Before getting interested in politics, the mention of the word acorn conjured up images of squirrels for me. Now that ACORN is an acronym, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, it conjures up images of socialist squirrels of the human kind. And front and center in ACORN is the Democrat(ic) party’s candidate for president, Sen. Barack Obama from Illinois.
Rather than have 100 percent of any recovery realized by reselling these mortgages going to either retiring the national debt or being returned to the people whose money they used (that would be you and I), or a combination of the two, the original bailout plan was to give 20 percent of it to ACORN. This was a major objection of the Republicans in the House. Which also explains to me, why they were kept out of the process.
Now that ACORN is front and center in the minds of those that are paying attention to the current financial crisis, we all need to know why, for Democrats, they are front and center in the proposed bailout, especially since they are instrumental in creating the problem in the first place.
Continue reading ACORN And Sen. Barack Obama's Economic Crisis
When I saw the heading of William E. Jackson, Jr.’s column in Editor & Publisher, ‘Delivering Propaganda, As If It is Toothpaste,’ it got my attention. But to learn that it was the documentary ‘Obsession‘ that he was talking about, my next thought was, maybe he should have targeted
the NYT and the MSM with a title like that, ‘Delivering Propaganda,’ instead of this documentary.
That documentary has a history to it that Mr. Jackson apparently is not aware of, or chose to ignore. Because of pressure from the CAIR crowd, it was pulled from a multi-faceted series on PBS about radical Islam and the War On Terror. It correctly shows radical Islam for what it is, what it does, and what it believes.
No movie distributor would carry it, probably out of fear. And no major TV network would air it. It was that powerful of a presentation. So now that it is literally given away, Jackson calls it propaganda. Newspapers isn’t the only distribution method for Obsession. They are also using direct mail.
His article illustrates why some think that the mainstream media serves as the marketing wing of the DNC, and in some cases, al-Qaeda.
related links: Delivering Propaganda, As If It is Toothpaste | Obsession – Radical Islam’s War Against The West