aSide Order

Flashback to the 60’s

The political left is reliving the good old days. Time for responsibility and accountability at UCB. Gov. Reagan handled it like this.

No federal dollars to a sanctuary school and a school that won’t allow free speech and can’t control their “students.”

Bullshit News Explained


Trump Listens to Obama-Clinton on Immigration


That’s Not Who We Are

I’m getting tired of hearing, from the people wanting open borders, and who want to snatch people from terrorist hotbed countries and bring them here, drone on about “we are a nation of immigrants” as though that grants some automatic pass to bring them here and, commit suicide in the process, gambling with Americans’ lives.

Tired of hearing it because, we are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens. American citizens. Many of whom immigrated here. And American citizens have a right to decide whether, who, and how many immigrants we accept. Whose interests are immigration laws supposed to serve — and whose interests do current immigration reform proposals actually serve?

Sorry but, when there is no assimilation of American values and culture, that is NOT “who we are.” And that includes learning and speaking English.

There was a 40 year halt to immigration, 1925-1965, for the purpose of obtaining assimilation. Immigration resumed in 1965. Maybe it’s time to do that again?

There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.