Category Archives: Gun Control

President Biden, Hunter, And Witness

Days before his daughter-in-law’s appearance as a witness in his son’s weapons trial, President Biden pays her a visit. Witness tampering much? 

Probably just chatting about vacations or the weather. 

We’ve seen this movie before. When President Clinton just happened to be at the same airport at the same time as then AG Loretta Lynch. Days before James Comey was to speak on his investigation of Hillary Clinton and her servers and emails.  We all know how that turned out. 

Watch how the media reacts to this. Imagine how they would react if this was Trump meeting with a witness. 

Links: Joe Biden Met With Witness Against Hunter Week Before Her Testimony | Report details Sky Harbor meeting between Clinton and Lynch

Biden: No 2nd Amendment For You

Today, President Joe Biden pardoned all prior federal and D.C. offenses of “simple marijuana possession.” He also called on governors to pardon simple state marijuana possession offenses.

“The Justice Department will expeditiously administer the President’s proclamation, which pardons individuals who engaged in simple possession of marijuana, restoring political, civil, and other rights to those convicted of that offense.”

But you will still lose your 2nd Amendment Right if you have a simple medical marijuana prescription. The Obama/Biden Administration’s DOJ did that 4 days before leaving office. Apparently, possessing a medical marijuana prescription is more troublesome than being arrested for possessing and using marijuana itself.

Links: DOJ StatementA Proclamation on Granting Pardon for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana. | OBAMA’S 2A PARTING SHOT


No Concealed Weapons Permit For You

It’s not news that the Second Amendment has been under attack by the Left for years. Decades in fact.

Four days from the end of the Obama administration, Obama’s DOJ added an infringement to purchasing a firearm. If you have a prescription for medical marijuana, you have no Second Amendment Right. But prescriptions for all other drugs are OK.

Maybe it’s been this way since 2017, I don’t know. But I heard today that if you have a Concealed Carry Permit, it will be revoked (infringed) if you obtain a medical marijuana prescription. You can’t have both. And you thought you had personal privacy.

All this is predicated on the fact that marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. There’s no distinction between prescribed and not prescribed. But hey, any way they can infringe on the Second Amendment, they will.

The #AmericanMarxist Left must be replaced with real Americans who support and defend the Constitution.


Florida Stand Your Ground Challenged

Five years ago, President Obama tried to tie the death of Trayvon Martin to gun violence, bringing to question Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law.  Even though Florida’s stand your ground law was not part of the Zimmerman case.

Last week Florida Democrats, trying to repeal ‘stand your ground, thankfully, failed to do so. The law came to question again in that fatal parking lot shooting over a parking space. The law does not allow one free shot. In the case of that video, it looks more like a homicide to me. But that’s what trials are for.

Getting back to your right to defend yourself. Why is it that having and using a gun in self-defense is perceived as something racial? Why can’t these Democrats understand that legally having a concealed weapon can save a the life of a Black man too?

Statistically, in the State of Florida, Blacks benefit more, disproportionately more, than Whites in Florida from the stand your ground law.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Democrats are advocating the revoking of the basic human right of self-defense, from the very people who are benefiting the most from it, for purely political purposes.

Concealed carry permits are issued regardless of race. It’s an easy four-step process. But depending on where you live, steps one and two may be more difficult.

  1. Live to be 21.
  2. Have no criminal record.
  3. Have no drug addictions or mental illness.
  4. Live in a concealed carry or open carry state.


France, Britain Embarrassed By Trump’s Suggestion

In a speech to the National Rifle Association (NRA) on Friday, referring to the shooting of victims in the Paris rampage, Trump said if civilians had been armed “it would have been a whole different story.” Considering the host audience, a quite natural observation. Maybe that’s why Macron and Le Maire were not invited to be speakers?

French President Macron’s statement “France is proud to be a country where acquiring and carrying firearms is strictly regulated.”

His world experience is limited though. At 40 years old, he doesn’t understand the concept that America is a proud country where the citizens have a right to bear arms.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said he hoped Trump “would come back on his words and express regret”. No regret for a country that incorporates the right to bear arms into its Constitution.

Were it not for citizens bearing arms, there would have been no War for Independence from Britain that France helped us win. Americans acknowledge and Thank You for your participation. Appreciate the Statue of Liberty too!

With open borders and all that comes with it, seems to me gun control is the least of their problems.

Delta: No Tax Exemption For You!

Good news for Georgia taxpayers. They will not have to subsidize Delta Airlines for the sales tax on fuel they pay. Delta will continue to pay their fuel tax. Like everyone else.

Delta requested, and was about to get, an exemption on the fuel tax to the tune of $40,000,000. But that changed quickly when Delta caved to political pressure from activists, and publicly announced they were cancelling their business relationship with the NRA.

“While Delta’s intent was to remain neutral, some elected officials in Georgia tied our decision to a pending jet fuel tax exemption, threatening to eliminate it unless we reversed course,” Bastian said. “Our decision was not made for economic gain and our values are not for sale.”

It’s too late for that. That’s what Delta’s Chief Executive Ed Bastian should have told the nut jobs that bombarded his company.

Bastian is right about one thing. He didn’t do it for the money. For being political, caving to the anti-NRA crowd, Delta said they had a total of 13 NRA travelers’ discounts from a program created for the 2018 Convention in Dallas in May. His uninformed decision saved Georgia taxpayers  $40,000,000.

Georgia lawmakers had a lot to say about the tax exemption for Delta. This is one.

Secretary of State Brian Kemp said lawmakers should reject the perk to airlines and instead focus on creating a sales tax holiday for buyers of guns, ammunition, holsters and safes where guns can be stored.


The NRA Distraction

The gun grabbers are at it again. The KOSites and fellow travelers cranked up their bots, generating faux outrage and “complaints” to companies the NRA has business agreements with, and demanding they separate themselves from them. They are also attacking the 1st Amendment by trying to get social media like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, to not carry NRA-TV’s programming.

You might like to know the companies that succumbed to this phony campaign.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car, First National Bank of Omaha, Avis Car Rental, Allied Van Lines, Budget Rent-A-Car, Chubb, Delta Airlines, Hertz Rent-A-Car, MetLife, North American Van Lines, TrueCar, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Symantec and United Airlines.

Just as the NRA had nothing to do with the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA has zero to do with the Parkland or any other shooting.

We are witness to the Dems’ normal behavior of not letting a crisis go to waste, when you can use it to advance your agenda. Blaming everything and every one except the perp. Not making the students any more safe.

Hillary Clinton’s reaction after the Las Vegas slaughter of concertgoers . . .

Notice how Hillary attempts to inoculate herself from being political by being political with this “We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA.” Stand up to the NRA? For what? They have nothing to do with it. Using this school shooting and 17 dead bodies to go after the NRA and the 2nd Amendment should be enough to show that Democrats and Progressives don’t give a wit for those students.

What they should be asking is why the shooter wasn’t flagged for his obvious wacko mental condition when he was evaluated by mental health authorities after he assaulted someone on Jan. 17, 2017? Among other failures, this one was the only one that would have prevented the shooter from legally buying any gun. Something that the NRA happens to support. And something that everyone can agree with.

Links: BOYCOTT: Here Is the List of Companies Who Have Severed Ties with the NRA  |  Parkland shooter always in trouble, never expelled. Could school system have done more?  |  NRA Statement on Corporate Partnerships

Social Musings

A week in review.

January 2nd, 2017, prior to Trump’s inauguration, the re-writing of history begins. Three days before President Obama had his meeting with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, Sally Yates, and Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s senior advisor and Muslim Brotherhood connection, sets the meme by telling the media how scandal-free his administration is.

“Undermines the confidence of the American people in what comes out of Washington” she says. Funny, that’s the same goal as Russia and Valerie Jarrett.

Susan Rice playing CYA catch-up.


PCC Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

Pensacola Christian College wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award for expelling Allen Armentrout, a student who peacefully exercised his 1st Amendment right in Charlottesville, VA last week.

His statement to the Pensacola News Journal was ignored by his school, who apparently succumbed to the media meme that you must deny your ancestors and history, else you’re a violent Nazi White Supremacist.

The college administration failed to show a violation of their rules that would apply to someone exercising their 1st Amendment right. Makes one wonder if any of the anarchists who actually were violent were expelled from school?

“I have been released from my school and will be unable to return to college to finish my senior year. I’m processing this and making adjustments to my life to compensate for this scrutiny.”

He does not deny the history of this country or his family.

Armentrout later told the News Journal he made the trip to Virginia because the KKK, Neo-Nazis and other groups are destroying the history of his ancestors and he wants to share “the true history” of the American South. He said Neo-Nazis have wrongly “latched on” to Confederate history.

One thing is certain, he is consistent in his convictions. Here he is in Pensacola last March.

What’s different this time? The national “news media” made him famous, and he exercised his 2nd Amendment right too! Oh the nerve.

For this reason, Pensacola Christian College wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Can you say “lawsuit?”

Link: Confederate demonstrator kicked out of Pensacola Christian College

Assassination Attempt Outside DC

The reaction of the shooting of Republican congressmen, their aides, and the Capitol police has been about what one would expect. Some calling for more gun control, many condemning the shooting, some blaming Trump, and none addressing the cause. But the one I want to discuss here is one reaction calling it White Terrorism.

I don’t think race has anything to do with it. Like Islamic terrorism, it is ideologically based. In this case, it’s political.

It is a result of the media-fueled acceptance that Hillary Clinton unfairly lost the 2016 presidential election. A meme that has been supported by the Democratic Party since November 8, 2016. It’s what happens when election results are not accepted by millions of (low information) people. People who believe what they read in the NYT or WaPo. People who believe what they see on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS. And the malicious intent and malicious motivation cast upon the Trump administration and Republicans by the media and Democrats, has metastasized into what this Bernie Sanders supporter did today.

For years now, political opposition from Democrats in Washington has been less about policy differences of one being right or wrong, good or better, better or worse. And instead is focused on republicans being bad people, evil people. They are no longer in the shadows of American politics. They call themselves The Resistance. (Hello Venezuela)

We’ve heard Bernie Sanders, and others in the Democratic Party say repeatedly how everything Trump wants to do will kill people. The solution to end the mass psychosis is to stick to policy matters. I don’t see Democrats taking the high road and finally accepting defeat, but that would help immeasurably.

Statement by President Trump on the Shooting in Virginia

Joint statement of today’s shooting by the leaders of The Resistance. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said this . . .

One could easily say about The Resistance (including the fake news media) as a result of this shooting, blood is on their hands.

Link: Rep. Scalise remains in critical condition, requires more surgery