Tag Archives: Media

Pollution from China Reaches U.S., Our Fault?

One of the best kept secrets from the global warming crowd and the so-called environmentalist movement is that the great majority of pollution going into the atmosphere comes from China and India, not the United States.

But now that pollution from China is blowing across the Western United States, the meme changes to it’s our fault because we buy too much stuff. Not only that, but the pollution we’re getting is because of what China exports to the U.S., as if  pollution generated from what they export to other countries around the world what, goes no where, or goes somewhere else?

China’s contribution to pollution is the result of the process of their manufacturing and electrical generation, not from the products we buy. That “process” being they don’t give a flip about using clean technology as is used in the United States. 

Two facts, it is the political, labor, and tax policies in the U.S. that have driven the manufacturing and related jobs overseas. And, although the U.S. is the cleanest industrial nation for its size in the world, no amount of industry strangulation here is going to make up for countries like India and China who have no desire to clean up their act.

Here are a couple other fun facts:

• China emits more CO2 than the US and Canada put together – up by 171% since the year 2000
• The US has had declining CO2 for two years running, the last time the US had declining CO2 for 3 years running was in the 1980s

Links: Pollution from China Reaches U.S., According to New Study – weather.com. | World carbon dioxide emissions data by country: China speeds ahead of the rest

Blogger Jailed, Not In China, In Alabama

Here’s a disturbing case of Roger Shuler, an Alabama blogger (Legal Schnauzer) now under indefinite detention in a state prison after refusing to remove items from his blog in adherence to an injunction ruling. Seems the judge way overstepped his bounds and lynched Shuler’s First Amendment right without a trial.

Shuler’s is the only name listed from the Western Hemisphere in the Committee to Protect Journalists’ list of imprisoned news workers around the world. While the presence of a U.S. blogger in a U.S. prison because of his work is troubling enough from a constitutional standpoint, there is even more to Shuler’s story than was first suggested in early reports. A New York Times report on Shuler may have underplayed some chilling factors relating to the blogger’s situation.

Commenting on the article in the NYT, Shuler’s wife, Carol Shuler, said

The Times article was entirely in error in suggesting that we are not seeking a lawyer. My husband and I both told the [Times] reporter repeatedly that we were in fact very much wanting a lawyer and were in fact looking for one, however, we did not have the resources to pay an attorney. We hope to find a good First Amendment or constitutional law attorney who could represent us pro bono or by contingency.

There certainly are a lot of high-priced attorneys in Pensacola. Wouldn’t it be nice if one of them stepped up to help this guy out? There’s no greater constitutional issue than this.

How strange it is that there’s nothing in the media about this? A First Amendment issue ought to be front-page above the fold, just as the lynching of a citizen would be.

Link: Jailing of an Alabama blogger: It’s worse than we thought | Blogger’s Incarceration Raises First Amendment Questions

Muslim Brotherhood Gets “Port Courtesy” From TSA, Not You

And in the WTF Department comes this. Something that took a FOIA request to get.

Never mind for a moment that there is a war against the West and non-believers going on. It used to be called a war on terror. It’s a war where the aggressors are all radical Muslims. Then consider that the reason your grandmother and 10 yr. old daughter get patted down at the airport is because ‘racial profiling’ is not politically correct. No matter how effective it may be. So you have to wonder why racial profiling is now allowed for members of the Muslim Brotherhood. An organization affiliated with terrorists (Hamas) and listed a terrorist organization, with family ties to Anthony Weiner’s wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Weiner, aka Huma Mahmood Abedin.

This racial profiling dictates that if air travelers are Muslim Brotherhood types, then they will not get the same scrutiny that you and your family receive. They’ll get the VIP treatment that the TSA calls “port courtesy,” normally reserved for high-ranking visiting government officials and dignitaries.

It’s embarrassing how reckless, naive, and downright stupid President Obama is waging this war on terror. Seems like he’s on the wrong side. Or, he thinks the was is over. Were it not for his actions in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi wouldn’t have deposed Hosni Mubarak. Himself now behind bars. The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed in Egypt and labeled a terrorist organization, and all their assets there are frozen. Not here in the United States. His stupid head-in-the-sand handling of Benghazi post Muammar Gaddafi is another example. It’s the same kind of “leadership” that gave Syria to Al Qaeda.

As if you needed convincing that President Obama is our enemy from within, this should do it. When is the first impeachment hearing scheduled? Probably not until Speaker John Boehner is replaced. Keep a sharp eye out for this revelation coming from the mainstream media.

Links: Well, This Seems Fair. | Obama ‘Admin’ DHS Gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP Treatment, No TSA Pat Downs | IPT Exclusive: Records Prove MB Delegates Skipped Airport Inspections

Hillary Clinton Audio That Ends Her 2016 Aspirations

Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Hits!

Hillary-Clinton-benghazi_hearingYou have to hear then Senator Clinton in 2001 and in 2002, pressing for answers surrounding the first 9/11 attack. The one in 2001. Wanting to find out who was responsible for the deaths of Americans. And suggesting that, given all the warnings, the Bush administration could have done more and should have done more to prevent the attack.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton Audio That Ends Her 2016 Aspirations

Can Hillary Survive Benghazi? Not With This Audio

071512bridge_dngnkUPDATE: New audio of Hillary Clinton below.

According to news reporting for the last week, the big and only question is about Gov. Chris Christie. Can he survive Bridge Gate. The main reason for their concern is that Christie is the only Republican that, according to polls, beats Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical presidential race.

Yesterday and today, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees declassified some of their findings on the massacre at Benghazi and revealed what everyone knew but President Obama, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice lied about. For weeks. Only now it’s not a right-wing talking point to call them liars. Now, it’s a confirmed fact.

  • The attack was a planned, coordinated terrorist attack.
  • The attack was carried out by alQaeda-afilliated terrorists.
  • It had nothing to do with a video on YouTube.
  • It could have been prevented.
  • Nothing was done to help.
  • Sec. of Defense Panetta, Gen. Carter Ham, and Gen. Dempsey knew from the start what happened, as did President Obama, and did nothing to correct the administration’s spin.

The last bullet point exposes something that isn’t getting any media attention. That this administration has cultivated a climate of loyalty that trumps the truth. Where leaders under the president, Bob Gates included, will allow things of this nature to go on unchallenged. From committing troops in harms way for political instead of national security reasons, and flat-out lying to the American people, shows an unhealthy climate in the administration. Unhealthy for our form of government that depends on our leaders being trusted to tell us the truth. If the American people can’t trust their own government, why should our allies?

In a most amazing audio of then Senator Clinton in 2001 and 2002, in the investigation into the first 9/11 attack, the one in 2001, former Secretary of State Clinton seems to have changed her tune for the second 9/11 attack. Under President Bush, it made a difference. Under President Obama and her as Secretary of State? Not so much. Give a listen.

H/T to Roger Hedgecock for airing this audio on his radio show today.

Because they were an accomplice, the media is maintaining their blackout as the New York Times covers for Mrs. Clinton. They could do something to save themselves from total irrelevancy if they would ask the obvious question. Can Hillary survive Benghazi? All they have to do is their job, and play this audio, and send Hillary to the home for presidential candidate also-rans. Even they can’t change Hillary’s testimony from twelve, thirteen years ago.

Media Watchdog? Not So Much

Here’s a little ditty about how the media covers things that they think will benefit their president and his party, and how they don’t cover things that won’t.

Mainstream media stories and coverage on two news issues. You decide if there’s a bias or not.

Chris Christie/GW Bridge scandal: Since Wednesday night, NBC included six reports over 14 minutes and 14 seconds. CBS devoted five reports over 12 minutes and 27 seconds. ABC managed 4 stories over seven minutes and 47 seconds.

As a comparison over the last six months, NBC featured a scant five seconds on updating the IRS story. CBS responded with a minute and 41 seconds. ABC produced a meager 22 seconds.

Link: There’s Already 17 Times More Coverage on Christie Scandal Than in Last Six Months of IRS

Progressives’ Road To Serfdom

If you’re out to transform the country as we know it, you must do two things.  First, you need a distraction. You have to keep distracting people by going from one crisis to the next, drawing your focus to the crisis, instead of what’s really going on. And with the mainstream media all wrapped up in the soap opera meme of politics, you can bet that they will bring each one to you. The media of today is not the watchdog they once were. The ‘watchdog’ has been replaced by a lap dog. They follow the administrations’s (Valerie Jarrett’s) script.

The other thing you have to do is take what is right and make it wrong. Up is down, left is right, and good is bad. And when you just don’t like America as it is and was founded, before you can slide into socialism and the fascist economic model, you first have to erase 200 years of free-market capitalism from America’s collective memory.

A fascinating editorial in Forbes by Harry Binswanger, shows us how President Obama attempts to make capitalism bad, and collectivism good. Basically by lying about both. First of all, because of government intervention in just about every industry that creates economic activity, i.e.. prosperity, there is very little room left for a free-market to be free. There are proper regulations, and there are oppressive and unnecessary regulations. It is the latter that tampers with free markets, creating anomalies to how they would otherwise behave. And this is the example that Obama uses to make capitalism wrong and socialism right.

In a speech in Kansas, calling for more government controls, more taxation, more collectivism, President Obama has two paragraphs that give the show away. Take a look at them.

Continue reading Progressives’ Road To Serfdom

Antarctic Rescues . . . Scientists?

You’ll have to look far and wide to learn that the “scientists” are a bunch of global warming types out to visit the altar of global warming. That they and another ship sent to rescue them also got stuck in the ice is charming.

Oh but the irony doesn’t stop there.

Prior to the voyage, the expedition had pledged to plant 800 kauri trees in Northland, New Zealand in order to offset the carbon emissions from the trip. After the resources expended rescuing them, 800 trees isn’t going to cut it. The new number? Try 5,000, or enough to constitute an entire forest, according to former Act Party leader Rodney Hide.

Ya think any of these scientists know how many trees start and grow all on their own, naturally, around the world? This counting trees stuff is just as big a hoax as is the claim that global warming, no, climate change, is man-made and they (man) can control it.

And it’s not over yet. Now the United States Coast Guard is on its way to attempt to rescue the two icebreakers stuck in Antarctica ice.

Link: Antarctic rescue mission leaves ridiculous carbon footprint

Obamacare Confusion, Patients Walk Out

What a gem. While Obama vacations in Hawaii, his signature piece of legislation crash and burns. And that’s peanuts compared to what it is doing to the American people.

Hospital staff in Northern Virginia are turning away sick people on a frigid Thursday morning because they can’t determine whether their Obamacare insurance plans are in effect.

Why would a government do this to Americans, and the domestic media not care? They care more about its effect on the president and the law than what it is doing to the American people.

Link:  ‘They had no idea if my insurance was active or not!’: At Virginia hospitals, Obamacare confusion reigns as frustrated patients walk out | Mail Online.

Warren Buffet’s Oil Train Derails, Explodes, Burns

In the second train derailment and explosion in six months, two of Warren Buffet’s BNSF trains in North Dakota collide. The resulting explosion and fire caused authorities to evacuate all 2,400 people living in Casselton, N.D., about one mile from the derailment.

Official estimates of the extent of the blaze varied. BNSF Railway Co. said it believed about 20 cars caught fire after its oil train left the tracks about 2:10 p.m. Monday. The sheriff’s office said Monday it thought 10 cars were on fire. Officials said the cars would be allowed to burn out.

Authorities haven’t yet been able to untangle exactly how the derailment happened. BNSF spokeswoman Amy McBeth said another train carrying grain derailed first, and that this knocked several cars of the oil train off adjoining tracks.

Chalk up another failure of the Obama administration for 1) continuing to drag their feet on rail car safety for Buffet’s trains carrying crude oil and 2) not giving the go-ahead for the XL Pipeline project. Pipelines have not been known to crash and burn, ever. But, pipelines are not major DNC contributors.

Maybe this incident will bring the XL pipeline issue to the fore and make the case for getting it started. Ya think? Even the media is regrettably stating half of the obvious.

The incident will likely prompt discussion about the safety of transporting oil by cross-country rail. Fears of catastrophic derailments were particularly stoked after a train carrying crude from North Dakota’s Bakken oil patch crashed in Quebec last summer. Forty-seven people died in the ensuing fire.

The XL pipeline being the half they don’t mention.