Tag Archives: Media

President Takes Charge

In a statement released to the media at 3 a.m. today about the IRS scandal, President Obama said . . .

I demand that everyone in my administration cooperate fully with this investigation. People found violating any laws will be prosecuted.

No, he didn’t really say that. Why do you suppose he hasn’t? What he has said about it all is that he is “shocked.” Yep, just another one of those thing happening around him that he knows nothing about. Rest assured though, he’s going to get to the bottom of it. Because he said so. And that seems to be good enough for the mainstream media.

Progs In Denial Over Benghazi

So there I was this morning, listening to Media Matters Radio on the Talk Left channel on XM radio. It’s a good place to go to see what’s in their head. They don’t hold back. Sort of like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. For today’s exercise, it didn’t take long to see that ‘there’s no there there.’

If it were not for FOX News, they wouldn’t have a show. Maybe I started listening in the middle of the demonize FOX hour. Not sure. But media_matters_radiothe subject was Behghazi and how Republicans are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Essentially agreeing with EVERYTHING President Obama has said on the subject, except one that garnered no mention.

Where they dwell, Obama isn’t soft on terrorism. In fact, on his first mention of the Benghazi attack, he said the word terrorism, albeit in a general sense, so, yes, Obama said that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack. That’s good enough for them. They berated FOX anchors and FOX contributors for asking why no help was sent, where Obama was on the night of the attack, what he did on the night of the attack, and why there was no photographic evidence that Obama was involved in the crisis management one would expect to see in such an instance? And the biggie, by wanting to know what Obama was doing on that night, Republicans are trying to attach blame for the attack to him.

They were fine with Sec. of Defense Panetta’s statement that he called the President and that he (Obama) was kept abreast of the situation. So for FOX to ask those questions was just stirring up a political attack. Sore losers and all that. As I recall, Panetta made that call late afternoon or early evening of the 11th. The fight at the consulate went on for over eight hours after that call was made. And as far as anyone outside The White House knows, that was the last communication to the President on the subject. You would think that the Progs might have figured that something isn’t right about that. Apparently not.

I think they were all fair questions to ask based on experience. President Obama seemed eager to let the world see him in the situation room while he was killing a Muslim, bin Laden. If he were at least as involved on September 11, 2012, why do you think he didn’t want to be seen trying to save four Americans? Could it be because he chose to do nothing instead of something? We all know that no help was sent. We know that people closest to them were told to stand down. Although we don’t yet know who, as in a name, gave those orders. We all, except for the Progs, want to know why? That’s not creating a political smear campaign. That’s just wanting to know the truth of what happened.

They also never got around to the testimony, under oath, that State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland didn’t want any reference to alQaeda, or terrorist attack, or earlier warnings, as was in the CIA’s initial report, to be in their final version, for political reasons like an upcoming election.

The early versions of the talking points, drafted entirely by the CIA, included references to the al Qaeda affiliate Ansar al-Sharia and to previous CIA warnings about terror threats in Benghazi. State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland expressed concerns about including those references in the talking points.

In one email, previously reported by ABC News, Nuland said that including the CIA warnings “could be used by Members [of Congress] to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings so why do we want to feed that? Concerned …”

Translation: for political reasons, delete all references of the truth of what actually happened.

obama_clinton_benghazi_videoOddly enough (not really), the one thing that Obama said that the Progs on today’s show totally ignored was that he also said, for weeks after and to the United Nations, that the attacks were a result of a “demonstration” by a crowd that was pissed off because of a cartoon video mocking Islam. Somehow, they never got around to reconciling that lie. Why? Because the perpetration of that lie by Obama himself ties him to the attack and the subsequent cover-up. That’s why.

Somehow, the Progs on talk radio don’t see a need to find the truth of what happened, despite the fact that the American people and the relatives of four dead Americans were lied to for political considerations. Instead, the meme is Republicans are on a political witch hunt. Apparently, they are OK with the lies. Especially for political manipulation weeks before a Presidential election. “Whatever it takes” is their moral standard.

The media bought him the time he needed to dodge the truth until after the election by parroting The White House’s talking points. Now, they’re trying to save face by appearing to be inquisitive. That’s all a show too. The election is over and the cow is out of the barn.

Link: The Benghazi Emails: Talking Points Changed at State Dept.’s Request

Colorado Sheriffs File Suit Against New Gun Laws

In a bi-partisan effort, all but 10 of Colorado’s 64 county sheriffs have signed onto a lawsuit aimed at blocking the Democratic gun control measures passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper back in March.

sheriffs_sue_coloradoJoining the Sheriffs in the civil rights lawsuit, supported by the Independence Institute, are disabled people, Outdoor Buddies (a charitable organization for disabled people), licensed firearms dealers, Magpul, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Colorado State Shooting Association, the Colorado Outfitters Association, Colorado Youth Outdoors, and Women for Concealed Carry, according to a press release from the Independence Institute.

This press conference gives a good snapshot of why these new laws, effectively written by New York’s Mayor Michael (Nanny) Bloomberg, are ineffective, unenforceable, and unconstitutional. The product of laws written by emotion and without deference to the Constitution.

One Sheriff in favor of the law, Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson, highlights the disconnect between logic and emotion. Keeping in mind that every law enforcement officer takes an oath to abide by and support the Constitution, Robinson said back in January . . .

“Public safety professionals serving in the executive branch do not have the constitutional authority, responsibility, and in most case, the credentials to determine the constitutionality of any issue,” Robinson said in the statement. “Law enforcement officials should leave it to the courts to decide whether a law is constitutional or not.”

Oh really? And the point of the oath is . . . ?

Because of the sensational media coverage of gun crime, including the Sandy Hook and Aurora massacres, the public erroneously believes that gun crime is up and out of control. These lawmakers want you to believe that these laws would have prevented such shootings, which they would not. The gun control lobby would also have you think that the criminals get most of their guns through the ‘gun show loophole,’ aka private citizen transfer. They don’t.

According to a DOJ survey, private transfers at gun shows account for only 2% of guns obtained and used in crimes. “About 10 percent said they purchased their gun from a retail shop or pawn shop, 37 percent obtained it from family or friends, and another 40 percent obtained it from an illegal source.” The only thing that is out of control is the gun grabbing industry that continue to attack the Second Amendment on emotional grounds. According to the DOJ’s own statistics, gun ownership is way up. AND violent gun crime is way down. That trend is over the last 18 years and continuing.

Media, Benghazi Co-conspirators?

From the lack of media coverage of the hearings, it is clear that the media has staked a position instead of reporting events as they mainstreammedialogosunfold. There is absolutely no curiosity to get to the bottom of conflicting reports surrounding the attack. Conflicting reports from what the administration put forth and those of witnesses on the ground at the time. Witnesses, by the way, that up until now, long after the election, have not been heard from. The media has too much at stake in the success of this administration. Because now, they are willing participants in the cover-up as well.

If it is not in the news, did it really happen? If all of what is in the news is the Democrat talking points, does that mean it is true or deserves no further examination?

Cummings Admits To Benghazi Political Cover-up

In his opening statement, Ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearings on Benghazi, Elijah cummings_benghazi_hearingCummings (D-Md.) explained the purpose of the hearings, which was to expose the cover-up committed by the State Department and others. The cover-up that was executed for political, not criminal, purposes. It was an attempt to prevent damage to the administration and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s political future. The extent they would go to do that included lying to the American people and to the survivors of four dead Americans. Americans need to have some confidence that they won’t be lied to by their government, for any reason.

It follows that an investigation of a political cover-up is going to be political. Not by those wanting to find the truth of what happened in Benghazi and in Washington before, during, and after the September 11th attack. But to those not wanting the truth to come out.

Pertinent part of the Cummings transcript . . .

I am not questioning the motives of our witnesses, I am questioning the motives of those who want to use their statements for political purposes.


From the lack of media coverage of the hearings, it is apparent that the media has staked a position instead of reporting events as they unfold. There is absolutely no curiosity to get to the bottom of conflicting reports surrounding the attack. They have too much at stake already in the success of this administration because now, they are willing participants in the cover-up as well.

Benghazi Lies, Are Coming Home, To Roost

It’s not looking good for President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The ‘spin’ they perpetrated over the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on our Benghazi consulate is beginning to unravel. What people who know how Liberals operate knew from day one was, and they are Liberals before they are President and Sec. of State, that a coverup was underway. Critical thinkers also knew that the video that practically no one saw was the straw man to cover the shortcomings, the being caught flat-footed, in the decision-making in the months leading up to the attack, up to the night of the attack.

The attack, not coincidentally on 9/11, blew up Obama’s presidential campaign theme that al-Qaeda had been decimated and was on the run. What everyone knows is that no help was sent. What everyone knows is that the administration was on record as saying that no help could have reached the consulate in time to do any good. What is coming out now, thanks to the whistleblowers who were on the scene is this: the video had nothing to do with it, there was no demonstration that “got out of control” outside the consulate in concert with demonstrations in Cairo, calls for added security before and when the attack started were ignored, and, that help could have arrived in time to save some if not all four Americans.

We also know how it finally turned out. All four Americans, including our Ambassador, were killed, if not savagely tortured first. We also know Sec. of State Hillary Clinton thanked the Libyans for turning in Ambassador Steven’s body, after they were done with him, 10 hours after he was taken from the property. We know too that the narrative the State Department gave of the event, that it was a result of a demonstration caused by a video, was contrary to what the President of Libya said, which was that it was a terrorist attack by al-Qaeda affiliates.  Embarrassing the President in Libya like that could be the reason the Libyan government was not very cooperative in the “investigation” that followed, three weeks after a CNN reporter was at the scene.

The fact that our people were killed when they didn’t have to be doesn’t mean that the President and Sec. of State wanted that to happen. But it did. What it means to me is that they both felt that protecting the re-election campaign was more important, so important that the truth of how events went down on that night could not be told. That an alternative ‘story’ had to be told. And the media, being of the same mindset, carried that scenario. They carried it to the point that people who questioned the video story were part of the black helicopter crowd. They criticized candidate Mitt Romney for acting presidential in criticizing Egypt for not protecting the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. End result of the media theme, Romney was a loon, Barack was a victim of a videographer  and won re-election.

If you’re going to perpetuate a lie, go big. And they did. The phony theme was carried to Pakistan 10 days later in an advertisement on Pakistani TV. Apologizing to the Pakistanis for the video, President Obama and Sec. of State Clinton said that they, the United States, had nothing to do with it. That was the truth. The lie was that it had anything to do with what happened in Benghazi or Cairo. This display of hubris and audacity was made for the US market. To “confirm” for us that it was all about the video.

The political future for President Obama and Hillary Clinton will be determined in the coming weeks, if not this week, when the whistleblowers come out, revealing the truth of what happened on that dreadful night. Confirming that the priorities of the administration was the re-election campaign, over anything that happened in Benghazi. We might even get an idea of just what President Obama was doing that night, when our people, people he was responsible for protecting, were fighting for their lives.

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The media isn’t going to be the bystander in this episode either. They were a willing participant then. They’ll be writing their own future in the coming weeks as well. Will they cover the story as it develops, or will they continue to carry the water for the administration?

Think Progress Writer, Ayers Fan Busted for Fake Hate Crime

Possibly building up her creds for a debut on Ring of Fire radio, or maybe her own show on MSNBC, a Think Progress blogger, Meg Lanker-Simons, creates a hoax rape threat against herself to blame it on Republicans.Meg_Lanker_Simons_Wyoming_Arrested_Hoax_Rapeuwcrush_Meg Lanker-Simons_fantasy The “creeper” is her.


“Not only do Progressives re-write history, sometimes they manufacture it…”


Links: Think Progress Writer, Ayers Fan Busted for Fake Hate Crime.  |  Police: Student Faked Rape Threat Against Herself

On Benghazi Attack, Ignorance Abounds

At President Obama’s “news conference” today, when asked about eye witnesses (some in the State Department) being blocked, or barack_obama_presserotherwise pressured from coming forward, and requests by their attorneys for the necessary security clearances to represent them being ignored, President Obama claimed ignorance.

Q Ed Henry:   And on the Benghazi portion, I know pieces of this story have been litigated, you’ve been asked about it.  But there are people in your own State Department saying they’ve been blocked from coming forward, that they survived the terror attack and they want to tell their story.  Will you help them come forward and just say it once and for all?

THE PRESIDENT:  Ed, I’m not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying.  So what I’ll do is I will find out what exactly you’re referring to.  What I’ve been very clear about from the start is that our job with respect to Benghazi has been to find out exactly what happened, to make sure that U.S. embassies not just in the Middle East but around the world are safe and secure, and to bring those who carried it out to justice.

But I’ll find out what exactly you’re referring to.

Q Ed Henry:   They’ve hired an attorney because they’re saying that they’ve been blocked from coming forward.

THE PRESIDENT:  I’m not familiar with it.

There was no “Yes Ed, if what you are saying has any truth to it, I will help them come forward so the American people may know the truth in the matter. As you know Ed, this administration prides itself in being open, transparent, and forthcoming with the truth.” Maybe the President should assign someone in his administration to watch FOX news, the only network carrying the story?

Adding to the ignorance is Secretary of State John Kerry (who served in Vietnam). In classic John Kerry, his response was bi-polar.

  • First chastising Republicans pressing for answers to what happened on the night of the attack, and for not simply accepting “the conclusions of the Accountability Review Board empanelled by his predecessor, Hillary Rodham Clinton.”
  • Then seeming to agree with Republicans saying “We have to demythologize this issue and certainly depoliticize it. The American people deserve answers. I’m determined that this will be an accountable and open State Department as it has been in the past, and we will continue to do that, and we will provide answers.”

The only problem with his statement is the “as it has been in the past” part. Because his predecessor, Secretary of State Clinton, was anything but forthcoming with facts. Was forthcoming with the false story about a YouTube video.

Then a State Department spokesman denied that any requests by attorneys representing the whistle blowers were made. Which doesn’t jibe with Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) complaint that he had not received responses to four letters he sent to the administration calling for whistle-blowers’ lawyers to get the security clearances needed to represent their clients. Further, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell flatly denied that any employee had been threatened or told to remain silent.

Whether we’re looking at ignorance, or a cover-up, based on statements coming from The White House and the State Department, there’s plenty enough reason (not even counting the surviving family members’ need to know) to get to the bottom of what happened on the night of the attack. Including why no help was sent.

Link: News Conference by the President  |  GOP persists with questions about Benghazi attack

Scarborough’s Straw Man Argument For Gun Control

According to former Congressman Joe Scarborough (R-FL1), those House members (R’s and D’s) who voted against the gun control joe_scarborough1bill last week are “against background checks for criminals and terrorists” and “occupy the most extreme corner of American politics.”

I don’t know anyone who is against background checks for purchasing firearms, including the NRA. Background checks have been law for decades now. But that’s not the case from wherever Joe sits.

Only in the mind of the far Left is the 2nd Amendment in the “extreme corner of American politics.” Basically, it has nothing to do with politics. It is part of the Constitution that lawmakers are charged with protecting and defending. Second Amendment be dammed, Joe has made using 20 dead school children his cause for infringing upon the 2nd Amendment. Tugging on ones heartstrings is what Liberals do, and that’s what Joe is doing in this article. Creating his straw man argument for more gun control laws.

Could it be that Joe (Morning Joe) Scarborough isn’t aware that criminals and terrorists are already not permitted to buy or posses firearms?

Could it possibly be that Joe isn’t aware that the provisions in the bill that was defeated last week would have done nothing to stop the kind of violence that has brought “gun control” to the front page again, including the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre and including the Boston terrorist bombers?

And could it be that Joe, like the President, wants an issue to use for political advantage (presumably for Democrats) than to insist on enforcing current laws before infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens by calling for more laws that criminals and terrorists won’t obey anyway?

Jeri MacDonald on Joe’s facebook page said “Joe, i wish you’d come over to the left side!” Judging from his article in Politico, that is a redundant statement.