Tag Archives: Immigration

What’s Next For Big Labor?

Labor unions today have unknowingly fulfilled a self-fulfilling prophesy. By leveraging unfair practices upon workers to build union Labor-Unionsmembership, they did such a good job that they have lost their only reason to recruit.  Now they are left with ancient history, the mid twentieth century, to fall back on. And for the most part, no longer have a reason to exist.

BIG LABOR advocates say “Without America’s labor unions, we wouldn’t have many of the protections and benefits that we have today.” That’s a true statement. It was true 30 years ago too! Thanks to the ‘wake-up call’ delivered to employers by organized labor decades ago, which was “treat your people right or lose,” the labor movement has successfully put itself out of business so to speak. Their usefulness has diminished due to their earlier success as shown by their decreasing member rolls.

  • Total percentage private sector and public sector labor union workers: 2002 13.3%, 2012 11.3%
  • Percent of private sector labor union workers: 2002 8.6%, 2012 6.6%
  • Percent of public sector, government, labor union workers: 2002 37.3%, 2012 35.9%
  • Total number of union workers, public and private sector: 2002 16,145,000, 2012 14,366,000

Continue reading What’s Next For Big Labor?

Illegal Migration, Why Border Security First?

Here’s what Rep. Jason Chaffetz, (R-UT) found on the U.S. border near Yuma, Arizona. No fence, but a walkway and stairs. border_accomadationpic.twitter.com/AepousiI7C. With all the news about amnesty and comprehensive immigration reform, the border with Mexico is being over-run with illegals like never before.

New technology to spot border crashers is troubling. Not because it doesn’t work, but because it works so well that Border Patrol agents are shocked to see how many are getting by.

“It’s a match made in heaven for border security,” said a former U.S. law enforcement official.

He said the radar had helped Border Patrol agents watch migrants and smugglers gathering on the Mexican side of the border before they start trekking north. But not all of the agents are happy to get a precise head count for the first time of how many people they are missing.

“The rank-and-file guys are afraid it will make them look bad,” the official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the program are not public.

The system is being tested along with military-grade camera towers and surveillance blimps developed for use in Iraq and Afghanistan in an effort to provide more accurate coverage of remote border areas.

illegal_aliensJust from what we already know, the ‘Gang of Eight’ is going about any “reform” backwards if they don’t put securing the border FIRST. That is, BEFORE any other legislation is discussed. Not to do that will be leaving the welcome mat out for illegals.

Link: Radar shows U.S. border security gaps

aSide Order

2012 Presidential Election Demographics

Only Hispanics and Asians increased their vote for Obama. Coincidentally, these have been our two largest immigrant groups over the last several decades. It’s sort of touching that Democrats couldn’t get Americans to vote for them, so they had to bring in new voters from other countries to start winning elections again. Immigrants really are doing the job Americans just won’t do.  Ann Coulter


VP Joe Biden’s Advice On Home Security

With the big push by the Obama administration for greater “gun control,” ostensibly for reducing “gun crime,” the man President Obama put in charge of that task is Vice President Joe Biden. Biden, being as much an expert on firearms as Obama is on health care, gave a tip on home protection, same as he gave his wife Jill.

“I said, ‘Jill, if there’s ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house,’” Biden said.

“You don’t need an AR-15—it’s harder to aim,” he added, “it’s harder to use, and in fact you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!”


In that scenario, shooting a gun outside your house is illegal (felony aggravated menacing, reckless endangering) in Delaware, as the Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, his son, would tell him. Aside from committing a felony, he advised his wife to disarm herself by blindly shooting the only two rounds that gun holds. Feeling safer now?


Compare the AR-15 to a 12-Gauge Shotgun

On the subject of a shotgun being a better defense weapon, easier to aim and shoot, than an AR-15 according to VP Joe Biden, I came across this video.



And here is an A-B comparison video of a 12 gauge shotgun and an AR-15 you’ll get a kick out of. Pun intended. Right, Joe really knows what he’s talking about.

Media, It’s Time To Start The 2016 Campaign

Within days of the 2013 State of the Union show, the media is out of the gate. They’ve already picked their targets to marginalize and to demagogue. Those would be the ones who would be most effective from a policy standpoint against a Democratic candidate with no discernible policy other than emotion, scare tactics, and identity politics.

Marco Rubio drinks water, looks foolish in an important video. Is it a career ender? And there are some people who like Rand Paul, but they (ostensibly) want to round up all illegals and send them back to Mexico. Which isn’t what Paul said.

Like HERE and HERE.

Rand Paul transcript:

I think people want a party that’s a little bit less aggressive on foreign policy, still believes in a strong national defense but less aggressive. They want — the young people want politicians who don’t want them in jail for 20 years for a nonviolent drug position charge. So, they want a little bit different phase. I think people want a little different phase on immigration frankly. They don’t want someone somebody who wants to round people up, put in camps and send them back to Mexico.

Besides all that, it provides the right distraction from Benghazi Gate and the President’s involvement, or lack thereof, the shrinking economy, continuing unemployment, and the exploding costs of the so-called Affordable Care Act, and the cutting off of coverage (what they said Republicans wanted to do) for those with pre-existing conditions. That’s the plan, whether it exists.

Tax Dollars Wasted Or ‘Invested’

And in the ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ department comes this from our Dept. of Labor.

Migrant and seasonal farmworkers experiencing chronic unemployment and underemployment will soon have opportunities to upgrade skills or prepare for new occupations.

By definition, if you’re a “seasonal” “farmworker,” doesn’t that make you gainfully employed? You know, the lie that they are doing work immigrant-farm-workers-2that Americans don’t want to do. What’s next, a living subsidy support program (with cell phone) for the non-growing season? After all, why should ‘migrant’ workers have to migrate somewhere where crops are growing? Targeting migrant workers, an entire class of people coming under the microscope in the big illegal immigration debate, looks an awful lot like $9.6 million dollars of street money, courtesy of the 50 percent that pay taxes, for some who aren’t even citizens.

From the DOL’s press release . . .

$9.6 million is available for grants to operate the program in central California, Hawaii, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey and Puerto Rico.

I know there are 8.5 million Americans who are out of work or underemployed. How about we concentrate our efforts there, growing the economy so they can get their job back?

Link: US Department of Labor announces grant competition to provide career training to farmworkers

Dems Oppose Immigration Reform

Democrats say NO to accomplished potential immigrants here with valid visas like foreign-born graduates with  master’s and Ph.D.s in science, tech, engineering and math fields, STEM. Those who add value to the country.

How many times have we heard President Obama talk about bi-partisanship in doing those things that both sides can agree on? Lamenting the deadlock in Washington. That Democrats could not agree on this bill, demonstrates that they not only prefer deadlock and a “do-nothing Congress,” but that they also prefer low and no-skilled illegals receiving government benefits that legal citizens may receive. AKA undocumented democrats.

THE HOUSE: Convened at 9 and has just cast the week’s final vote – with 27 Democrats joining all but five Republicans to pass legislation that would give permanent residency to 55,000 foreigners each year once they get advanced degrees from U.S. schools in science, technology, engineering and math. (The tally was 245-139.) But the bill is going nowhere in the lame-duck Senate because most Democrats, Obama included, oppose it for two reasons: They want to hold the measure (which the business community is eager for) hostage until negotiations on an immigration overhaul next year, when they’ll be pushing to give illegals a path to citizenship. And they don’t like that the STEM visas would be made available by ending the annual green-card lottery for people in countries with traditionally low immigration rates.

Links: House GOP bashes Democrats for opposing immigration bill   |  H.R. 6429: STEM Jobs Act of 2012

With All Due Respect, You Go Girl

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) signed an executive order of her own. Protecting her sovereign (used to be anyway) state,  the order essentially pulls up the welcome mat for illegal aliens. AKA undocumented democrats.

Republican Governor Jan Brewer issued an executive order saying state law bars benefits or state-issued identification for those in the country illegally — including those who qualify for the deferred-enforcement program announced by President Barack Obama in June, which kicked off yesterday. She directed agencies to block access for an estimated 80,000 immigrants in Arizona who may qualify.

I came across this handy map that should be part of their ‘registration package.’



Link: Arizona Won’t Grant Licenses to Immigrants in Obama Program

Obama’s Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform

Amongst the class warfare tax rhetoric, repeating (known) debunked stories about Bain and Romney, was this most unreported story on Friday . . .Obama just gutted the welfare reform act of 1996 by eliminating the work requirement. No debate or involvement of congress.

The Ruler Barack Hussien Kardashian Obama makes laws by himself, illegal immigration, welfare. And decides which law he doesn’t want to follow, AZ v United States.

This reform was very successful. TANF became the only welfare program (out of more than 70) that promoted greater self-reliance. It moved 2.8 million families off the welfare rolls and into jobs so that they were providing for themselves. Child poverty fell, and single-parent employment rose. Recipients were required to perform at least 20–30 hours per week of work or job preparation activities in exchange for the cash benefit.

Now, Obama’s HHS is claiming that it can waive those work requirements that are at the heart of the law, and without Congress’s consent.

Who knew there was a groundswell of opinion to define watching TV or sleeping as ‘work?’ Working hard to grow a population dependent on the government? Check. It also shows that Obama is not restrained by the law and, is no advocate for the poor. Taking steps to help dismantle a productive family is not helpful. It’s disgraceful. Screw the constitution.

Link: Morning Bell: Obama’s Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform.

Enemies Welcome!

That may as well be the sign in Arizona. Today’s Supreme Court ruling upheld Arizona’s right to verify legal status if the person is stopped for any other legal reason. Then they can call ICE to report them, who is then supposed to pick them up, decide their status, and deport if they are illegals. The rest of SB1070 was rejected as being the sole responsibility of the federal government.

True to form is the response from the executive branch over the court’s decision. Hey Arizona, don’t bother reporting any illegals you may find. We’re not interested in enforcing the law that the Supreme Court just said was our responsibility. LOL  Deal with it.

When the state can not protect itself and its sovereignty, the union of sovereign states are sovereign no more. Centralized government control and punishment on display.

And the message this sends to the world? All illegals, terrorists, and enemies we don’t even know we have,  are welcome in the United States. Just use the Arizona border with Mexico and behave yourself in public. Have a nice day.

Isn’t it amazing that, to get what he wants, undocumented democrats, he is restrained by no law, no constitution, and no oath. The Obama administration is the lawless administration.

Link: Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinion

Obama’s 2012 Campaign, See 2008 Campaign

President Obama tells a gathering in Cartagena, Colombia what he knows his audience wants to hear . . .

In his most specific pledge yet to U.S. Hispanics, President Barack Obama said Saturday he would seek to tackle immigration policy in the first year of a second term. But he cautioned that he would need an amenable Congress to succeed.

“This is something I care deeply about,” he told Univision. “It’s personal to me.”

Could swear I’d heard this before. Four years ago. It serves as a measure of how Obama has delivered on his campaign promises. Especially since he is campaigning like he is running for the first time. Even though his party controlled the House, Senate, and White House for his first two years of this, his first term.

What’s sad is that we have a president of the United States who believes he can not win re-election unless he divides the country into as many segments as possible and directing them all against the other half of the country. Coming from the President of the United States, it’s disgraceful.

Maybe voting for the same guy again and expecting a different result is not a good strategy?

Link: Obama pledges immigration reform early in 2nd term