Tag Archives: Media

Obamacare And The Separation Of Powers

Let’s not pretend to be so shocked that the House of Representatives wants to fund the government, but not Obamacare. The latest iteration of House Republicans obamacare-you-lie-obama-politics-1341488584negotiating with themselves has melted down to merely extending the same exemptions that Obama illegally gave businesses (until after the mid-term elections) to you and me. Ordinary citizens without the deep pockets.

Obama and his believers in the media will say, hey, it’s the law. You have to fund it. Well, the ACA may be the law, for now, but it is anything but normal.

Beginning with its origination. This law was written to the exclusion of all Republican lawmakers. Mistake #1. Who’s surprised that the country is divided on this? This law was not voted on and approved by the House. Instead, it was “deemed passed” by then Speaker Pelosi (D-CA). Mistake #2. Who’s surprised that the country is divided on this? This law is not performing as it was promised when “sold” to the American people, from the quality of care, keep your doctor, keep your plan, lower cost, no increase in national debt. The opposite is proving to be true about this bill. “Legal” or otherwise. Who’s surprised that the country is divided on this? Mistake #3. There is no budget here to debate over. Obama hasn’t had a budget to abide by since Bush’s last one. During all of Obama’s years, he and congress have been flying by the seat of their pants (where their brains are), and have been operating on CR’s ever since.

As for the Supreme Court ruling on it. That was only about whether the Federal Government can force you to pay for it. Contrary to all of Obama’s and the supporters of the ACA’s arguments up to that point, the Supremes said, with the aid of Chief Justice Roberts, that Congress has the power to tax, so it was a tax. Obama’s lawyers argued all along that it was not a tax, but was a penalty, a fine. Roberts had to change their argument in order to declare it constitutional. Whether the Constitution permits the Federal Government to force citizens to buy a product was not addressed.

Since Obama and Reid have said they’re not willing to talk or negotiate with the House leadership, the House has only one recourse left to them under the Constitution. And that is, the House controls the purse. Not funding the disaster is all that is left. On this, the House must stand their ground. If for no other reason than to force The White House and the Senate to abide by the Constitution as our founders intended.

It’s not the House’s fault that Obama and Reid can’t live with this separation of powers that the founding fathers designed. It’s up to Obama and Reid to not only comply with the Constitution, but to embrace it. Negotiate, and come up with a mutual resolution. Not to demagogue the House with its “my way or the highway” approach. That’s a dictatorship, not a constitutional republic.

Barack Obama, Governing By Tantrum

President Obama certainly is enjoying HIS government shutdown. To be sure, it is his and Senate majority leader Harry Reed’s government shutdown.obama-always-a-cry-baby

Beginning with how he despises America so much as to smother it in debt and unaffordable so-called entitlement programs while breaking and selectively enforcing laws, some of which (Obamacare) are of his own making.

And now, in response to Republicans in the House to wanting to put an end to this reckless and lawless administration, to return the country within the bounds of the constitution and fiscal sanity, President Obama is governing by his temper tantrum. Described by one Park Ranger succinctly, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

No surprise here! It’s what community organizers do.

Things like this is what our childish and vindictive President is responsible for . . .

  • Blocking access by WWII veterans (and everyone else) to the WWII Memorial.
  • Blocking access to roadside view parking to Mount Rushmore.
  • Blocking access to the Matrin Luther King Jr. Memorial. An unstaffed, open at all times Memorial.
  • Blocking access and evicting people (senior citizens) from their private residences around Lake Mead.
  • Blocking access to the parking lots at Mt. Vernon. The home of George Washington, is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association. But the parking lots are jointly owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and the Park Service.
  • Blocking access and use of the Ocean. 1,100 square miles of Florida Bay. The area between the southern tip of Florida and the Florida Keys is a prime fishing area.
  • Shutting down the Amber Alert website. During the shutdown, they have a link pointing to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) “to serve in a clearinghouse capacity for the AMBER Alert program and to aid in the dissemination of AMBER Alert information.”
  • They did not shut down Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move website.
  • The golf course at Andrews AFB, where Obama plays, remains open.

This is the tyrant you were warned about. This is what you get when a media refuses to vet a presidential candidate. You elected a community organizer. You got a community organizer. Only on a national level.

Big Labor Paid Protestors At WWII Memorial

Hey, I got paid $15. Yipee!

In yet another example of just how morally bankrupt the Democrat party machine is, they have astroturf  protestors show up to protest at the WWII memorial, posing as federal employees.

Embarrassed by all the media attention given to the Honor Flights that were met with barrier fencing, and not letting a crisis go to waste, an organization called the “Good Jobs Nation,” an activist group largely financed by unions, including the Service Employees International Union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the United Farm Workers and the United Food and Commercial Workers, were paid $15 each to pose as federal employees protesting the government shutdown for the media crowd that was already there.

Not a word about it in the New York Times.

The Times did have one article saying how the Honor Flights were now being allowed. Thanks to a guy named Jeff Miller. I’m presuming it is my representative Jeff Miller (R-FL1), but you’d never know it from the New York Times article.

Jeff Miller, the co-founder of the Honor Flight Network, which flies veterans to Washington to see the memorial built in their honor, welcomed the news.

Links: Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets  |  World War II Memorial Will Stay Open to Veterans

Obamacare, Opportunity Missed?

Listening to President Obama demagogue Republicans for trying to help Americans from the harm that Obamacare is doing to them, their families, their jobs, and their health care plans, coupled with the sympathetic media supporting him, exposes the alternate reality in the political arena today.

President Obama said yesterday that the Republicans want to deprive you from getting affordable health care offered for the first time in history. That Republicans are willing to shut down the government to deprive you of the opportunity of getting affordable health insurance. And that’s the message you hear from the media.

What you don’t hear from the media is this:

  1. Obamacare isn’t being offered to you for the first time in history. For the first time in history, the federal government is, under threat of being penalized with a fine, ordering you to buy a health insurance policy. And not just any health insurance policy, but one that the federal government approves of, else you get penalized with a fine.
  2. Obamacare is killing jobs and depressing the economy. The President has a handful of people used as props, who have a story about how Obamacare helped them. The media isn’t showing you people who have been laid off or had their hours cut because of Obamacare. Which was the point of Sen. Ted Cruz’s 21 hour speech on the floor of the Senate over the weekend.
  3. The media coverage of Sen. Cruz’s speech was centered around the Democrat talking point of Republicans being obstructionists. They completely ignored the content of Cruz’s speech, which merely highlighted all that was wrong with Obamacare.
  4. Media coverage of Cruz’s speech was reported like a horse race. As in, what did Cruz hope to accomplish by fighting a no-win fight? And how this will hurt Republicans in the 2014 election? Not a peep about how Obamacare is hurting Americans and the American economy.
  5. That it was President Obama and Harry Reid that did not accept any of the three (four if you count H.R. 2300, the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013) compromises Republicans offered to keep the government open.
  6. The irony that President Obama brags about talking to terrorist supporting regimes like Iran and Syria, but not his own Congress.

To characterize opposition to Obamacare as depriving you of a wonderful and historic opportunity, is like being deprived from having a perfectly good limb amputated.

How President Obama Despises America

Five days before his first inauguration, president-elect Obama said we were five days away from fundamentally changing America. He certainly is on a roll in doing just that.

How did he do it? It began by not passing a budget, whereby Americans could see his cards on the table. Instead, he has run the government by the seat of his pants by CR’s, Continuing Resolutions. He laid his foundation with so-called stimulus spending measures that financed his political base and contributors, instead of rebuilding infrastructure.

Then he implemented the poison pill to freedom and liberty, and the economy, by devising a plan to take over your health care choices and the health insurance industry, and the health care industry, by implementing the non-affordable Affordable Care Act. Something that Americans have rejected ever since it was first proposed 70 years ago by John Dingell Sr. in 1943. So he had to do something drastic to pull it off. He wrote the bill, preventing input from ANY person in the other (Republican) party. And no republican voted for it. Instead it was “deemed passed” by then Speaker Pelosi.

Finally, the check and balance designed by our founders, the House controls the purse strings, has been and continues to be ignored. So the House calls an end to increasing the debt, and increasing it as much as Obamacare is doing, contrary to what Pres. Obama promised; that it would decrease cost, increase care, and not increase the debt. None of that has happened.

So now, when the House proposes plans to fund the government, minus Obamacare, then postponing it for one year, then eliminating the special favors to big labor and companies, then eliminating the 72% subsidies that President Obama gave himself and the rest of Congress, with you paying for them, President turned King Obama said NO. Nothing is negotiable. And the reaction from the administration, repeated by the media, is that Republicans want to shut down the government and Republicans don’t want you to have health care.

President Obama is not budging. He’s not negotiating, he wants everything and to hell with our founding fathers and their system of checks and balances. To sum it up where Obama is concerned, he’s as un-American as any other enemy of the State.

New York Times, ‘Government Programs’ End Poverty

A New York Times story on Obama’s economy includes this shameless spin of how good the government (the Obama administration) is for keeping people “out of poverty” by putting them on the government dole.

Government programs remain a lifeline for millions. Unemployment insurance, whose eligibility the federal government expanded in response to the downturn, kept 1.7 million people out of poverty last year. Food stamps, if counted as income, would have kept out four million. {emphasis added}

Downturn? What downturn? This is Obama’s recovery! He isn’t called the ‘food stamp president’ for nothing. The Times finally gives him his credit due.

No doubt there is a cure to ending poverty. And it doesn’t involve unleashing a vibrant economy, creating jobs. Just send checks to everyone below the poverty level. There, no more poverty.

Isn’t it rather obvious that if you have no job and getting food stamps, and the government is your “lifeline,” that you are in poverty, not out of it?

Shutdown? Debt! Shutdown? Debt!

If there’s anything to be learned from Liberals in general and the current administration, it is that a term like “debt ceiling” means only that if it is breached, then it must be raised.

What a difference a political party makes. President Bush left office with our national debt at $9 trillion. And back then, candidate Obama said that a debt like that was “irresponsible and unpatriotic.” So as president, what has he done about it? He has increased it more in the first three years and two months in office than Bush did in eight years. And is on track to double it, to over $20 trillion, by the end of his eighth year.

Now that they are in The White House, a debt means nothing. Just print money, depress the dollar, artificially pump up Wall Street to give an illusion of recovery, and hope the shit doesn’t hit the fan while they’re in charge. The President makes no effort to fundamentally change the notion that spending more than we have is OK. Instead, he calls it being a “deadbeat” for not paying our bills. He must be one of those kids that open up credit cards to pay balances of other credit cards, because that’s what he is doing to our country.

The meme from the media is all about government shutdown by Republicans, not a peep about irresponsible management of our economy or about fixing it.

Reid, Obama Want Government Shutdown, Not Republicans

Outstanding piece by Sarah Palin on Breitbart. The majority of Americans don’t want Obamacare and the higher cost and the rest of the broken promises that go with it. It is killing jobs all over the country, including in the Health Care industry like 150 jobs at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola and, no doubt, at a hospital near you.

Palin’s message to Republicans is simple. Stand on principles, pay no attention to how the media will demagogue you for standing up for the American people. They’ll do that no matter what, and always will. So get over it. Do the job the American people sent you to do.

It is President Obama who is willing to negotiate with people who gas children, but not Republicans. It is President Obama who continues to divide this country, and legislate by fiat against the will of the American people. Over sixty percent of the country doesn’t like and does not want Obamacare. He has demonstrated that he is President of the Democrat Party, not all Americans like he took an oath to be.

So who’s hyping a government shutdown? In an email from Lindsay Siler,National Director of Issue Campaigns, Organizing for Action, at BarackObama.com . . .

We’re 10 days from a government shutdown, and John Boehner just brought us closer to the brink.

Sarah ends her piece with this beauty, “Oh, and a little reminder to Republican senators up for re-election in 2014: Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands. So, we’ll be watching your votes very carefully this week.”

Link: EXCLUSIVE: Palin — Bombs Away on Obamacare; Cruz Is over the Target  |  Sacred Heart Health System to Lay Off Up to 150

The Administration’s Firewalls

No doubt, from the perspective of a community organizer, surrounding yourself with like-minded people is imperative when reaching goals are paramount to b-todd-jonesenforcing law. Yesterday, it was the new and unqualified Director of  ICE John Sandweg. Today, it’s B. Todd Jones, the new Director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

Before taking over for Melson in a DOJ push to appear to have done “something,” Jones was the chairman of the attorney general’s Advisory Committee. He sat in on Fast and Furious calls as early as October 26, 2009 — a meeting Melson also attended. 

As a potential co-conspirator in Attorney General Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun-running program, Mr. Jones has a vested interest in keeping 90,000 documents on the Fast and Furious plot hidden from congressional investigators.

See, it’s not about following the law, or transparency. And there won’t be any ‘smoking gun’ documents that point to a coverup. That is inbred by the appointments themselves.

Link: What the Mainstream Media DIDN’T Tell You about Obama’s New BATFE Director

Isolationist? How Quickly Rep. King Forgets

So far, from what President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have said about the goings on in Syria, of all the atrocities happening there, whether committed by the Assad regime or by either of his opposition, none of what they have said amounts to a direct threat to our national security. Syria is embroiled in a civil war. It is full of bad players. But it is their civil war, not ours.

Not having made the case that our national security is under imminent threat, there is no justification to get involved militarily in Syria. It’s their civil war. Let them fight it out until someone wins. Not until then will we know what kind of State we’re dealing with. No one interfered in our civil war, and it’s way too late to get involved in theirs. Paramount in our constitution is the fact that it empowers the President to use military force to protect our country and our citizens from attack or imminent attack. The actions in Syria meets neither of those tests. Kudos to my representative, Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL), for recognizing that.

Which brings me to comment on what Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said about his Republican colleagues that understand that, calling them isolationists.

“I’m hoping by the time next week comes around and, hopefully, the president can make his case that he will be he able to get a majority of the House of Representatives,” King said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Right now, it would be difficult.” King cited the “increasing isolationist wing” in the Republican Party as a roadblock for passage, saying “it is damaging to the party and to the nation.”

Rep. King is setting himself up to be disappointed. “Hopefully” the president can make his case, he says. He either makes it, or he doesn’t. The Constitution is your guide Mr. King. It’s not about the party, like everything that guides the President. It’s about the country and the Constitution.

Our military is not to be used for

  • ego building
  • covering for flippant comments by the President
  • enforcing international law
  • punishing bad heads of state when they kill their own citizens
  • being the world’s police
  • being a custodian for a country involved in a civil war.

Our military is for protecting our people, and our country. By your standard, the Constitution is isolationist. And that’s not by accident. Resign if you can’t see fit to fulfill your oath to defend it. But at the very least, don’t disparage anyone that takes their oath, and the Constitution, seriously.

I like Rep. King, but he’s beginning to show signs of (JMS), John McCain Syndrome.

Link: Members of Congress Doubt Syria Resolution Will Pass.