All posts by Ross

Terrorists Nabbed, HERE

FBI gets six terrorists before they could make a surprise attack on Fort Dix.  Maybe by coincidence, all six are Muslims. No Buddhists, no Christians, no Jews, no whatever else.

Can we know if the Patriot Act played a role in bringing this terrorist cell down?  Sen. Joe Biden would like to know.

Nobody, not even Joe Biden, denies that terrorist cells like this one exist in this country.  And yet, people like Joe Biden want to kill the patriot act, and use the way-back machine to go back to a pre-9/11 mentality on security and defense.  In light of what happened today, I don’t think we’re ready to put down our guard just yet.

Another One Bites The Dust

Dead terrorist Muharib Abdul-Latif al-JubouriIs it me or does there seem to be more positive news being reported on lately?  Muharib Abdul-Latif al-Jubouri, the kidnapper of CSM reporter Jill Carroll assumed room temperature.

The US military said it killed a senior figure in Al Qaeda’s Iraq operation, one who also played a role in the murder of the American Tom Fox, the murder of former Monitor interpreter Alan Enwiya, and the kidnapping of Monitor reporter Jill Carroll.

Left Attacks Limbaugh, So What’s New?

The Seattle Times titles the story “Limbaugh draws fire on Obama parody.”   He may be drawing fire, but not from anyone who counts.  It’s only the Soros financed Media Matters and their far-left ilk who are making something out of it.   Them and some callers to Al Sharpton’s talk radio show.  As for Obama, he thinks it’s not to be taken seriously. 

Obama’s campaign called the song “dumb,” although a spokesman said the campaign doesn’t think anyone is taking the song seriously.

“It’s not the first dumb thing said during the course of this campaign and it likely won’t be the last,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said. “But, frankly, I don’t think anyone takes this too seriously.”

It’s a hilarious parody that correctly characterizes the Sharpton / Obama dynamic.   

Limbaugh predicted the lefts’ reaction, including the ones who will bring it up. And viola, here it is.  The Limbaugh Institute does know how to push the left’s buttons.  It was also educational to watch.

Here’s 3 more iterations of the same story by By Christi Parsons at the Chicago Tribune:  Limbaugh under fire for Obama parody – Memphis Commercial Appeal,  Limbaugh’s ‘Negro’ parody stirs racial concerns – Houston Chronicle, and Parody targets role of race in Obama candidacy – The Honolulu Advertiser

Democrat ‘Debate’ Analysis

Ann Coulter’s column about the Democrat Debate last week is a gem.

“I just woke up from watching the Democrats’ debate last Thursday, and I am rested and ready to report!”

Ann’s account of the debate is priceless.  John Edwards had trouble naming his favorite moral leader, a question that kind of stumped him.  And surprisingly, Ann came to his defense . . .

In fairness to Edwards, asking a trial lawyer to name his favorite moral leader is like asking the president of Iran to name his favorite Jew. (Answer: George Soros.)

France’s Royal Warns Of Out-Of-Control Muslims

Coming out of their last debate before the run-off election May 6, France’s socialist candidate Segolene Royal laments, if France elects Sarkozy then there will be violence in the streets similar to the rioting in the summer of 2005.   As a reminder, those were Muslims doing the rioting in ghettos all over France.

Reminds me of a similar stunt during the 2000 presidential race here when our own socialists democrats said if you elect a republican then black churches will burn.  The difference is that in France’s case it will probably happen.  But it wouldn’t be because of anything Sarkozy or his party have anything to do with.  

“If the only reason to vote for Ségo is fear of trouble in the suburbs, then democracy is in trouble,” said Yves Jégo, the mayor of one immigrant-heavy northern suburb and a staunch Sarkozy supporter. Ségo is Ms. Royal’s nickname.

France as we know it, will not be France as we know it for much longer.

Chavez Takes Over Remaining Oil Fields

Heard an unusual radio spot on the news today. It was an institutional ad for Citgo (a Bracewell & Giuliani production no doubt) that boasts bringing Venezuelan oil to the United States, and come buy our gas. This, on the same day that Hugo Chavez nationalized (stole) the last of the private oil fields in the country. Coincidence?

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez nationalized the last privately run oil fields in the country Tuesday. The government is taking over four oil projects run by some of the world’s biggest petroleum companies.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, if not his U.S. Citgo business, must be feeling a pinch from consumers’ reaction to his behavior these last couple years. And nobody called for a boycott. It’s not even necessary when people just do what is right. I wish the Citgo employees luck in finding work elsewhere. How about making arrangements to find other employment by May 1st of next year. Celebrate May Day by leaving Chavez’s Citgo. Turn the lights out on your way out.

related link: Petroleumworld

In Iraq Patience Pays , Quitting Costs.

Good news trickles in from Anbar Province.  Tribes in Iraq are joining the U.S. forces to fight against al Qaeda.  CSM was the only media I could find that has this story, complete with pictures.Sheikh Abdel-Sattar Abu Risha: Head of the Al Anbar Salvation Council of tribes that oppose Al Qaeda, he claimed Tuesday that tribesmen killed Al Qaeda in Iraq's leader. 

Like dominoes, tribes reeling from a campaign of killing and intimidation by Al Qaeda have been joining, one by one, the US-led fight against Al Qaeda in Iraq in this Sunni Arab province. Last month, US Gen. David Petraeus told Congress that violence was down significantly here and that the tribes were key to the transformation.

 And this . . .

Message: US military poster shows Sheikh Abu-Risha staring down figures representing Al Qaeda in Ramadi.

But winning over the Bu-Fahed tribe was a coup. It had been one of Al Qaeda’s staunchest supporters, and traces its lineage to the birthplace of the puritan form of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism in the Saudi Arabian province of Najd. It formally threw its lot behind Sheikh Abdel-Sattar Abu Risha.

and to the democrats in Washington who just want to leave Iraq . . .

Anbar’s provincial seat, Ramadi, which Al Qaeda declared in October to be the capital of its so-called Islamic state in Iraq, is now firmly in the grips of US and Iraqi forces.

US Capt. Jay McGee, intelligence officer with the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment from Fort Worth, Texas, says that the motivation for the tribes to join the council is largely self-serving.

“Everyone is convinced Coalition forces are going to leave and they are saying, ‘We do not want Al Qaeda to take control of the area when that happens.’ For them, Al Qaeda is a greater threat long term.”

The Slow Wheels Of Justice

The wheels of justice move at all speeds.  That is to say, it moves faster for some than others.  Take the 10 year old case of (Baghdad) Jim McDermott.  Just yesterday, he lost his appeal, owes $700,000 in restitution.

For more on Nancy Pelosi’s housecleaning efforts that you won’t see anywhere else, check Michelle Malkin’s post.

NASA To Roskosmos, Thanks But No Thanks

When trouble knocks on your door, don’t let it in.  So NASA says no thanks to Russia’s offer to pool resources to do a joint moon exploration project.  NASA is reportedly taking this project on without international partners.  Russia’s space agency head Anatoly Perminov said . . .

We were ready to cooperate but for unknown reasons, the United States have said they will undertake this programme themselves.

Here’s an ‘unknown reason’ for ya.  Putin’s latest clamp on freedom where he says that “the United States was to be portrayed as an enemy.”  His words.  That’s the message radio broadcasters got after being taken over by the State, among other things.  I in no way know that Putin’s ‘enemy’ statement had anything to do with NASA’s response.    IMHO, I couldn’t throw him far enough, even on the moon’s surface, to trust him.  Putin’s enemy fixation sort of blows the whole trust thing out the window for me.