “Also, the family respectfully asks that you do not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. R.I.P. Granddaddy.

Snarkworthy: Dying wish: Don’t vote for Hillary Clinton

Rand Paul, Not The Maverick He Appears To Be

In foreign relations, Sen. Paul has shown the ability to change his mind. Good thing, given the global mess the current  occupant of The White House has created, if not allowed to melt down.

Economically speaking? Not so much.

2016 presidential candidate Kerry Bowers explains how Paul has a ways to go when it comes to turning this country around. His press release below.


Kerry Bowers Says Senator Opening New Doors to Cronyism

Henderson, NV, 7 April 2015 – The Kerry Bowers for President Committee released the following remarks from the Committee’s candidate in response to Senator Rand Paul’s presidential candidacy announcement.

“Today, I welcome Senator Rand Paul as the anticipated 57th Republican to register with the Federal Election Commission as a presidential candidate for the election year 2016. It is my hope that he will rise to the standard of specificity I have incorporated into my platform as he begins to lay out his plans to achieve the vision he has briefly described for America. I am, however, greatly disappointed with his campaign announcement remarks in which he either directly states or implies the intent to continue the IRS, income taxes and corporate taxes; these in addition to newly proposed avenues for cronyism and tax discrimination that he calls ‘economic freedom zones.’ What I am hearing in his remarks is not a focus on the restoration of government’s federal character nor that of State sovereignty as I have called for in my platform, but a continuation of the governments’ monopoly over the States through a heavy-handed national character that, among other undesirable consequences,  decides who shall and shall not benefit from the labors of all Americans. I look forward to the possibility of debate with the Senator and the other candidates in the ever-expanding field of Republicans as we move forward to the primaries.”

Candidate Website:


Republican Kerry Bowers Says Senator Supports Contradictory Tax Plans

Henderson, NV, 23 March 2015 – The Kerry Bowers for President Committee released the following remarks in response to Senator Cruz’s recent actions and statements specific to federal taxation.

“On 19 March, I applauded Senator Cruz’s 10 March addition to the list of cosponsors for Senate bill S.155, the Fair Tax Act of 2015, which is a companion bill to HR 25 introduced in the House of Representatives. The Fair Tax is a national retail sales tax that abolishes all forms of income, payroll and corporate taxes and replaces them with a sales tax, one that includes a family consumption allowance to reduce or eliminate the regressive effects of a sales tax. The bill also abolishes the IRS and includes a ‘sunset’ title requiring repeal of the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution within 7 years else the Fair Tax is repealed. The companion bills today have more combined congressional sponsorship than any other proposed tax reform or replacement measure introduced to both houses of the 114th Congress.

I then learned that the Senator on 17 March, in an appearance on the MSNBC show, ‘Morning Joe,’ stated the following: “The perfect, the ideal and what I intend to fight for is a simple flat tax, where every person can fill out his or her taxes on a post card, which would enable you to abolish the IRS.” The senator, when queried by host Joe Scarborough what the tax rate would be, offered; “we’re still working the numbers.”

In my opinion, the Senator revealed he has no detailed plan or serious commitment to effectively and permanently change one of the most obstructive, destructive and liberty-infringing mechanisms imposed upon the American people. He has taken a position, as reflected in his statements, indicative of yet another income and payroll tax system, one contrary to the Founder’s vision for appropriate federal taxation as evident in the original Constitution and addressed in great detail in the Federalist Papers. This stated position stands in stark contrast to his eloquent speeches in which he implies his intent to restore the ideals imparted by the Founders in the nation’s framing documents.

I also believe it is disingenuous for the Senator to say that the IRS would be abolished under a flat income tax since the tax will require continued oversight of the 165-plus million individual tax filers and 20-plus million businesses. The Fair Tax, on the other hand, will require only businesses to file reports and make remittances; the administration and collection of the sales tax will be reserved, principally, to the States and done so on a voluntary and reimbursement basis. That last point is advocated in the Federalist Papers as a measure to avoid unnecessary redundancies in tax agents for the collection of impositions on items taxed by both the federal and state governments.

Perhaps an even more important aspect of the Senator’s flat-tax proposal, but not addressed by him, is the preservation of every avenue through which Congress may, and again, change a simple income tax system into the same discriminatory, incomprehensible and tyrannically-imposed system the American people endure today. One of those avenues that should be addressed as ‘dangerous’ and eliminated is the 16th Amendment which, as the debt continues to grow, could be used to seize personal assets to cover the nation’s financial obligations. Such seizures could occur under numerous disguises, including additional taxes imposed on every American’s accumulated wealth and the seizure of retirement funds for subsequent replacement with a government-controlled annuity.

The American people need to be truthfully advised too by those who promote a flat income tax that the peoples’ idea of a simple, single-rate tax is not what Congress will likely impose upon them. It will be either a multiple-rate system, like that recently proposed in the Lee-Rubio plan, or a single-rate system replete with wage-determinant deductions and exemptions designed to achieve the same result as a multiple-rate tax system. The people should also be reminded that payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare, which most workers pay double or more than what they pay in income taxes today, will remain in effect under a flat income tax.

Bottom line, the Senator’s conflicting positions are troubling and especially so in these extraordinary times.  We are at a pivotal point in our nation’s history and one that will require extraordinary leadership with extraordinary plans to alter the course upon which we are embarked. The proposition of another income tax does not meet the requisites to effect a suitable and sustainable course correction.”