Tag Archives: War On Terror

Iraq, Putting The Media In Its Place

While the media is preoccupied with changing history where the Iraq war is concerned, and, trying to blame G.W. Bush for the rise of ISIS instead of Obama, for losing everything the U.S. won under Bush, here’s a little refresher from ten years ago.

There Were Seven Reasons, Not One

  • Saddam Hussein’s Defiance of United Nations Resolutions
  • Saddam Hussein’s Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Saddam Hussein’s Repression of the Iraqi People
  • Saddam Hussein’s Support for International Terrorism
  • Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Account for Gulf War Prisoners
  • Saddam Hussein’s Refusal to Return Stolen Property
  • Saddam Hussein’s Efforts to Circumvent Economic Sanctions

Also note that all the links in that post, the transcript, the audio, and the video of Bush making his case to the United Nations were to The White House website. After Obama took office, all those links to what happened in “our house” were scrubbed.

Here is a link to the transcript, where you can see for yourself, all seven reasons for going into Iraq. It was not, as the meme today portends, just WMDs. Also, know that Democrats voted to approve going into Iraq too. As did the United Nations.

And how timely a subject. Look at the other post in this link, If We Leave Now, They Will Follow

That President Obama lost the war that Bush won should come as no surprise. But you won’t hear that in today’s mainstream media. The meme today is, what else? Blame Bush.

Links: Text Of Bush Iraq Speech To U.N. |  There Were Seven Reasons, Not One  |  If We Leave Now, They Will Follow

Texas Attacked, White House Frozen

The terrorists react within minutes.

Still waiting for a coherent response from the one person responsible for protecting us.

Winners And Losers, Texas Attack

It’s time to re-assess the false narrative about a war on Islam. It’s a war by Islam. And it is aimed at anyone, any country, that does not bow to Sharia law. And the sooner the Commander-in-Denial starts behaving like a Commander-in-Chief, the better.

Here’s the Winners and losers breakdown. Losers #texasattack & Sharia, Winners #freespeech & America.

From the “Mohammed Art Exhibit and Contest,” the event was sponsored by Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and featured keynote speaker Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician and free speech advocate.

The venue for the event was no accident.

The AFDI event was proceeded by another gathering in the same venue — the Curtis Culwell Center — in January. That event? It was a Muslim Brotherhood event titled the “Stand with the Prophet” rally. It was held there, one week after radical Islamists killed 17 employees at the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo for its satirical cartoons about the prophet Mohammed.

This is the contest-winning cartoon.



This is all it takes to make the Islamic goons act out in violence. Right out of the sixth century.

Only question remaining is where will President Obama stand? With the winners, or the losers? Unfortunately, it’s a rhetorical question.

(A video link of the event is below. The program was interrupted by police at one hour twenty-nine minutes.)

Link: Texas shooting: Isil claims responsibility for first US attack  |  Garland, Texas: There’s Some History Here  |  Video of Entire Event

Obama Lies, Media Watchdog Dead

I’ve figured out what the worst job in the United States is. And Mike Rowe has never been there. It is so bad that it almost takes a village to do it.

The worst job is the poor saps in The White House charged with coming up with ways to convince the American people that Obama and his State Department are foreign policy geniuses. But that’s not all. They have to do it in such a way that, with cooperation of the media, the American people won’t see that he is lying.

And that is becoming impossible. Whether you choose to believe what you see is another matter. But I live in Realville.


Remember when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke before the a joint session of Congress, and said how Obama’s wannabe Iran plan was nothing more than a path to a nuclear bomb? Remember when he said that Iran was mere months away (2 to 3) from having the material to make one? Remember how Obama, echoed by the media, said Netanyahu was wrong? Iran was more than a year from “breakout.” And, that this deal would take Iran 10-15 years before they would have that ability. Remember that? Do you remember when he praised Sec. of State John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) for forging a historic agreement and, that Iran was not going to have a bomb under that (hope and change) agreement?

Thomas Sowell describes Obama’s Iran so-called deal this way . . .

By abandoning virtually all its demands for serious restrictions on Iran’s nuclear bomb program, the Obama administration has apparently achieved the semblance of a preliminary introduction to the beginning of a tentative framework for a possible hope of an eventual agreement with Iran.

Well, the jig is up. And, the media hasn’t noticed. This, so his low-information voter base and other ideologues won’t be awakened.

Now, NOW, Obams is admitting exactly what Netanyahu had said. But that’s only the half of it. Obama knew at the time Netanyahu made that speech that he was right. That was days and weeks before Obama was saying just the opposite.

Doesn’t that our president has no compulsion to tell the truth on the international, and national stage, make you feel just a bit disgusted? Embarrassed for your country? And, are you feeling safe and secure knowing that his lies now translate to a game of thermonuclear war with Iran, a State sponsor of terrorism?

His candidacy was a lie. He lied to sell his agenda to America. He won ‘Lie of the Year’ for Obamacare. Now it’s not just Americans who are at risk because of his lies. It’s the United States, Israel, and the rest of the civilized world.

Link: Obama Kept Iran’s Short Breakout Time a Secret

The Peace Process Illusion

For more than four decades, Americans have waited for “peace in the Middle East.” The reason they’ve expected peace in the Middle East is because the U.N., politicians in Washington, and  the media have us all believing that there actually is a peace process going on. The unrest has been ongoing since the formation of Israel in 1947.

The truth of the matter is, and President Clinton proved the point, that the Islamist half of this phony peace process have more to gain by clubbing Israel from “the process” than they do in having peace. Peace that the Islamists do not want. They want peace without Israel.

In negotiations with Yasir Arafat, the chairman of the P.L.O, Clinton essentially called Arafat’s bluff. Clinton agreed to everything that he asked for. Instead of coming to an agreement and having peace, Arafat walked away and refused to agree to his own demands for peace with Israel.

The controlling political authority in the conflict, Hamas, still has the destruction and elimination of Israel in their charter. There is no way to negotiate that. That is why Netanyahu was right when he said there never would be a so-called two-state solution. Because the Palestinian side is the side that is demanding a one-state solution.

Netanyahu’s clarification was simply to say that he would be for a two-state solution if they had a negotiating partner, including Iran who supports and finances Hamas, that also wanted a two-state solution.  But they don’t. And President Obama has his head up his ass if he thinks peace can be achieved by negotiations when the Islamist side denies Israel’s right to exist. The media is just as irresponsible for giving the president a pass by keeping this story from being told.

The existence of Israel is not negotiable. The reason it is “hard to find a path” toward serious negotiations is not because of the lack of will from Israel. It is because of the lack of will on the part of the Palestinians and their shadow government (Iran) to recognize Israel as a legitimate State. And because of the naïveté of President Obama to pretend that they do.

Too bad President Obama doesn’t have what it takes to come to terms with that very basic fact. He is the one missing the opportunity to bring the parties together. And paling up with the enemy while chastising our ally, Israel, is not even “looking” for a path to realistic peace talks, let alone finding one. And until he does, there will never be peace, and always be a “process.”

Dem Investigators Don’t Want To Investigate

As the famous Church Lady would say . . .church lady isnt that special

Democrats on the House committee investigating the deadly 2012 Benghazi attacks are demanding that the panel’s Republican chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C, withdraw a subpoena for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal emails and schedule a hearing for Clinton to testify immediately.

Now, as has recently been revealed, the former Secretary of State before, during and after the Sept 11 2012 attack in Libya, that resulted in the death of our Ambassador and three other Americans, never used the government email system she was required by law to use, right from the start of her role as Sec. of State.

Never mind all the reasons (and there are plenty) that Hillary would not want her communications to be available for public, and FOIA, scrutiny, but when you are the head of the State Department, your communications having anything to do with the State Department’s Consulate in Benghazi are relevant.

In fact, using then Senator Clinton’s own words, “It is a subject that we are absolutely required to explore.

To think that her mail sever was her own personal mail server, in her house, goes way overboard what the law says about the handling classified information. That in itself is indefensible and, a felony. And reason enough to hold all of her communications on that server under subpoena. The contents of that would be typical Clinton. Making a come-stained blue dress look like child’s play.

That Democrats on the House investigative committee don’t want to do their job is beyond incompetence. It is obstruction. All Hillary’s emails need to see the light of day. Not just the ones she volunteers to turn over.

Talk about bad timing. A convicted felon can not run for public office.  Can you say . . . Elizabeth Warren?

That’s what the Dems on the committee think they are protecting.

Link: Democrats decry GOP subpoena of Clinton’s personal emails  | Clinton private email violated ‘clear-cut’ State Dept. rules

Suffering From PTLD?

Now I’m not making any excuses for racism, anywhere, but it is becoming clear that there is a previously undiscovered mental condition, if not political ideology, present in the minds of some people, like Reginald Dogan for example,  who has a penchant for recalling the lynchings of the 1960’s back to the early 19th Century, on an almost daily basis.

It’s one thing to never let us forget how evil some people are, but it is quite another to equivocate that with terrorism today to the point that lynchings become more important. Also, that people talking about the terrorist threat (that would be me) are more dangerous to these people than ISIS and al-Qaeda and Islamic goons in general.

Reginald Dogan . . .

ISIS is no bigger threat than FBI, CIA, FDLE, GOP, YOU.

I’m not a psychiatrist. So I’m not sure exactly what to call it, PTLD (Post Traumatic Lynching Disorder) or maybe LDS (Lynching Derangement Syndrome). Whatever it is, it is pretty powerful. Powerful enough to turn a blind eye to what we face today. And by “we” I mean everyone. Of all races.

This disorder manifests itself in denial of reality. In this way:

Alicia Pepper . . .

Not taking anything away from the Holocaust but lynchings & The killing of innocent blacks happened on our own soil. It is still happening on our own soil. I see innocent AMERICAN CITIZENS being murdered as a huge domestic issue. Isis can wait.

911OK, here’s the reality as best I could find from statistics provided by the Tuskegee Institute and The Religion of Peace.

  • terrorist attacks by these Islamist goons are happening “on our own soil.”
  • From 1972 to present, 3102 Americans have been killed by terrorists in 74 attacks on our own soil.
  • Since 1968, zero lynchings have occurred on our own soil.
  • From 1882 to 1968, there were 3445 lynchings of Blacks, 1297 of Whites.

ISIS can wait? For what?

This syndrome, whatever it is, is something that HHS and maybe even our President should look into and address. Anything that takes our eye off of our enemy is a good thing, for the enemy.

President Obama, The Enemy Within

By trying to draw a moral equivalence to the Islamic goons, aka Islamic terrorists of today, President Obama is making a dangerous attempt at rewriting history.

The Crusades was a push back, a fighting back, of an Islamic war. A muslim v cresade battleswar based on Islam, the purpose of which was to take over the world by eliminating any other religion. The Crusades was not a war on Islam. It was a war for survival against the Islamic goons of the time. In Islam, their religion is their government. When the battle was won, it was over. Christians didn’t continue killing “non believers.”

By drawing this moral equivalence, Obama says “that’s not who we are.” Sorry Barack O, but standing our ground and not succumbing to Islamic goons, or Nazi Germany, or Imperial Japan, IS who we are. We will save ourselves from any enemy, and destroy the threat. (And we’ll even do the same for other countries who can’t do it on their own.) So from this standpoint, his rewriting history is setting us up for another attack.

He is trying to assuage us into believing that what the Islamic goons are doing is no big deal . This is clear by the fact that the president won’t even use the words Islamic terrorist to describe the enemy.

An enemy that resurfaced in the last 30 or 40 years. And having a Commander in Chief that refuses to fight our enemy, and refuses to even identify our enemy, means only one of two things. Neither bode well for the United States.

He is either hopelessly ignorant of what is really happening, OR, he is brilliantly paving the way for more victories by the Islamic goons, more attacks in our own country. There is a third possibility. It’s sort of like voting “present.” That no matter what, he is not going to answer the war that radical Islam is waging on us while he is in The White House.  But rather, will leave that up to his successor. The spinmeisters have an acceptable phrase for such cowardice, strategic pause.  He is the anti-war president after all. He ran on that.  In any case, he is on the wrong side. An enemy from within.

The racial spin on this is but a distraction from the enemy we face. This enemy wants to kill us based only on their “religion” and it’s high time we get on our high horse and take it to them. Again.

Feinstein vs CIA

Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, released a report about intelligence gathering by the CIA of the terrorists held at Club Gitmo and elsewhere. The same interrogation techniques that they had been briefed on and approved of. And had even questioned the CIA whether it was enough to get all the information they felt they needed.

There seems to be general agreement, even from Feinstein herself, that the publication of the information contained in the committee report (assembled exclusively by democrats) will put Americans and our allies at risk.

So why would the committee produce such a report about a program that has not been used in eight years, and made “illegal” five years ago, and release it to the public, knowing that it will put Americans and allies around the world in danger?

First of all, look at the report itself. It is not the result of an investigation as we know it. No one involved was interviewed about it. The report is a compilation of emails and communications allegedly between CIA operatives and others. “Others” including foreigners and allies. It is a process that democrats in the intelligence committee have been working on for a decade. Part of the anti-war anti-Bush administration narrative we are all too familiar with. Another chance to beat a dead horse.

Due to the sensitive nature of those communications, the CIA did its own clandestine investigation of the members of Feinstein’s committee, to see whether the information they received was illegally obtained. After all, protecting national secrets and informants is their job. There’s been no suggestion that the CIA obstructed the committee in what it was doing.

Simply put, Senator Feinstein is exacting 40 million dollars worth of political revenge on the CIA for spying on her computers. And is also willing to put Americans and our allies at risk to do it. Nothing more than political masturbation at the country’s expense.