President’s Role, San Jose

The 2016 presidential campaign season is full of firsts. Not the least of which is that this is the campaign year of the Outsider. The lousy state of affairs in the country is the reason for it. People in both parties think the country is going in the wrong direction and are looking for significant change. Not hope.

One thing that is happening this time is not new. But it is way worse than ever before. Trying to blame the Republican candidate for violence happened in 2008 The Left and their willing accomplices in the media were quick to blame Sarah Palin for Gabby Giffords assassination attempt by a wacko in that campaign. Now it is worse. Now the Left is organizing protests to disrupt campaign events, Events that include physical violence against people who have differing political beliefs.

Predictably, the Left is blaming Donald Trump for the rioting in Chicago and San Jose, instead of the people doing the rioting. And although President Obama isn’t the one running around burning American flags and throwing rocks at police, and beating up on peaceful American citizens, he’s not out there telling the rioters, or the activist groups organizing them, to knock it off. He’s not calling for law enforcement to protect these Americans.

This is how Barack Obama has operated from day one of his administration, and before. First, as the leader of his party and the chief law enforcement officer of the country, the one who took the oath, it has been his duty and sworn responsibility to protect and defend the people and the constitution of the United States. Despite many chances to do that, he has done neither.

He didn’t make a statement saying for the rioters to respect the speech, including and especially political speech (1st Amendment) of others. He didn’t do it in Chicago either, when his buddy William Ayers was agitating. He didn’t do it when Trump canceled an event for the safety of supporters and the politically curious.

It is through his absence in doing that, that gives tacit approval to the idiots who can’t control themselves and, are easily swayed by the SEIU, Ayers, and the many Soros groups. This is what Obama and his party have brought about.

It was Obama who declared republicans his enemy. That’s a bit more broad than a cross-hairs on a political map. (Palin) It was  President Obama who said he will reward his friends and punish his enemies. This is what Obama and his party have brought about.

Obama has a history of inserting himself in cases where he should not, and in this example, not inserting himself where he should.

obama_divide_for_changeIn the world Obama lives in, chaos is good. Obama’s then Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, let the cat out of the bag years ago when he said “never to let a crisis go to waste.” This is what the community organizer like Obama believes. And what he does. Whether you have to create one or not. This is Obama. This is who he is. He had many chances to make his administration a post-racial administration, like a lot of people who voted for him had hoped he would. Instead, he has used his bully pulpit to exacerbate racial tensions, ethnic tensions, gender, age, income. You name it. In a sick and purposeful way, he has groomed those idiots to attack anyone with the potential of halting his “remaking” of America.