Tag Archives: Politics

Teenager Has Ring-of-Fire’s Shorts In A Wad

A thirteen year old young man phoned in to the Rush Limbaugh radio show to tell the host that he didn’t understand why so many in the Mike Papantonioadministration believe that “global warming” is real and that it is man-made, when there is so much research easily available to refute that assertion like what he found in the public library in his home town. So what do you think that the Ring-of-Fire radio show (co-hosted by Mike Papantonio) did with it?

Here’s their headline, Indoctrinated Youth, Teenager “Destroys” Liberal Conspiracy on Fox. The story begins with . . .

Despite the majority of scientists agreeing that global warming is occurring and is largely man-made, conservatives are now using a 13-year-old’s library research to validate their opinion that climate change is a hoax.

Only people “using” this bright kid is Ring-of-Fire writer Alisha Mims who concludes “It’s disturbing to be reminded that there are people who would strive to prevent a child from learning facts and formulating his own opinions.” She cites the AlterNet, political ground zero of the wacko Left, for her research.

You know when science becomes political, like it is where so-called global warming is concerned? When there is “consensus” that “global warming” is “man-made.” First of all, science is science, and is not based on consensus, ie. “majority of scientists agreeing.” It either is, or it is not. Second, calling climate change “global warming.” Third, that man is causing it. Lastly, that the earth’s climate can be modified by moving vast amounts of money from one part of the earth to the other.

It’s amusing to see how the Left, or Progressives, get their shorts in a wad when they see evidence that a thirteen year old has formed an opinion that is antithetical to their political doctrine. Their reaction is also instructive. That he couldn’t have possibly formed that opinion on his own. And, he’s a “denier.”

President’s Self-Inoculation, Sleight-of-Hand

In an academy award winning performance, President Obama removes himself from any responsibility from his 5 years of crisis-driven obama_houdinination-dividing identity politics in his Weekly Address to the nation.

He repeats the goal that everyone wants. More jobs. Who doesn’t want more jobs? To that goal, while continuing the deceptive language about reducing the deficit (he never suggests eliminating it) without mentioning the enormous debt he has piled up, and the fact that his budget plan never reaches an “in-balance” condition, he continues to demagogue his justification for raising taxes AGAIN (further depressing a stagnant economy) by repeating the worn-out and dishonest (but effective to the low-information audience) mantra about millionaires and billionaires paying less taxes than their secretaries.

Then comes the magic act, the sleight-of-hand. Standing above all that he has done during his entire administration, in the context of Medicare reform, President Obama says . . .

While it’s not my ideal plan to further reduce the deficit, it’s a compromise I’m willing to accept in order to move beyond a cycle of short-term, crisis-driven decision-making, and focus on growing our economy and our middle class for the long run.

His method of short-term, crisis-driven decision-making is why we haven’t had a budget passed and instead, have been expanding the size and breadth of government via Continuing Resolutions for the last four years. It is why we are where we are now.

Women In Combat? Not In This Commercial

Two more women have washed out of Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course, putting a quick end to the latest iteration of an experiment into marine_femalewhich roles female Marines might be able to fill in combat. The women failed the introductory Combat Endurance Test, a punishing test of physical strength and endurance, officials at Marine Corps headquarters said Tuesday.

Link: Two more female Marines flunk infantry officers training

The Blind Leading The Blind

But you know, it only makes sense for this administration. Here’s the lead Democrat Gun Bill sponsor that doesn’t know squat about diana-degette-gun_bill_sponsorfirearms. Thinks clips and magazines are a single-use accessory.  more . . .

Colorado Rep. Diana DeGette, the lead Democratic sponsor of a federal bill to ban high-capacity magazines . . .

I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now, they’re going to shoot them. So if you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time, because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.

The reason it only makes sense is because we have a community organizer for a President who has never run a business, but got elected twice to run the country and take over 20 percent of the economy in the form of nationalized health care. One could expect that the proposed gun control legislation will work as well as everything President Obama has done to create jobs, grow the economy, and increase the quality of health care for everyone while covering 30 or 40 million more people, all while lowering its cost. How’s that working for you?

Note: No offense to the visually impaired is meant by the title. People who are blind see things better than this politician.

h/t Bluegrass Pundit

Obamacare And The Titanic

In an all-out effort to snag as many payers into their single-payer health care plan, the Obama administration is using mass marketing to obamacare_titanicenroll as many ‘insureds’ as they can to help pay for their over-promised health plan, the so-called Affordable Care Act. The list of broken promises about Obamacare is endless. Including the case that the last 30 million people who can’t afford or don’t want health insurance will now be covered. Well, after all is said and done, there will still be between 30 and 40 million people without health insurance. And, it isn’t affordable, no matter how many people sign up.

A marketing analysis posted online by the federal Health and Human Services Department reveals six distinct groups, three of which appear critical to the success or failure of the program. They’re the “Healthy & Young,” comprising 48 percent of the uninsured, the “Sick, Active & Worried,” (29 percent of the uninsured), and the “Passive & Unengaged” (15 percent).

The challenge for the administration is obvious: signing up lots of the Healthy & Young, as well as the Passive & Unengaged, to offset the higher costs of covering the sick and worried.

Basically, what we have here is an ad campaign selling suites on the Titanic, with a ‘motor-voter‘ twist.

Public School Admin, Teachers, Caught Cheating

In the order of ‘no good deed goes unpunished,’ the Atlanta public school system was found to be cheating on tests that beverly_hall_cheater_of_the_year2013are supposed to measure whether it met the federal No Child Left Behind law. Schools with good test scores get extra federal dollars to spend in the classroom or on teacher bonuses. What is meant to benefit the children, was abused and used and exploited by the school administration and teachers union employees.

Juwanna Guffie was sitting in her fifth-grade classroom taking a standardized test when, authorities say, the teacher came around offering information and asking the students to rewrite their answers. Juwanna rejected the help.

“I don’t want your answers, I want to take my own test,” Juwanna told her teacher, according to Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard.

The ringleader in it all was Atlanta superintendent of public schools Beverly Hall. Ironically, Hall was the 2009 Superintendent of the Year at the American Association of School Administrators’ National Conference on Education in San Francisco.

The criminal investigation lasted 21 months and the allegations date back to 2005. In addition to Hall, 34 people were indicted: four high-level administrators, six principals; two assistant principals; six testing coordinators; 14 teachers; a school improvement specialist and a school secretary.

All of the people named in the indictment face conspiracy charges. Other charges in the 65-count indictment include false statements and writings, false swearing, theft and influencing witnesses.

When the children are supposed to be the priority in our public schools, Dr. Beverly Hall and 34 other so-called educators go a long way to make the case for school vouchers. It is union employees like those who need to be left behind. Not our children.

Link: 3 dozen indicted in Atlanta cheating scandal