Tag Archives: Energy

aSide Order

Rev. Al Sharpton tells listeners of the Tom Joyner Morning Show that blacks should hop on to this ‘Occupation Wall Street’ (sic) bandwagon because it is all about redistributing the wealth. Don’t sleep through this revolution, he says.

So if you are a black American, Massa Sharpton says you need to get in line on the ideological plantation. Show up Saturday, 10 a.m. at the Lincoln Memorial and demand a job.

I think their time would be better spent if they went to The White House instead.

Well, the race to The White House is over for Gov. John Huntsman. Did you know as Utah governor he was the chief architect of the Western Climate Initiative, a regional cap-and-trade program? And that he was part of a group that pushed Congress to pass cap-and-trade legislation?

His story now is that ‘economic circumstances have changed so it’s no longer relevant.’

Sorry Gov. Huntsman, what has not changed is your view that climate change is due to man, and that man can change the climate. That necessarily makes you no longer relevant.

This could be the shortest hold-up ever.

Stimulus Spending, For What? For Who?

With the economy still in recession, and the President still touting his American Jobs Act, Americans are becoming more skeptical about what all the stimulus spending has done for them. And the news about questionable stimulus spending and special deals is beginning to bubble up to the surface. Some new, some old.

Old news that is coming around again is the Fisker Automotive  (now Tesla Motors) luxury electric sports car that Vice President Al Gore invested in. That company got a half billion dollars for so-called green jobs. It is an electric car. It is a luxury car with a 50 mile range in total electric mode. Big investment for no market. But it did create jobs, in Britain and Finland.

The Fisker Karma sedan is priced at $87,400, with buyers eligible for a $7,500 credit on their Federal income tax returns.

Want one? Call them up and put down your $25,000 deposit. They’ll let you know when it is ready. Sell price? $87,400 to over $109,000.

So we subsidize a car company whose target market is “millionaires and billionaires,” then we give them $7,500 more of our tax dollars to incentivize them to buy it. All that from the guy that calls himself a ‘warrior for the middle class.’

Then there is the Solyndra scandal (Solar-Gate?) that wasted another half billion taxpayer dollars. That solar panel company declared bankruptcy not long after receiving your half billion dollars. Another big investment in an industry where there is no market. Officers of that company are big-time campaign fundraising bundlers for President Obama. Now those green jobs went directly to China. And Solyndra’s execs are pleading the 5th in Congressional hearings about it.

Are you seeing a pattern here of connected democrats and Big Labor being on the receiving end of millions and billions of your (and your grandkid’s) tax dollars? All in the name of stimulus and green jobs.

More Oil, More Roads

How many decades have we heard presidents say that we need to be investing in those highways, roads, bridges? President Obama is no different in that respect. I’d argue that creating permanent private-sector jobs ought to take precedence over road building right now. But that’s beside the point.

When I think about building roads, asphalt comes to mind. I’m not a chemist or anything but my guess is that asphalt requires hydrocarbons (oil) to produce.

For as long as President Obama has been talking about building and rebuilding road and highway infrastructure, the number of road miles ought to be right on the tip of his tongue. He’s just that smart.

Since he knows that, he ought to also know how much it would cost to do whatever it is he plans on doing, if he got everything he wanted.

I wonder how much money could be saved in the very same project if the price of oil were as low as it would be if we ever got serious at developing our own energy production, becoming an oil-producing country, a seller of oil, like those countries who we currently buy from, instead of an oil buyer.

My guess is that the saving would be substantial. And why on earth, especially in todays economic climate, wouldn’t we want to reduce the cost of oil and save. It would be a big saving for ‘working people,’ to borrow the Left’s class warfare term. Actually, everybody would save. What a novel idea.


RICO Suit Against BP Dismissed

A RICO lawsuit brought against BP by Pensacola’s own Levin-Papantonio law firm was thrown out by a federal judge on Friday.

No proof . . .

Barbier dismissed the claims, saying there is no proof the plaintiffs were directly harmed by the alleged racketeering.

Levin-Papantonio and a Greenwood, Miss. law firm alleged that BP defrauded regulators in connection with the safety of its drilling operations, its ability to respond to any oil spill, and its response to the actual spill, to the level of racketeering.

Plaintiffs Attorney Mike Papantonio made this statement a year ago.

“If you consider why we are where we are with this catastrophe, it’s because we allowed the oil industry to dictate what we were supposed to do rather than us dictating what they are supposed to do. An agency charged with safeguarding all of us became captive and simply an extension of the petroleum industry.”

Last Friday, US District Judge Carl Barbier said . . .

there was no proof that the plaintiffs, which include businesses and homeowners, were directly harmed in a way to sustain their claims under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act, or RICO. That law originally was intended to fight organised crime.

So a year later it turns out that following current law takes precedence over woulda coulda shoulda “law.”

U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier gave BP another win by setting aside claims filed by one of BP’s partners in the well project that resulted in the disaster.

BP won another battle last month when the court said that the Sierra Club can not join the suit as a plaintiff. Because “the Sierra Club failed to show that its interests in the suit were strong enough to grant its motion to join the matter as a plaintiff.” No standing.

I guess we won’t be seeing Dick Cheney being frog marched for anything to do with the Deepwater Horizon accident.

2011 July BP Civil RICO Dismissal

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Obama’s Oily Rope-a-Dope, Part 2

This week’s weekly address was about the high gas prices and energy in general. President Obama says . . .

The truth is there is no silver bullet that can bring down gasoline prices right away.

And in his mind, a perfectly acceptable excuse for doing absolutely nothing to exploit our own fossil fuel resources or building more refineries or nuclear power plants like he said he was going to do last year.

And that means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. (Applause.) It means making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development. (Applause.) It means continued investment in advanced biofuels and clean coal technologies.

[I]n order to sustain economic growth, produce jobs, and keep our businesses competitive, we’re going to need to harness traditional sources of fuel even as we ramp up production of new sources of renewable, homegrown energy.

After four decades of doing nothing, we have forfeited the option of being an oil producer-seller and ensured our dependence on foreign countries as an oil purchaser. Something President Carter meant to fix when he created the Department of Energy. Look how well that turned out.

As usual, nothing that happens to us is Obama’s fault. The media will vouch for that. The answer from the empty suit is to investigate. Create a commission or ‘task force’ to investigate what someone else must be doing to us. He, and we, are always the victim. Taking responsibility is something that empty suits don’t do.

Let’s also consider the consequences that our huge debt and the Federal Reserve’s QE2 is having on the dollar. It is worth less, and heading south. That, all on its own, makes the cost of oil from overseas go up and is reflected at the pump.

The gougers and speculators bogeymen were investigated after Katrina. That proved nothing then and will be the same this time.

President Obama refuses to recognize that he has the power to lower gas and oil prices in four minutes if he were to say (and then actually do) that his new energy policy will include developing our own resources with the goal of making America the oil producer that it can be instead of being dependent on foreign sources for our energy survival.

But it’s cool for him to help Brazil’s oil industry. Just not our own.

In order to advance ‘alternative’ energy resources, it is his (and environmentalist’s) plan to choke this country and economy with his hands around the fossil and nuclear energy industries’ throat.  That he can’t advance both simultaneously like he said last year shows him for the empty-suit ideologue that he is.

Cutting subsidies is good as long as he also cuts the strings that were attached to them. But moving them elsewhere is not. As always, the free-market will make the investment when both science and economics dictate. The trouble is, a free-market economy to Obama is like a crucifix to a vampire.

The more distress he can cause to the economy and capitalism, the easier it becomes for him to ‘remake America’ into something that Europeans are now trying to get away from.

G.E. to Build Largest U.S. Solar Panel Factory, In NW Florida?

Dateline San Francisco –  In a move that could shake up the American solar industry, General Electric plans to announce on Thursday that it will build the nation’s largest photovoltaic panel factory, with the goal of becoming a major player in the market.

The plant, whose location has not been determined, will employ 400 workers and create 600 related jobs, according to G.E. The factory would annually produce solar panels that would generate 400 megawatts of energy, the company said, and would begin manufacturing thin-film photovoltaic panels made of a material called cadmium telluride in 2013

With one big G.E. investment in wind energy already in Pensacola, seems like a solar panel factory here too would be a good move. G.E. said it was not applying for a loan guarantee but was exploring applying for state and federal manufacturing tax credits.

Here’s a new project for City, County, and state officials. Go after that business and the jobs that go with it.

Link: G.E. to Build Largest U.S. Solar Panel Factory

Obama To Fund Offshore Drilling Technology For Brazil, Part 2

US Export-Import Bank extends $3 billion credit to Brazil to finance infrastructure projects and offshore oil drilling.  So says the Export-Import Bank Chairman and President Fred P. Hochberg, who traveled to Brazil with President Obama.

It’s cool that they are taking an interest in offshore drilling and new offshore technology like floating storage facilities. It’s just too bad that it will be creating no jobs for U.S. workers and plenty of jobs for Brazil and other foreign countries. Isn’t it amazing how generous he is with your money for something he won’t do here?

Here’s an idea: Let American companies do what Obama is paying Brazilian companies to do — drill offshore. We won’t have to pay them money or float them any loans to do it, either. In fact, we will make money off of the leases, while the effort creates hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs in the US, creating more tax revenue rather than emptying out the Treasury.

Links: US Export-Import Bank extends $3 billion credit to Brazil to finance infrastructure projects and offshore oil drilling |  More from Questioning With BoldnessGulf Oil CEO: Obama ‘Hypocritical’ on Brazil Drilling

What ‘Circling The Wagons’ Looks Like

Oh there I go again, picking on President Obama.  Not exactly. But the media is doing their best to hold him harmless for higher energy prices. It’s just a shame that circumstances beyond his control continue to deal him a losing hand.

On the road to a national energy policy, President Barack Obama is hitting pothole after pothole.

‘On the road to a national energy policy?’ Not only has he taken the wrong turn. He is lost. His idea of an energy policy is to not use it. And by all means, don’t get it. Keep on buying it from the Middle East, Russia, and Venezuela. There’s a plan. Make the cost of gasoline so high that it will cripple the economy. Small price to pay to push technologies that do not yet exist in any practical supply.

First, worries over coal-burning plants’ role in global warming prompted Obama . . .

Worries? What worries? By some divine providence, the media ignored candidate Obama’s thoughts on an energy policy where coal is concerned. Candidate Obama said that his Cap and Trade legislation would make it difficult, if not impossible for coal burning electrical generating plants to operate.

[I]f somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted. That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel, and other alternative energy approaches.

Half of the electricity in the United States comes from coal fired electric plants.

and other Democrats to look more favorably on offshore oil and gas exploration.

Right. That’s why, oil and gas exploration in the Gulf of Mexico is still on hold, against court orders to the contrary, nearly a year after the crises that he didn’t let go to waste. And seven months after the Deepwater Horizon leak was plugged. That’s a pothole?

Next came a warmer embrace of nuclear power as part of a possible broad political agreement . . . Now the crisis in Japan is throwing a shadow over nuclear energy worldwide.

Right. And a year before the current crisis in Japan, Obama cut the funding for the only approved site for the disposal of nuclear waste. The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository.

Making matters worse for Obama, a spike in U.S. gasoline prices is angering Americans just as his re-election campaign cranks up. Experts say gas price fluctuations have almost nothing to do with the tragedy in Japan or the Gulf oil spill. But that hasn’t stopped Republicans from lumping various issues together and using them to club Obama.

There’s a really big wagon. Rising gas prices are not his fault. He’s just having a run of bad political luck. Is that what the media, and Democrats, were saying when Bush was in The White House?

In reality, Obama could cause the world market of oil and gasoline to fall overnight, simply on the announcement that he intends to make the United States an oil producer instead of an oil buyer. That would be a part of an energy policy to embrace.

Pointing out the obvious is characterized as taking ‘cheap shots.’ The media takes the Democrat points that, if you point out that stopping oil and gas exploration and development, and if you point out that relying on technologies that are not yet practically available are major factors in rising costs and reasons for instability in the market, then you’re taking a ‘cheap shot’ at President Obama.

“As long as our economy depends on foreign oil,” Obama said, “we’ll always be subject to price spikes.”

So don’t worry. Be happy.

He called for “a comprehensive energy strategy that pursues both more energy production and more energy conservation. We’re working to diversify our entire portfolio with historic investments in clean energy.”

President Obama just said last week that we are using less energy, as if that is a good sign of conserving and using less. Here’s a clue. We are using less because our economy is slowing down. You can’t have both a growing economy and less energy consumption. All the ‘historic investments in clean energy’ are fine, but not at the expense of exploiting our own fossil fuel resources.

The problem here is our President is not the leader America, and the media, had hoped he was. If he were a leader, he would be the one leading America around those potholes, or fixing them and moving forward. Not portraying him, and us, as innocent victims.

Link: Crises In Japan, Gulf Thwart US Energy Accord

Who’s Driving This Car Anyway?

January of 2009. Hope was in the air, but more importantly, gas was under two dollars a gallon. Since then gas prices, have gone up 67 percent and it’s an ominously upward trend. Interestingly enough, the Heritage Foundation also took a look at the first 26 months of Bush’s presidency — gas only rose 7 percent during that time frame.

Of course, there’s more to the story. Available HERE. As for who is driving this car? His name is Hope.

Link: Hope and Change: Gas Prices Have Gone Up 67 Percent Since Obama Became President

New Drilling Technique Has Promise

A new drilling technique is opening up vast fields of previously out-of-reach oil in the western United States, helping reverse a two-decade decline in domestic production of crude. This is good news where crude oil is concerned. And even better news for natural gas.

This is a twofer. An opportunity to get to and use more of the energy resources we have while reducing the amount of money we are currently shipping overseas for same.

And as an added bonus, it will give the energy deniers a wedgie to fret over.

Link: New drilling method opens vast oil fields in US