So the war on Christianity continues unabated in Syria. This is the time for President Obama to speak out against it and against the barbaric side of Islam. Beheading Christians for refusing to convert to their animal-Islam. It’s time to call a spade a spade.
Raiding a convent, kidnapping the Mother Superior and 11 nuns. If they’re still alive, they’re no doubt praying to be with Jesus.
The only thing I can think of that is worse than what these cave men who hide their dirty faces are doing, is the silence from President Obama. Or is it just another one of his Muslim Brotherhood adventures in Syria, as in Egypt, to start something and then stand back and watch?
Listening to President Obama demagogue Republicans for trying to help Americans from the harm that Obamacare is doing to them, their families, their jobs, and their health care plans, coupled with the sympathetic media supporting him, exposes the alternate reality in the political arena today.
President Obama said yesterday that the Republicans want to deprive you from getting affordable health care offered for the first time in history. That Republicans are willing to shut down the government to deprive you of the opportunity of getting affordable health insurance. And that’s the message you hear from the media.
What you don’t hear from the media is this:
Obamacare isn’t being offered to you for the first time in history. For the first time in history, the federal government is, under threat of being penalized with a fine, ordering you to buy a health insurance policy. And not just any health insurance policy, but one that the federal government approves of, else you get penalized with a fine.
Obamacare is killing jobs and depressing the economy. The President has a handful of people used as props, who have a story about how Obamacare helped them. The media isn’t showing you people who have been laid off or had their hours cut because of Obamacare. Which was the point of Sen. Ted Cruz’s 21 hour speech on the floor of the Senate over the weekend.
The media coverage of Sen. Cruz’s speech was centered around the Democrat talking point of Republicans being obstructionists. They completely ignored the content of Cruz’s speech, which merely highlighted all that was wrong with Obamacare.
Media coverage of Cruz’s speech was reported like a horse race. As in, what did Cruz hope to accomplish by fighting a no-win fight? And how this will hurt Republicans in the 2014 election? Not a peep about how Obamacare is hurting Americans and the American economy.
That it was President Obama and Harry Reid that did not accept any of the three (four if you count H.R. 2300, the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013) compromises Republicans offered to keep the government open.
The irony that President Obama brags about talking to terrorist supporting regimes like Iran and Syria, but not his own Congress.
To characterize opposition to Obamacare as depriving you of a wonderful and historic opportunity, is like being deprived from having a perfectly good limb amputated.
Meanwhile, you’re not thinking about the economy, amnesty, or Benghazi. That’s NOT an unintended consequence.
Just want to prepare you for the circus-like smoke and mirrors we will see Tuesday night as President Obama tries to convince you that you’re all wrong on Syria and should back him for bombing.
We’ll see pictures of men, women, and children dying from nerve gas. We’ll hear him say how the world condemned the use of WMD’s long ago. The president will reiterate the lie that it wasn’t his ‘red line,’ it was the world’s red line. He will use the guilt-trip on you for not feeling compelled to wage war on Syria, in support of his flippant remark about a red line last year.
You won’t hear him say how other countries have committed to use their military to attack Syria. Because no other country has. Not Russia or China, not one Arab country, no European country. France supports using our military, not theirs. No North or South American country. No Asian country. No country in the South Pacific.
The Constitution authorizes the president to use the military as needed when national security (not national interest) is under imminent threat. He will not make the case that our national security is directly or indirectly threatened. Instead, his emphasis will be ‘America’s interest’ which, fails the constitutional test for use of military force.
The president won’t tell you that telegraphing targets weeks ahead of time didn’t cause the Assad regime to move their WMD stockpiles somewhere else. And he won’t tell you that his intelligence sources are the Muslim Brotherhood. He will tell us ‘there will be no boots on the ground.’ He won’t tell you that he won’t send in troops to keep WMD’s from getting into the hands of alQaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood after the bombing stops. And of course, he won’t tell you that the only ones to gain by us bombing Syria is the Muslim Brotherhood and alQaeda.
In the end, President Obama will try to shame you into inserting the United States in Syria’s civil war. You only need to remember two things. There is no constitutional authorization for it. And, our sons and daughters in the military don’t wear the uniform to die for flippant remarks made by their Commander-in-Chief.
Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.