Category Archives: 2010 Election

How To Repeal Obamacare

Now that we know what’s in it. Actually, those of us paying attention knew that none of what President Obama promised us regarding his health care ‘reform’ could possibly come to fruition. The fact that it won’t bring down our cost, and it won’t improve our health care is the reason that the word is out to Democrats on the campaign trail to not run on their accomplishments. God bless them, they’re strategy is to continue to run against George W. Bush.

It WILL raise our cost, it WILL raise our taxes, in the long-term, we CAN’T keep our plan or our doctor if we want to, it WILL increase our national debt, it WILL create longer wait times, it WILL put medical decisions of what procedures won’t be covered into the hands of bureaucrats in Washington, ie., death panels, and in the long run, it WILL bring about the demise of private health insurance companies as we know them, leaving only a government-run health care (single payer) system behind. Just like the disasters of health care systems in Europe, Great Britain, and Canada.

How do we thank President Obama for fundamentally changing America like this? Elect Congressmen and Senators who will promise to repeal Obamacare. That’s how.

Link: Democratic candidates all but ignore their legislative successes

Dr. Farid Khavari’s Economic Plan For Floridians

Running as an Independent candidate for Governor of the State of Florida, Dr. Farid Khavari is the only candidate that has a plan that is designed to help the state, and every citizen in it as well. His plan will generate money for the State that will be used to lower costs that our taxes currently pay for. His plan will lower our cost of living via lower interest rates on everything we do.

Lowering costs is the way to lift us all up without creating more debt. And his plan is so simple, you’ll wonder why other States are not doing it. Actually, candidates in other states are considering it right now. But Khavari’s plan for Florida doesn’t stop at a public bank. The public bank is the engine that will fund and drive projects in all aspects of our lives, including reducing the costs of education, health care, and reducing or eliminating taxes, creating energy independency, and more. He wrote the book on it. Towards a Zero-Cost Economy is available from his website free for download.

Enjoy the videos. Visit his campaign website for the details, and vote for Dr. Farid Khavari in Florida’s primary. Florida needs him. And he needs your support.

Link: Farid Khavari for Florida Governor

It’s Social Security Season

The very same Social Security System that people like President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid say is in fine shape, isn’t. And it hasn’t been for decades. Only now, even the mainstream media seems to admit that is going bankrupt. In Obama’s so-called summer of recovery, what government entitlement program isn’t headed for bankruptcy?

Social Security is brought to the forefront of the discussion every political season. And all attempts to ‘fix’ Social Security is easily and effectively demagogued by the Left  in a new kind of class warfare, age warfare. Question is, what has to happen before all Americans, or at least a majority in Congress, understand the problem and demand that it be fixed? The answer lies not in more taxes, but in less benefits, including means testing. Not because the government is cruel and mean-spirited but because we have to learn to live within our means.

From the Senate’s Special Committee on Aging Report . . .

Although Social Security remains a crucial benefit for millions of seniors, the program was designed to serve an American society of 75 years ago. Much has changed since its inception: Americans are living longer, women’s participation in the labor force has significantly increased, and with a rise in the divorce rate, household composition has changed. In addition, the labor force is growing more slowly and the nature of work and compensation has altered in ways that affect workers’ ability to save for retirement. As a result, under its current design, Social Security may not be as effective as it could be in addressing the needs of our society both now and in the future. Therefore, modernizing the program to reflect America’s evolving demographics is vital to ensuring that benefits are adequate and equitable for generations to come.

Some fun facts about Social Security:

  • Unless Congress acts, Social Security’s combined retirement and disability trust funds are expected to run out of money in 2037. At that point, Social Security will collect enough in payroll taxes to cover about three-fourths of the benefits.
  • Social Security’s short-term finances are being hurt by a recession that shed more than 8 million jobs, reducing revenue from the payroll taxes that support the program. Social Security’s long-term finances will be strained as the 78 million baby boomers reach retirement age – and live longer as life expectancy increases.
  • For the first time since the 1980s, Social Security is paying out more money in benefits than it collects in payroll taxes. The program is projected to post surpluses again in 2012 through 2014 but will return to permanent deficits in 2015, its trustees said in their annual report last week.
  • The disability program is in even worse shape. The disability trust fund is projected to be exhausted by 2018, meaning Congress will have to act soon to address it.
  • The combined trust funds have built up a $2.5 trillion surplus over the past 25 years. But the federal government has borrowed {uh, stolen} that money over the years {Starting with President Lyndon B. Johnson’s ‘Great Society’} to spend on other programs. The government must now start borrowing money from public debt markets – adding to the federal budget deficit – to repay Social Security.
  • Over the next decade, the federal government will pay Social Security more than $1.5 trillion in interest, though the transfers are essentially an accounting procedure, switching money from one government account to another.

Links: Rhetoric dims hope for Social Security compromiseReport of The Special Committee On Aging

Special Session For ‘Jobs Bill’

The House is back in a special session to vote on a $26 Billion spending bill to temporarily bail out labor unions. Paying for it by raising taxes and raiding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. That would be the food-stamp program.

The labor unions on the receiving end are the teachers unions and the AFSCME, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.  Not coincidentally, ‘ two key components of the Democrats’ political base whose get-out-the-vote efforts in November could determine whether they hold or lose control of Congress.’

This $26 Billion of new spending will not create one job nor stimulate job creation. All while there is still over $350 Billion of so-called stimulus money that still has not been allocated. Can you say ‘slush fund?’ It’s the Chicago way.

Related Links: AP: House members scurry back to pass jobs billPensacola, It’s Time To Take Care Of Business

McCollum’s Platform: Rick Scott

McCollum has been bombarding the airwaves of the talk radio frequencies with his campaign ads. And I’ve been listening closely to hear what his ideas are for Florida, since he is running for governor of the State. Unfortunately for Floridians, we may never know what his platform is other than Rick Scott this and Rick Scott that.

McCollum is running the most idiotic campaign for thinking that we care what he thinks about Rick Scott. And from that, he is showing me that he’s not the right man for the job. Your mileage may vary.

I do have a suggestion for how he can best use his campaign cash. He can use it to support Dr. Farid Khavari for governor. Khavari has a platform and a plan for Florida and every citizen of the State. His ads are not about mudslinging. They are about his plan for Florida and showing the people what he can do for them. What a novel idea in today’s field of politics, don’t you think?

Link: Farid Khavari for Governor

Florida Primary Election Registration Ends Today

If you are not registered with the political party whose primary election you want to vote in, today is the last day you can register. Florida uses closed primaries. That means only registered republicans can vote in a Republican primary, democrats in Democrat primary.

There is no primary contest for NPA, No Party Affiliation, candidates. Those candidates will go straight to the ballot for the general election.

If you’re not already registered, or want to change your party affiliation in order to vote in a primary election, you can register or change your registration in person or online.

The ‘put up or shut up’ time begins now. Please, get involved.

What Happens When Bush Tax Cuts Expire?

Income taxes punish work, stifle innovation (except in ways to avoid a tax liability) and risk-taking. Coming to a network news outlet near you, in addition to all the racial stirrings provoked by the ‘post-racial’ Obama administration, prepare yourself for the next chapter in the Obama administration’s (aka Saul Alinsky) handbook; class envy/warfare.

It comes around in election seasons, which seem to never end nowadays. And it comes around whenever tax reform is discussed in the form of ‘tax cuts for the rich.’

Barring any intervening legislation, these are the numbers by income tax bracket of how the tax rates will change when ‘the Bush tax cuts’ expire.

• Up to $16,750: Rises from 10 percent to 15 percent
• From $16,751 to $58,200: Stays same at 15 percent, but entire bracket pays 5 percent additional on the first $16,750
• From $58,201 to $68,000: Rises from 15 percent to 28 percent
• From $68,001 to $137,300: Rises from 25 percent to 28 percent
• From $137,301 to $209,250: Rises from 28 percent to 31 percent
• From $209,251 to $373,650: Rises from 33 percent to 36 percent
• $373,651 and up: Rises from 35 percent to 39.6 percent

The spreadsheet below shows how much more of your income (not counting all the income credits and re-distribution schemes contained in the 75,000+ page Internal Revenue Code) you will owe Uncle Sam on every dollar you earn beginning January 1, 2011. Note the gimmick in the second tax bracket, where the poor and not as poor ‘working people’ reside. You know, the one class that Obama claims to advocate for. These brackets capture the majority of the income earning population. The tax rate remains the same, but the entire bracket pays 5 percent additional on the first $16,750. The consequence of this magic trick is putting the largest tax burden, as a percentage of income, square on the backs of the poor. The rate of increase on the next bracket, those whose income falls between $58,201 and $68,000, goes up by a massive 86.67 percent. The so-called ‘working people.’ I add ‘so-called’ to the discussion because this administration would like the dumb masses to believe that rich people don’t work. ‘Working people’ is class envy for the poor aimed at the rich, by the ‘uniter’ himself. It is a necessary function of class envy, which this administration so effortlessly employs. And so far gets away with.

From $ To $ From % To % $ Increase % Increase Increase as % of Income
$0 $16,750 10.00% 15.00% $838 50.00% 5.00%
$16,751 $58,200 15.00% 15.00% $9,568 0.00% 16.44%
$58,201 $68,000 15.00% 28.00% $8,840 86.67% 13.00%
$68,001 $137,300 25.00% 28.00% $4,119 12.00% 3.00%
$137,301 $209,250 28.00% 31.00% $6,278 10.71% 3.00%
$209,251 $373,650 33.00% 36.00% $11,210 9.09% 3.00%
$373,651 $500,000 35.00% 39.60% $23,000 13.14% 4.60%

Obama’s Tax based on his 2009 income. $5,505,409 35.00% 39.60% $253,249 13.14% 4.60%

Don’t be fooled by the tax brackets or these numbers either. They give the illusion that everybody is actually paying taxes. Everyone is not paying taxes. The truth is, for 2005, the top 1% of income earners paid 39% of all tax revenue. That’s up 2% since President Bush took office in 2000. 86% of all federal income taxes were paid by the top 25% of income earners. And 97% of all taxes paid are paid by the top 50% of income earners.

The power to use the ‘tax hammer’ to micro-manage voting, social and economic behavior is the drug the politicians must be weaned from. The FairTax takes that tax hammer away by putting the economic power where it belongs, with the people. All the people. Not Washington politicians and lobbyists. Because the FairTax is transparent, the FUD factor goes away. The Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt goes away, and citizens and entrepreneurs can make business decisions with some certainty of risk and tax consequences. 

The FairTax unleashes the potential for economic activity, innovation, job creation, personal wealth and financial security without the interference of Washington and without increasing the national debt. And as a not insignificant side effect, the class warfare game with taxation becomes a thing of the past. Allowing the elected officials to concentrate their efforts to serving their constituents instead of trying to rob them.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

A recent editorial about ‘comprehensive’ immigration reform suggested that solving the illegal immigration cancer takes more than laws. It also takes money. And money is a commodity in short supply, not only for Florida but every State except North Dakota and Utah. Here is a version of comprehensive immigration reform that is without cost and does not involve amnesty. The cornerstone of the reform is pulling up the welcome mat where illegal immigrants are concerned.

Pulling up the welcome mat to illegals does not have to cost taxpayers a dime and will reduce the incoming ‘tide’ of illegals. Illegals will self-deport. The tide will go out. Not all, but more than would go back home otherwise. No police state tactics, as the writer suggests, are required.

What’s the welcome mat? Things like employers giving them jobs and landlords (public or private) giving them housing, ‘in-state’ tuition discounts, sanctuary cities, ‘anchor’ babies, all the social, medical, and educational benefits that legal citizens get. Pull it.

Imagine the effect of a financial reform law that allows international transfer of money to legal citizens and legal tourists only? Lacking the tool to send ‘remittances’ back home would be a major ‘mat’ to pull. Pulling the mat is part of immigration reform.

Another part is getting control of the border to the extent that crossing it illegally would be difficult if not impossible. There are hundreds of miles of border control barriers not completed and just as many miles totally unprotected. Complete it. By the time these two phases are completed, the number of illegals remaining would be those who are productive and have a place to live. Then, and only then, the last phase, guest worker status with intent to assimilate into American society can begin. If they just want to use America instead of become American, then they will not meet the minimum requirement to the path to ‘citizenship.’

This is not the amnesty that Reagan tried or that Obama wants. This is getting in line behind the immigration requests filed in accordance with our laws. To do that, they must come out of the closet and register themselves as an illegal seeking to stay here under some earned legal status. It will take as long as it takes for them to get their chance to become an amnestied American citizen. However many years that may take is what it will take. And to remove the political motivation from the equation, amnestied American citizens will not have the right to vote in federal elections. After all, this is supposed to be a humanitarian issue, not a political one.

Although it is a crying shame that Mexico’s state of affairs is as bad as it is, it’s their problem to fix. Maybe the prospect of millions of illegals returning home would help them fix their corruption and economic problems once and for all?

Link: Editorial: Our problems are solved!

Khavari, Florida’s Best Chance And Choice

You are cordially invited to the 2010 Fundraiser Event in support of Dr. Khavari’s gubernatorial campaign. The event will take place on July 24, 2010 from 6pm-8pm at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport on 150 Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Khavari is an economist who has written nine books and various articles that address solutions to the economic situation in Florida. His economic plan—The Khavari Economic Plan, has been referred to as the most solid economic plan.

Dr. Khavari will be making a presentation at the fundraiser to discuss his plan for Florida in further detail and due to your ongoing support throughout his campaign, will be honored to have you there to support him. The presentation will include a Q&A session, and will be followed by a reception with special guests from the NFL.

If you cannot attend this event but still wish to show your support to Dr. Khavari’s campaign, you can visit to make a donation to support our campaign efforts.

The Left’s Race Card Falls Flat In South Carolina

Ever since the ascension of conservative values began with the Tea Party movement over a year ago, Progressives, Liberals, and Jimmy Carter have been content in dismissing the entire movement as being comprised of angry racists.

Yesterday, and in South Carolina no less, Tim Scott a black Republican, and Nikki Haley, born of Indian immigrants, both won their nominations in the Republican primary and both were endorsed by Sarah Palin and other Tea Party advocates.