Category Archives: Media

Huckabee To Pick Up Black Endorsement

This will be good news for the Huckabee campaign. Rev. Bill Owens, founder of the Coalition of African American Pastors, is expected to be endorsing Mike Huckabee’s run for president tomorrow, the official observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

In an interview with an AP reporter yesterday, Rev. Owens said this about Huckabee . . .

He has actually done what he talks about when it comes to the African-American community, rather than just pandering.

His observation of Huckabee (R-AR) walking the walk really matters to what families in communities are hoping for.

related link: Huckabee to pick up black endorsement

h/t Sunnydale

Iran Gives Green Light To Fire, The Soros Wing Of The Party

That’s one way to look at it. Speaking of the Iranian Navy provocation in the Hormuz Strait last Sunday. According to the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad version, the video of it is a fake. As long as he believes that it is a fake, American propaganda, then he wouldn’t mind the next time it happens and they get blown out of the water. If it isn’t his Navy, it must be ours. And don’t you think Ahmadinejad would like to see that?

Just kick ass. No names left to take. Thanks for your support Mahmoud.

And the motive for such a fake would be what? Well, according to Robert Fantina, an American who moved to Canada after the 2004 election, it could be what the Iranian media suggests, a show designed to be an excuse to invade Iran. What are Robert Fantina’s credentials you ask? They are:Robert Fantina, fled U.S. in 2004

Robert Fantina is a long-time activist for peace and social justice. Originally involved in the Dennis Kucinich presidential campaign in 2004, he eventually worked as a district organizer through on the Kerry campaign in Florida.

To him, history repeats itself. “The similarities to the Gulf of Tonkin incident are alarming,” he says.

As an aside, or, as an added bonus, there is another story in this story. When I write about ‘the George Soros wing’ of the Democrat party, Robert Fantina’s credentials says it better than I have ever said. It’s not those neocons talking trash about the Democrat party. It is more like revealing the people behind the party.

Hillary, Polls and Lessons Learned?

Today’s New Hampshire primary election was newsworthy and educational. Imagine a presidential candidate getting a bump for coming across as ‘being human.’ You don’t need the writers guild to take that thought somewhere. Some thought Hillary’s emotional moment to be the ‘Howard Dean scream’ equivalent, however, at least for now, it turned out to be good for her. According to everyone in the media, that was a warm and fuzzy moment, not a breakdown, and it showed she is human. That’s the same thing Terry McAuliffe, among the Clintons’ closest advisers, is also saying. So everyone agrees that portraying Sen. Clinton as being human is something that was needed, and helpful.

Can we stop paying attention to POLLS? 12 hours ago, Clinton people were lowering expectations, calling less than a 10 point loss would still be good. But that’s always the story. When you win you win, and when you lose you win. Turns out she won by 3 percent. Ostensibly a 13 percent reversal. I remember the good old days when these primaries got no more media coverage than reporting who won this one and who won that one. Period. Today, it is the only news for 24/7, and it’s only January. I’m beginning to miss car chases on TV, Britney Spears, and the latest on Anna Nichole Smith.

So what did Sen. Hillary Clinton, the most experienced candidate on the planet, with a 35 year record of change and experience, have to say about her victory in New Hampshire? You will be glad to know that just last week she found her own voice. She said . . .

“Over the last week, I listened to you, and in the process I found my own voice”

That’s a start.

Washington Post: N.Y. Senator Defies Polls, Edges Obama

Was ABC’s New Hampshire Debate A Debate?

It was good to see the ‘new’ format with the presidential wannabes actually debating. No staged questioners, just the media questioning the candidates, and the candidates questioning each other. It was informative, that is, until the democrats had their turn.

Discussing illegal immigration, a major concern of people of both parties, apparently isn’t a concern to ABC News where democrats are concerned. Why is it that ABC left the country wondering where the Democrat candidates stand on the subject of immigration? I felt short-changed by ABC.

After the republicans had their turn, there was a little gaggle that lasted about 12 minutes. And it was informative and, I thought, useful. After the democrats had their turn, the gaggle was about 45 minutes. Wazupwidat? Matter of fact, during and after the debate, it was hard to discern any difference in policies between the dems on the panel. It seemed more like a pep rally of people running against Bush, who isn’t running, than something designed to inform potential voters. And we still don’t know their intentions on immigration, drivers licenses, sanctuary cities, the border, amnesty, health care, education concerning illegals, et al..

For some reason, ABC did get opinions from both parties on the war on terror. That was good. We can see the differences there. One wants to get out after winning, the other wants to get out before winning. However, there was not one question about what they would do with or about the Patriot Act, or even waterboarding. Last night John Edwards said that ‘we should use every tool available’ to fight the war on terror. That would have to include the Patriot Act. FLASH: Edwards has said that the patriot act should be scrapped. Edwards has said that the war on terror is just a Bush created bumper sticker. But those contradictions from Edwards and the others went unchallenged. Not very helpful in informing the voting public.

On the subject of illegal immigration for democrats, they were mute. It seems like ABC just came up with an alternative to planting questioners, which is, not asking the same questions of both parties and, letting them contradict themselves without question.

Air America: Homophobic Huckabee?

Post Iowa caucus analysis by Air America’s Senior Political Correspondent David Bender and Mike Papantonio, co-host of Ring of Fire, an Air America radio program, on Huckabee’s performance in Iowa and beyond. In their opinion, his plus is he is against big business (like BIG LAW?) and carries a ‘populist’ message. Their vehement dislike for successful (BIG) business is obvious. Oh, but the downside is he’s a homophobe, that that’s what we’ll get if he becomes President.

Coming from two educated people, well, a reporter and a lawyer. The offending bit of liberal smearness begins around 9 minutes into the 12 minute video. Calling someone you fear or oppose something like a homophobe does illustrate perfectly the far left’s moral and intellectual base. That is why I hope Air America stays on the air. You need to hear them, if only for a couple minutes. The network does have my sympathy. They’re finding out how hard it is to find a sponsor willing to tolerate that kind of stuff, and, a public that wants to hear it. You can count on these guys to bring it to you. Investors welcome, but be forewarned, they already want the Fairness Doctrine revived.

related link: goLeftTV

Today’s Special: Fearing Freedom & Islamic Pedophilia

Some images certainly are worth a thousand words. Some don’t need explaining. Some do. Take Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’ and UNICEF’s ‘Photo of the Year’ for example.

2007 Person of the Year, Vladimir PutinRussian President Vladimir Putin, selected as Time Magazines ‘Person of the Year‘ for 2007 evokes a certain disdain from people who love freedom. Putin fears freedom. Freedom is a bad word in Putin’s Russia. (The pose for this picture looks eerily familiar.)

Putin has jailed and assassinated journalists and political opponents. He has used his country’s oil and natural gas resources as blackmail towards his neighbors, formerly part of the old Soviet Union. His administration was complicit in the United Nations’ OFF (Oil For Food) program, taking Saddam’s bribe money to bypass sanctions. He is not a cooperative participant in limiting Iran’s nuclear ambitions in enriching uranium. And lately, he is laying the groundwork to remain in a position of power in Russia after his term as president expires by becoming a ‘Prime Minister.’

I concur with President Bush on Time Magazine’s selection. . .

At a news conference today, Bush said the magazine honored Putin for being a consequential leader, but added, the “question is, consequential to what end?” Bush said the key will be what Russia looks like 10 years from now.

For those who would bow to the wishes and jurisdiction of the United Nations, consider this picture. It was selected by UNICEF as the Photo of the Year. UNICEF Photo of the Year for 2007

The groom, Mohammed, looks much older than his 40 years. The bride, Ghulam, is still a child; she just turned 11. Photographer Stephanie Sinclair, who took the photo last year in Afghanistan, asked the just-turned 11 year old bride what she felt on the day of her engagement.

“Nothing,” said the girl, according to Sinclair. “I do not know this man. What am I supposed to feel?”

She’s about to feel what it is like to be raped and treated as a slave. UNICEF is a part of the United Nations that does a lot to feed and care for children around the world. However, they are woefully absent in putting an end to pedophilia in the Islamic world. In fact, putting an end to this practice is not even on their agenda. Just look at their ‘World Fit For Children‘ declaration published Dec. 13, 2007.

UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Kul Gautam said . . .

“This short but powerful declaration calls for the pursuit of a common vision to ensure the well-being of all children with a collective sense of urgency.”

Ask that 11 year old girl how she feels now, if she is still alive. The ‘optional protocols’ by member states is all gums, no teeth. No mention of this barbaric practice of selling children to be brides. To wit . . .

3. We reaffirm our commitment to the full implementation of the Declaration and Plan of Action contained in the outcome document of the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly on children, entitled “A world fit for children”, recognizing that their implementation and the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Optional Protocols thereto and other relevant international instruments are mutually reinforcing in protecting the rights and promoting the well-being of all children. In all our actions, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.

The track record of the United Nations in corruption, child abuse, rape, and pedophilia ought to be enough to repulse its members, and reason enough to suggest they move their headquarters to a country that is not offended by their actions, or, in this case, inaction.


War Funding Approved

What is characterized in the media as Democrats on capitol hill caving, Democrats in the Senate approved a half trillion dollar spending bill that included $70 billion to prosecute the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It still has to be passed by the House of Representatives, which is expected as well.

But why call it caving? Why not call it deciding to fight, win, and complete the war in Iraq and Afghanistan instead? Or something as inane as, could this be a sign that the country is once again united in the war? Approving the war budget amounts to good news for our troops, good news for the security of our country, the people in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the world, and bad news for the enemy. The only ones Democrats are caving to, apparently, is the George Soros wing of their party who only want to leave our enemies alone. It just goes to show you the perspective of the mainstream media.

link: Washington Post

‘Ring Of Fire’ Radio On Air America

Direct from the host of Air America’s ‘Ring of Fire‘ radio program himself, Mike Papantonio claimed that his show, which he co-hosts with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., would be the response to ‘the fat drug addict with a tie,’ his snide reference to his nemesis, Rush Limbaugh. He said this on WEAR-TV, an ABC affiliate in Pensacola, FL back in January 2004.

At that time, I wished him luck. And knowing the message he had to give based solely on that remark, I had my doubts that the show would make it.

The truth of the matter will be in the profit & loss statement of the PK radio show. The studio and all its costs are one thing. One could expect a new business to go a year or two, or even more, before it begins to make a profit. Conservative talk radio is actually supported by advertisers who are supported by listeners. Will PK radio have the same success, or will it have to be fed by the special interests of the left to stay on the air? Whichever way keeps them on the air will determine whether it is a legitimate business or a mouth organ of the left.

Well, one bankruptcy and a couple buy-outs later, I think it is more a mouth organ for the left than genuine talk radio. In his case, it’s more like rabid radio. They recently added a third co-host to their lineup. No amount of quantity will make up for the quality of their message. Rabid radio has no market beyond the lemmings that they attract, and their friends, relatives, and employees.

The show is driven by the agenda they choose, not the news of the day, with pre-recorded interviews of other ‘progressives’ like Molly Ivens, Bill Moyers, and Michael Moore. There are no dissenting opinions offered on whatever the topic is that they discuss. It is a pep rally for the left, not talk radio.

To compete in the talk radio industry, you have to take calls from actual listeners and debate the topics of the day. That’s what Limbaugh, Hannity, and Boortz do. They take calls. The Ring of Fire does neither. They could show you their syllabus for upcoming shows which says what they’ll be talking about.

Hear how they “take” calls, from BIG LAW attorney and Air America radio host Mike Papantonio himself. Call the show 866-389-FIRE (3473) and this is what you’ll get. Pain yourself, like I did, and listen to a show (one show/week for 3 hrs), available on short wave, the internet, and a few AM radio stations, and see how many calls they take. I listened to one, to see if they would comment on either of my two questions. Of course, they did not. As a matter of fact, a quadruple amputee could count on his toes and fingers the number of calls from actual callers they did take, which was zero. The Ring of Fire is really more like a blow torch than talk radio. Not even in the same league as Rush or the other conservative talkers. Their newest incarnation of ‘progressive’ news is goLeftTV, also financed by the Levin Papantonio law firm. From rabid radio to rabid internet, they’ve got it covered. “Investors” welcome, since advertising isn’t paying the bills.

This is the Ring of Fire’s version of TALK RADIO. <click here>

h/t Ron’s Musings

related links: Ring Of Fire | goLeftTV | Papantonio & Kennedy Talk Radio | Papantonio & Kennedy Talk Radio & Air America

Hung Up On Timetables

It’s much easier to move on when you set a timetable.  The NYT reports that the global warming disciples want to set a timetable to revive the dead.  Rather, to revive the ‘climate treaty.’  I doubt the earth will mind or even care if and when that ever happens.  But for now, the sky-is-falling al-Gores of the world will have to wait for the next bash America party.

Reminds me of other things that don’t respond well to timetables.  Like the desire Democrat leaders in congress have to play Commander in Chief and fight the war on terror via a timetable.  I guess for them it is a face saving way to say we quit.  Who wins?

Here’s a headline you won’t see anywhere else.  ‘Blogger Sets Timetable For New York Times’ to remove their news filter, pull their head out of the sand (or other orifice), and report on news that does not fit their agenda.   Like the Pope’s comments on global warming for example.