Tag Archives: Immigration

SEIU Wants Open, Unprotected Borders

Claiming the cost of completing a border fence that was approved by Congress 5 or 6 years ago, and included again in the pending immigration bill, is too expensive, the SEIU (the world’s largest labor union) is broadcasting their activists to call their Senators in Washington to oppose protecting our border.

It’s funny how the SEIU doesn’t seem to recognize that the cost to taxpayers of having an un-secure border is way higher by orders of magnitude. Obviously, their concern about illegal immigrants isn’t the cost to taxpayers. On the contrary, their concern is to capture more dues-paying and/or government subsidized union members out of the millions that are here now and the millions that will follow. See it for what it is.

78% Back Tougher Asylum Law

Seventy-eight percent of Swiss voters embraced changes made to the asylum law last September as applications soared to their highest level in over a decade. Switzerland, with a population about the size of the state of Virginia, is experiencing  a surge. Attributed in part to the Arab Spring uprisings, the surge is the highest number since the height of the Balkans war in 1999, when nearly 48,000 people sought refuge in the country. Among other things, the law limits the right to family reunification to spouses and children. They also discontinued using Swiss embassies for asylum seekers to apply. Meaning they would have to get to Switzerland to apply.

The takeaway is the message that the Swiss are making. That it’s OK to have an immigration/asylum policy that is good for the country and good for the immigrant. Instead of one that is bad for the country.

Link: Tougher asylum law backed by large majority – The Local.

Tax Credit Bonanza For Illegal Immigrants?

Can’t think of a better way to just slit this country’s throat. Why do Democrats like Schumer hate this country so much that they’re willing to lay down our sovereignty and heritage? Too embarrassed to be proud of America at the expense of political party dominance. Do you know of any country that would pay illegal immigrants to come and for being here illegally?

It’s no wonder Democrats won’t consider the FairTax. It doesn’t allow for income redistribution like this.

Tax credit bonanza for illegal immigrants? | The Daily Caller.

Mexico, Most Dangerous In West

Seems like only yesterday that we were talking about an American being thrown in jail on a trumped-up drug charge. Actually, it was. mass_kidnapping_mexicoNews from Mexico City today is about a mass kidnapping. 11 people kidnapped from a bar in broad daylight, a half block from the city’s main boulevard, and a few blocks from police headquarters. Not far from where the grandson of Malcom X was murdered a few weeks ago over a phony bar tab.

And if you think the corruption and criminal drug related activity is limited to Mexico, you’d be wrong. It’s migrating into cities all over the United States as well. Think about that the next time you hear Secretary of Homeland Security Janet ‘Big Sis’ Napolitano say how our border with Mexico has never been more secure. I guess she can say that when, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most secure, the protection level is 3. That’s good news. It could be worse. By 2. It sounds better than saying we’ve got a long way to go before it is really secure. Of course she’ll never say that.

Did you know that the State Department website has Mexico on their Travel Warning Advisory? Since November of 2012? According to their list, it is the most dangerous country in the Western Hemisphere.

With the administration in such a rush to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” legislation crafted behind closed doors, with only eight percent of our representatives (Gang of 8), I can see a back-door opening up for when that fails. And I hope it does fail. Mexico is so corrupt and dangerous that I wouldn’t put it past this administration to simply grant asylum to anyone running across the border.

Links: 11 vanish from Mexico City bar in suspected kidnap  |  Travel Warning U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Bureau of Consular Affairs

aSide Order

Mexico, Central America’s Banana Republic

Gary and Yanira Maldonado, who live near Phoenix, Ariz., traveled to Mexico last week to attend a family funeral. On their way back to the U.S. their bus was stopped at a military checkpoint where soldiers ordered all passengers off the bus.

Later soldiers told the couple that marijuana was found under her seat and the seat next to hers…and Yanira was arrested, KPHO-TV said.american_is_mexican_hostage

Yanira’s brother, Brandon Klippel, said the couple were the only U.S. citizens on the bus – and if drugs were truly found on board, they were already there when the couple sat down, KPHO-TV reported.

“His attorney had talked to the prosecuting attorney there and came back to him and said, ‘You know how it works in Mexico, right?’” Klippel told CBS5 News. “He said, ‘no I don’t.’ He [attorney] said, ‘well, if we bribe the judge – then he’ll let you go.’”

Here’s an idea. Stay out of Mexico, under any circumstances. Don’t vacation there. Let the corrupt politicians and drug lords die by their own sword. Their problem is not our problem to fix. With any luck, more Mexicans here illegally will return home and face that reality and take their country back. Instead of trying to take this one.

Why do we have a President and Secretary of State anyway? I think that they are supposed to protect us and our interests? Since the ones who are supposed to intervene seem to be UN-involved yet again, maybe we should ask Dennis Rodman to intervene?


 Southern Justice Cost Woman Her Life, Over A Parking Ticket

st_claire_courthouseIn a suburban Birmingham, Alabama courtroom, Dwana Vonica London-Richardson, age 45, died on the courtroom floor struggling to breathe, after being arrested and jailed over an unpaid parking traffic violation. That, after being refused medical treatment, an asthma inhaler, in the courtroom. Despite pleas for help from her daughter.

Ayunna Johnae London, the daughter of the deceased victim, claims her mother died gasping for breath in the court after being treated callously and unconstitutionally. Her mother suffered from asthma and other health conditions yet the jail administration refused to get her medication, saying she was faking it, and then they let her die in the courtroom, according to Ayunna.


Out Of The Closet, A True Confession

After seeing life-changing things like this in the news media, I question whether there’s anything to it. So, after looking deep inside my psyche and emotions, I’ll confess what I’ve carried with me since my earliest memories. To get this monkey off my back, so to speak. It is something that, for me, just seemed to come naturally. Juvenile experimentation aside, I have come to realize that I have always been attracted to the opposite sex and am a heterosexual.

That being said, only one question remains. Beside the President, who cares and what does it matter? OK, that’s two questions.

Dems Don’t Want Immigration Reform

Want proof that Democrats don’t want ‘Immigration Reform?’  Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. will tell you. He added a provision conferring benefits to same-sex partners to the Gang of 8’s proposed bill.

Sen. Rubio doesn’t want it. I don’t want their brand of Immigration Reform either. But for a lot of different reasons.

Adding the hairy ass amendment to an immigration bill is designed to keep ‘immigration reform’ as a campaign issue. That’s what the Democrats want. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have included such an irrelevant and controversial topic into the bill.

You can bet that any bill that is ‘comprehensive’ isn’t going to be good. And by comprehensive, I mean all-encompassing, all law, with none of the components debated and none of the components prioritized. The Affordable Health Care Act is an example of the consequences of hastily rushing legislation through, especially when you have lawmakers that can not be trusted. And for good reason. For example, this administration will allow the AHCA to remain after ‘discovering’ that none of what it was promised to do when it was being ‘sold’ to Americans has happened. Instead, it has made everything it was supposed to improve get worse. Much worse.

THIS is what immigration reform should look like, and how it should be implemented.

Link: Possible changes to immigration bill could weaken Rubio’s support  |  Same Sex Solutions

Obama Blames U.S., In Mexico

The community-organizer-turned-President is at it again. Before an audience of college students in Mexico, he blames the United States eric_holder_fast_and_furiousfor Mexico’s drug and gun violence. All without mentioning his Justice Department’s ‘Fast and Furious’ gun running program, responsible for arming and killing hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans, in Mexico. Not to mention one of our own border patrol agents.

Speaking in campaign mode, his usual posture, the President accepts zero responsibility for everything he is blaming his country for. Stop the insanity. Just stop it.

President Obama . . .

“And we also recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States. (Applause.) I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms, and as President I swore an oath to uphold that right and I always will. But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do. (Applause.) So we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico. We’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong — behind bars. “


“That’s why today, I have directed the FBI to arrest Attorney General Eric Holder.” No, he didn’t say that. But he should have.

Fact is, because Mexico is such a corrupt and backward country, most of a lot of good things in Mexico come from the United States. Including Mexico’s second largest foreign revenue source, nearly $2 Billion in remittances. That is money mailed or wired back to Mexico from the United States by Mexicans living in the United States.

The Obama administration is still silent on Fast and Furious and that investigation. Just as the New York Times is silent about the President’s pandering to all those undocumented Democrats in Mexico.

Link: Obama Blames U.S. for Gun Violence in Mexico

SEIU May Day Membership Drive, Illegal Immigrants

Did you know that the SEIU was up front on the humanitarian plight of illegal aliens? Well, they are not. What they are after is amnesty and enrolling undocumented workers into the union fold. They call it “Growing Momentum.”

Finally, in the last sentence, the truth comes out. Their push for immigration reform has less to do with the humanitarian aspect than it does for growing union membership among undocumented workers.

Who, Or What, Should Benefit From Immigration Reform?

To answer that question requires navigating a minefield of political considerations. But it shouldn’t have to be that way. As any country proud stand-by-countryof its founding and its heritage should be, the answer is simple. Any immigration should be to the benefit of the country. Not to a particular political party or to any identified “class.”

Democrats act as if the right to run across the border when you’re 8 1/2 months pregnant, give birth in a U.S. hospital and then immediately start collecting welfare was exactly what our forebears had in mind, a sacred constitutional right, as old as the 14th Amendment itself. This is the ‘anchor baby’ effect. That’s not the case. But needs to be addressed, eliminated, in any immigration reform legislation.

There is, or was, an effort to attract and keep highly skilled immigrants in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It was called the STEM Jobs Act.

U.S. Citizen Swearing-In Ceremony

STEM Jobs Act summary . . .

Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to make up to 55,000 visas available in FY2014 and subsequent fiscal years to qualified immigrants who:
(1) have a doctorate degree in a field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM degree) from a U.S. doctoral institution of higher education; and

(2) have taken all doctoral courses in a STEM field, including all courses taken by correspondence or by distance education, while physically present in the United States.

Illegal Immigrants Swearing

It passed the House with bi-partisan support. But died in the Democrat-controlled Senate. What could be controversial about that? It appears that smart and self-sufficient immigrants, those likely to be job creators themselves, not dependent on government welfare programs are not the kind of immigrants Democrats prefer. They prefer immigrants that are both bad for society and good for their political party.

Continue reading Who, Or What, Should Benefit From Immigration Reform?