All posts by Ross

Immigration Bill Advances In Senate

Lost that battle, but not the war. That’s one way to look at what happened in the Senate today. Today they managed to get the 60 votes needed for cloture (64 yes, 35 no, 1 did not vote) of the bill to end the accepting of amendments. On Thursday, after the proposed amendments are ‘debated,’ there will have to be another cloture vote to end debate and put it to the Senate floor for a vote with or without the amendments submitted. If it goes that far, then the bill will go to the House of Representatives where, I hope it will never be seen again. Not in its present form anyway.

The point is, it ain’t over yet. Let your Senators know once again, or a few more times, before Thursday afternoon that you want the border SHUT first. Forget about a comprehensive anything unless they’re talking about a comprehensive border lock-down. Tell them that no manner or level of a comprehensive solution will serve our country or will even have a chance of serving our country if the flow if illegals and terrorists is not stopped first. In other words, the comprehensive solution must not include the continuing flow of millions more coming across the border. PERIOD. Make sure they hear from you.

I live in Florida, you can bet that Mel Martinez already got the last vote he’s going to get from me. Makes me proud to live close to Alabama, whose senators Sessions and Shelby actually serve their legal constituents and put America first. Martinez and Nelson are both wrong in supporting this bill. They are bi-partisan fools out to pimp the Latino voting block at the expense of our nations safety and security. But not all Latinos, just Mexicans. That’s where the numbers are.

Mel, Bill, I’ll remember you both come election day. For the rest of you, I strongly suggest you check this roll call vote, and the one that will take place on Thursday if it passes, to see if any of your senators voted to pass this bill, then act accordingly.

United Nations, Useless In Darfur

Or is it useless nations, united in Darfur?  You can lead a horse to water. . . Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice again chides the United Nations (Useless Nations?) saying that they and their members are ignoring solutions in Darfur.

“I will be very frank. I do not think that the international community has really lived up to its responsibilities here.”

Freedom Of Speech Prevails

The SCOTUS today ruled in favor of freedom of political speech, shooting down the ridiculous provisions of the sinister McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance ‘Reform’ bill.

Speaking of freedom of speech, and what would happen if the Fairness Doctrine would be revived, here is what you would get, all you would get, regarding today’s decision under the Fairness Doctrine. Which would be represented by ABC news radio reporting it like this today. . .

The Supreme Court today put some restrictions to the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform bill.

That was it. And that’s all you need to know (as far as the MSM is concerned). That’s those far-right justices (Kennedy?) on the Supreme Court. To be fair, the sentence didn’t mention the ‘far-right’ part, but I’m sure they would have been able to work it in if they could have lengthened the blurb up to maybe 7 seconds, instead of the 3 seconds they actually gave it. The perception is that that bill, as blatantly unconstitutional as it is, by definition, was a good thing, and the courts were coming down against reform.

You see, without the alternative media, internet, and talk radio, you wouldn’t be told the truth about the ruling. The bill was more than restricted, it was neutered. Right there is the difference from what you can know about what’s going on and what you would know about whats going on if that Stalinist Fairness Doctrine ever sees the light of day again.

Prophet Held To Account

It’s a good thing this hasn’t spread to the global warming crowd. About 16 years ago it was predicted that the earth would be toast by now. Algore gave it 10 years in his book. The Nepalese are an even more curious lot, compared to people in The West. There, Bishweshwor Chaudhari, a self-proclaimed holy-man had predicted that a massive earthquake would kill 300,000 people and it was to have begun last week. When it didn’t occur, people went to his house and beat him up. Talk about tough fans. He may get the last laugh though because the period of activity was to continue until July 10th.

When Friday came and went without the slightest tremor, angry residents of the city rushed to Mr Chaudhari’s house and beat him up, declaring him a charlatan and demanding that he be punished. Police intervened and detained him for disturbing the peace.

And this food-for-thought, quite topical but in a different context, illegal immigration.

The incident illustrates how deeply superstitious much of Nepal remains and how easy it is for the unscrupulous to exploit the millions of Nepalis who have little access to basic education and healthcare.

States Ahead Of Feds On Illegal Immigration

Doing what the Federal Government hasn’t the will to do, States are taking on the illegal immigration problem themselves.   So when the President and Trent Lott say that you don’t understand the immigration problem and are not in tune with mainstream America on this subject, you can be assured that by virtue of the States taking matters into their own hands as they are,  that it is the President and Trent Lott who are not in the mainstream of American thought.

Democrats On Race, To Be A Liberal

Politics and political thought today is so much a product of what is shaped by the mainstream media, the class warfare pimps, and the victim-class pimps, that there really is two Americas when it comes to politics. Not like what John Edwards was talking about, but in terms of what is happening, and what you are being told is happening. Those two. Of all major civil rights legislation enacted since the beginning, there is only one political party advancing the cause for equal rights. If the MSM would do a little research on the subject, they would find that it is the Republican party.

Recommended viewing for liberals. The videos in this post illustrate how liberals think and why they operate the way they do. And the National Black Republican Association’s piece that shows the difference between Democrats and Republicans and what drives them. The videos illuminate the divide that exists between what the MSM tells us about the Democrat and Republican parties on racial issues, and the truth.

A Heritage Foundation piece, “How Modern Liberals Think” by Evan Sayet. Thanks to Snoop for the inspiration.

And from the National Black Republican Association, “Republicans Promote Prosperity – Democrats Promote Dependency” are interviews with Herman Cain and Wayne Perryman.

It’s Working Harry

Want a sign the “surge” is working? How about former Sunni “insurgents” joining with Iraq and US military to fight Al Qaeda? This is the sort of thing the war planners were hoping would happen. That the people would isolate Al Qaeda and turn informant for the military. Somebody tell Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) that his ‘loss’ is losing.

“We do not kill police or army members, or call for their killing,” he said. “Al Qaeda threatened us for taking this stance. … They began to kidnap and kill our fighters, so … we began to fight back.”

The commander said his group had turned down a previous request from U.S. officials to join the fight against Al Qaeda.

“But after recent killings among our Iraqi people in the province, we decided to fight alongside Iraqi and American troops,” he said.

Dismay Couldn’t Stop Hamas

So after a short bloody war in Gaza that included public executions, lets reflect back a couple weeks. It was June 3rd that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the countdown has begun to bring about the demise of Israel. Did you think he was crazy? Maybe he is mad, but not crazy. Fact is Hamas (Ahmadinejad’s soldiers) is on that mission. Here’s what he said then. . .

“The countdown to this regime’s destruction started through the hands of Hezbollah’s children”


“We will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future thanks to the endeavours of all Palestinian and Lebanese fighters”

Meanwhile, about all we hear from the United Nations (the wacko left’s capitol) was their expression of ‘dismay.’ It has been that way since Yasser Arafat’s days. The militancy going on in Gaza today is the product of that Nobel Peace Prize winner Arafat, and Iran. This should be a lesson for the left of just how effective expressing “dismay” is when it comes to stopping terrorists.