The media reaction to President Trump pulling the security clearance from former CIA Director John Brennan, and considering
doing same to other key participants as well, is interesting in two areas.
John Brennan, a CNN talking head, CNN, and their soul brothers in the media call it a restriction on his freedom of speech. I haven’t noticed Brennan or the media change their use of the First Amendment, have you? In fact, Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Carl Bernstein won the Merriman Smith Award for their broadcast work and reporting on the dossier. The “story” did not require a tireless investigation. It was handed to CNN by DNI James Clapper. The media always covers for, and protects, their own. They do it by giving the persons whose name is in the by-line an award. In this case, appropriately so, the media chose The White House Correspondent’s Dinner to announce it. It’s their attempt to add legitimacy to a bogus story. You might remember when Dan Rather got his award for the bogus GW Bush National Guard story. A story that, like the fake dossier, also could not be verified.
The other is the direction from which they report on his motive behind his action. Paraphrasing, “He’s just doing this because they are investigating him for Russia collusion.”
Well, YEAH!
But they say his motivation is to obstruct justice. Which is also irrelevant because that has nothing to do with the ongoing investigation. It has to do with how this investigation really began over two years ago. And Brennan played a big role. (Which is why the initiating documents and related communications still have not seen the light of day.) It is not about what is going on with Mueller today.
They look at it as a threat to national security. And it is. But on the part of the former government officials, not Trump. Former officials with security clearances getting classified information from current government officials, and with that, starting the plan to destroy candidate Trump’s campaign, and then his presidency.
You can’t have people on the outside with top security clearance getting information from people on the inside with top security clearance. Realize that these are swamp dwellers, democrats and Never Trumpers I’m talking about. I don’t think for a second that Brennan not having his security clearance would have stopped Mueller, Comey, Clapper, or anyone else from leaking to the media. There’s simply no reason, as a matter of course, to take your security clearance with you when you leave your employ.
The Commander-in-Chief yanked Brennan’s security clearance to get control of national security. Not to breach it.
Links: How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case | The Russia Investigations: Trump On Collision Course With National Security World | CNN Wins Award for Taking Dictation from James Clapper