Tag Archives: Media

Blogs, They're Out There

Article in today’s Pensacola News Journal touches on political blogs in Pensacola, and then some. The Lunch Counter got some print. Syndicated columnist Mark O’Brien said . . .

“The Lunch Counter,” https://rosscalloway.com, offers daily blasts at liberals. President Obama “doesn’t have the class to show a modicum of respect for his predecessor,” writes Calloway, who makes a living by selling excellent sandwiches at Philly’s Cheesesteaks on Creighton Road.

It is a matter of record, you know, that the cheesesteak is a non-political sandwich, which is enjoyed by the folks on both sides of the aisle. The plug for Philly’s is much appreciated.

link: Blogs offer Pensacola new views

The Language Of Politics, Can We Talk?

Ever wondered why we haven’t already achieved energy independence? There is no one you can find in Washington, from any party, that won’t say they are for energy independence. Everyone is for energy independence. So what’s the problem?

The problem is the political language barrier. Probably first invented by President Clinton when his Lewinsky defense was, ‘it depends on what the definition of IS is.’ The political parties today are not speaking the same language and the media is speaking the dialect of the Left. It presumes that the other side is just stupid and there is no common ground to be found.

Energy Independence, the Right– The whole point of energy independence as far as conservatives and most Republicans are concerned is primarily a security issue. The fact that we are buying 70 percent of the oil what we currently use from foreign sources, most of which don’t like us very much, is a point not forgotten by those on the political right. Conservatives are reminded of the gas lines and rationing that went on here under the Carter administration after Iran started using their oil as a weapon against us. Like Russia, btw, is doing to its neighbors today and Chaves has threatened to do to us. To mitigate this concern, to become energy independent means to develop enough of our own resources to protect our own national security should the middle east one day shut off the valves. Or, if Iran blows them up.

There would be two other benefits to becoming energy independent. One would be a private sector, high paying, job creation project in states all over the country that wouldn’t increase our national debt one thin dime. It would also stop the annual flow of $700 billion to countries that would just as easily cut us off and sell to China or any other country, and keep that money right here in our own country, and putting it to work in our own economy.

Unfortunately, you will be hard pressed to find a liberal speaking to the national security aspect of oil resources in the United States.

Energy Independence, the Left– to the left it means energy replacement. That is to say, not to use fossil fuels. To be energy independent does not mean to have and use our own resources as opposed to someone else’s. It means to not use our own resources in favor of some technology of the future that has yet to be developed. The ‘green’ lobby, high on the list of political allies to Democrats, is leading the agenda to this definition of energy independence. This is fine and dandy in a perfect world. But it totally ignores the security aspect of not having enough of our own resources if, say tomorrow, OPEC or an oil producing State decides to cut production or worse, cut us off, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

A fact that can’t be ignored is the fact that fossil fuels are the fuel for the worlds’ economic engine and will stay that way unless and until some other source can be brought to market. To not exploit our own resources, as a bridge to some technology of the future and our own national security, is just as irresponsible as forcing us to limit the use of fossil fuels, no matter where they come from, to the detriment of our economy.

While developing this post, other terms and words have come to light that play a major role in inhibiting economic, social, and political progress. Here is a list of some that came out of the news in just the last 3 days. It is what we, as conservatives, are up against.

  • Spending / Investing
  • Bipartisan / the political right ignoring their principles and voting with Democrats.
  • Shovel Ready / Shovel ready in a few years
  • Economic Stimulus/ big government stimulus
  • Opening up the airways / Restricting the airways
  • Tax Cuts / Income redistribution
  • Tax Incentives / Tax Increase ($18b on Oil Companies)
  • Employee Free Choice Act / Employee No Choice Act

NYT, More Than Just Economic Stimulus

Isn’t it odd that the media is not talking about what is in this so-called $825 billion economic stimulus plan? You know why. It’s because the bill contains way more pork than economic stimulus. Breaking another of his campaign promises to cut pork out of every bill he signs, the New York Times is making a feign attempt of real journalism by pointing out Obama’s real plan. But only after it already passed in the House.

As President Obama and Congress barrel toward the latest emergency program to resuscitate the American economy, one question is looming over their search for a cure: Can the government fashion a fast and efficient economic stimulus while also seizing the moment to remake America?

For now, Mr. Obama and his aides are insisting they can accomplish both goals, following their mantra of using the urgency of the economic crisis to accomplish larger – and long-delayed – reforms that never garnered sufficient votes in ordinary times.

What’s this ‘remake America’ crap? It’s simple, and it also explains why all the pork is in the bill, including support for his wacko base in the name of ACORN, which was already rejected last year when the Obama campaign first suggested the $700 billion ‘stimulus’ package.

Pushing this bill through Congress is Obama’s attempt of following Rahm Emanual’s advice. What he calls ‘rule one.’

“Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” Mr. Emanuel said in an interview on Sunday. “They are opportunities to do big things.”

Key point in the Times’ article regarding the plan is their analysis that much of the pork in the bill contains ‘reforms that never garnered sufficient votes in ordinary times.’ This is exactly what Rahm Emanual means in not letting our current economic crisis to ‘go to waste.’

The AP calls the stimulus plan as a ‘bill to fuel Obama’s priorities.’ It ‘makes quick work possible.’ They don’t have the courage to say that the plan is not an economic stimulus plan.

Says al-AP Jan 18, 2009:

The economic crisis that will dominate Barack Obama’s first 100 days as president, and beyond, will give him a rare chance to enact big portions of his agenda that otherwise might have languished for months or years.

Not since Franklin D. Roosevelt has a new president been poised to pack so many ambitious, costly – and, under more normal circumstances, highly contentious – projects into one fast-moving bill.

Touting this plan as an ‘economic stimulus’ is fraudulent on its face. It represents more a big government stimulus than an economic one. Write your senators and tell them not to approve this plan as it is currently written. Remove the pork and instead, put the Democrats’ wish list for America into separate bills and let Congress vote on them individually. Make them live up to their claim of openness and transparency.

link: NYT, A Stimulus Plan With Dual Goals: Reform and Recovery | Stimulus bill to fuel Obama’s priorities | Contact Your Senators

Obama's Listening Tour Hits Snag With Iran

Yesterday, President Obama had his first TV interview with a journalist since becoming President of the United States with Al-Arabiya TV, which is based in Dubai. He proposes a listening tour of sorts with no preconditions, unlike his predecessor. I guess that rules out Iran, because Iran does have preconditions. Two of them.

  1. Get all our troops out of the Middle East
  2. End our support of Israel.

Was Barack preoccupied with getting elected last October when Iran set the preconditions? Too preoccupied to realize the position of Iran, one of the most dangerous terrorist-supporting states in the world? So what is his excuse now, now that he is President, for still not knowing that Iran has preconditions? Especially two that he can not agree to.

link: Iran’s Vice President Sets Two Preconditions for Talks with US

The First Amendment Needs Protecting

For years now, ever since Air America Radio first went bankrupt, when they learned that there wasn’t a viable market out there for their product, the Left has been longing for the return of the so-called Fairness Doctrine. As is always the liberal left’s way, if you don’t like the message, you shoot the messenger. In this case it goes like this, if you can’t compete in the market place, you kill the market. Not satisfied that the Left has hit the trifecta, the House, the Senate, and The White House without the Fairness Doctrine, the probability of its return has never been greater.

The truth is, the Fairness Doctrine does not need any legislators or votes for it to return. It was only suspended back in the eighties. All the FCC Commissioners have to do is to decide, on its own, to reinstate it. And all they need to do that is to have a majority of Commissioners on the FCC to make that decision. Right now there is an open seat and the FCC is split evenly with two Republicans and two Democrats.

Now there is nothing stopping President Obama from picking a Democrat to fill that vacancy, and nothing from stopping a 3-2 decision to reinstate it. Nothing except the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 (S. 34) introduced by Sen. Jim DeMint (D-SC).

For an idea of what the Obama administration has in mind where organizations like ACORN and Media Matters are concerned, please check this newsletter from the Center for Individual Freedom.

Not surprisingly, not one of the 28 co-sponsors have a ‘D’ beside their name. The Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 does only one thing. It would prevent the Federal Communications Commission from repromulgating the fairness doctrine, and nothing else.


‘Notwithstanding section 303 or any other provision of this Act or any other Act authorizing the Commission to prescribe rules, regulations, policies, doctrines, standards, or other requirements, the Commission shall not have the authority to prescribe any rule, regulation, policy, doctrine, standard, or other requirement that has the purpose or effect of reinstating or repromulgating (in whole or in part) the requirement that broadcasters present opposing viewpoints on controversial issues of public importance, commonly referred to as the ‘Fairness Doctrine’, as repealed in General Fairness Doctrine Obligations of Broadcast Licensees, 50 Fed. Reg. 35418 (1985).’.

Elections have consequences, and the possible curtailment of freedom of speech as described above is one of them. This ought not be a partisan issue. This is a freedom of speech issue, a constitutional issue.

The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) says . . .

the Left’s intention and goal is to silence millions of conservative Americans who disagree with the Left’s warped vision for America.

“Democrats want to impose an unfair doctrine that destroys talk radio and silences the voices of millions of Americans who disagree with their vision for America. But the First Amendment of our Constitution guarantees the right of free speech, regardless of political affiliation…”

The entire text of the bill is one of the shortest considering that it will protect the free speech rights guaranteed to all of us in the First Amendment of our Constitution.

Time is now to petition your senators to voice your support for the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 (S. 34)

related links:  CFIF.ORG | S. 34:Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009

Introduced Jan 6, 2009
Sponsor Sen. Jim DeMint [R-SC]
Status Reported by Committee
Last Action Jan 7, 2009: Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 12.
(Powered by GovTrack.us.)

Forget Persuasion, Attack Limbaugh Instead

President Obama is not having an easy time with his nearly trillion dollar so-called stimulus plan, despite getting a jump-start from President Bush. In theory, as in rhetoric, doing something to stimulate the ‘economy’ is what is needed. But if what you propose is, in reality, not an economic stimulus but rather a seismic shift from free markets and limited government, to government control of markets and industry with ‘no exit plan’ (that sounds familiar), then I would hope that he would encounter opposition from Democrats and Republicans, and everyone in between. And that includes Rush Limbaugh.

Rather than trying to persuade Republicans on Capital Hill on the efficacy of his plan, he shifts the focus to a private citizen, talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Speaking with Republicans in Washington on his first week, Obama said . . .

You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.

Echoing chief of staff Rahm Emanual’s ‘rule one,’ he stresses the urgency for action. Never mind what kind of action. Obama said . . .

We are experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis that has to be dealt with and dealt with rapidly.

Having been brought into the discussion on Obama’s economic plan, Rush Limbaugh responds in an interview on Byron York’s blog at National Review Online.

Before I get to Rush’s response, which is below. Harken back to the campaign. Remember how the media virtually ignored and discounted Obama’s alliances with radicals like William Ayers? They characterized them as mere fleeting associations that were of no pertinent significance. The role the media played in Obama’s campaign and subsequent election is the reason people like you and I were not informed, and Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw didn’t know (or didn’t want to know) about just who he (Obama) is. ‘We don’t know a lot about him,’ said Brokaw. (Why didn’t you ask, Tom?)

In his response, Rush puts Obama’s so-called stimulus plan and motivation into proper perspective in the name of Saul Alinsky. In Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, he writes  . . .

“Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules,” Alinsky wrote in his 1989 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule book” with a socialist one. (Courtesy Discover the Networks.org)

Ask yourself, is this not what we are seeing?

Rush’s response follows:

There are two things going on here. One prong of the Great Unifier’s plan is to isolate elected Republicans from their voters and supporters by making the argument about me and not about his plan. He is hoping that these Republicans will also publicly denounce me and thus marginalize me. And who knows? Are ideological and philosophical ties enough to keep the GOP loyal to their voters? Meanwhile, the effort to foist all blame for this mess on the private sector continues unabated when most of the blame for this current debacle can be laid at the feet of the Congress and a couple of former presidents. And there is a strategic reason for this.

Secondly, here is a combo quote from the meeting:

“If we don’t get this done we (the Democrats) could lose seats and I could lose re-election. But we can’t let people like Rush Limbaugh stall this. That’s how things don’t get done in this town.”

To make the argument about me instead of his plan makes sense from his perspective. Obama’s plan would buy votes for the Democrat Party, in the same way FDR’s New Deal established majority power for 50 years of Democrat rule, and it would also simultaneously seriously damage any hope of future tax cuts. It would allow a majority of American voters to guarantee no taxes for themselves going forward. It would burden the private sector and put the public sector in permanent and firm control of the economy. Put simply, I believe his stimulus is aimed at re-establishing “eternal” power for the Democrat Party rather than stimulating the economy because anyone with a brain knows this is NOT how you stimulate the economy. If I can be made to serve as a distraction, then there is that much less time debating the merits of this TRILLION dollar debacle.

Obama was angry that Merrill Lynch used $1.2 million of TARP money to remodel an executive suite. Excuse me, but didn’t Merrill have to hire a decorator and contractor? Didn’t they have to buy the new furnishings? What’s the difference in that and Merrill loaning that money to a decorator, contractor and goods supplier to remodel Warren Buffet’s office? Either way, stimulus in the private sector occurs. Are we really at the point where the bad PR of Merrill getting a redecorated office in the process is reason to smear them? How much money will the Obamas spend redecorating the White House residence? Whose money will be spent? I have no problem with the Obamas redoing the place. It is tradition. 600 private jets flown by rich Democrats flew into the Inauguration. That’s fine but the auto execs using theirs is a crime? In both instances, the people on those jets arrived in Washington wanting something from Washington, not just good will.

If I can be made to serve as a distraction, then there is that much less time debating the merits of the trillion dollar debacle.

One more thing, Byron. Your publication and website have documented Obama’s ties to the teachings of Saul Alinksy while he was community organizing in Chicago. Here is Rule 13 of Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals:

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

And here’s how the Huffington Post and Think Progress lie about what Obama, and Rush, said.

related links:

Welcome President Obama

Today’s inauguration of the first black head of state was remarkable to say the least. The pre-inaugural hype about President Obama’s inaugural address turned out to be just that, hype. True to his style, Obama delivered the speech well and made everyone feel good for any number of reasons. But also true to his style in his campaign, he did not say very much that would put America in a direction that we, as Americans, could follow. That will have to change.

As is also his style, he covered all the bases on all sides. Personal responsibility up, government involvement up. What? Take care of yourself and your family, be responsible, while government will take care of them if you don’t. Huh? He was equally vague or non-committal when it came to energy. Seeming to focus more on what we don’t yet have than on what we do have.

I don’t recall any inauguration that patently offended an entire race, like the divisive benediction delivered by Rev. Joseph Lowery did when he prayed to God for a time “When white does right.” The fact that white people put Obama in the White House seems to have escaped this old man who is stuck in the last century. What a coincidence that the ghost of Rev. Wright would return on inauguration day.

I’m offended by the suggestion that our country has made no progress in race relations to the point that we need to pray to God for it. When what we need to pray for is an Obama administration that can keep us safe and repair our economy, while preserving our liberties and freedom.

I don’t expect the President to address and correct what Rev. Lowery said, but he should. And I don’t expect for the media to make anything of it either, and they won’t. But imagine for a second, the reaction of an inaugural benediction of a republican president where there was a focus on blacks to do something. Anything!

Newspapers Cutting Expenses, Hours, Wages

Newspapers around the country are having a tough time raising revenues for a host of reasons, not the least of which is the economy right now. Papers and Publishers are asking their employees, or I mean their ‘workers,’ to volunteer to have your hours cut as well as your salary. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Gannett Announces One-Week, Unpaid Furloughs

Today Gannett is implementing a furlough program across all U.S. divisions and at corporate headquarters. This means that most of our U.S. employees – including myself and all other top executives – will be furloughed for the equivalent of one week in the first quarter. This furlough will be unpaid. Unions also will be asked to participate.

Emphasis added. Why is there no mention about what the union thinks of their cost cutting plans? Put a camera on the CWA’s president. Someone ask him just how the union is expected to participate? That’s where the news is. What’s up with that?

Wouldn’t you like to see the CWA try to hold up newspaper publishers? Watching that would be like an adult reprimanding a child. Only in this case, I’m having trouble determining which is the adult.

You can bet if the news was about organizing a business, we would see it.

CORRECTION 1/17/09: Gannett is not asking their employees to volunteer to take a week off without pay, they are telling them to, and within the first quarter of 2009. Mmm, wonder what’s up for the next quarter?

related link: What to say if your boss calls during your furlough

Pelosi, A More Open, Ethical Congress

That is what Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she was bringing to the House over two years ago. Democrats were going to be more ethical, more open, and something about working with republicans. You remember, it was back when Rep. William (Dollar Bill) Jefferson (D-LA) was found with $90,000 in marked bribe money in the freezer of his Washington residence. Jefferson, btw, is still in Pelosi’s House.

Last week, unnoticed ? by the mainstream media, Speaker Pelosi made a rule change that effectively prohibits the minority, Republicans, from offering amendments or input to new legislation.

One change puts new restrictions on motions to “recommit” a bill to the committee that approved it in order to add new amendments.

The new rule allows the full House to reconsider a bill without delay, depriving the minority party of an opportunity to add its input on the proposed legislation.

This must be what she meant when she said that her House would be more open, ethical, and will be working with Republicans. It is good that Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) is still around to see how his foolish, ‘friendly gesture’ of ‘power sharing’ has affected Speaker Pelosi.  Have we learned anything here? Some republicans learn quicker than others.

Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL) had this to say about it . . .

Included in last week’s accomplishments was the passage of the new Democratic Rules Package, which extended the time Democrats can chair committees, reduced the rights of Republicans to represent their constituents and took the House of Representatives one step closer to being the most authoritarian and dictatorial Congress since the early part of the 20th century.

Former Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO), recalling PEBO’s campaign rhetoric and comparing that to what Speaker Pelosi has done. Blunt said the changes are an “absolute contradiction to everything Barack Obama said” about nonpartisan politics during the campaign.

This move by Pelosi has got to be the most unreported action by the House of Representatives. Given the political consequences of the rule change, one would think that that would be newsworthy.  Well, then you get into ethics and getting-along stuff so hell, what story? There’s no story there.

related links: Pelosi’s Power Grab: Her Plan to Shackle the GOP | House faces early partisan fight over rules

NBC Nixes Ann Coulter, Not Joe Wilson

In a curious chain of events, NBC cancelled a segment with conservative author Ann Coulter on the release of her new book, Guilty, because they don’t like what she has to say. Not just cancelled the segment, but may have banned her from NBC forever. Joe Wilson (or pick your liberal author) is just fine though.

From the Drudge Report . . .

The nation’s top selling conservative author has been banned from appearing on NBC, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

“We are just not going to have her on any more, it’s over,” a top network source explains.

But a second top suit strongly denies there is any “Coulter ban”.

“Look for a re-invite, as soon as Wednesday,” said the news executive, who asked not to be named.

Tonight on Hannity and Colmes, Coulter said if she happened to be re-invited, she may just cancel it herself at the last moment. That would be cool.

One network insider claims it was the book’s theme — a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era — that got executives to dis-invite the controversialist.

“We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now,” a TODAY insider reveals. “It’s such a downer. It’s just not the time, and it’s not what our audience wants, either.”

The audience of NBC news doesn’t really want that kind of news information?  Big of them to decide that for you isn’t it?

For her part, Ann comments ‘I guess this ends the “they just want to get ratings” argument about liberal media bias.’