Tag Archives: Politics

Axelrod, Government Is Too Big

In defense of President Obama’s ignorance of what is going on in the Internal Revenue Service (and the State and Justice Departments), David Axelrod finds himself agreeing with what the Tea Party folks have said since the beginning of this administration. The only difference is Axlerod is attempting to excuse abuse by the embedded liberal government employees because, the government is too big. Whereas the Tea Party continues to say that because the government is too big and getting bigger, it is limiting freedom and liberty, by-passing the Constitution, and with Obamacare, is usurping one sixth of the private sector economy.

Axelrod said, “Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you that you can’t know because the government is so vast.” And that is exactly the way the community-organizer-turned-president wants it. He can accept, or reject, responsibility for whatever he chooses.

There is a dichotomy there that Axelrod is missing. Welcome to the Tea Party Mr. Axelrod.


Repeal Obamacare Begins Today

Today the House is expected to vote on H.R. 45 – To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) in the Health Care fireworks1and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.

Regardless of what the Democrat-controlled Senate (53 D’s, 45 R’s, 2 I’s) does with it, at least Americans can see that their representatives in the House are listening to them.

Rubio Explains ‘NO’ On Water Resources Development Act of 2013

So who could possibly vote against a bill that tugs at your heart strings like a bill named Water Resources Development Act? Senator Rubio (R-FL) could, and did. But for good reason. The Democrat majority Senate pulled out all that would have helped solved Florida’s water problems. Sen. Nelson (D-FL) voted for it because it did help the Everglades. Admirable, but, other of Florida’s water priorities that were originally in the bill had been pulled out.

Rubio explains his vote . . .

Continue reading Rubio Explains ‘NO’ On Water Resources Development Act of 2013

Tea Party President Wins Florida House D-2 Primary

Mike Hill (R), small business owner, founder, NWF Tea Party

Mike Hill (R), president and founder of the Northwest Florida Tea Party and a 2010 Republican Primary candidate for the Florida Senate, won the Republican primary for the House seat left vacant after the death of Rep. Clay Ford (R),  in a primary election Tuesday. The general election will be held June 11 for the vacant seat.

According to the Miami Herald, “If Hill wins the seat, he would become the only African-American Republican currently serving in the Legislature.”

Mr. Hill won by nearly 2 to 1 over the second place candidate.

Congratulations to Mike Hill for winning his first election to public office. And many more!

Unofficial results HERE.


Initial unofficial results include all early votes and absentee votes.
“Precincts Reporting” will be updated as election day returns are processed.
43 of 43 Precincts Reporting


Candidate Votes Percentage
Mike Hill 3,140 46.50 %
Ed Gray III 1,811 26.82 %
Mark Taylor 700 10.37 %
Jack Nobles 644 9.54 %
Scott Miller 360 5.33 %
David Radcliffe 97 1.44 %

Link: Hill Wins Republican Primary

New Orleans Crime Has Common Thread

On the heals of the Mother’s Day shooting in New Orleans, and with the media and the pols in Washington trumpeting stricter gun control cost_of_crimelaws (despite falling gun crime statistics) I came across this article by Walter E. Williams that does touch on what ‘the problem’ is. It is societal and political and is perpetuated by the victims themselves. In cooperation with the race hustlers and poverty pimps.

Today 72 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. Being born and finding out that your mother is 17 years old, that your grandmother is 35 and that you don’t know who or where your father is is not a good start on life. In fact, it’s a near guarantee for school dropout, poverty and crime, but such a start in life has nothing to do with racial discrimination.

In his article ‘Honest Examination of Race,’ Williams casts PC aside to take a look at what plagues large cities under Democratic control.

One definition given for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; it might also be a definition of stupidity. Let’s look at some cities where large percentages of black Americans live under poor conditions.

More . . .

New Orleans’ 7th Ward Erupts In Gun Violence

A shooting incident interrupted a Mother’s Day parade in New Orleans’ 7th Ward. Police are discounting terrorism as the cause. They are calling it your basic “street violence.”

The apparent target of today’s shooting was the Original Big 7  club and its followers. Founded in 1996 in the Saint Bernard Housing Projects in the 7th Ward of New Orleans.  Despite hundreds of witnesses, police have no leads or suspects in custody. On their facebook page, the club emphatically states “Crime and violence in New Orleans is a systemic problem and we strongly believe that safeguarding our cultural heritage helps to address the roots of violence.” Emphasis on “systemic problem.”

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu (D) urged witnesses to come forward with information during a news conference Sunday night at a hospital where gunshot victims were taken. “These kinds of incidents will not go unanswered. Somebody knows something. The way to stop this violence is for you all to help,” he said.

This kind of gun violence isn’t going to be solved by making more laws to not enforce. Shooting people in the streets is already illegal. It’s already illegal for felons to have guns.

Gun violence like this is going to take the people living there to solve on their own. It is not gun control that our nation needs but self-control; a lifetime result molded from the synergies of love and discipline in the home, bonding in the community, and encouragement in the church. Government and laws in the absence of these will serve no useful purpose.

Square Inc. Joins Anti-Gun Hysteria Crowd

Effective March 10, 2013, Square Inc., the convenient portable credit card processor, has aligned itself with the gun control hysteria squarecrowd, expanding their exclusions for use to not just firearms not made in person, but also to ammunition and anything to do with firearms made in person or by any other means. It amounts to a 100% prohibition of anything related to, and including, firearms.

Square Inc. sent notice of their new Merchant Agreement to current subscribers today, with the proviso that by continuing to use their service, you agree to the terms of the new Merchant Agreement.

The updated agreement will take effect on June 9, 2013. If you continue to use our services after June 9, 2013, you agree to the terms of the new agreement. You will be able to access the previous version of the agreement for the next thirty days.

The details are found in Section 6 of their new Merchant Agreement . . .

By creating a Square Account, you also confirm that you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities: . . . (23) sales of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition; or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury

Relating to firearms, the previous policy prohibited use only for firearms sales not made in person.

(23) internet/mail order/telephone order firearm or weapon sales,

If you are a business owner and don’t agree with the stance Square has taken, regardless of what industry you are in, there are alternatives to using Square Inc.  One is Payment Alliance International. They also have a NRA & NSSF Endorsed Shooting Sports Payments Package.

Media, Benghazi Co-conspirators?

From the lack of media coverage of the hearings, it is clear that the media has staked a position instead of reporting events as they mainstreammedialogosunfold. There is absolutely no curiosity to get to the bottom of conflicting reports surrounding the attack. Conflicting reports from what the administration put forth and those of witnesses on the ground at the time. Witnesses, by the way, that up until now, long after the election, have not been heard from. The media has too much at stake in the success of this administration. Because now, they are willing participants in the cover-up as well.

If it is not in the news, did it really happen? If all of what is in the news is the Democrat talking points, does that mean it is true or deserves no further examination?

Cummings Admits To Benghazi Political Cover-up

In his opening statement, Ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearings on Benghazi, Elijah cummings_benghazi_hearingCummings (D-Md.) explained the purpose of the hearings, which was to expose the cover-up committed by the State Department and others. The cover-up that was executed for political, not criminal, purposes. It was an attempt to prevent damage to the administration and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s political future. The extent they would go to do that included lying to the American people and to the survivors of four dead Americans. Americans need to have some confidence that they won’t be lied to by their government, for any reason.

It follows that an investigation of a political cover-up is going to be political. Not by those wanting to find the truth of what happened in Benghazi and in Washington before, during, and after the September 11th attack. But to those not wanting the truth to come out.

Pertinent part of the Cummings transcript . . .

I am not questioning the motives of our witnesses, I am questioning the motives of those who want to use their statements for political purposes.


From the lack of media coverage of the hearings, it is apparent that the media has staked a position instead of reporting events as they unfold. There is absolutely no curiosity to get to the bottom of conflicting reports surrounding the attack. They have too much at stake already in the success of this administration because now, they are willing participants in the cover-up as well.

Benghazi Lies, Are Coming Home, To Roost

It’s not looking good for President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The ‘spin’ they perpetrated over the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on our Benghazi consulate is beginning to unravel. What people who know how Liberals operate knew from day one was, and they are Liberals before they are President and Sec. of State, that a coverup was underway. Critical thinkers also knew that the video that practically no one saw was the straw man to cover the shortcomings, the being caught flat-footed, in the decision-making in the months leading up to the attack, up to the night of the attack.

The attack, not coincidentally on 9/11, blew up Obama’s presidential campaign theme that al-Qaeda had been decimated and was on the run. What everyone knows is that no help was sent. What everyone knows is that the administration was on record as saying that no help could have reached the consulate in time to do any good. What is coming out now, thanks to the whistleblowers who were on the scene is this: the video had nothing to do with it, there was no demonstration that “got out of control” outside the consulate in concert with demonstrations in Cairo, calls for added security before and when the attack started were ignored, and, that help could have arrived in time to save some if not all four Americans.

We also know how it finally turned out. All four Americans, including our Ambassador, were killed, if not savagely tortured first. We also know Sec. of State Hillary Clinton thanked the Libyans for turning in Ambassador Steven’s body, after they were done with him, 10 hours after he was taken from the property. We know too that the narrative the State Department gave of the event, that it was a result of a demonstration caused by a video, was contrary to what the President of Libya said, which was that it was a terrorist attack by al-Qaeda affiliates.  Embarrassing the President in Libya like that could be the reason the Libyan government was not very cooperative in the “investigation” that followed, three weeks after a CNN reporter was at the scene.

The fact that our people were killed when they didn’t have to be doesn’t mean that the President and Sec. of State wanted that to happen. But it did. What it means to me is that they both felt that protecting the re-election campaign was more important, so important that the truth of how events went down on that night could not be told. That an alternative ‘story’ had to be told. And the media, being of the same mindset, carried that scenario. They carried it to the point that people who questioned the video story were part of the black helicopter crowd. They criticized candidate Mitt Romney for acting presidential in criticizing Egypt for not protecting the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. End result of the media theme, Romney was a loon, Barack was a victim of a videographer  and won re-election.

If you’re going to perpetuate a lie, go big. And they did. The phony theme was carried to Pakistan 10 days later in an advertisement on Pakistani TV. Apologizing to the Pakistanis for the video, President Obama and Sec. of State Clinton said that they, the United States, had nothing to do with it. That was the truth. The lie was that it had anything to do with what happened in Benghazi or Cairo. This display of hubris and audacity was made for the US market. To “confirm” for us that it was all about the video.

The political future for President Obama and Hillary Clinton will be determined in the coming weeks, if not this week, when the whistleblowers come out, revealing the truth of what happened on that dreadful night. Confirming that the priorities of the administration was the re-election campaign, over anything that happened in Benghazi. We might even get an idea of just what President Obama was doing that night, when our people, people he was responsible for protecting, were fighting for their lives.

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The media isn’t going to be the bystander in this episode either. They were a willing participant then. They’ll be writing their own future in the coming weeks as well. Will they cover the story as it develops, or will they continue to carry the water for the administration?