Tag Archives: Politics

Cash For Clunkers Isn't Dead Yet

As the failure and short-sightedness of the Cash For Clunkers program was already detailed here and here, Democrats in Washington are in panic mode to beg, borrow, and/or steal another $2 billion to continue this UAW payoff.

The first billion lasted 4 days.  So the robber barrons in control of Washington are looking to extend this for another week and a half.  Don’t let them do it. Not without voicing your objection.

Write your Senators TODAY, in your own words. Here’s a link to get you started, Congress.org.

I don’t believe in sending form letters. Please write your own thoughtful letter. Mine is below which you may get some ideas from, or not. Your mileage may vary.

Continue reading Cash For Clunkers Isn't Dead Yet

Life, Citizenship, And Pay Grade

There seems to be another issue that is above President Obama’s pay grade. Citizenship.

At what turned out to be the best of all the presidential debates hosted by Pastor Rick Warren last fall, then Senator Obama was unable (read unwilling) to articulate his opinion on when life begins. Seems he is having some sort of dilemma about when citizenship (his own) begins as well.

The president said that he was going to bring us together as a country. What has developed since the president took office has been anything but coming together. Except in one respect. He has succeeded in bringing together two distinct groups that seem to be at odds with each other. The Birthers and the Aborters.

It Would Be Funny If It Were Not So Serious

If you have no history or no experience on the capability of the federal government, and especially the Obama administration, to run things, all you need to do is look at what is happening with the Cash for Clunkers program.


Keep in mind that these are the same people who are trying to usurp 20% of the private sector of the US economy and control your and your family’s health care before your next haircut. Or to put it another way, before you even know what hit you.

Consumers are happy to take government rebates to buy new cars. Other than that, confusion reigned Friday. The fate of the $1 billion trade-in program was up in the air over concerns that it may have already burned through its funds less than a week after it was officially launched.

On Friday, the Obama administration said it was working with Congress to try to get more money and that Clunkers deal certificates would be honored through the weekend. {emphasis added}

Brian Benstock, president of Paragon Honda in Woodside, N.Y., said  he had already purchased advertising in Friday’s newspapers and he had sent out 176,000 direct mail cards to owners of qualifying Clunkers in his area. “Can you imagine the position we were in last night? We had 176,000 missiles in the air and we’re hearing it’s cancelled.”

So the $1 billion dollar program that was supposed to go until November 1 has run out of money in the first week in July.  Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., said that the Michigan, Ohio and Indiana congressional delegations are working on a $2 billion extension of Clunkers program. Right off of the money tree I suppose.

Are you beginning to feel like the American people are unwitting, if not unwilling, characters in a Laurel and Hardy cartoon?

link: Obama administration scrambles to avoid Cash for Clunkers suspension

Cash For Clunkers, A Teachable Moment

It didn’t take more than a few days of the ‘cash for clunkers’ program to illustrate a few things.

  • When people have money in their hands, they will spend it. And consumers spending money is what drives the economy. In this case, it stimulated the auto industry.
  • The program has already had its meltdown in red tape for car dealers, and has run out of money. And Democrats are looking for TWO BILLION more dollars from our grand children’s future to hand out.
  • That the Obama administration believes that they have a right to choose the winners and losers in our economy, instead of the people. They do that by choosing who they want to bail out (with money that hasn’t been printed yet), and ‘everyone’ is not among those that they want to bail out.
  • This cash for clunkers program could have been done BEFORE the administration fired auto executives, put their own people (who’ve never run a business) on the boards of directors, gave a majority ownership stake of the company to the United Auto Workers ahead of secured creditors, thereby nationalizing the auto industry.
  • That this whole scheme was done more as payback to the UAW than it was to improve the auto industry’s bottom line.

Returning to the first point. Once you realize that the money you earn belongs to you and not the government to selectively dole out, what mechanism puts money in the economy without committing inter-generational theft? The answer is tax cuts.

An even better answer to cutting taxes would be to let the people (there’s that ‘everyone’ concept again) keep all the money they earn and finance the government with a consumption tax as proscribed by the Fair Tax.

NJ Corruption Nets One Body, So Far

Update to corruption in New Jersey.

JERSEY CITY, N.J. – Authorities say Jack M. Shaw, a top political consultant who was one of 44 people arrested in last week’s massive New Jersey political corruption scandal has been found dead in his Jersey City apartment.

Mr. Shaw was a longtime Democratic operative who cut his teeth working for Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago and later was a campaign aide to Gov. Jim Florio.

He also worked on Robert G. Torricelli’s 1996 Senate race, Robert E. Andrews’s 1997 bid for the Democratic nomination for governor, and Jon S. Corzine’s election to the Senate in 2000.

For the full effect, start this video before hitting the link below.

link: N.J. Man Facing Bribe Charge Is Found Dead

What's In The Health Care Bill?

Here are some of the highlights of some of the change the President has in mind for our health care. Complete bill here.

{UPDATE 11/10/09: This is the old version, as of July 2009. The latest version is H.R. 3962. We’ll call it Obamacare v2.0. You’ve come here due to a net search. The latest incarnation of this is the one the House approved last Saturday night and is HERE.}

But first, the lead sentence of the bill H.R. 3200 .

To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans

and reduce the growth in health care spending, and

for other purposes.

‘Pan American’ would be a truthful description. That this bill is intended to cover only Americans is a deception that Democrats and their willing accomplices, the mainstream media, continue to perpetuate.

Below is some of the highlights from the first 500 pages.

Continue reading What's In The Health Care Bill?

Who's Passing Bills Without Reading Them?

Listen how Obama characterizes the Bush administration’s reaction to keep the terrorists from killing our people and our economy with their quick reaction to the 9/11 attacks with the Patriot Act. Compare that to what the Obama administration is doing to merely kill the economy. The hypocrisy is priceless.

Wait. On second thought. Under his proposed government-run health care called the ‘public option,’ the rationing of health care will be giving a death sentence to senior citizens as well. Odd that the AARP supports his plan. I guess they’re liberals first, then senior citizens.

The results are the same, only with Obama’s plan, way more than 3000 people will die before their time.  Whew, talk about an inconvenient truth. . .

h/t National Center Blog

Corruption In New Jersey

So what else is new? In a New York Times article on the recent arrests of 44 people for corruption, the Times ponders the question why.

A decade-long building boom has flooded towns with millions of development dollars, as well as wealthy businessmen eager to secure sewer permits and zoning waivers. The Democratic Party firmly dominates local politics, turning most elections into sleepy coronations. The state’s news organizations, once vigorous watchdogs, have been decimated by a deep industry downturn.

Of the public officials arrested, one was a Republican. The rest were Democrats.

related links: In New Jersey, Ideal Conditions for Corruption | 44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep

Pensacola's Grass Politics

Under the guise of frugal landscape management, the Pensacola City Council is poised to limit and restrict the use of Plaza Ferdinand VII. In doing so, they are stomping on our constitutional rights to assemble in public places.

There is no shortage of grass seed, sod, or landscapers in the area as far as I know. Just as there is no shortage bums that reside there.  The ‘shortage’ seems to be somewhere in City Hall. It smacks of a more nefarious way to limit public assembly for dissent or any other reason.

The constitutional right to assemble is not dependent upon the amount of money in the bank.

The matter will come before the City Council for a final yes/no vote on August 13. Locals should make plans to attend that council meeting and tell City Council what you think. I think that grass does not trump the constitution.

related link: Council moves to restrict use of Plaza Ferdinand VII

Obama, Not Man Enough?

It’s been a few days now since President Obama’s derogatory and racially charged statement against a Cambridge police officer and the entire department, and still no apology.

Obama conceded his words had been ill-chosen, but he stopped short of a public apology.

I have to agree with the President when he says this is a teachable moment. To say that his behavior was less than Presidential is being generous. That his reaction was what it was says volumes about ‘the real’ Barack Obama. What we saw was the ACORN community organizer himself, having received his spiritual and societal inspiration from Rev. Wright, just telling us how it is. The image of my President having a racial chip on his shoulder so large that it overcomes common sense is disturbing to me. We elected a President, not Rev. Wright.

That’s why there is absolutely no surprise that our President would react exactly the way he did. Not to lose his street creds, there won’t be any ‘I’m sorry’ coming from his lips. Not in public. Bottom line, he’s not man enough. And that is our President.

link: AP Obama rushes to quell racial uproar he helped fire