Category Archives: MRIOTD

Durbin Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was in The White House for a meeting to make an immigration policy that benefits Americans. At that meeting, chain immigration necessarily came up.

It’s not that Durbin doesn’t know what chain migration is, because in 2010, he knew exactly what it was when he was advocating for the Dream Act. He ostensibly worked to end “chain migration.”

“The DREAM Act would not allow what is known as chain migration,” Durbin said. “In fact, DREAM Act students would have very limited ability to sponsor their family members for legal status.” [Emphasis added]

What’s different today? His political heritage has swelled to the point that now “chain” has only one meaning. For him, a chain is for enslaving Black people. The first, and only, meeting attendee to feel a need to tell the media what he wanted them to know about a private meeting with the president, Durbin said . . .

“When it came to the issue of “chain migration” I said to the President: “Do you realize how painful that term is to so many people? African Americans believe that they migrated to America in chains. And when you speak about ‘chain migration’ it hurts them personally.” He said: “Oh, that’s a good line.”

And of course, the media ate it up. It didn’t have to make any sense because it fit their narrative.

I do like Trump’s response, “Oh, that’s a good line.” Translation: typical race card BS, stick with that and 2018 will be even easier.

For Dick Durbin to tell anyone, let alone the President of the United States, that “chain migration” means slavery migration to African-Americans, he wins the Lunch Counter’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day (M.R.I.O.T.D.) Award.

Missed by the media, of course, and everyone else but Patterico,

let’s focus on a different aspect of Durbin’s statement — because it shows his ability to be absurdly sanctimonious with a straight face. Namely, he claims that he told the President that “chain migration” is offensive to black people, because they came here in chains. Yes, he really said that.

Democrats have spent their total existence dominating Black people. Since the Lyndon Johnson administration, the plantation is in  thought and identity politics, and the chains have been replaced with an ideology that will keep them there.

Columbia University Institute Wins MRIOTD Award

Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute has filed a suit against President Trump, alleging that Trump has breached the First Amendment rights of two people, Holly O’Reilly and Joe Papp, because he has blocked them on Twitter.

Who knew that the First Amendment also included the freedom to listen? Well, it doesn’t. And blocking anyone on Twitter for whatever reason, or no reason at all, does not prevent Holly O’Reilly, Joe Papp, you, or anyone else from speaking their mind.

The fact that Columbia is taking this suit is indicative of just how polluted higher education has become with their disdain for the Constitution. For taking this matter to court on 1st Amendment grounds earns Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute the Lunch Counter’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award.

As an aside, and winning an honorable mention is PETA, for “representing” a monkey named Naruto. Naruto took selfies using British nature photographer David Slater’s camera. PETA claims that the monkey holds the copyright to the pictures. The case has risen to a three-judge panel in the 9th Circus Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Naruto could not be reached for comment.

Links: No, Trump isn’t breaching your First Amendment rights by blocking you on Twitter  |  Trump blocked some people from his Twitter account. Is that unconstitutional?  |  Monkey-selfie copyright lawsuit returns to court

Sen. Schumer Wins MRIOTD Award

That Sen. Chuck Schemer won the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award was not even close. In fact, he won it in a landslide.

Promising to continue his party’s agenda to resist everything and anything the Trump administration wants to do, from non-controversial and necessary appointments to necessary things like repeal and replace of Obamacare, Schumer whines on about how Democrats have not been included in the bill drafting process.

Early Alzheimer’s onset? He doesn’t remember how Obamacare was crafted, introduced, and passed into law with zero input from Republicans and zero votes from Republicans.

Aside from the utter failure of Obamacare to deliver what was promised, Schumer and his  comrades in the Democrat(ic) Party have excluded themselves from participating by the very nature of their new Resistance campaign.

For this reason, Sen. Schumer (D-NY) wins the MRIOTD Award.

Pena Nieto Wins MRIOTD Award

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto thanked California on Thursday for improving the lives of illegals (he incorrectly refers to them as immigrants) from his country, including legalizing drivers’ licenses for “undocumented migrants” and making it easier for them to work and start businesses.

For Mexican President Nieto (and national Coyote) to thank a state in the United States for making it more tempting and so easy for Mexicans to leave their country, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Link: Mexican president thanks California for aiding undocumented migrants

Perdido Beach Mouse v2.0, MRIOTD Award Winner

Never ceases to amaze the hubris of some who assume the role of our Maker. Some command to lower sea level and adjust the world’s thermostat, others, like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, refuse to take NO for an answer where rodents are concerned.perdido_beach_mouse1

The Perdido Key beach mouse, was wiped out naturally and was “re-introduced” in 1987. And again, it was wiped out naturally by hurricane Ivan. Not to be outdone by mother nature, the mouse has been captive bred since then. And people who are supposed to be environmentalists are about to infest the environment, Perdido Key, with a rodent that has twice proven it can not sustain itself, its survival rate is zero, in an environment where people have a survival rate of 100 percent.

And this makes sense to who? For this reason the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Chris Matthews Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Mitt Romney announced he is running for president in 2012 today. He did it in Stratham, New Hampshire, at the Bittersweet Farm. The same place that Bush ’41 and Bush ’43 made their announcement. Not missing a beat, Chris Matthews, host of Hardball on MSNBC plays the race card.

While watching the clip of Romney’s announcement, Mathews says “look at the diversity in that crowd. They are Lilly white.”

Chris wins the M.R.I.O.T.D. (Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day) award hands down on a twofer. First for even injecting a racial element, and second for the locale of the event. They were in New Hampshire, where blacks represent 1.4 percent of the population.

Hu News That China Won’t Hear

The talks between Chinese President Hu Jintao and President Obama had some give and take on the economic front. The ‘human rights’ front was another issue. Hu pretty much excused his human rights atrocities as nothing more than growing pains.

Hu said China is a developing country with an enormous population facing challenges in economic and social developments. He said human rights must be viewed under those circumstances.

Pains like his communist government can not handle, manage, or feed its huge population. So some executions here, forced abortions and sterilization there, and other population control measures, imprisoning political dissidents and Nobel Peace Prize winners is just something they have to do while working to, get this, ‘improve the lives of our people and promote democracy and rule of law.’ {emphasis added}

At the risk of jumping the gun on this one, The Lunch Counter is holding back awarding President Hu Jintao the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. The clincher will be when it is learned that no one in China will hear or see those words. You can bet the ranch that Hu’s statement was for U.S. consumption only. It was the bone President Obama wanted to make the visit look ‘productive.’

I’m Just Like You, Really?

Unless you’ve been in solitary, you’ve already heard the flap about the Obamas and their vacations. I am reminded of Michelle Obama’s comment, I think it was on the first night of the Democratic National Convention two years ago when she said ‘I’m just like you.’

Yeah right. I used to live in the northeast. And it never really occured to me to go to Florida for a 1-day vacation. Or spend a quarter million  dollars for a week in Spain with my child and a couple of friends. Never mind that the economy and unemployment are in bad shape right now. Now I know where her husband gets his audacity from. It’s all in the family.

Rep. Alan Grayson Wins 'Muzzle' Award

Outspoken Nutjob Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) topped the “Muzzle” awards on Tuesday, earning the dubious distinction for asking Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate a Web site that parodied his campaign site. This is the same guy that said on the House Floor that Republicans’ health care plan is for sick people to die quickly.

The annual award list, created by the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, is presented on April 13, Jefferson’s birthday, to remind people of the third president’s unavowed commitment to free speech.

The center says the awards are handed out for “some of the more egregious or ridiculous affronts to the First Amendment right of free speech.”

Grayson earns this distinction . . .

For urging the U.S. Attorney General to seek a monetary fine and a 5 year prison sentence against a vocal critic for alleged violations of Federal Election law that, even if true, represent minor transgressions, a 2010 Jefferson Muzzle goes to… U.S. Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL).

In December, Alan Grayson (D-FL) won the M.R.I.O.T.D. award for the same offense.

link: Alan Grayson Can’t Handle Free Speech, MRIOTD winnerThe Thomas Jefferson Center Muzzle Awards 2010

Frank Rich At New York Times Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

In order to excuse himself from responding to what it is that is so wrong with Obamacare, New York Times opinion editor continues the Left’s template. If you oppose Obamacare, you must be a racist, sexist, homophobe, and/or a bigot.

His ‘justification’ is simple. Obama is black, the Speaker of the House is a woman, the head of the Banking & Finance Committee is gay, and there’s a Latina woman on the Supreme Court.

Oh really? Does Frank Rich, like Jimmy Carter, really mean that . . .

  • We would be more than willing to welcome cap-and-trade with open arms, even if we paid a thousand dollars or more extra every year for our energy use, if Barack Obama were only white?
  • We would be dancing in the streets celebrating the dawning of government control of our health care if only Barack Obama were white?
  • It would be just dandy if government bureaucrats rationed health care for our parents, as long as the president is white?
  • We would jump at the chance of the government owning ALL of the auto manufacturing companies .. not just General Motors … if the president just didn’t have dark skin?
  • We would applaud those ACORN workers giving tax avoidance advice to a pimp and his prostitute if the workers hadn’t been black?
  • Most Americans – even ones that don’t pay income taxes now – would be more than willing to give 70% of everything they earn to the federal government when asked … so long as they are asked by a white president?
  • We would have been thrilled, I tell you … THRILLED to have all of those Islamic goons being held at Guantanamo be not only released, but sent to be school resource officers at our local government schools, if only a white president put that plan in motion?
  • It would be OK if a white president stood back and allowed Iran to build its coveted nukes … we’re only unhappy about that because a black president is doing it?
  • Deficits? We don’t care about deficits! Make our children and grand children and great grand children pay through the nose for our president’s spending habits … just so long as the president isn’t black.
  • Government pork? Like we actually care? Look … you folks in Washington can spend all the money you want – how about more studies of the mating habits of Polish Zlotnika pigs? – just make sure it’s not a black president who signs the spending bill into law.
  • We wouldn’t care if all illegal aliens were counted twice in the next Census … just so long as the president isn’t black?
  • Those Black Panther thugs who threatened voters in Philly? The ONLY reason we’re upset that they were given a pass is because Barack Obama is black.
  • Every single member of the president’s cabinet could be a tax cheat as far as we’re concerned … just so long as the president is white.
  • Forced unionization? Bring it on! We love card check! We love the idea of union goons threatening and intimidating workers to sign a card saying they want to belong to a union! What we don’t like is that a black president is pushing this idea.
  • Single-party talks with that Gargoyle that runs North Korea? It’s about time we legitimized that little pipsqueak. We’re only mildly upset here because the person who is doing that happens to be black.
  • More regulation of the finance sector? We could care less! For all we care you can nationalize the banks and decree that only the government can make home loans .. .and you can even apportion those home loans on the basis of race if you want to … just so long as the president is white!
  • Minimum wage? Like we care about that? Raise it to $15 an hour if you want! Just give us our white president back.

The Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day (M.R.I.O.T.D) award goes to Frank Rich for his colossal display of ignorance.

Links: Is Jimmy Carter Right? | Op-Ed Columnist – The Rage Is Not About Health Care –