An Unintended Consequence, Base Might Stay Home

Some have said, and democrats hope, that conservatives who have had it with Bush will stay home on election day.  Ostensibly to punish Bush.  I don’t buy into that theory.  Conservatives are smarter than that and won’t commit political suicide.  I think we learned a lesson from the 1992 election.  Democrats, on the other hand, just may have a stay-at-home problem of their own making that is taking on a racial component.

Democrat strategists and the New York Times talk about disillusionment of Black voters being up.  A disillusionment of hearing year after year that an election lost isn’t an election lost, but rather an election stolen and manipulated.  Their talking point worked so well, it seems, that they have convinced this voting block, apparently, that their vote doesn’t matter.  

That’s a serious consequence for two reasons.  First is that a voting block can be manipulated to the point of believing our voting system is rigged, and second that a political party would seriously campaign on the stolen election sour grapes campaign instead of conceding a loss, no matter how close it was.  But that’s where we are today.

ref: James Taranto, Opinion Journal; Democrats Fear Disillusionment in Black Voters, New York Times; Democrats work to woo black voters, Buffalo News

Most UnReported, Muslim Attacks On French Police

France is on the verge. On the verge of losing their country or of standing up to ‘immigrants’ who are not there to assimilate into French society. They want to be French society. The pain will be minimized because they will promptly surrender.

But what do you call, if not a violent uprising, a stat like more than 2500 French police officers were injured by Muslims and Muslim gang activity so far in 2006. The police are asking for armored cars to go into some neighborhoods.

And this. . .

France’s huge Muslim minority community has come under the influence of agents often influenced and financed by Al Qaida. These agents have recruited Muslim youngsters for urban warfare in which police and government representatives are injured daily.

Similar invasions are on-going in other European countries. Will Europe morph into something else? Will the United States morph into something else? How? Or better yet, why?

World Tribune

Candidates Receive Selective Scrutiny

The WAPO headline is ‘Allen Blasts Webb Novels For Sex Scenes.’  Think about this for a moment.  If it were Allen who authored those books, Webb wouldn’t have to ‘blast’ anybody because the media would gladly do it for him.  Politically speaking, the MSM has chosen sides.  We’re here simply to do the job that they refuse to do, which is to present the other side of every and any issue.
They don’t seem the least bit interested in going back 40 years in Webb’s school years like they did with George Allen.  Maybe it’s because they think that riding around in the Watts area of Los Angeles with guns (unloaded) and pointing them at blacks on the street, pulling the trigger, then driving off laughing at the ‘joke’ would not help forward their agenda that only republicans are corrupt, uncaring, and evil.  James Webb did that while in college.  Have you heard about that?  What, that’s not newsworthy?

RICHMOND, Oct. 27 — Virginia Sen. George Allen (R) has accused his Democratic opponent, James Webb, of writing inappropriate sex scenes and demeaning descriptions of women in his fictional books, the latest character attack in a close and nasty campaign.
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