Tag Archives: Media

Kim Jong Un BOOM!

So North Korea’s cyber warfare against the United States is on. And it isn’t just against Sony Pictures for their movie “The Interview.” The company that does security checks for the Department of Homeland Security was also hacked, and data of over 48,000 employees have been compromised too. Feeling more secure or safe now?

That Sony Pictures didn’t just tell North Korea to ‘stick it’ is one thing. Ditto for the movie theater industry. But this incident is more than Sony’s reputation. It is what wars are made of. And, it is about standing up for what Americans believe in, and what our government is supposed to protect. Not only is it supposed to protect us, and Sony, from attack from a hostile nation, but it is supposed to stand up for our rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Like the first one.

So, in solidarity with our rights as Americans, and because our president hasn’t the balls to address it directly, here is my contribution to standing up to that dirty little dictator and his communist ilk.


Wrong National Conversation

The national conversation surrounding the recent killings of unarmed black people by white law enforcement officers is not based on the truth or facts. It is based on stirring up racial tensions. The race hustlers and those consumed with white guilt, with the help of the media, have turned two facts upside down in order to push their agenda. Brown didn’t have his hands up in surrender. And Garner was not choked. You figure out why you believe all that is not true. I can help.

The Obama/Holder regime throws a bone to the dumb masses by saying they will end racial profiling. (Stick your chest out. Yeah!) Now know that it does not include or address what happened in either of those two cases. It is only for acts of the federal government, which should make us all feel a little less safe.

A few survival tips for thugs and other idiots that don’t show any respect for the law or law enforcement: 1) don’t try to disarm a cop, 2) don’t start a fight with a cop, 3) when a cop yells at you to STOP, listen to him/her, and 4) if approached by a cop who suspects you are breaking the law, do not resist. You’ll have a chance to prove him wrong. If he isn’t wrong, then at least you’ll still be alive and (for Eric Garner) get a thirty-second chance at turning your life around.

Both of those deaths would not have happened had the deceased followed those simple, civil, rules. And THAT’S where the national conversation should be.

[polldaddy poll=8475576]

Racial Profiling, The Next Manufactured Crisis

The “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” theme is a lie that the media, Obama, Holder, St. Louis Rams and the other race baiters want to perpetuate. Never mind that the evidence in the Brown shooting proves that Brown got what was coming to him. The lesson, and the point they ought to be making is, 1) don’t rob people, 2) don’t assault a cop, 3) don’t try to disarm a cop, and 4) when a cop has his gun out, pointing it at you and telling you to stop, do what he says.

Now Obama and Holder are talking about racial profiling. And saying that there is “unfairness” in law enforcement between cops (especially White ones) and kids in the hood. I could not disagree more. Because when you look at the facts in the Brown case, that thug would have met the same fate regardless of the color of his skin. Dead is dead. That is as fair as it could possibly be.

Instead of Hands Up, Don”t Shoot! The chant should be “Pants Up, Don’t Loot!

Falling Gas Prices, Perfect Storm

During the Bush administration, when gas prices were climbing above $3 a gallon, the Democrat leadership was accusing “two oil men in The White House” for gouging the American people.  And, any suggestion that supply and demand was at work brought out the  economic deniers.

Now that gasoline prices at the pump are falling, where is the media giving credit to President Obama? If the president can increase the gas prices, he can also decrease them.

To be sure, gas prices are falling. The answer is, the president does not want gas prices to fall. That is why the administration is not out there taking credit for it. It could, however, take the blame for it. Watch for this president to somehow support OPEC to get prices back up.

The drop has been driven by a boom in shale production in the United States as well as weakness in some major world economies, causing supply to outpace demand.

Include the United States as one of those “major world economies causing supply to outpace demand.” Demand weakens when you stop driving to work, or take fewer trips in your car, because you do not have a job to drive to.

Link: OPEC Unity Tested by Low Prices, Oil Glut

How Russia Views Ferguson

Obviously taking the line of the race hustlers. Besides, undermining the country, creating crisis, and fundamentally changing America is Obama’s goal. The burning and looting going on now are on the hands of President Barack Obama and AG Eric Holder.

MOSCOW (AP) — The violent protests in Ferguson, Missouri, reflect simmering U.S. tensions over racial discrimination that could undermine the country’s stability, a senior Russian diplomat said Tuesday.

Link: Russian Envoy: Ferguson Shows US Racial Problems

Keystone XL Show In Louisiana

In the news, and not in the news, comes the media’s version of Senator Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) push in Washington to advance the Keystone XL pipeline project. A project that has met all the required tests and gone through all the hoops put before it by the Obama administration. Except for getting the president to sign off on it.

Legislation to approve the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline began racing through the U.S. Congress on Wednesday as Democrats and Republicans appeared to be coming together in a challenge of President Barack Obama’s oversight of the project.

What is NOT in the news about this move is why now? “Why now” is, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) is facing a runoff election for her seat on Dec. 6, and is in danger of losing it to Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA). In response to Landrieu’s action, Cassidy proposed an almost identical bill in the House. The media’s sleight-of-hand is their interpretation, that the two houses of congress are now “working together,” in the aftermath of the mid-terms where Democrats took another pounding.

The timing has nothing to do with congress working together on this subject. There is, and has always been, bi-partisan support for the XL-pipeline. The people want energy independence. Big Labor wants the jobs that it would create. But all that support is not enough for the president to face down the environmentalist lobby that is against it. Landrieu’s move now is just to try and save her job. Her motivation is just too transparent for the media to notice. They wouldn’t be providing the needed cover for Landrieu if they did.

Link: Keystone pipeline approval bills advance in Congress | Reuters.

America, Arizona Lose Another One

If the political pundits want to pin the recent wave of dissatisfaction with the Democrat party to an issue, failing to keep illegals out is one of them. The problem has gotten so bad that now, a federal judge has changed the meaning of the word immigration to include trespassing. If you illegally cross the border, you are trespassing. You are not immigrating. There are laws that regulate immigration, and illegally crossing the border isn’t one of them. Well, until now apparently.

A ruling Friday that struck down the state’s 2005 immigrant smuggling law marks the latest in a string of restrictions placed by the courts on Arizona’s effort to get local police to take action on illegal immigration. The smuggling law, like similar state statutes, was tossed because a judge concluded it conflicted with the federal government’s immigration powers.

Jonathan Paton, a former Republican lawmaker from Tucson who was one of the smuggling law’s top sponsors, said “It basically shows this administration has no intention to enforce its own laws or let the state enforce its laws.”

The media (and others) have already begun to frame President Obama’s pick, Loretta Lynch, to replace Eric Holder as an outsider to Washington.

It’s unusual for Obama to pick someone he doesn’t know well for such a sensitive administration post. But at a time when Obama is under political fire, Lynch’s distance from the president could be an asset in the confirmation process.

She has a proven record of going after the bad guys. That’s good. The first test of the Republican majority will be evident in her confirmation process. To draw from Ms. Lynch whether she sees a difference between trespassing and immigration. It is obvious that the administration doesn’t see a difference. Lawmakers need to vet whether she sees Arizona as the bad guys for protecting its border and citizens, or as victims of an administration’s failure to enforce the law. Any sympathy for the ‘bad guys’ concept should, but won’t, be a disqualifier. The 2016 elections will have to fix that. And I’m not just talking about Democrats.

Weather Channel Morning Show Bests CNN, MSNBC

For the week of 10/6/2014, Al Roker’s morning show on the Weather Channel, had higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC.

‘Morning Joe’ has been shedding viewers for about a year. ‘New Day’ is shaping up to be one of television’s all-time titanic disasters. In other words, it’s not that Al Roker’s numbers are so high, it’s that CNN’s and MSNBC’s numbers are so low.

Overall, this is another sign of the slow-motion fall of left-wing cable news network. For its part, MSNBC is nothing more than left-wing talk radio with pictures.

Right-on analogy . Two left-wing talkers you can see on MSNBC are Ed Shultz and Mike Papantonio. There’s plenty of company at the bottom of the barrel.

Speaking of the bottom of the barrel. Here’s a left-wing talker you’ve probably never heard of, unless you venture into Mike Papantonio’s  Ring of Fire website. They’re really two peas in a pod. His name is Mike Malloy. Here’s a sample of his work.


Link: Weather Channel Morning Show Bests CNN, MSNBC.

Communist Environmentalist News

According to the United Nations (aka Useless Nations), the end is near, it’s our fault, and we’re all going to die. Well, only one thing there is certain.

From the AP:

Climate change is happening, it’s almost entirely man’s fault and limiting its impacts may require reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero this century, the U.N.’s panel on climate science said Sunday.

Here’s the plan.

  1. Everyone who has anything to do with the United Nations and the IPCC must not exhale for the next 24 hours.
  2. Continue to monitor the weather and take up the matter again in 2214.

Link: UN climate report offers stark warnings, hope

Update: 11/3/2014 Are you suffering from CD? There is help for Climate Depression. Take one of these.
