Free At Last PAC

Promoting Republican Values in All Communities…

“Our communities are just as poor as they have always been. Our schools continue to fail children. Our prisons are filled with young black men who should be at home being fathers. Don’t settle for disappointment. Join the Republicans.” Elbert Lee Guillory

You can help yourself by joining the Republicans. You can help Louisiana State Senator Elbert Lee Guillory spread the word with a contribution to the Free at Last PAC.

Link: Free at Last PAC

Wealth Creation Through Cost Reduction

Noted economist and former Florida gubernatorial candidate Dr. Farid Khavari exemplifies what thinking ‘outside the box’ is. When politicos in Washington believe that the government can create wealth by spreading it around, they’re not creating anything, and spreading misery. Government doesn’t create wealth, it consumes it.

Dr. Khavari explains how free-market capitalism and political leadership, as opposed to government control and dependency, can lift up all boats, reduce poverty, and increase both personal and national wealth. Here’s how . . .


Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D.

A baby born today may live 90 years or more.  Ideally, that baby would grow up healthy, get a good education, get a good job, and earn enough to live a good life and to save for a comfortable retirement.  By working at a wealth-creating job, that person earns and spends money, generating more economic activity than he or she earns each year.  In doing so, this baby will contribute far more to the economy than he or she costs, adding to the net wealth of the economy. The economy can continue to grow and provide opportunities for millions of other babies.

Or maybe the baby will eat a poor diet, get a poor education, join the growing millions of permanently unemployed, and suffer health problems as well.  In place of his or her contributions to the economy, we have social costs which reduce the net wealth of the economy: health care, unemployment and welfare, perhaps even a prison term that can cost more than a Harvard education.

Creating and maintaining an economy where everyone can earn and enjoy economic security for life is not only desirable, it is possible, and it costs much less than having a growing proportion of the population destitute and dependent on government. In fact, ultimately it costs nothingto create such an economy.  And ultimately, no other kind of economy is sustainable anyway.

Virtually every nation in the world has the necessary resources to create an economy where national and personal wealth grows and every person lives a dignified and secure life. Willing workers, technology and materials are primary ingredients for wealth creation, and they are abundant. All that is necessary is the will to do it and a plan to make it happen.

How is this possible, and why don’t we have it now?  We have brilliant economists and honest politicians who care about us, don’t we?   One ingredient missing in every economy is common sense.

What makes every major economy today unsustainable is simply consuming more wealth than is created.  Building a house, or manufacturing almost anything, creates wealth.  Trading stocks and other financial activities at best transfer existing wealth from one party to another and at worst divert wealth from wealth-creating activities.  Costs like interest, health care, insurance and government consume wealth. In order to be sustainable, an economy must create more wealth than it consumes.

The economic situation today is the result of a long term trend away from wealth-creating jobs to more wealth-consuming jobs.  Each year we have less manufacturing and construction jobs (and the jobs that support these and many other wealth-creating activities), shifting to more financial, health care, and government jobs — and more unemployment — all of which consume net wealth in the economy.

Everyone’s life has plenty of costs:  food, shelter, clothing, health care, energy, insurance, taxes, and on and on. Ideally, everyone’s income would cover the costs with enough left over to enjoy life and save for a secure retirement.  In fact, incomes are shrinking as costs of every kind rise faster and faster, while millions are unemployed.  When people cannot earn enough to pay these costs themselves, ultimately private costs become social costs, which put a further burden on working taxpayers and further reduce the net wealth of the economy.

There are more opportunities to create wealth in our economy than is generally understood.

Let’s look at eight elements of a healthy, sustainable economy, which provide the opportunity for economic security for everyone, comparing the wealth-increasing benefits of having them and the rising costs of not having them. Then we can see how we can have such an economy at much lower cost.

1.  Jobs for all willing workers, with good pay.  We need more wealth-creating jobs and less wealth-consuming jobs.  Wealth-creating jobs create more jobs.  To the extent that people cannot earn enough for themselves, society must make up the shortfall.  We can either pay the social costs, or enjoy the benefits of wealth-creating jobs, which cost nothing to create and dramatically reduce social costs.

2. Affordable home-ownership available to everyone. This means short-term, low-interest financing in a stable market, so one does not slave for 30 years to own a home.  Rising housing prices are not a sign of “economic recovery”, they are a sign of inflation. Eventually prices rise until no one can afford to buy, then the bubble pops and starts over again.  Every dollar paid for mortgage interest is a dollar that cannot be spent into the economy to create more wealth, or saved for retirement.  What is a greater component of economic security than owning a home free and clear?

3. Affordable health care for everyone.  Eventually, everyone needs health care, but every dollar spent on health care consumes wealth in the economy.  There are huge opportunities for reducing costs while improving quality of care and outcomes. This is obvious when we see high-cost countries like Switzerland spending half of what the U.S. spends, with better results.  What are not obvious are the tremendous opportunities for wealth-creating jobs which improve health care while reducing costs.

4. Free education from kindergarten through university or trade schools—and continuing education   and training for adults who need jobs. Too many people cannot earn what they need, or contribute to the net wealth of themselves and the economy, because they cannot afford sufficient education.  The result is higher social costs.  Ironically, a university education still costs less than incarceration.  The wealth not added to the economy due to lack of education is incalculable.  Those who somehow manage to get higher education end up an average of $35,000 in debt—and will ultimately pay twice that or more including interest.  We can be sure that people with a trillion dollars of student loans to pay are not buying many houses or new cars.  If that money were available for spending or saving, the added social costs of free higher education would be repaid by trillions of dollars of wealth creation and the resulting decrease of total social costs.

5. Free energy though decentralized solar, wind and other alternatives for homes and businesses.  Energy costs are constantly rising, consuming more wealth in the economy.  The costs of not having free energy are clear to every homeowner and businessperson when they pay the monthly bills. What is not easy to calculate is the impact on the economy of spending money on energy rather than on products, services and savings.  We spend more than almost half a trillion dollars each year on electricity.  As more electric cars become available, more opportunities for savings are created—and more opportunities for wealth-creating jobs as well.

6. A financial safety net for the disabled, the unemployed, and those who really need it.  We can improve on what we have, and save money not by reducing benefits but by creating an economy where less people need the safety net.

7. Protection from disasters and destructive events which can cause people financial ruin: a form of insurance.

8. A secure and dignified retirement for everyone.  People who have earned economic security throughout their lives, own their homes and have saved for retirement create a lot less social cost than people who struggled at minimum wages all of their lives.  A sustainable economy as described above is much better for people, and for society, than one where senior citizens are hungry.

This is not some socialist Utopian vision.  In fact, any economy can become sustainable more easily if government’s role is leadership rather than ownership.  A robust private sector creates more wealth than any government enterprise.

How can we achieve this?

The good news is that a wealth-creating job eventually creates more wealth than it cost to create the job.  We can have as many wealth-creating jobs as we want, at zero net cost. Further, each wealth creating job causes more jobs to be created, and so on.  The key is that wealth-creating activity must be greater than wealth-consuming activity.

The better news is that there are opportunities today to create millions of “SUPER-JOBS” which can multiply and accelerate wealth creation in the economy. A “SUPER-JOB” is a wealth-creating job which provides a product or service which reduces costs for the customer.

Anyone—even economists!—can understand that we can create wealth by manufacturing or building things.  When people work at such wealth-creating jobs, the economy has more wealth at the end of the day than it did in the morning.

But what economists overlook is that we can create even more net wealth for the economy and everyone in it by reducing costs.  In the case of building a house, for example, the house maintains its value over time, and generally can be sold for enough to buy another house.  But if the house has a solar system on the roof and reduces energy costs by $100 per month, in time the solar system pays for itself several times over—adding more net wealth to the owner and the economy than it cost.

Every dollar not spent for some kind of cost is available for spending or saving, which benefit both the individual and the economy. This means that many activities which are currently wealth-consuming can be partially transformed into wealth-creating ones.  Reducing permanent costs like insurance, interest, health care, education, and many more through innovation and efficiency provides countless opportunities to create new wealth for individuals and the economy—and countless job opportunities, too.

Here is a simple example of how government leadership –not government money—can create SUPER-JOBS in the private sector, without subsidies or giveaways.

Let’s say the governor of Florida presents a program calling for half of Florida’s 9,000,000 households to acquire a solar water heater within 10 years.  That calls for about 500,000 solar water heaters per year. The governor announces that in such volumes, a fair price can be guaranteed for all such systems manufactured in Florida, and that XYZ Bank is offering low-interest financing so that people can acquire these solar heaters for a monthly payment equal to their savings on electricity.

Manufacturers would rush to Florida to meet the demand.  Over 15,000 good jobs would be created in manufacturing and installation.  Those 15,000 workers will earn over half a billion dollars per year, and drive five billion dollars or more per year in new economic activity in the state.  This in turn creates tens of thousands of more new jobs and many billions of dollars more in activity each year.

This program costs the government of Florida nothing–but how much does the government gain when more people are employed and pay more taxes?  And how many billions of dollars in social costs will ultimately be saved by this one simple program?

Now apply these principles of Zero Cost Economics in other ways and in every state.  Announce that thousands of the vehicles the state buys each year will be electric vehicles manufactured in the state. Add solar electric carports to replace the cost of gasoline.  The list is as endless as the opportunities.  Government takes a leadership role and organizes demand, while the private sector invests in providing the products and services.

Any government could apply these concepts instantly and at zero net. Whether by legislation or simple executive policy decisions, millions of jobs can be created and the balance can tip from wealth-consuming back to net wealth creation. We can have economic security for everyone, much cheaper than the alternative.

However, the principles of Zero Cost Economics can be applied by the private sector in any country without waiting for government action.  This described in a brief paper, “The Zero Cost Cities Project.”


You can request a copy via email at [email protected] , or get a free download of the book Towards a Zero Cost Economy from   Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D. is noted economist and author of ten books, including the classic Environomics, and numerous articles.

Unbelievably Small, Hillary Clinton

It’s been one year since former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began lying about the attack on our Consulate in Benghazi, where our Ambassador and three other Americans fought to their death. And since that time, Mrs. Clinton has still not put her hand on the bible to talk about it.


No one has been ‘brought to justice’ for it. It’s like it never happened. Try to convince the families of the victims that it never happened. Try to give the American people amnesia so they will forget that it happened. Because Hillary said, at this point, what difference does it make?

Run for president Hillary, and you’ll find out.


unbelievably_small_john_kerryIn another unbelievably small action from another unbelievably small politician, is Hillary’s successor. John Kerry (who served in Vietnam), must have Syria’s Assad shaking in his boots. As further evidence that the U.S. military does not deserved to be commanded by Democrats of today, Secretary of State Kerry said that a military attack on Syria would be unbelievably small. What?

Here’s the military strategy as executed by Democrats. Never make the case that America’s national security (as opposed to America’s interest) is at stake. Then, publicize that an attack is coming weeks if not months ahead of time. Then, publish the intended targets in the newspaper. Give several weeks, if not months, for the enemy to move their munitions. Then, tell them, hey, it’s no big deal. We’re barely going to hurt you. Unbelievably small!  Then, after it is clear the president has no public support, use Congress as someone to blame, or to save his butt. Accept no responsibility yourself.

Yeah, that’s who I’ll entrust the life of my son or daughter to. As a soldier, I’d feel even less confident.

Labor Union Intimidation

Union intimidation comes in all forms. Here’s one example. Don’t be intimidated. The National Right to Work Legal Foundation is here to help.



Dear Ross ,

Pay up or get fired.

That’s the message United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 135 union bosses sent a teenage part-time Ralphs Grocery clerk in Oceanside, California.

And now with free legal aid from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, the teenager is fighting back.

These facts may sound familiar to longtime Right to Work supporters.

That’s because just six years ago, with free legal aid from Foundation staff attorneys, another California teenager who took a part-time job at a grocery store to help save money for college fought back against similar threats made by the very same union — with the same union president.

After Danielle Cookson’s story made the local news in 2007, union bosses backed off from some of their improper demands but persisted in trying to force her to pay more than can be legally required under the Foundation-won Communications Workers v. Beck U.S. Supreme Court case.

I can’t say I’m surprised they’re at it again.

It started in July when UFCW union bosses sent the Ralphs clerk a membership packet illegally stating that new hires must join the union and pay full dues as a condition of employment.

They buried information about the right to refrain from full dues-paying membership in fine print and failed to follow the Beck disclosure requirements.When the clerk learned of his rights on his own, union bosses denied or even ignored his multiple requests to resign from union membership.

Finally, last month union officials threatened to have him fired and claimed he could only resign from the union by personally appearing at the union headquarters and providing union bosses with his social security number.

If you and I aren’t vigilant standing up for independent-minded workers, union bosses would bend, twist, and break the law even more than they already do.

And even if they get caught breaking the law once, union scofflaws might try it again or come up with a new scheme to violate workers’ rights.

That’s why I’m so grateful for you continued support helping the Foundation fight back against these schemes and expose them in the media.

Thank you for all you continue to do for worker freedom.


Mark Mix

P.S. The Foundation relies completely on voluntary contributions from its supporters to provide free legal aid.

Please chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to support the Foundation’s programs.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses.  The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in nearly 200 cases nationwide. The Foundation’s mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. Its web address is help the National Right to Work Foundation grow; please forward this to a friend.

Community/Country Organizing Coming To TV

Meanwhile, you’re not thinking about the economy, amnesty, or Benghazi. That’s NOT an unintended consequence.

Just want to prepare you for the circus-like smoke and mirrors we will see Tuesday night as President Obama tries to convince you that you’re all wrong on Syria and should back him for bombing.

We’ll see pictures of men, women, and children dying from nerve gas. We’ll hear him say how the world condemned the use of WMD’s long ago. The president will reiterate the lie that it wasn’t his ‘red line,’ it was the world’s red line. He will use the guilt-trip on you for not feeling compelled to wage war on Syria, in support of his flippant remark about a red line last year.

You won’t hear him say how other countries have committed to use their military to attack Syria. Because no other country has. Not Russia or China, not one Arab country, no European country. France supports using our military, not theirs. No North or South American country. No Asian country. No country in the South Pacific.

The Constitution authorizes the president to use the military as needed when national security (not national interest) is under imminent threat. He will not make the case that our national security is directly or indirectly threatened. Instead, his emphasis will be ‘America’s interest’ which, fails the constitutional test for use of military force.

The president won’t tell you that telegraphing targets weeks ahead of time didn’t cause the Assad regime to move their WMD stockpiles somewhere else. And he won’t tell you that his intelligence sources are the Muslim Brotherhood. He will tell us ‘there will be no boots on the ground.’ He won’t tell you that he won’t send in troops to keep WMD’s from getting into the hands of alQaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood after the bombing stops. And of course, he won’t tell you that the only ones to gain by us bombing Syria is the Muslim Brotherhood and alQaeda.

In the end, President Obama will try to shame you into inserting the United States in Syria’s civil war. You only need to remember two things. There is no constitutional authorization for it. And, our sons and daughters in the military don’t wear the uniform to die for flippant remarks made by their Commander-in-Chief.

A Year After Benghazi, US orders diplomats out of Lebanon

anti-war_protesters-at_us_embassy-lebanonThe State Department ordered all nonessential U.S. personnel Friday to leave Lebanon, and suggest U.S. citizens do the same.

barack_hidingSo when can we know who was responsible for what happened, and what didn’t happen, in Benghazi nearly a year ago? If there’s nothing to hide, why are witnesses, from Secretary Clinton on down, still prevented from talking?

Link: BEIRUT: US orders diplomats out of Lebanon amid fears – World Wires –

The Administration’s Firewalls

No doubt, from the perspective of a community organizer, surrounding yourself with like-minded people is imperative when reaching goals are paramount to b-todd-jonesenforcing law. Yesterday, it was the new and unqualified Director of  ICE John Sandweg. Today, it’s B. Todd Jones, the new Director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

Before taking over for Melson in a DOJ push to appear to have done “something,” Jones was the chairman of the attorney general’s Advisory Committee. He sat in on Fast and Furious calls as early as October 26, 2009 — a meeting Melson also attended. 

As a potential co-conspirator in Attorney General Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun-running program, Mr. Jones has a vested interest in keeping 90,000 documents on the Fast and Furious plot hidden from congressional investigators.

See, it’s not about following the law, or transparency. And there won’t be any ‘smoking gun’ documents that point to a coverup. That is inbred by the appointments themselves.

Link: What the Mainstream Media DIDN’T Tell You about Obama’s New BATFE Director

New ICE Director Sandweg, Least Qualified

John Sandweg quietly assumed the job as Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest agency within Homeland Security. Like his johnSandwegpredecessor, Janet (Big Sis) Napolitano, Sansweg is but another political operative. Not a law enforcement officer. And like his predecessor, doesn’t have to be told to do whatever possible to help illegal immigration, when the job should be about stopping it.

Sandweg has zero experience in law enforcement . . . unless you count his “experience” defending murderers, child molesters, wife beaters, and drunk drivers as a criminal defense attorney in Arizona, from where the Lesbionic woman, Napolitano, scooped him up from the state’s Democrat hacktivists.

Link: Debbie Schlussel.

Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.