Tag Archives: Media

In Florida, What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Especially when it comes to learning about who is running for governor in Florida in 2010. There is only one candidate that actually has a plan to reduce the state’s debt, recover the billions of dollars lost by the Sink-McCollum-Crist triumvirate, create the environment for permanent private-sector job creation in the state, and reduce the cost of living for Floridians, putting Floridians in a financial position to keep their homes out of foreclosure, all without raising their taxes or borrowing more money. But you will never know it from reading the ‘Election‘ pages of the Pensacola News Journal. That candidate is Dr. Farid A. Khavari.

That there is a political media filter at work, and being perpetrated on you, is obvious with a cursory glance at the 2010 Elections pages of the Pensacola News Journal.

I don’t know why this is. Only the News Journal knows for sure. Where Independent candidate Farid Khavari is concerned, I know it’s not because they are not aware of him or his platform. There was a time when the newspaper was motivated to inform the voting public of their options. Now our options get filtered for us. Or more correctly, on us. So the question becomes whether this filter is a result of an agenda or something else?

But more important than even that, the consequences of electing the wrong candidate will cost us all.

Related PNJ links:

Where’s The Curiosity?

“Funny . . . That we are learning more about Christine O’Donnell and her college years, her teenage years, her financial dealings than anybody ever even bothered to ask about Barack Hussein Obama as a candidate and now as our president.”  So true Sara Palin.

Double standard? Na. Where the legacy media is concerned, it’s S.O.P.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It doesn’t matter whether O’Donnell knew someone who practiced witchcraft or if she did it herself sometime. Same as it doesn’t matter whether Obama is a muslim or a witch himself. I’d defend both of them for their right to do it.

Related links: Palin: Why No Probe of Barack ‘Hussein’ Obama?.  |  Media Focuses On Obama’s Religion, Disappointing

Hugo Chavez Breaks Campaign Rules

It’s election season in Venezuela too! Legislative elections are being held on September 26, 2010, and Hugh Chavez (the hemisphere’s idiot) is only allowing candidates he likes to use the country’s media outlets for campaign ads. The ones he does not like are left out. He is breaking the campaign laws in Venezuela but Chavez isn’t worried one bit about that. Because, he says, ‘I’m a political leader.’ He does what he feels necessary to shape the political landscape to suit his socialist agenda for Venezuela.

An electoral official accused President Hugo Chavez and his allies of breaking campaign laws by using state-run media to berate rivals and praise friends ahead of this month’s legislative elections.

Vicente Diaz, one of the National Election Council’s five directors, said Chavez is violating legislation prohibiting elected officials from using their posts to promote candidacies. Chavez has ignored the law, which also bans the use of state media and public funds for campaigning.

Opposition independent candidate for the National Assembly of Venezuela, Maria Corina Machado said . . .

While we are visiting voters, going from house to house, the ruling party’s campaign is imposed through televised speeches.

It’s enough to make President Obama’s inner circle jealous. It is also interesting to note how many of the mainstream media outlets in this country no longer have the links active. One would expect that for a President to break the law to control the media message to influence election results would be of interest and at least be on the front page. Wouldn’t you? Have you even heard about this?

Related link: Joseph Kennedy, Meet Maria Corina Machado

One Thing That’s Up, Poverty

The number of people in the U.S. who are in poverty is on track for a record increase on President Barack Obama’s watch, with the ranks of working-age poor approaching 1960s levels that led to the national war on poverty.
But here’s the good part. The sympathetic media calls it ‘unfortunate.’

It’s unfortunate timing for Obama and his party just seven weeks before important elections when control of Congress is at stake.

Unfortunate timing for Obama? Is that the news analysis? Screw the folks, their readers, I guess.

But rest assured that Obama will not rest until everyone that wants a job has one.

Link: Record gains for U.S. poverty

Quran Burning Day, Misquided

No doubt that Rev. Terry Jones, the minister of a so-called church (in Florida no less) is out to get some publicity. Regardless of the fact that doing so will only stir up emotions among the good Muslims or those ‘on the fence’ in being on the right side of the war on terror, this fool is hell-bent on doing it. There is also no doubt that he can do it, legally. The same as that Imam Rauf guy can build a mosque in a building that was hit in the 9/11 attack, making it actual ground zero. But in both cases it would be wrong and insensitive to do it. Chaulk it up to having a secular government with inherent freedoms.

Gen. David Petraeus expressed concern that this Quran burning party would endanger U.S. troops in theater. More than they are already in danger. Also no doubt, the General has a point. But let’s face it. The enemy there is and always will be our enemy until they either surrender or die. Not burning a Quran is not going to change that fact. And given the motivation of those radical Islamists, who betray Islam, the best thing the General can do is kill them. War is about killing people and breaking things. The responsibility to ‘finish them’ belongs to the Commander in Cheif. Think that will happen?

Also, have you noticed the same people who ran in front of the camera in support of that Imam are missing with respect to Rev. Jones? Same issue, rights and freedom. But like the proposed ground zero mosque, just because it could be done, doesn’t mean it should be done. Rev. Jones needs to get a grip, same as Rev. Wright needs to get a grip. Both are preaching and fomenting hate. One is a race bigot, the other a religious bigot.

There is an opportunity and a role that the media could play in this sick display planned by Rev. Jones. They could flat-out ignore him. Ignore him in print and on TV. That would be acting responsibly.

Also acting responsibly would be to deal with the real issues of oppressive Muslim society where it comes to stoning a woman in Iran. THAT ought to be front-page, above the fold. Not this jerk in Florida.

This undated file image made available by Amnesty International in London on Thursday, July 8, 2010, shows Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a mother of two who was sentenced to death by stoning in Iran on charges of adultery. Ashtiani is now facing a new punishment of 99 lashes because a British newspaper ran a picture of an unveiled woman mistakenly identified as her, the woman’s son said Monday. (AP Photo/Amnesty International, File)

Related Links: EU decries ‘barbaric’ plans to stone Iranian womanHolder: Quran burning idiotic and dangerous

Three Four-Way Debates in Florida’s Gubernatorial Contest

Good call for the Lakeland Ledger to call for a debate among the four leading gubernatorial candidates. The Ledger quotes Alex Sink as asking for debates. Good for the Ledger to call her on it.

“Let’s debate the issues in three statewide debates,” she said. “Let’s call out our differences instead of calling names.”

A four-way debate, fairly moderated, will show Floridians who has a plan, already proven to work, to rescue Floridians and Florida’s economy and create jobs. Only one candidate does, Farid Khavari. But don’t take my word for it. Look at his economic plan for Florida.

Thanks to the alternative media for calling it to our attention. Can’t depend on the media watchdog to do its job. That dog died years ago.

For a good example of media bias, check out the Miami Herald’s idea of the race for Florida’s governor. Talk about circling the wagons. . .   They omitted Dr. Khavari. Included Chiles, but excluded Khavari?

The Herald’s so-called ‘Public Insight Network’ is not showing any public insight at all.

Let’s have that debate. Floridians deserve it.

Links: Florida Newspaper Calls for Four-Way Debates in Gubernatorial ContestCandidates, voters, talk about the key issues | Khavari’s Economic Plan for Florida

Biden, ‘We’re Moving In The Right Direction’

The media is dutifully in line with the administration in talking about this ‘summer of recovery.’ Obama was talking about this summer, right?

The theme is ripe for a SNL skit. The media and administration are trying to put lipstick on a pig by saying that the economic recovery isn’t happening as fast as they had expected. The punch line is you first have to have a recovery.

They just can’t and won’t admit that the policies implemented are making matters worse, not better.  Saying that it isn’t happening as fast as hoped entirely misses the point.  (The media watchdog died years ago.) There hasn’t been any recovery yet. Unemployment is still high and getting worse. The FUD factor (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) created by this administration has not abated one bit. People and entrepreneurs are holding on to whatever assets they have, afraid of what the administration will do to them, their business, their taxes, or to their employees next. Working people are hitting their retirement accounts just to get by. Just like Obama is providing their children’s and grandchildren’s future debt, their parents are spending their retirement money before they retire. See any red flags here?

And Vice President Biden is still bold to say . . .

There is “no doubt we’re moving in the right direction.”

I have to agree with Biden on that point. There is no doubt that we are moving in the direction that Obama wants. It is required if he is to remake America like he said he wanted to do. So from Biden’s perspective, yea, Obama is a genius and everything is just dandy. We’ll be brought to our knees economically until socialism seems to be better than starving. Until we all are dependent on the federal government. It would be enough to make Hugo Chavez jealous.

And, November elections can’t come soon enough.

Biden: ‘We’ve seen this movie before’: The Swamp.

Media Focuses On Obama’s Religion, Disappointing

For the first time (I’m guessing) in the history of the United States, an official at The White House has issued a statement that says the President is a Christian. And that he prays daily. The statement wasn’t clear whether he prays to Allah, God or Karl Marx. The fact that such a statement was even made underscores the fact that the question is out there. A rather stunning question about the President of the United States.

My reaction to this ‘news’ that Obama is a Christian falls in the ‘disappointed’ category.

First and foremost, disappointed that his religion should be a topic at all, let alone newsworthy. If you understand the First Amendment, he is free to believe or not to believe in whatever religion he wants. The fact that liberalism itself has become a religion is besides the point. In much the same way that Islam is inextricably connected to government, social behavior, and all aspects of public and private life. The Left sure made a big deal about Gov. Romney’s religion didn’t they?

But in America, and as far as I’m concerned, I don’t care if he is an atheist or a witch doctor. It’s what the president does and says that matters to me.

Second, that 18 percent of the American people believe he is Muslim, and only 34 percent believe his is a Christian, and a whopping 48 percent don’t know, says a lot of how disconnected this president is from the American people. That’s disappointing. It is symptomatic of his style. Don’t commit to anything, even your faith, else there is someone out there who will be offended. (Like radical Muslims) He is the total opposite of say, Ronald Reagan. Everyone knew who he was and that he stood for America and every American within its borders, and of every faith. He did not play favorites.

For Obama, he traipse around the world, into the Muslim world, and apologizes for American mistakes and arrogance (his words). He doesn’t attend a National Prayer breakfast, but does host a Ramadan dinner at The White House. He, and his Attorney General, go to great lengths to afford Gitmo terrorists, who also happen to be radical Muslims from foreign lands, the protections of our Constitution and civilian court system. And most recently, he spoke in favor of building a mosque (a trophy mosque to Islamic extremists) in the shadow of Ground Zero in New York, totally offending not only the victims’ families but seventy percent of Americans.

Taking his actions and words into account, it is not hard to understand why two-thirds of the country either think he is a Muslim or just don’t know what religion he is. And that’s disappointing indeed.

Link: White House says Obama is Christian, prays daily

What Happens When Bush Tax Cuts Expire?

Income taxes punish work, stifle innovation (except in ways to avoid a tax liability) and risk-taking. Coming to a network news outlet near you, in addition to all the racial stirrings provoked by the ‘post-racial’ Obama administration, prepare yourself for the next chapter in the Obama administration’s (aka Saul Alinsky) handbook; class envy/warfare.

It comes around in election seasons, which seem to never end nowadays. And it comes around whenever tax reform is discussed in the form of ‘tax cuts for the rich.’

Barring any intervening legislation, these are the numbers by income tax bracket of how the tax rates will change when ‘the Bush tax cuts’ expire.

• Up to $16,750: Rises from 10 percent to 15 percent
• From $16,751 to $58,200: Stays same at 15 percent, but entire bracket pays 5 percent additional on the first $16,750
• From $58,201 to $68,000: Rises from 15 percent to 28 percent
• From $68,001 to $137,300: Rises from 25 percent to 28 percent
• From $137,301 to $209,250: Rises from 28 percent to 31 percent
• From $209,251 to $373,650: Rises from 33 percent to 36 percent
• $373,651 and up: Rises from 35 percent to 39.6 percent

The spreadsheet below shows how much more of your income (not counting all the income credits and re-distribution schemes contained in the 75,000+ page Internal Revenue Code) you will owe Uncle Sam on every dollar you earn beginning January 1, 2011. Note the gimmick in the second tax bracket, where the poor and not as poor ‘working people’ reside. You know, the one class that Obama claims to advocate for. These brackets capture the majority of the income earning population. The tax rate remains the same, but the entire bracket pays 5 percent additional on the first $16,750. The consequence of this magic trick is putting the largest tax burden, as a percentage of income, square on the backs of the poor. The rate of increase on the next bracket, those whose income falls between $58,201 and $68,000, goes up by a massive 86.67 percent. The so-called ‘working people.’ I add ‘so-called’ to the discussion because this administration would like the dumb masses to believe that rich people don’t work. ‘Working people’ is class envy for the poor aimed at the rich, by the ‘uniter’ himself. It is a necessary function of class envy, which this administration so effortlessly employs. And so far gets away with.

From $ To $ From % To % $ Increase % Increase Increase as % of Income
$0 $16,750 10.00% 15.00% $838 50.00% 5.00%
$16,751 $58,200 15.00% 15.00% $9,568 0.00% 16.44%
$58,201 $68,000 15.00% 28.00% $8,840 86.67% 13.00%
$68,001 $137,300 25.00% 28.00% $4,119 12.00% 3.00%
$137,301 $209,250 28.00% 31.00% $6,278 10.71% 3.00%
$209,251 $373,650 33.00% 36.00% $11,210 9.09% 3.00%
$373,651 $500,000 35.00% 39.60% $23,000 13.14% 4.60%

Obama’s Tax based on his 2009 income. $5,505,409 35.00% 39.60% $253,249 13.14% 4.60%

Don’t be fooled by the tax brackets or these numbers either. They give the illusion that everybody is actually paying taxes. Everyone is not paying taxes. The truth is, for 2005, the top 1% of income earners paid 39% of all tax revenue. That’s up 2% since President Bush took office in 2000. 86% of all federal income taxes were paid by the top 25% of income earners. And 97% of all taxes paid are paid by the top 50% of income earners.

The power to use the ‘tax hammer’ to micro-manage voting, social and economic behavior is the drug the politicians must be weaned from. The FairTax takes that tax hammer away by putting the economic power where it belongs, with the people. All the people. Not Washington politicians and lobbyists. Because the FairTax is transparent, the FUD factor goes away. The Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt goes away, and citizens and entrepreneurs can make business decisions with some certainty of risk and tax consequences. 

The FairTax unleashes the potential for economic activity, innovation, job creation, personal wealth and financial security without the interference of Washington and without increasing the national debt. And as a not insignificant side effect, the class warfare game with taxation becomes a thing of the past. Allowing the elected officials to concentrate their efforts to serving their constituents instead of trying to rob them.

Not Blind, Color Blind, Or Transparent

Such is the modus operandi in the administration that, according to candidate-turned President Barack Obama, is not open, not transparent, and not for equal justice but for a non-equal ‘social justice.’

The warnings of what Obama was all about when he was a candidate, which were laughed off as just angry white folk rhetoric, have all come to fruition this past 18 months. And the most egregious examples of this happened this week.

Two biggies that the Obama administration got a pass from the dead media watchdog were the dropping of a case which, by any other color, was nothing short of voter intimidation and a level of a ‘hate crime’ involving a black version of the KKK called the ‘new’ Black Panthers and the appointment of a czar to be in charge of Obamacare.

The Black Panthers were already guilty by default judgement when they failed to appear in court. All that was left was their arrest and sentencing. But AG Eric Holder’s people stepped in and said, nevermind. Case dismissed.

The amount of restraint necessary, if not pure journalistic malpractice, to not make THAT a front page above-the-fold story is both amazing and disgraceful at the same time.

Then, the recess appointing of Donald M. Berwick to administer the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was not done because Republicans would use the filibuster or try to delay him from getting the appointment. On the contrary, Republicans very much wanted to have confirmation hearings in order to hear his testimony on his widely known ideas on the rationing of health care and on the redistribution of wealth to administer health care. Like Obamacare itself, which was put into law by by-passing the normal legislative process, this appointment was made to be anything but open and transparent. But hey, you can’t say we didn’t warn you what Obama was all about.

This is not an argument about ‘all presidents make recess appointments, so this is no different. Republicans are just upset because Obama is black,’ or some such nonsense. At issue here is that the reason for the recess appointment was to keep the people from knowing exactly what Obama and Donald Berwick have in store for us regarding government-run health care.

Republicans, like the rest of America, would want to be assured that there won’t be any rationing (death panel) of health care under Obamacare or any form of government-run health care. Obama knew that having open hearings on his confirmation would bring all that out in the open for even the most fervent of Obama supporters to see.

refrain . . .

The amount of restraint necessary, if not pure journalistic malpractice, to not make THAT a front page above-the-fold story is both amazing and disgraceful at the same time.