Category Archives: Politics

Prophet Held To Account

It’s a good thing this hasn’t spread to the global warming crowd. About 16 years ago it was predicted that the earth would be toast by now. Algore gave it 10 years in his book. The Nepalese are an even more curious lot, compared to people in The West. There, Bishweshwor Chaudhari, a self-proclaimed holy-man had predicted that a massive earthquake would kill 300,000 people and it was to have begun last week. When it didn’t occur, people went to his house and beat him up. Talk about tough fans. He may get the last laugh though because the period of activity was to continue until July 10th.

When Friday came and went without the slightest tremor, angry residents of the city rushed to Mr Chaudhari’s house and beat him up, declaring him a charlatan and demanding that he be punished. Police intervened and detained him for disturbing the peace.

And this food-for-thought, quite topical but in a different context, illegal immigration.

The incident illustrates how deeply superstitious much of Nepal remains and how easy it is for the unscrupulous to exploit the millions of Nepalis who have little access to basic education and healthcare.

States Ahead Of Feds On Illegal Immigration

Doing what the Federal Government hasn’t the will to do, States are taking on the illegal immigration problem themselves.   So when the President and Trent Lott say that you don’t understand the immigration problem and are not in tune with mainstream America on this subject, you can be assured that by virtue of the States taking matters into their own hands as they are,  that it is the President and Trent Lott who are not in the mainstream of American thought.

Democrats On Race, To Be A Liberal

Politics and political thought today is so much a product of what is shaped by the mainstream media, the class warfare pimps, and the victim-class pimps, that there really is two Americas when it comes to politics. Not like what John Edwards was talking about, but in terms of what is happening, and what you are being told is happening. Those two. Of all major civil rights legislation enacted since the beginning, there is only one political party advancing the cause for equal rights. If the MSM would do a little research on the subject, they would find that it is the Republican party.

Recommended viewing for liberals. The videos in this post illustrate how liberals think and why they operate the way they do. And the National Black Republican Association’s piece that shows the difference between Democrats and Republicans and what drives them. The videos illuminate the divide that exists between what the MSM tells us about the Democrat and Republican parties on racial issues, and the truth.

A Heritage Foundation piece, “How Modern Liberals Think” by Evan Sayet. Thanks to Snoop for the inspiration.

And from the National Black Republican Association, “Republicans Promote Prosperity – Democrats Promote Dependency” are interviews with Herman Cain and Wayne Perryman.

It’s Working Harry

Want a sign the “surge” is working? How about former Sunni “insurgents” joining with Iraq and US military to fight Al Qaeda? This is the sort of thing the war planners were hoping would happen. That the people would isolate Al Qaeda and turn informant for the military. Somebody tell Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) that his ‘loss’ is losing.

“We do not kill police or army members, or call for their killing,” he said. “Al Qaeda threatened us for taking this stance. … They began to kidnap and kill our fighters, so … we began to fight back.”

The commander said his group had turned down a previous request from U.S. officials to join the fight against Al Qaeda.

“But after recent killings among our Iraqi people in the province, we decided to fight alongside Iraqi and American troops,” he said.

Dismay Couldn’t Stop Hamas

So after a short bloody war in Gaza that included public executions, lets reflect back a couple weeks. It was June 3rd that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the countdown has begun to bring about the demise of Israel. Did you think he was crazy? Maybe he is mad, but not crazy. Fact is Hamas (Ahmadinejad’s soldiers) is on that mission. Here’s what he said then. . .

“The countdown to this regime’s destruction started through the hands of Hezbollah’s children”


“We will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future thanks to the endeavours of all Palestinian and Lebanese fighters”

Meanwhile, about all we hear from the United Nations (the wacko left’s capitol) was their expression of ‘dismay.’ It has been that way since Yasser Arafat’s days. The militancy going on in Gaza today is the product of that Nobel Peace Prize winner Arafat, and Iran. This should be a lesson for the left of just how effective expressing “dismay” is when it comes to stopping terrorists.

Gaza Solution The Same

It’s amazing that of all the news about Hamas killing Palistinians, as opposed to killing Jews, I haven’t heard “Iran” mentioned in any of the stories. Not one. You should know that Hamas is the terrorist wing of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran’s military. Hamas is funded, supplied and trained by and in Iran. There’s a reason the MSM would rather not tell you about the Hamas chain of command and exactly who they are. Let’s not keep that fact secret as we move forward.

Hamas has played its hand now by taking control of Gaza by the gun and with public executions of the police. In front of their families I might add. However, the solution is the same as the one for Iraq.

In Iraq, they used democratic principles to elect their leaders and their government. Nobody said that having a democratic election will yield a peace loving country, especially if it is held in Gaza. So have a new election in Gaza, let them choose their leaders and their form of government. If the new government turns out to be a terrorist state, then fine. At least now the enemy and the target is identified. They are no longer in the shadows among civilians. They are a state in every sense of the word, and when they start attacking Israel, Israel can respond with a full war response. Dittos for Israel’s allies. It would be over within 30 days, maybe 30 minutes, if fought like a war. No reason for that tit-for-tat military response any more. They’ll have to be pounded into submission and cut off from Iran. And if Iran wants to provoke further military action in Gaza or Lebanon, then it’s on with them too. It’s pretty much their choice. Saddam had a choice. He didn’t make the right one.

The time for negotiations has expired with the takeover in Gaza. When Hamas only wants to kill Israelies and wipe Israel off the map, where is there room for compromise? Will some liberal please explain what a compromise might look like?

Close The Barn Door First

What have you done to stop this immigration bill lately? Last week went well, but Washington is going to try to push it through again this week. Forget about last week. They still haven’t gotten the message. Or rather, they still refuse to believe you. Or they have begun not listening to you any more since the country is now run by talk radio. What? Well, according to Trent Lott anyways. Call your senators again this week, right now, tell them what you support and what you don’t.

There is not one compelling reason to not close the border first. They’ve already approved and appropriated money to build a border fence. And it is the only provision in the bill that virtually everyone has voted for. But there is no will in Washington to follow through with it. Which is exactly why they include it in this immigration bill. They are twisting your arm to get you to accept automatic legalization (some call it amnesty) of millions of illegal aliens in order to close the border. That’s why the insistence for a comprehensive bill. NO, I think we need to close the barn door first.

This bill, if approved, aside from granting legal status to millions, including convicted criminals and those who were deported and came back, or never left, will also change the demographics of this country into something more resembling Americo than America. And they don’t seem to have a problem with that.

That, and you’ll have to live with the fact that those wanting this bill will characterize you as being “anti-immigration.” That slur could not be further from the truth. It is illegal immigration that most Americans do not approve of.

Both are counting on the Latino vote. Aside from being ridiculous, because they would overwhelmingly vote democrat, not republican, what we have here are democrats and republicans putting politics ahead of our country. And us citizens and legal immigrants will pay for it. Watch it happen or take action now.

NYT: Senate Leaders Agree to Revive Immigration Bill

UN Says WeatherMan Caused Genocide

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the new Sec. General of the United Nations, found a way to excuse genocide in Darfur. It’s all because of that super anti-hero WeatherMan, also referred to as ‘global warming.’ Yes, you’ve seen his power to corrupt the government in Khartoum and allow radical Muslims to run through villages raping and pillaging innocent native Africans, many of whom happen to believe in Christianity. After four years of genocide, Ban has found an excuse to not get involved and absolve the UN for its incompetence. After all, the UN can’t change the weather even though they think that we (the United States) can. It’s all our fault of course.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that the slaughter in Darfur was triggered by global climate change and that more such conflicts may be on the horizon

His answer seems to be to continue the ‘blame America’ mantra, using the ‘global warming’ issue, to excuse the genocide and its perpetrators as something too big for them to solve. The UN isn’t up to the task of squelching the genocide because it means squelching and punishing the radical Muslims. It’s not in their DNA.

related: Climate Change Behind Darfur Killing

Go Left TV Takes On Conservative Media

Proof that the fairness doctrine is a big mistake, the left has sprouted up a new presence on the Internet in the form of It’s a mistake in the sense that everyone has a shot at playing pundit, success or failure depends on them, not the government.

They are properly optimistic, with all the bravado of the kick-off of Air America Radio a couple years ago. From the press release. . .

“Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Medved and the rest of right-wing, conservative media, beware!”

Among the people behind GLTV is a familiar face in Air America Radio land. Pensacola attorney Mike Papantonio, and his buds at his BIG LAW law firm are the major “investors” in the project. The “Pap Attack” is something he does on his Air America Radio show called the Ring of Fire, available on short wave, the Internet and a few conventional AM outlets. As referenced in the previous post, watching a minute or two of the Pap Attack will give you an idea what hate radio (hate Internet?) is.