Some images certainly are worth a thousand words. Some don’t need explaining. Some do. Take Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’ and UNICEF’s ‘Photo of the Year’ for example.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, selected as Time Magazines ‘Person of the Year‘ for 2007 evokes a certain disdain from people who love freedom. Putin fears freedom. Freedom is a bad word in Putin’s Russia. (The pose for this picture looks eerily familiar.)
Putin has jailed and assassinated journalists and political opponents. He has used his country’s oil and natural gas resources as blackmail towards his neighbors, formerly part of the old Soviet Union. His administration was complicit in the United Nations’ OFF (Oil For Food) program, taking Saddam’s bribe money to bypass sanctions. He is not a cooperative participant in limiting Iran’s nuclear ambitions in enriching uranium. And lately, he is laying the groundwork to remain in a position of power in Russia after his term as president expires by becoming a ‘Prime Minister.’
I concur with President Bush on Time Magazine’s selection. . .
At a news conference today, Bush said the magazine honored Putin for being a consequential leader, but added, the “question is, consequential to what end?” Bush said the key will be what Russia looks like 10 years from now.

For those who would bow to the wishes and jurisdiction of the United Nations, consider this picture. It was selected by UNICEF as the Photo of the Year. 
The groom, Mohammed, looks much older than his 40 years. The bride, Ghulam, is still a child; she just turned 11. Photographer Stephanie Sinclair, who took the photo last year in Afghanistan, asked the just-turned 11 year old bride what she felt on the day of her engagement.
“Nothing,” said the girl, according to Sinclair. “I do not know this man. What am I supposed to feel?”
She’s about to feel what it is like to be raped and treated as a slave. UNICEF is a part of the United Nations that does a lot to feed and care for children around the world. However, they are woefully absent in putting an end to pedophilia in the Islamic world. In fact, putting an end to this practice is not even on their agenda. Just look at their ‘World Fit For Children‘ declaration published Dec. 13, 2007.
UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Kul Gautam said . . .
“This short but powerful declaration calls for the pursuit of a common vision to ensure the well-being of all children with a collective sense of urgency.”
Ask that 11 year old girl how she feels now, if she is still alive. The ‘optional protocols’ by member states is all gums, no teeth. No mention of this barbaric practice of selling children to be brides. To wit . . .
3. We reaffirm our commitment to the full implementation of the Declaration and Plan of Action contained in the outcome document of the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly on children, entitled “A world fit for children”, recognizing that their implementation and the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Optional Protocols thereto and other relevant international instruments are mutually reinforcing in protecting the rights and promoting the well-being of all children. In all our actions, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.
The track record of the United Nations in corruption, child abuse, rape, and pedophilia ought to be enough to repulse its members, and reason enough to suggest they move their headquarters to a country that is not offended by their actions, or, in this case, inaction.