All posts by Ross

aSide Order

One of the Wizards of Smart


Democratic Party depends on a Dependent Class

And it all began with President Lyndon Johnson over the Civil Rights Act of 1964. His focus then was to try to stop the mass exodus of Black Americans moving to the Republican Party.

Showing a little R E S P E C T

The British Army’s Household Division play Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’ at Buckingham Palace on the day of the Queen of Soul’s funeral.


Democrats Reveal

Nothing like Democrats, and whatever Bernie Sanders is, coming out of the closet with their love affair for distributing your wealth. Government supplied everything.

The fact that he says that so many young people embrace Socialism is all on its own, if true, a testament to the failure of the education system our kids are subject to. Or victims of.

So predictable.

Security Clearance Smoke

The media reaction to President Trump pulling the security clearance from former CIA Director John Brennan, and considering doing same to other key participants as well, is interesting in two areas.

John Brennan, a CNN talking head, CNN, and their soul brothers in the media call it a restriction on his freedom of speech. I haven’t noticed Brennan or the media change their use of the First Amendment, have you? In fact, Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Carl Bernstein won the Merriman Smith Award for their broadcast work and reporting on the dossier. The “story” did not require a tireless investigation. It was handed to CNN by DNI James Clapper. The media always covers for, and protects, their own. They do it by giving the persons whose name is in the by-line an award. In this case, appropriately so, the media chose The White House Correspondent’s Dinner to announce it. It’s their attempt to add legitimacy to a bogus story. You might remember when Dan Rather got his award for the bogus GW Bush  National Guard story. A story that, like the fake dossier, also could not be verified.

The other is the direction from which they report on his motive behind his action. Paraphrasing, “He’s just doing this because they are investigating him for Russia collusion.”

Well, YEAH!

But they say his motivation is to obstruct justice. Which is also irrelevant because that has nothing to do with the ongoing investigation. It has to do with how this investigation really began over two years ago. And Brennan played a big role. (Which is why the initiating documents and related communications still have not seen the light of day.) It is not about what is going on with Mueller today.

They look at it as a threat to national security. And it is. But on the part of the former government officials, not Trump. Former officials with security clearances getting classified information from current government officials, and with that, starting the plan to destroy candidate Trump’s campaign, and then his presidency.

You can’t have people on the outside with top security clearance getting information from people on the inside with top security clearance. Realize that these are swamp dwellers, democrats and Never Trumpers I’m talking about. I don’t think for a second that Brennan not having his security clearance would have stopped Mueller, Comey, Clapper, or anyone else from leaking to the media. There’s simply no reason, as a matter of course, to take your security clearance with you when you leave your employ.

The Commander-in-Chief yanked Brennan’s security clearance to get control of national security. Not to breach it.

Links: How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case | The Russia Investigations: Trump On Collision Course With National Security World | CNN Wins Award for Taking Dictation from James Clapper

Florida Stand Your Ground Challenged

Five years ago, President Obama tried to tie the death of Trayvon Martin to gun violence, bringing to question Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law.  Even though Florida’s stand your ground law was not part of the Zimmerman case.

Last week Florida Democrats, trying to repeal ‘stand your ground, thankfully, failed to do so. The law came to question again in that fatal parking lot shooting over a parking space. The law does not allow one free shot. In the case of that video, it looks more like a homicide to me. But that’s what trials are for.

Getting back to your right to defend yourself. Why is it that having and using a gun in self-defense is perceived as something racial? Why can’t these Democrats understand that legally having a concealed weapon can save a the life of a Black man too?

Statistically, in the State of Florida, Blacks benefit more, disproportionately more, than Whites in Florida from the stand your ground law.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Democrats are advocating the revoking of the basic human right of self-defense, from the very people who are benefiting the most from it, for purely political purposes.

Concealed carry permits are issued regardless of race. It’s an easy four-step process. But depending on where you live, steps one and two may be more difficult.

  1. Live to be 21.
  2. Have no criminal record.
  3. Have no drug addictions or mental illness.
  4. Live in a concealed carry or open carry state.


No Voter Fraud Here!

170 registered voters in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District are listed as being “over 116 years old.” And 75 of them voted!

But there’s no voter fraud, Democrats say. (Russians excepted) They say that cleaning up your voting rolls of inactive participants is voter suppression. Give me a break. There’s always a provisional ballot for that 116 yr old Democrat who didn’t have a stamp and pen.

Link: 170 Voters in Ohio Race Are ‘Over 116 Years Old’ — Oldest Living Person in the World Is Only 115

The Occupy Generation?

Some people call Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the “new face” of the Democratic Party. Of course, establishment Democrats will disagree. They love socialism but are afraid to come out and say it. Ocasio-Cortez is like them, only out of the closet, so to speak.

In an attempt to explain why unemployment levels have dropped to lows of 4% and below under the Trump administration, the Democratic congressional candidate, an economics and international relations major, explained, “Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.”

Oh my how they’ve grown. From Occupy Wall Street, to Occupy Pensacola, to what, Occupy Politics?

What’s new is there is no spooky mask. And now they have to speak in complete sentences. Revealing a lot more than just a pretty face.

Is she the new face of the Democrat Party? Or is she a trouble maker for Democrats, creating a divide in the Party? Sort of like the political version of Occupy Wall Street. Politically speaking, whichever it is, it will turn to the benefit of the Republican Party.

Viva la Resistance!

Link: WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Explains Unemployment, Melts Internet

103 Days To Get A Valid ID

Speaking to the NAACP, look how much (or little) Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) thinks of her constituents. Turning voting integrity into racial bias. Less Blacks are buying that anymore. But, identity politics is all the Democrat establishment knows.

For whatever reason, and for however many people who care to vote but don’t have a valid picture ID, there are 103 days left to get one. Senator McCaskill doesn’t believe you can handle it. Witness the soft bigotry of low expectation. Democrats in Washington want you to believe that you are still a victim, and they are looking out for you.

Independent thinking anyone?

Link: McCaskill Rails Against Voter ID at NAACP Dinner

Dems Declare Open Borders

Here! Here! For President Trump for solving the faux controversy about separating illegal minor children from illegal (parent/coyote) adults .

“I’ll be doing something that’s somewhat preemptive and ultimately will be matched by legislation I’m sure,” Trump said.

Once ostensibly giving in to pressure for keeping families together, and the dramatic pictures prostituted by the media, signing this executive order has drawn out Democrats to fully admit the truth about their idea of immigration.

It is the goal of the Democrat(ic) Party to have open borders. People entering the country illegally should be a catch and release operation. In other words, keeping the family together in our country. No deportation, no turning them around. No holding for a judicial hearing. Translation, open border.

What a great platform for Democrats to run on. They can’t lie about their true motives any more. Thank You President Trump for drawing Democrats out before the mid-terms. Republican candidates will remember.

Link: Trump signs executive order he says will keep immigrant families together

More Jobs Than People Looking

Since the Trump Administration began, 15 months ago, the economy is growing, companies are expanding, some moving back from abroad. On the labor side, unemployment has been dropping for the last fifteen  months. Now at 3.8 percent.  It’s all good. And, all the result of unleashing the economic engine that had been ignored for too long.

Remember what the unemployment rate was after Obama’s “stimulus” spending? There were two of them. It’s only relevant to mention Obama to understand the impact that government regulations, including taxes, have on the economy. Obama did it the classic, well post Kennedy, Democratic way of using the tax code and other regulations (including minimum wages) to “manage” the private sector. You lived the results.

Trump did it the free market capitalistic way. Minimizing taxes and regulations. And literally turning the economy loose.

What happened is that, as of the end of April, there are 6.7 million job openings according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And over the 12 months ending in April, hires totaled 66.1 million and
separations totaled 63.7 million, yielding a net employment gain of 2.4 million. And, as of April, the total workers looking and eligible for jobs fell to 6.35 million, a decrease from 6.58 million the previous month. There are 350,000 more jobs than people looking for them.

A free market economy is self-regulating when given the chance. And when given a chance, it will decide the right wage for a given job. Not the government.

With more jobs than people looking to fill them, you will see “Help Wanted” signs on store fronts. You’ll see “Now Hiring” on the back of tractor trailers on the Interstates. And you will also see employers competing for employees by paying higher wages. Economic supply and demand at work. Not a raving Marxist calling for a mandatory living wage.

EU Flirts With Suicide

Isn’t it obvious by now that the EU doesn’t really care about a nuclear Iran? Well, not more than they care about selling goods and services to Iran.

If they can’t survive economically without Iran, they’ve got a huge problem. There’s a world of customers out there, Iran doesn’t have to be one of them. And, funding a state sponsor of terror to the point that would enable Iran to lob a nuke their way makes sense to who?

Link: Europe Asks U.S. for an Exemption From Sanctions on Iran