Tag Archives: 2016 Election

I Want My Affordable Health Care

Have you begun to notice that the Affordable Care Act, which was supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, (never mind that 85% of the population were happy with the health insurance and health care they had), keeps getting delayed (illegally I might add) from implementation? Curiously, all the bad stuff, like policy cancellations and the people seeing their premiums double and deductibles quadruple, losing their doctors, hospital, and medicine, keep being pushed back to periods AFTER elections. After 2012, after 2014, and now some provisions after 2016 and long after 2016.

If this law is so good, something that Americans just couldn’t live without, then let those policy cancellation notices come out in September and October of 2014. Let’s get it on already. It wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Democrats totally OWN the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, would it? Or from the fact of what we’ve seen so far that it is turning out to be nothing like what was promised? Or maybe it was because the promises have been revealed to everybody, including democrats, to be not promises, but outright lies?

Ignoring the failure of Obamacare is one thing. What’s even more amazing is the democratic strategy for the 2014 mid-term election. A strategy designed to not make Democrats look like they have to run away from Obamacare. Their idea is to run on fixing it.

To a Democrat in Washington this makes perfect sense. Just like their inability to stimulate the economy with so-called stimulus spending, and wanting to spend more, while the only result is record long-term unemployment, the lowest worker participation rate since Jimmy Carter, and massive record national debt. In other words, they’ve proven that what they’re doing does not work. So let the ones who broke the economy fix the economy by doing the same thing that broke it in the first place.

It follows then that we should re-elect the people who destroyed our health care system and health insurance industry so that they can ostensibly “fix” it in however many years it will take. And that makes sense to who? Especially when there has been a private sector alternative solution to Obamacare for 4 years now. And on that topic, remember, every time you hear a Democrat say “they have no alternative,” you know they are lying to you again.

Stalinist Obama Criminalizes Normal Business Practices

This should make a difference to even the most staunch, deaf, dumb, and blind supporters of King President Obama, not to mention members of Congress.

So Obama has unilaterally legislated illegal conditions on the illegal waiver. To wit, employers will be required to certify to the IRS, under penalty of perjury, that the waiver was not a motivating factor in the company’s hiring and firing decisions. As Fox News’s Chris Stirewalt quips, “To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs.”

Businesses are only businesses because they can manage to make a profit. When expenses increase on one end, like in taxes for example, they find ways to offset those added expenses where possible. Else they will eventually be forced out of business. And there is no better a motivator for a cost-cutting business decision than tax increases. Happens all the time, every day of the week. The tax code even drives businesses overseas. This isn’t a story about tax reform and the advantages of FairTax, but it could be.

Where Obamacare is concerned, every employee now has tax value attached to them. Employers have to decide if they can afford to keep the employee and pay for their insurance, cut their hours and let them get their own insurance, or terminate them. In addition to interfering with free-market business decisions and stifling free speech prior to the next two elections, this lawless President is now going after businesses by criminalizing normal business activity. As a matter of fact, the normalcy of these kind of decisions was specifically confirmed by the Supreme Court, who ruled that the Obamacare mandates were taxes, not penalties.

As if all his making up laws and breaking laws is not enough, his latest move should garner bi-partisan support for having blatantly crossed the line of being within the law and under constitutional authority. President Obama has become the most destructive force in this country to this country. He and his agenda must be stopped.

This latest move by the regime should be front page, above the fold in every newspaper, calling him out on this lawless action. Carrying the call for impeachment. But that’ll never happen.

Link: Obama Adds Irrationality To Lawlessness — While Threatening Prosecution  |  Thought Police: Firms must swear ObamaCare not a factor in firings

Boehner Signals Surrender

The problem with Speaker Boehner and the rest of the establishment Republicans who are meeting in Maryland to come up with an agenda for 2014 and beyond, is that they are letting Obama and Democrats set the narrative. Democrats want this, they want that, whether it’s Obamacare, deficit spending, minimum wage, Immigration Reform. The latter translates to amnesty and the end of America as the we know it.

If all you’re going to do is accept the premise of the Democrats and propose your own version that accomplishes the same thing, you’re abandoning your principles and the republicans who hold those principles dear. About half the country. Which explains why polls are showing people who used to call themselves republicans are now calling themselves independents.

The Republican leadership seems to be stuck on stupid, and instead of saying NO to these Democrat initiatives, like an opposition party should, they’re accepting their premise, ignoring the American people, and coming up with their own version of the same policies that will destroy this country.

Where immigration is concerned, the only reform that needs doing is to secure the borders and enforce the law. And do nothing more, NOTHING, until that first step is finished. Not planned. Not agreed to, but FINISHED. Then, and only then, should we move to step two. Whatever step two might be.

What Boehner doesn’t get is, just because comprehensive immigration reform and raising minimum wage, and income inequality are Obama’s priorities, doesn’t mean that they are high priorities on the minds of the American people. They are not. The top concern is the economy and jobs. An area where Obama is proving to be a complete failure. That’s the direction Boehner and the establishment republicans ought to be going. They need to set the premise that most Americans agree with, and make their own agenda. Be the solution to the problems we face instead of accomplices in making things worse.

The last thing 92 million Americans out of a job want is millions more illegal aliens flooding the Unites States of America. And the last thing republicans and independents outside the beltway want is for the establishment Republicans to side with Democrats against what is referred to as the Tea Party. Which really isn’t a party, but an ideology.

Link: Boehner: House GOP is ‘alternative’ to Obama, not ‘the opposition’  |  GOP CRAFTS PLAN TO WRECK THE COUNTRY, LOSE VOTERS

DOJ Says NO To Special Prosecutor For IRS Investigation

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today called for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative groups. In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Sen. Cruz criticized the administration for failing to keep up its commitment to investigate and hold accountable those responsible for the targeting, for appointing a partisan, Democrat donor to lead DOJ’s probe into the IRS, and for bypassing Congress to make new IRS rules that would stifle free speech among non-profit organizations.

On the heels of a State of the Union address, where the Legislative Branch of our government (all Democrats) gave the Executive Branch of our government (a Democrat) a standing ovation when President Obama said he would go around them wherever he could to advance his political agenda, we saw three equal branches of government dissolve before our eyes. Except for the media, who either hasn’t noticed or won’t notice.

Today, Attorney General Eric (Gun Runner) Holder said he doesn’t see anything wrong with appointing a Obama political campaign contributor to impartially investigate the targeting of political opposition groups by the IRS.

Folks, this is what tyranny looks like. It is your constitutional responsibility to stand up to this coup. Starting at the voting booth and ending when it ends.

What ‘Circling The Wagons’ Looks Like, CBS Cuts Cruz

The editors at Face The Nation didn’t like the answer Ted Cruz gave to host Bob Scheiffer’s question about his 2016 aspirations. So they didn’t air it.

I mean really. They wouldn’t want to take the wind out of Obama’s sails for his State of the Union show before it even happened, would they?

And on top of that, in keeping the wagons circled around this administration, the show ended with all of them (reputed conservatives included) repeating Obama’s mantra that R’s have no alternative to the ACA. As if President Obama hasn’t been lying about it for years already. Excuse me, IT’S CALLED H.R.2300 for God’s sake and IT’S BEEN OUT THERE IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER FOR FIVE YEARS NOW!

Link: H.R. 2300: Empowering Patients First Act of 2013

Tea Party Not Going Anywhere, More Likely to Win

From the womb of liberalism, a Harvard government and sociology professor writes . . .

“Tea Party forces will still win in the end,” Theda Skocpol writes, unless moderate Republicans can defeat them. Skocpol concedes that the Tea Party “will triumph just by hanging on long enough” as Americans are getting fed up by “our blatantly manipulated democracy and our permanently hobbled government.”

As long as there are establishment (he calls them moderate) Republicans not willing to follow their core beliefs of limited government, one that does not usurp our liberty, personal and economic freedom, and fiscal responsibility, the Tea Party is here to stay.

Whether Republicans gain majority status in the Senate in 2014 and win the White House in 2016 depends on which “party” establishment Republicans fight against, the Democratic party or the Tea Party.

Link: Harvard Prof: Tea Party Not Going Anywhere, More Likely to Win.

Fed, Still Twerking Money And Debt

So this is good news? Federal Reserve, trying real hard to keep Obama’s fake economic recovery going, agreed to continue to print money and monetize the debt by  $75 Billion a month instead of $85 Billion a month.

How about we stop pussy footing around and let the economy and the markets fix themselves? Aside from the FED’s artificial resuscitation on the monetary side, we have the economic train wreck of this administration’s ideas of economics which is nothing short of the fascist economic model. Both need to stop before we see any improvement on Main Street.

Unfortunately, it’s going to take the next two elections to start.

Link: Fed hawks back taper decision, one urges bolder action

Tea Party-Like Uprising In Chicago

Having felt the heat long enough, Chicagoans are finally seeing the light. Rev. Al Sharpton went to Chicago to discuss gun violence. But the people had something to say that the he never anticipated and, not surprisingly, the media is not covering.

Here are a few choice quotes from the video:

  • “We don’t have a gangs, guns (and) drugs problem. We have a nepotism, cronyism and patronage problem.”
  • “I would call a serious town meeting, like the town meetings Republicans would call … they call it a Tea Party.
  • “we have been trained to vote in a specific manner… we need to start looking at the manner in which our elected officials have been voting… if they have not voted in a manner that is beneficial to you, yours, and your community, then you need to start voting them out.”
  • “This (meeting) was a signal sent to City Hall, to the fifth floor (this is apparently Chicagoans’ term for the Mayor’s office and the “powers that be” in City Hall — Ed.), who sent no one down here to make sure that the city he (p)resides over.” (The apparent reference is to Mayor Rahm Emanuel.)
  • “We’re asking the President of the United States: Let us, the grass roots people, not these name-brand blue-ribbon Negroes … (to) stop giving these evil people our money.”


All I can add to this is, welcome brothers and sisters. Voting differently is the way out of the malaise, the crime, and government dependency.

Link: Sharpton Holds Chicago ‘Town Hall’ on Gun Violence, ‘Tea ‘Party’ Rhetoric Breaks Out; Local Media Mum

Budget “Deal” Reached, But

What do you call a budget deal that spends $63 Billion of “settled law” called the sequester? I call it a Republican surrender. Never mind that since the sequester began, the Obama administration has claimed some economic recovery. And never mind that the sequester passed with bi-partisan support.

For un-sequestering $63 Billion dollars today and for the next eighteen months, the deal promises reductions totaling $85 Billion elsewhere. But that’s not for today or the next two years. That’s for the next ten years. Who in their right mind believes this will happen?

But that’s not even the most insane talking point the House and Senate Republican leadership is touting. They use buzz words like “specific deficit-reduction provisions” and “mandatory savings” and “non-tax revenue” that makes up this fictitious $85 Billion number. And “if you’re for deficit reduction, you’re for this agreement.” The snake oil they’re selling is that this agreement would cut the deficit by between $20 and $23 Billion, as if that actually means something. They call it “a step in the right direction.” It’s surrender. It’s means nothing more than trying to look relevant in standing up to Democrats for the sake of getting something done. It’s not going to stop demagoguery from Democrats. It’s not much more than moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic.

With a national debt of $17 Trillion, $23 Billion is like a mouse fart in a hurricane. There’s no serious attempt, not even the slightest attempt, to deal with the debt and deficit spending whatsoever. It’s like driving over the cliff at 60 miles per hour instead of 65.

Speaker Boehner is hoping to win something by playing defense with the Democrats. Mr. Speaker, you don’t win anything by playing defense. What Speaker Boehner is doing is effectively managing the decline of the Republican party. He’s doing it in two ways. By budget deals like this, which will rise its head again in time for the 2016 general election when he’ll once again cower to the demagoguery of the Left. And by attacking republicans in the House and throughout the country. Republicans who want to see real evidence of getting to a balanced budget, which necessarily means working toward not spending more than we take in, (to quote President Obama) PERIOD. I recall that that’s what they were elected and sent to Washington to do. And he can start by putting an end to the insane “baseline budgeting” scheme. If you and I can’t use baseline budgeting, what on earth makes any sane person think that the government should? They should be forced to justify every dollar of their budget before it is allocated.

This budget deal dodges a bullet. To win seats, Speaker Boehner needs to go on offense and shoot one of his own. He needs to carry a republican platform instead of a democrat-lite platform. He needs to talk about bold tax reform like the FairTax. Something that eliminates the current, punitive IRS tax code.  He needs to talk up health care reform like H.R.2300, the private-sector solution. And what better time to do that? And he needs to talk about how unleashing the economic engine of the country, achieving true energy independence, creating jobs, and putting people back to work again will turn this ship around. That’s what the American people want. And that’s something that, so far, only Republicans have a chance at delivering. Problem is, I’m not so sure Speaker Boehner has what it takes to get us there.

“Affordable” Care Act Mandate

In an effort to get to the meat of the penalty that Obamacare will impose on you, in the unlikely event that it would be possible for you to keep your insurance policy that the government (not you) deems unsatisfactory, below you will find the law as is in the Federal Register.

The penalty for not buying a government approved health insurance policy, or not buying an insurance policy at all, begins now at $95 and increases to $695 per year or 2.5% of your income by 2015, after the next presidential election.

The Joint Tax Committee prepared a summary of Obamacare that includes this discussion of the mandate:

The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.

On page 19 of this 19 page law, you will find this:

b)Special rules. Notwithstanding any other provision of law—

(1)Waiver of criminal penalties.In the case of a failure by a taxpayer to timely pay the shared responsibility payment, the taxpayer is not subject to criminal prosecution or penalty for the failure.

(2)Limitations on liens and levies.
If a taxpayer fails to pay the shared responsibility payment imposed by this section and §§1.5000A–1 through1.5000A–4, the Secretary will not file notice of lien on any property of the taxpayer, or levy on any property of the taxpayer for the failure.

The IRS only has the power to deduct whatever penalty you may incur from your tax refund. The Obama administration knows that poor people look forward to receiving their refund check each year, and don’t mind preying on the poor to take it from them. The poor would be wise to consult with their employer on how to not overpay their taxes by completing a new W-4 form so that they will get the maximum in their paycheck and, not expose themselves to government abuse.