Tag Archives: Politics

Pensacola Tea Party

The Tea Party in front of University Mall today was a ton of fun for me. And it was good to see 1000-1300 people of all ages, and of all political parties, come out to say WHOA! No Mas.

I saw a lot of enthusiasm on their faces and in their voices. It tells me this isn’t a one-day phenomenon. As for the FairTax, there were a lot of supporters out there that brought their own signs. And it was more than just Huckabee supporters.


Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL) stopped by and thanked everyone there for doing what Americans can do. Exercising their freedom of speech to send a message to their government.

I’ve never seen 1000 people lining Davis Hwy in front of University Mall before for any cause. By comparison, the crowds at the courthouse for the Bush 2000 election were about 600 people, if my memory serves me. It ended up being a fun night because thanks to the chanting crowds outside and Joe Scarborough inside, they successfully stopped Gore’s lawyers from excluding the overseas military ballots which, you will recall, was what they were trying to do.

Seems to me there is more public activism, or pissed offism, now than in 2000. Of course the stakes are way higher now. Look at this event as the beginning of a peaceful transfer in power in 2010 and 2012.

Sean Dugas says it pretty well in his Pensacola News Journal article ‘Not a penny more.’

Jacksonville FairTax Rally Video

The Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville has a report on the FairTax rally at The Landing in Jacksonville Saturday where about 3,000 people came out to support and to learn about the Fair Tax.

About 3,000 or so people filled The Jacksonville Landing courtyard to cheer talk radio guru Neal Boortz, members of Congress and others promoting a plan to replace America’s income and payroll taxes with a scaled national sales tax.

In Pensacola this week, members of the The Pensacola Fair Tax Advocates Meetup Group will be attending the April 15th Tea Party at University Mall from 3pm – 6pm. Showing our support for not trying to spend our way out of a recession and borrow our way out of debt. The consequences of which amount to  inter-generational theft.


We have no right to deprive future generations the freedom we have by

making them live under the burden of our debt. Their choices will be limited. When it comes to family values, doing this to future generations of our family is no ‘value’ I would subscribe to.

link: FairTax rally pushes plan to replace income, payroll taxes | PNJ: Patriots’ parties protest wasteful spending

Rule One, What It Means

‘Never allow a crisis to go to waste, they are opportunities to do big things.’ This is ‘rule one‘ as explained by President Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual.

What does that mean to you?

To me it means President Obama is not going to rebuild the economy until he first transforms it into his socialist version. Complete with a ‘youth corps’ large enough to include ACORN.

Plans to rebuild the economy come last, not first.

UN Says No Right To Abortion

The UN Commission on Population and Development just ended their session after some serious debate over the UN’s role in abortion. They agreed to not have a policy that creates a right to an abortion.

I have to agree with Iran’s position here. And this makes the first time I’ve agreed with Iran on anything.

Up until the eleventh hour, the contentious term “sexual and reproductive health and rights” remained in the draft document. Just prior to adoption, Iran took the floor to object to the phrase which has never before been included in any negotiated UN document. Iran stressed that the term remained problematic for a number of delegations and urged the Commission to revert back to previously agreed upon and carefully negotiated language from the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Program of Action, which is understood not to create any right to abortion.

In an attempt to get consensus, the chairwoman from Mexico suspended the meeting and after twenty minutes, returned to the room and announced that Iran’s proposal would be accepted and that the term “sexual and reproductive health and rights” would be removed from the text. The document was then adopted by consensus.

This news would put the Left in America on their heels, since abortion is the holy sacrament of their practice, and the UN is their most quoted reliable source.

It also says something about just how liberal other countries are when it comes to the subject of abortion. For the Left in America, saying that the rest of the world is on-board with abortion ‘rights’ and we need to catch up with them is pure spin because, obviously, they’re not.

What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Or in this case, what they won’t know won’t hurt them. You probably won’t find news of this UN action in your local paper or on TV. From no major media, here are two accounts of the UN Commission’s action.

related links: UN Commission on Population and Development Ends with Delegations Saying No to Abortion | Population Debate

Are Schools Now Profit Centers?

Who knew that schools were such big profit centers? Apparrently, the Bush-Kennedy education bill that doubled the level of government spending on education worked so well in generating federal revenue and creating jobs that President Obama wants to double it again. That must be the reason this was in the ‘economic’ stimulus bill.

The first round of school dollars from the economic stimulus law is going to states this week.

Public schools will get an unprecedented amount of money – double the education budget under President George W. Bush – from the stimulus law over the next two years.

link: Stimulus dollars to be released for schools

President Obama Comes Out Of The Closet

After taking in the news of today. The news is not the news. The news is the President, a constitutional lawyer, doing a Pearl Harbor-type attack on the U.S. Constitution, today firing the head of a company because he didn’t like the way he was running it. They weren’t making the right kind of products that Obama wants them to make. That’s what he said. And it didn’t stop there.

He also said he is putting some of his economic advisers (none of whom have ever run a business, the President included) on the board to work with GM’s board to decide which new cars and technologies they should be making. Then, in the same sentence he says it is not the government’s intent to run the company.

What GM’s CEO Rick Wagoner should have said was, with all due respect Mr. President I don’t work for you. And your advisers are not welcome to ‘help’ us change our company. We, with the help of a free market and a timely bankruptcy, will get out of this. You will have to bring the National Guard to occupy our company while we stand to protect our rights. Thank you very much.

I’m still in shock over what he did and said today. It hits me like a Constitutional Pearl Harbor. Not only ignoring it, which he swore to defend and protect, but re-writing it into his administration.

Shocked but not surprised. During the campaign, the Barack Obama that I and others were saying would be a danger to this country, by reshaping it into his version of socialism, came out of the closet today.

Everything President Obama has done these last 66 days has been dedicated to a re-tooling of freedom and the free-market economy with a move to government controlled health care, banking, and now the auto industry.

The Obama we are seeing today is the real Barack Obama. If you want to see what this means, force yourself to read about what his campaign and his willing accomplices in the media did not want you to know about. Because if you did, Hillary might have been the President instead of Barack.

I would call it detailed and specific of Obama’s past. Of course others will call it an attack.

Here is a sample from The Real Barack Obama. It is a ‘must read’ in order to make any sense to what we are seeing going on in Washington today.

This tape would have ended his run if it had been released before the Democratic National Convention.

The job of the President of the United States consists of only two tasks. To protect and defend its people, and to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. After you listen to this radio interview that Obama gave in 2001 to an NPR interviewer, you’ll have to ask yourself how this man could even put his and on the bible and take the oath. It is obvious that he feels the founding fathers erred in the creation of this country and its Constitution. And in this interview, he explores ways to fundamentally change it. Not protect it.

related links: The Real Barack Obama | Obama asserts gov’t control over the auto industry | RIP Constitution, Captionfest

Why The Fair Tax? Why Not?

Compared to the current tax system that we have grown up with, the Fair Tax is revolutionary.

For the last 96 years, lawmakers in Washington have been fixing, adjusting, and targeting the tax laws which are now over 65,000 pages long, and so complicated that the Treasury Secretary himself does not know how to comply with them. And he is in charge of them. The current tax code is too big, too punitive, too complicated, and counter-productive to business, savings, and investment for individual taxpayers as well as business.

For argument’s sake, imagine for a moment, that for the last 96 years we have been operating under the Fair Tax. Taxing consumption instead of income, where people have been getting all of their earned pay in their paychecks every week. And the national averages of income, investment, jobs, and employment levels are what they are.

Then imagine that there is a move in Washington to totally re-vamp and revise the tax code. Proponents of the new plan want to repeal the 131 page tax bill and replace it with a 65,000 page tax bill. Under this new plan, the government can take from 10% to 35% of your hard-earned pay, beginning with your first dollar earned. And if you own a business, the government can take 35% of your business’s income as well. To pay for Social Security, Medicare and other government programs, the government will take 15% of your pay from you and your employer. And when your company is successful to the extent that they realize some capital gains, the government can take 35% of that. Also under this new tax plan, the government will take 45% of your estate upon your death.

Under this new plan, the size of the contributing tax base becomes smaller, increasing the burden on the remaining productive citizens.

Oh by the way, you’ll probably pay a lot of money to have some one figure out what will most likely be the incorrect amount of taxes you owe and you’ll pay for corporate tax compliance by an increase in the costs of goods and services.

OK. Now. Which plan looks best to you? The current Fair Tax plan, or the New Plan?

Gordon Brown, Stop, Enough Is Enough

Yeah! What he said! Only directed at President Obama and Congress. “You can not spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.” This is a must see video. This Dan Hannan guy excellently expressed what most people in America are thinking about their own government.

H/T to Richard Willis’s Blog

Watch Dan Hannan,  European Parliament South East Region Conservative MEP  publicly ripped Gordon Brown’s economic arguments to shreds in a far more eloquent way than I could ever manage.

Too Socialist For Socialists

‘The President Of The World’ is beginning to lose favor with the European Union over the Porkulus Bill, also called the $787 B  Stimulus Bill.

The president of the European Union Wednesday lambasted President Obama’s costly economic recovery program as “the way to hell.”

Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, criticized the $787 billion U.S. stimulus program in unusually sharp comments that highlighted a continuing divide between Europe and the U.S. on crisis-fighting steps. Topolánek said the U.S. was repeating mistakes it made during the Great Depression when it ramped up government spending, and said Washington’s errors would boomerang on Europe.

Who knows socialism better than the EU?

European leaders have resisted U.S. calls for more government pump-priming, fearing the effects of swollen budget deficits. The IMF says the collective stimulus measures being enacted by G20 nations “fall well short of the 2% of GDP recommended by the Fund, especially in 2010.”

Link: EU leader says U.S. plan will debilitate all markets