Category Archives: War On Terror

Islam’s War On Islam Growing

Multiple explosions tore through the central mosque in Nigeria’s second-largest city on Friday, killing 35 people, police said.

I’m not hearing any outcry for destroying the Koran’s in these Mosques.

This is Boko Haram. The Islamic terrorist group that is flourishing in Africa. The war on Islam is being perpetrated by Islamists, not Christians.

Check out the Boko Haram News for more of their terrorist attacks.

Link: Police: Blasts at Mosque in Nigeria Kill 35 People – ABC News

aSide Order

Iran Wins Another Round With Delay

Ten years and counting. Learning from recent history, when it comes to their nuclear program, Iran knows that this administration is all bark and no bite. The deadline for compliance has come and gone. The solution? Instead of shutting down centrifuges, they have six more months of full-steam ahead development and production. Oh, and the monthly dole-outs of $700 million in frozen funds that began under the temporary nuclear deal agreed on late last year that led to the present talks, continue.

Link: Iran nuclear talks stumble, extended until July


So How’s It Going?

Iraq is falling to pieces, again. ISIS and al-Qaeda are growing. Beheadings have become common and, a new normal. Russia is occupying. The Commander-in-Chief cuts military budgets and personnel while expanding their role. After withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, now that the mid-term elections are over, President Obama is sending the new smaller military back. Third Secretary of Defense in six years resigns. Iran continues to ignore the world in rolling back their nuclear weapons program.  China is eating our lunch. No one wants to eat Michelle Obama’s lunch. Not her lunch, the lunch she wants your kids to eat. The economy on Main St. is treading water. Long-term unemployment is growing. Average family income is falling. The “no-energy” energy policy is increasing energy cost. The Affordable Care Act fraud exposed. And cities are burning.


Jump Rope Girl – World’s Best Jump Roper!!! Adrienn Banhegyi

aSide Order

The “War on Women” is over.

And the good guys, women, won.


Express lane to 72 virgins

Much too quick a death for those bastards. They never got a chance to feel themselves dying. It’ll take ground troops to do that. Anyway, glad they’re enjoying their 72 hairy virgins.

Wake the kids, show them what happens to terrorists. Make sure they know that we are one of the few countries in the world capable, but the only country in the world willing, to do it.



Welcome to 2014


I have one more to add to the list. “Country” needs two entries. Or maybe changing the “Country” in the picture to “Washington.”

Country – Borderless


Berghdal Investigation Complete, Details After Mid-Terms

Seeing a trend? Obamacare open enrollment postponed until after the election. The verdict in the Berghdal “deserter” investigation is complete, but won’t be announced until after the mid-term election.

Aside from all the other smoke and mirrors the administration does, it seems now that the military has been politicized. Why the delay? Well, aside from the obvious, there’s this . . .

The Army announced on Friday that Dahl completed the initial report on his findings in the Bergdahl case. The report will now be reviewed by the director of the Army staff and senior Army leaders.

“This will be a lengthy process,” an Army spokesman wrote. “It would be inappropriate to speculate on the potential results or the amount of time the review process will take to complete.”

Which, come hell or high water, will take longer than Nov. 4.

Links: Bowe Bergdahl ‘deserter’ investigation is complete – but verdict will not be determined until after November’s elections  |  Bowe Bergdahl’s hometown uneasy about its one-time hero

Good Grief, More Lies From Susan (the video) Rice

After her promotion to Obama’s National Security Adviser, for lying to cover up the facts surrounding the 9/11/2012 Benghazi attack, Ms. Rice is at it again. On the Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” Susan Rice boldly said of Obama’s coalition of the willing, that Turkey agreed to let the U.S. use an air base in Turkey close to the Syrian border. On Monday, Turkey says, no we didn’t.

That they thought Turkey would go along with the lie to make Obama’s coalition seem to be an actual coalition of military force, is beyond astounding and glaringly “amateur hour” for the Obama administration. It’s embarrassing that there are no adults in The White House.

They all should resign in disgrace.

Lucky for the United States, the mid-term elections are only 3 weeks away. We can begin kicking them out of office then.

For Obama, his State Department and National Security team, we’ll just have to wince at the colossal mistake we made in 2012 to put those fools back in office and hope they get tired of lying to us and realize that no one believes whatever they say, on any subject.

In his case, it is too much to expect President Obama to take responsibility. He’s way too arrogant a person for that.

Link: Turkey: No new deal with US on using air base

More Immigration Metrics We’re Not Being Told

It is no longer even arguable that this administration is hell-bent on not securing our border while telling us that it’s never been more secure. One day after posting this On Immigration, Show Me The Metrics, there were four terrorists caught on the Texas border, two each from two different locations. That was on Septermber 10th. One day before the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack.

It was that attack that begat the Department of Homeland Security cabinet position. The purpose of that multi-billion dollar bureaucracy was to streamline communication on threats or potential threats, and to protect the country. So one would think that the capture of four terrorists would elevate to the level and interest of DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson to jump on the details and tell his boss, the president. No way.

His response at a House Homeland Security meeting yesterday was . . .

Chaffetz: “Since you took office, Secretary Johnson, on December 23, are you aware of any apprehensions of suspected or known terrorists who were trying to come to our country illegally?”

Johnson: “Umm. That’s an important question. Uh, attempting to come to this country?”

Chaffetz: “Who came across our border illegally. Did you ever apprehend anybody who was a known terrorist, a suspected terrorist, somebody who had ties to a terrorist organization?”

Johnson: “Sitting here right now, um, no specific case comes to mind; that doesn’t mean there is none. Um, uh, perhaps, perhaps Director Comey can think of one. Siting here right now none comes to mind but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Nor does that mean there’s no investigation of one either.”

Chaffetz: “I have reason to believe that on September 10th there were actually four individuals trying to cross through the Texas border, who were apprehended at two different stations that do have ties to known terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Are you aware of that?

Johnson: “Uh, I’ve heard reports to that effect. Uh, I don’t know the accuracy of the reports, or uh, how much creedence to give them. But I’ve heard reports to that effect.

As if that incompetence isn’t enough, an internal (as in we’re not supposed to know the truth) DHS report shows these disturbing metrics.

During the 351 days of fiscal year 2014, there were 466,000 apprehensions of illegals, also 157,012 illegals that “got away,” and 142,630 individuals that were reported “turn backs”. The compilation of apprehensions represented people from 143 different countries. Additionally, the sensors that are placed in locations primarily in the southwest, recorded a jump of over 1,000,000 hits from fiscal year 2013 until now.

Think that’s bad? It’s worse. Much worse.

According to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report mentioned by Congressman Chaffetz, there is only a 6% operational control of our border. Which means, the numbers quoted above are likely only a very small representation of the real traffic of illegals from all across the world, including the Middle East, which are easily gaining access to our country.

Chaffetz: “Previously the GAO had indicated that there was only a 6% operational control of the border. What percentage, what is the operational control of the border at this time?”

Johnson: “Um, I don’t have that number off-hand. I do agree with you that the challenge of those coming from countries other than Mexico, particularly into the Rio Grand Valley sector is one I’m very concerned about. It’s something I’ve been concerned about since taking office in January. I’ve seen it myself at our detention center in Brownsville when I visited there in January. There were something like 80 nationalities of illegal migrants present there.

Not only is the administration not taking their job seriously, in the last 13 years, they’ve made no attempt to secure the border.

The explanation is horribly simple. The protection and security of the country is secondary to the protection and security of the Democratic party.

Link: DHS Forced to Admit to Terrorists Caught at Texas Border

The Politics Of “War”

See if you can tell when “war” isn’t what it used to be. You’ve got the . . .

  • Revolutionary War
  • the Civil War
  • WW1
  • WW2
  • the Korean war
  • the Vietnam war
  • the war on poverty
  • the war on drugs
  • the war on women
  • the war on the poor
  • the war on seniors
  • the war on college students
  • the war on education
  • the war on labor unions
  • the war on the middle class
  • Bush’s war in Afghanistan
  • Bush’s war in Iraq
  • Bush’s war on terror

The war on ISIS? Not so much.

Worst Ever, Commander In Chief

President Obama gave the much-touted prime time address to the nation. After more than six months of watching ISIS convoys roll into Iraq from Syria, and watching  ISIS take back city after city in Iraq that our men and women and their families sacrificed so much for, President Obama now says he has a plan. This, two weeks after saying he had no plan for ISIS, and after watching two American journalists get beheaded, and after seeing his job approval rating fall to an all-time low, he had a conversation with the American people.

For the first time that I can recall, he used the L-word. Lead, as in leadership. Oh, did I mention his poll numbers for his ability to lead are also at an all time low?

What President Obama did is this. He told the enemy that he was coming for them. Gave them the heads up to move their assets around, spread them out, and not be an easy target. And to give cover for his piss-poor execution, he asked Congress to join him, even though he said he had the authority, and didn’t need them.

There isn’t war general, and has never been a Commander-in-Chief that will telegraph what the next move is, and what options he won’t use, like President Obama. And, appearing like a guest speaker at a VFW convention, he makes his speech behind a podium from a hallway in The White House. Not from his chair, behind his desk, in the oval office. Apparently, a well-financed and equipped Islamic terrorist organization that already controls half of Syria and Iraq, beheads Americans on video, that has declared war on us, isn’t important enough to come from there, the most un-used room at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

After all that, he can’t bring himself to declare war on them. A real leader, one committed to protecting and defending the people of the United States and all that the people of the United States already fought for, would have told the American people something like, “tonight the United States, with the help of our Joint Chiefs of Staff, have waged a massive attack on ISIS strategic locations inside Syria and Iraq . . .”

He needs to get the hell out of Washington, play golf, and leave the war fighting to the adults in the Pentagon. He’s a joke on the world stage. Anything but a world leader. Can’t be trusted at home or abroad. And an embarrassment to the nation.

Link: President Obama: “We Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy ISIL”

UPDATE 10/9/2014:I guess it depends on what “Ultimately” means.


President Addresses Nation On ISIS, Beheading

President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office to announce the beheading of another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, by ISIS. He said ISIS is a terror group whose goal is to set up an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East, enforcing strict Sharia law that includes killing of anyone that opposes them, including infants, women, and children. He also noted that ISIS has already taken over vast portions of Iraq and Syria as part of their goal.

He told the American people the bad news, that ISIS has declared war on the United States, and has threatened to kill more Americans if we keep on attacking them. As Commander-in-Chief, he expressed confidence that the United States will take the war to ISIS with all the military might we, and our coalition of the willing, have, wherever they are, and get the job done. He said he “will not rest” until ISIS has been killed.

The empty chair and desk. Together again.

Oh Wait! No he didn’t.

Captain Obvious In The White House

In case you missed it, President Obama made a sobering statement about the beheading of James Foley by ISIS. He told the world what bad people they are. What he didn’t do is say what he is going to DO about it. This is as close as he came to a non-commitment commitment.

“We will be vigilant and we will be relentless,” he said. “When people harm Americans, anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done. And we act against ISIL, standing alongside others.”

Apparently, he is waiting for “others” to take the lead.

What he did however,  is immediately returned to the golf course. While our borders are open, the last thing this sorry excuse for a president wants to do is protect and defend the Constitution and the people of the United States. Here’s some great advice he’s not been getting.

From Mark Levin . . .

‘Get Your Ass Off The Golf Course, Act Like a President, or Get the Hell Out!’