The label given to the human traffickers, those smuggling illegals to the United States, is Coyotes. Three of them were arrested in Arizona. The one still at large is receiving them and transporting their illegal ‘cargo’ throughout the United States.
Latest image of Coyote still at large.Three Coyotes captured.
There are no arrest powers in the HIPPA legislation. This is what happens when you have a president who believes that the Constitution and the three equal branches of government are an impediment to his mission. He’ll have open borders, welcome undocumented democrats, even if it means spreading disease all over the country.
A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say.
“There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested,” a psychiatric counselor told me. “We were under orders not to say anything.”
The sources said workers were guarded by a security force from the Baptist Family & Children’s Services, which the Department of Health and Human Services hired to run the Lackland Camp.
What is pathetic about this administration is that the Congress has abdicated its authority to put the brakes on him. Obama makes no bones about it, he says he’ll do what he wants without congress. His arrogant and condescending attitude is, “sue me, I’ll do what I want.”
Our founding fathers have to be rolling over in their graves. Not only for the tyrannical president, the a congress that is letting this happen, and the “free press” that is deaf, dumb, and blind to all the lawlessness.
In case you haven’t heard, President Obama and Valerie Jarrett are saying (as justification for amnesty/Dream Act) that these kids coming illegally from Central America are America’s future. If that isn’t a WTF moment, I don’t know what is.
This is a statement you would expect to hear at a graduation ceremony at a high school, college, or university here. In this country. When these kids get that message, like they’re getting from their media in Central and South America, they’re thinking Yeah, let’s go.
Which brings to mind President Obama’s attitude about America. He feels America’s success in the last 200 years is a result of pillaging and stealing resources of other peoples. He doesn’t like our strong military that can project and protect peace around the world.
In addressing these children from South and Central America, Obama says they’re here to build America’s future. “That’s why they get in here. They are really, really special. They are the future of America.” Here’s a perspective no one is considering, especially the compliant media. H/T Rush Limbaugh . . .
Well, if they are so great for the US, why aren’t they great for their native countries? If they’re great for us, I assume they’d be great for Mexico. If they’re great for us — if they’re really, really going to determine our future — why wouldn’t they determine the future of Guatemala, El Salvador, et cetera?
So, is it right for us to steal the hope and future and future greatness of Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador by taking these young gifts of love away from those countries? What gives us the right, I ask? What gives us the right to take these young kids who determine the future? They’re so talented, they’re so good, they’re so important, that our future rests on them. What about Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, where they are from?
Why aren’t American kids special? And why aren’t American kids the future of this country? What kind of president talks this way? In his mind, native-born kids are the kids of the oppressors. White privileged kids are the kids of the oppressors. But what president speaks this way?
The first president in our country’s history to speak this way is Barack Obama. That’s who.
And in typical fashion, this emotional appeal is not about anything humanitarian. The sleight of hand is, Obama isn’t talking about America’s future. He’s talking about the Democrat Party’s future.
This phenomenon of illegal immigrants, including minor children with no accompanying adult, that are flooding the Texas border will come as a complete surprise to President Obama. That is, until he reads about it in the paper. That’s been the meme so far with everything wrong with his administration.
This surge is no accident. Especially so in the eve of mid-term elections. And now that Eric Cantor was swamped by a real conservative that, unlike Cantor, believes in legal immigration and secure borders, you can bet that President Obama will be on a full court press to swamp resources in Arizona and every other state with illegals.
Why has the flow gone from 6,500 to 90,000 in one year? Something happened. Like this, Central America Newspapers Tout Open US Door for Illegal Minors. This has Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Andy Stern’s (SEIU) fingerprints all over it. If I had to guess that this is not an accident, I’d guess that these people are involved. It is the orchestrated crisis that Cloward and Piven wrote about. And a strategy that all three players take to heart.
And did you know that the lawless Obama administration, aside from not enforcing current immigration laws, is now committing child abuse en masse. If you or I dropped a minor child on a street corner or a bus station without an adult, you would be charged with child abuse. But when President Obama and ICE do it, no problem. Let’s dump these kids on Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer. “Serves the bitch right.” That’s where this administration is coming from. The country be damned. Oh well, of course. That is his goal you know. Tearing this country apart from everything it was founded on is part of what fundamental change (to him) looks like.
“Violating state law is something federal officials can still be held accountable for,” says Montgomery. “Kids are being dropped off in the middle of Phoenix, in June, with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees. I sent a letter to ICE, saying that if those circumstances are occurring, or did occur, would be a violation of Arizona laws against child abuse.”
This is why no one should be calling for impeachment. We should be calling for prosecution.
How not to secure your border. One would think that if we, as a country, are busing or flying any illegal anywhere, that it would be south instead of every other direction inside the United States. The Obama administration is hell-bent on open borders for the undocumented democrats they hope one day will be voting for them. They’re already aligned and used to a socialistic form of government. It is the kind of government that they are used to. So it isn’t a stretch to call them undocumented democrats when the Democrats start promising them free stuff. Stuff that those evil Republicans don’t want you to have. See how it goes?
And it is right out of the play book known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy. The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.
No matter where the strategy is implemented, it shares the following features:
The offensive organizes previously unorganized groups eligible for government benefits but not currently receiving all they can.
The offensive seeks to identify new beneficiaries and/or create new benefits.
The overarching aim is always to impose new stresses on target systems, with the ultimate goal of forcing their collapse.
Lawless administration aside, in a mid-term election cycle, this is what passes for immigration policy?
I’m all for keeping families together. Send them back to be with them.
IRS, V A Hospitals, ICE, Benghazi, ACA, Fast & Furious, Justice Department. Talk about a culture of corruption? Oh. No. Don’t talk about it. Because if you do then you’re a racist.
It’s as if President Obama and everyone in his regime are inoculated from any sort of criticism (or impeachment), blame, or responsibility for anything bad because the President is Black. What’s amazing to me, is how many people have been indoctrinated into this line of non-thinking?
How did we get to this point? Is it because the administration is loaded with liars, or because it is loaded with ideologues bound to the progressive agenda being put in positions they are not qualified (like Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to head the V A) to fill? Starting with the President himself, I believe it is the latter. The lying comes as a result, like Benghazi, of trying to cover up the incompetence.
Simply impeaching the president will not fix the problem. It will take an election and re-appointments of competent people into responsible positions (from the Cabinet on down) in government. America, it’s time to take out the garbage.
One Associated Press piece in the local paper titled Fla. House race could be warning for Democrats was all there was in the news media about the republican win in a district that voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. In a contest that was described as a bellwether for the midterm elections in November, where Obamacare was the focus on both sides.
Tomorrow’s race in Florida will tell us a lot about the power of the Republican Party’s health-care attacks on Democrats could have in 2014.
Jolly campaigned on a conservative platform; cutting government spending, balanced budgets and repealing Obamacare. Sink tried a new version of offense with Obamacare; mend it, don’t end it. She followed the President’s agenda with a pro-illegal alien agenda, and more government spending. ‘Cutting spending’ and ‘balanced budget’ as an objective never crossed her lips.
Republican David Jolly beat Democrat Alex Sink with 48.5 percent of the vote to Sink’s 46.7 percent. Before the returns were in, Democrats began downplaying the importance of this contest. When the results were final, DNC Chair Debbie Was-a-man Shultz tried explaining away their loss, saying “the GOP fell short of its traditional margin” in a Republican-leaning district (but trending Democrat) packed with older voters.
She’s right about that. And the mainstream media carried her message. Missing in that fact is a little perspective. What she and the news media won’t say is that in all seven of Rep. Young’s elections, he ran unopposed. In this election, Jolly had two challengers. Sink a Democrat, and Libertarian candidate Lucas Overby.
Speaking of traditional margins. Third parties traditionally have given Democrats the win by siphoning off Republican party votes. Ralph Nader and Ross Perot come to mind. But this time, the nearly 5% that Overby got wasn’t enough to hand Sink a win. Also not mentioned was the fact that Jolly’s candidacy was not taken seriously by the establishment Republicans, allowing Jolly to be outspend by Democrats 3 to 1.
On the day before the election, Todd also said this . . .
Conversely, a Jolly win on Tuesday would signal that it’s open hunting season on Democrats — even in places where Obama has been a strength for Democrats in past elections.
It’s also open season on the establishment Republicans if they don’t stand on the principles that got them elected, and if they refuse to understand that running on conservative principles, compared with the status quo of the last 6 years, is how you win elections.
In a virtual town hall meeting hosted by Spanish-language media outlets on Thursday, President Obama wanted Latinos to know that “I’ve got your back.” And . . .
The main point that I have for everybody watching right now is, you don’t punish me by not signing up for health care. You’re punishing yourself or your family if in fact there’s affordable health care to be had.
The problem with Speaker Boehner and the rest of the establishment Republicans who are meeting in Maryland to come up with an agenda for 2014 and beyond, is that they are letting Obama and Democrats set the narrative. Democrats want this, they want that, whether it’s Obamacare, deficit spending, minimum wage, Immigration Reform. The latter translates to amnesty and the end of America as the we know it.
If all you’re going to do is accept the premise of the Democrats and propose your own version that accomplishes the same thing, you’re abandoning your principles and the republicans who hold those principles dear. About half the country. Which explains why polls are showing people who used to call themselves republicans are now calling themselves independents.
The Republican leadership seems to be stuck on stupid, and instead of saying NO to these Democrat initiatives, like an opposition party should, they’re accepting their premise, ignoring the American people, and coming up with their own version of the same policies that will destroy this country.
Where immigration is concerned, the only reform that needs doing is to secure the borders and enforce the law. And do nothing more, NOTHING, until that first step is finished. Not planned. Not agreed to, but FINISHED. Then, and only then, should we move to step two. Whatever step two might be.
What Boehner doesn’t get is, just because comprehensive immigration reform and raising minimum wage, and income inequality are Obama’s priorities, doesn’t mean that they are high priorities on the minds of the American people. They are not. The top concern is the economy and jobs. An area where Obama is proving to be a complete failure. That’s the direction Boehner and the establishment republicans ought to be going. They need to set the premise that most Americans agree with, and make their own agenda. Be the solution to the problems we face instead of accomplices in making things worse.
The last thing 92 million Americans out of a job want is millions more illegal aliens flooding the Unites States of America. And the last thing republicans and independents outside the beltway want is for the establishment Republicans to side with Democrats against what is referred to as the Tea Party. Which really isn’t a party, but an ideology.
President Barack Obama holds a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Jan. 14, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Below is a rant-turned-letter that was prompted by a Facebook post from Barack Obama’s OFA that started like this:
We have an opportunity to fix America’s broken immigration system, grow our economy, and give undocumented youth and their families the chance to earn their citizenship.
Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States
Here’s a clue Barack ol buddy. You’ve had the opportunity to do something to grow our economy via private sector jobs, not by growing government with handouts and dependency programs, for 5 years now. And there’s nothing wrong with the immigration laws we already have. What’s wrong is you won’t enforce them.
You continue to amaze me with your criticism of all that is wrong in our country. Everything you are responsible for; high unemployment (U-6 at 13%), lowest worker participation rate since the Carter era, falling family incomes, and all the above hurting Blacks more than any other demographic, as if you are a bystander. The conditions you criticize are valid. But you are the one responsible for all of it. You and your policies are the problem.
Have you ever been accused of being one of those “enemies from within?” As in “foreign and domestic?” You sir, are one of the domestic ones. You make that real clear by the way you make your own laws, and break your own laws, and rule, like a dictator, to get around Congress. As if there is only one branch of government now. And, you use the power of government, the DOJ, IRS, and Treasury, to target your political enemies.
And especially your hissy fit today at your Cabinet meeting when you threatened to rule by executive order. Fidelity to the Constitution doesn’t mean to circumvent it. You, of all people, should know. I’m told you were a Constitutional Professor, as if that’s supposed to mean something. That doesn’t give you the authority to ignore it. You hate our Constitution and refuse to protect and defend it. Your oath didn’t mean to make sure the Smithsonian Institute doesn’t burn down (where the Constitution is archived). That’s not the kind of protecting and defending your oath means. I’m sure you would feel more at home in Venezuela, Cuba, or Egypt, running the streets with the Muslim Brotherhood. Sucks to be you for being responsible for a country you despise.
So I ask you Mr. President, former Constitutional professor, what’s next when a domestic enemy is identified?
Looking forward to hearing from you (not the Secret Service, IRS, DOJ, or Treasury) soon.
Putting America and Americans first,
Ross Calloway
Pensacola FL
{for quality assurance, this post may be recorded by the NSA}
Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.