Category Archives: MRIOTD

Please, Don’t Pet The Terrorist

Meet Army Col. Wendy A. Kelly, director of operations of the Office of Military CommissionsCol. Wendy Kelly, and a Philadelphia lawyer who is in charge of setting up America’s forthcoming terrorism trials in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Don’t pet the terrorist. In other words: Treat detainees humanely but don’t be so eager to make up for past abuses that you put yourself or your country at risk.

Perhaps Col. Kelly’s biggest challenge will be to figure out how trying 80 detainees will not be turned into the greatest show on earth by the mainstream media. Albeit not her only challenge.

She has spent 26 years as a government lawyer – half in the military, half as a civilian federal prosecutor in Philadelphia. Her DNA is half soldier, half lawyer.

From challenges about ‘torture’ that is not torture, to who trashed the videotapes, to these human debris are protected by the Geneva Convention, to these human debris have U.S. Constitutional protection, and the list goes on and on from the anti-Bush, anti-war, anti-American pro-terrorist groups in this country. And that’s just for starters.

Back in Washington, in an unmarked, secure corner office near the Pentagon, Kelly helps draft terrorism-trial rules and reviews proposed formal charges against detainees, including top-secret evidence.

If the first terrorism trial does begin early next year – roughly six years after detainees began arriving from Afghanistan – it will mark the first full-fledged U.S. “military commission” since World War II.

Will the military commissions, as Kelly predicts, show that the United States can convene fair trials for accused terrorists? “I think people will be surprised,” she says.

“I’m sure most Americans think, ‘To hell with them. Why should we give them a fair trial? They’re terrorists.’ It’s true that we don’t have to provide a trial for any of these people. We have the legal right to keep them until the conflict is over, which may be five years or may be 100 years.

That would be my choice for them.

But if you’re going to provide trials – for the sake of the United States and the JAG [military legal] corps, because we are the ones who are going to be judged – they have to be fair.”

I think we’ve reached the point of no return on the issue of whether or not there will be trials, thanks to bleeding hearts in Washington who bow to the U.N. And that’s a shame, but from what it looks like, Col. Kelly will do the job that needs to be done in a fair way.

More than half of the 800 detainees brought to Club Gitmo have been ordered released. Ironically, they have it better in Cuba now than if they were returned to their country of origin, which is why they’re still in Cuba. Sounds good to me, send them back to face the music. Make them wish they were in the custody of the United States.

“No one writes about what the detainees do,” Kelly says. “There’s just the conclusion by the media that detainees are constantly mistreated and the guard force are a bunch of sadistic monsters – that particularly bothers me.”

According to military reports and interviews with guards, the detainees scream, they attack, they carve shanks, they spit, they hurl cocktails of semen and feces. “It takes a lot of patience,” a guard said.

And for the absurdly ridiculous of rules, created by backlash from the fake Koran down the toilet episode, Kelly says . . .

“The guards are not allowed to search detainees’ ‘sacred places’ ” – between their waist and knees – “because it might offend their religious sensibilities.”

She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. Their sacred places? Can you believe that?”

No, I can’t believe that. That area is sacred? Does the Koran cover proper use and handling of genitalia and body orifices? Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day! That must be the Penthouse version of the Koran in use down there. Apparently the Koran is also OK with “hurling cocktails of semen and feces” too! Will have to consult the local Imam about that.

Philadelphia Inquirer link: Mission:Fairness

Last Man Standing Against The Surge

Host of Air America Radio show ‘Ring of Fire,’ Mike Papantonio, is still in denial over the effects of what is known as ‘the surge’ in the Iraqi front of what is known as the war on terror. He, who has never been to Iraq, says that all the journalists who have been there, all the generals who are prosecuting it, and all those Iraqi citizens who are returning home from Syria, knows that the whole thing is a sham, AND that all the media the world over are somehow controlled by ‘the shrub’ (the nickname he ascribes to President Bush) in as much as they are complicit in spreading the myth that the surge is working.

Makes one wonder how someone who he repeatedly calls an idiot could be able to control all journalists and all media worldwide and all our military leaders to say that the surge is working when it isn’t, doesn’t it? Certainly qualifies for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day, MRIOTD.

Hear it in his own words in an excerpt from last Saturday’s Ring of Fire show that he calls ‘The Pap Attack.’

related links: Ring of Fire show | The Pap Attack | Papantonio

Today’s Special

News of Venezuela’s referendum which would crown the hemisphere’s idiot, Hugo Chavez, as dictator for life, and usurp the democracy movement is sounding all too familiar. Too close to call. Opponents are acting confident that they won by an 8 percent margin. The government has not released the results yet. Will be interesting to see what Chavez does if he loses.

UPDATE: 1-hour later: Chavez loses referendum 51% to 49%. OK, now stand back and watch how well Chavez takes this news.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin did what Chavez hoped to do. His political party won by a landslide. Of course, it helps when you only allow the opposition (pro-Western) party on the tightly controlled state airwaves and characterize them as provocateurs in the pay of foreign overlords. Scaring voters of a ‘western plot’ also helps.

A small victory for democracy in Hong Kong. But we’ll take it.

Things aren’t going well in Iowa for Sen. Hillary Clinton. Aside from polling second to Sen. Barack Obama in Iowa, she was booed by a group of 3000 fellow democrats in Des Moines when she spoke in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. Iowans correctly read that as nothing more than lipstick on a pig named ‘ amnesty.’ I read that as Iowa democrats are not liberal like she is. It highlights her arrogance, not leadership, to even go there after seeing how badly and how broadly the country rejected Bush’s comprehensive plan.

And qualifying for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day, the media comes to her aide in the aftermath of the hostage ‘crisis’ in one of her campaign offices like this.

When the hostages had been released and their alleged captor arrested, a regal-looking Hillary Rodham Clinton strolled out of her Washington home, the picture of calm in the face of crisis.

and this explains why.

It was a vintage example of a candidate taking a negative and turning it into a positive. And coming just six weeks before the presidential voting begins, the timing could hardly have been more beneficial to someone hoping to stave off a loss in the Iowa caucuses and secure a win in the New Hampshire primary.


Edwards In Denial Over Iran

As he did in the CNN sponsored debate last week, planted questions and all, Sen. John Edwards feels it is more important to deny that Iran’s Quds Force, also known as the Iranian Guard, are terrorists than to agree with President Bush.

When asked whether he believed the Iranian Guard to be a terrorist organization, Edwards answered instead how he felt about the Senate vote.

“There was no reason for the Senate to vote on the question to begin with,” he said. “I think it was a mistake. I would have voted no had I been in the Senate, and I think it’s very important … to show real strength against Bush and Cheney on this particular issue.”

When a reporter told Edwards that rival Barack Obama has said he would have voted against the resolution even though he believes the Iranian Guard is a terrorist organization, Edwards responded: “I stand by what I said.”

More Planted Questions At CNN Democrat Debate

It must depend on what the meaning of ‘undecided’ is. The so-called undecided Undecided voter is Sen. Harry Reid Staffer voters that Wolf Blitzer introduced turn out to be anything but. Is it any wonder that Democrats won’t debate on a FOX sponsored event? They have a burning need to know the questions before they are asked or know that they won’t be asked a question that they don’t want to answer. Yet they do want to be Commander In Chief.

In a nutshell, CNN’s six ‘undecided voters’ were: a Democratic Party bigwig, an antiwar activist, a Union official, an Islamic leader, a Harry Reid staffer,” who’s not even old enough to vote yet, and “a radical Chicano separatist.”

h/t to Rush for mentioning it and Michelle Malkin for the video research.

UPDATE 11/27/07 :And it gets worse for CNN, getting caught redacting the transcript.

Religious Oppression Or Desperation?

And qualifying for the most ridiculous item of the day. Is it real or is it memorex? What the heck is this about? Taking implants to a whole (no pun intended) new level among Muslim women, and at taxpayers’ expense to boot! There’s so much wrong with this.

Taxpayers funded 24 hymen replacement operations between 2005 and 2006, official figures revealed.

And increasing numbers of women are paying up to £4,000 in private clinics for the procedure apparently under pressure from future spouses or in-laws who believe they should be virgins on their wedding night.

“I love you just the way you are,” Billy Joel lyric. No, scratch that. The popularity of the operation is said to be the result of social regression caused by Islamic fundamentalism. Virgins seem to play a major role in Islam from martyrdom to marriage.

Daily Mail, UK link

CNN’s Democrat Party Primary Debate Analysis

For those who didn’t see the Democrat debate tonight, after all it was on CNN, here is a recap. It started out with some bickering among the candidates, most of whom took shots at Sen. Clinton’s inability to state a position on giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens. To that and many other questions, Hillary’s response was her usual, ‘the American people know where I stand…’ Oh really? I must have missed it. All of them seemed to be running against Bush, who isn’t running.

On the drivers license subject, some came right out and said, like Gov. Bill Richardson, that yes they should be permitted to have a drivers license. Sen. Barak Obama thought it was a good idea too. Others hid behind the smoke of ‘we need comprehensive immigration reform,’ which is code for amnesty, drivers licenses, and more, but they wouldn’t come out and answer the question whether they should have a drivers license.

All of them wanted out of Iraq, and Iran is also out of the question. The most hawkish on Iran was Hillary who did go so far as to say that we should use diplomacy with Iran but keep the stick. She didn’t elaborate on the stick part. She held true to her belief system which is she hasn’t one. She likes blue ribbon panels to make decisions for her.

Iran brought out the weakness of them all on the subject of the Quds Force, the terrorist-supporting wing of the Iranian military. There seemed to be a consensus that calling them a terrorist organization was not nice, except Hillary. She’s the one who voted in favor of the resolution that labeled them a terrorist organization. She had no where to hide on that one, especially after her drivers license debacle at their last debate.

Wolf Blitzer, host of the debate, joined the ranks of Brian Williams and Tim Russert in qualifying for the Chris Matthews award by not asking or even mentioning the Iranian made 107mm rockets and super penetrating IED’s that are killing ours and Iraqi soldiers and Iraqi civilians. A fair question was again ignored, giving way to their diplomatic story line.

John Edwards’ hair looked good. He had trouble completing a sentence that didn’t have the words Bush, Cheney, and neocons in it. Obviously appealing to the Soros wing of their party, but looking very silly for harping on them.

All of them spoke confidently on raising taxes for this that and the other. And on the subject of taxes, another Chris Matthews moment came up. None of them were asked whether they would make permanent the Bush tax cuts due to expire in 2010, which if elected, would be during their first term. Hold on to your wallet or make your escape plan.

On education, Wolf did ask a relevant question. Should exceptional teachers be rewarded with higher pay or bonus incentives? They were in complete agreement in towing the line of the teachers unions with a NO. It was blatantly obvious that the success of the students were not a priority. Hillary surprised me by saying, no, don’t reward good teachers, just fire the bad ones. Another rather stunning revelation was that they couldn’t agree what made a teacher a good teacher. Joe Biden, whose wife is a teacher with a masters and doctorate degree, believes that a good teacher is one who has multiple and higher degrees than just a bachelors degree. No one, not one of them, thought that successful students were relevant in determining whether a teacher was exceptional. Hillary ignored the students’ success by taking the village format. She said all the teachers in a given school should be rewarded if the school does well. Doing well doesn’t mean that the students do well. Doing well by her standards means teachers who teach in the worst of cities or neighborhoods are the ones to be rewarded with higher pay. More like combat pay. Again, no measure of the success of the students was offered. On the subject of education, it is clear that Democrats don’t give a wit about the success of the students, let alone merit pay for a job well done.

One of the funniest and scariest subjects was that of appointments to the Supreme Court. They all wanted an abortion litmus test for potential appointments to the Supreme Court. Abortion is the holy sacrament of the liberals’ political philosophy. None of them seemed at all interested in a strict constructionist type justice. John Edwards said he didn’t want a constitutional scholar on the bench, he wanted ‘a dog catcher’ on the bench. Literally, no exaggeration. I have to give him credit on at least saying what the others wouldn’t say. Which is, they want the supreme court to be filled with justices who don’t know what it is they are supposed to uphold, and who will uphold whatever the democrats want that they can’t get done through the people, the legislature.

After those grueling two hours, I don’t think it is necessary to see any more of their debates. If you see one, you’ve seen them all.

CNN link

UPDATE 11/19/07: ‘undecided’ voters were plants, activists, and Democrat operatives.

Facilitating Voter Fraud Becomes A Priority?

Am I the only one that sees a vast voter fraud conspiracy going on here? The New York State proposal to give legal drivers licenses to illegal aliens is one example. New York State has the ‘motor-voter’ law, in which a voter registration form accompanies all drivers licenses. With no documentation to support a driver’s legal status. Now Keith Ellison (D-Minn), introduced a bill, co-sponsored by John Conyers (D-MI), to ban photo ID’s as a requirement for federal elections. Wazzsupwidat?

What’s up with that is desperation beginning to set in on the part of the majority party. Give illegals a vote, and they’ll vote for welfare programs and open borders all day long. And people like Hillary Clinton can drive the USS United States to the bottom of the sea. You will see conservatives behind bars and on exhibition. This is what a Conservative looks like. They wanted you to have to obey the law.

Another Keith Ellison voter fraud enhancement: H.R.2457 , called the Same-Day Voter Registration Act of 2007, it would amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to require States to permit individuals to register to vote in an election for Federal office on the date of the election. Couldn’t get one republican as a co-sponsor. Imagine that? I don’t hear any public outcry for such legislation. Do you suppose it is to facilitate fraud?

link:, Ellison wants to ban photo ID as requirement for voting.

Chavez Calls Catholic Leaders “Morally Unacceptable”

In a you have to see it to believe it moment, Venezuelan Dictator and President Hugo Chavez, criticizes Roman Catholic leaders in his country as “morally unacceptable” after they called him on his attempt to re-write their constitution to strike out the term limits so he can remain in office.

Church leaders on Friday issued a strongly-worded statement accusing Chavez of seeking to concentrate power with an “authoritarian” proposal to overhaul the OPEC nation’s constitution that he helped rewrite in 1999.

“They say the reform is morally unacceptable – they are morally unacceptable,” Chavez said in a government press release sent out on Sunday night. “Those bishops that we have make us ashamed.”