Tag Archives: Politics

Star Spangled Banner Challenge

Help take the Star Spangled Banner challenge. A million views or downloads by election day. Video Views To Date: 258,971

What’s this all about? A little pushback of the talking-head Left’s lack of “patriotism” and respect of the nation’s history. That’s all.

“The Star Spangled Banner is stupid and embarrassing.”
– Bill Press, Current TV

“No one has the Star Spangled Banner on their iPod.”
– Comedian Daniel Tosh

Now I do. Two versions in fact. I know Tosh is a comedian. But it is a venue where a lot of the dumb masses get their “news.” Not a very deep bunch.


And then there’s this classic Jimi Hendrix version at Woodstock.


Were you there?


The Right Way To Tax

If there is one thing in Washington for which there is bi-partisan support, it is the necessity to fund the government by taxing businesses and people. Here’s the question. Could there be a way to fund the government by bringing in the same dollar amount as the current tax code, ie revenue neutral, in a way that would stimulate, not depress, economic activity?

Here are seven informative FairTax videos that answer that question. Each one shows the benefits of the FairTax compared to the current IRS tax code. The last one features Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. Continue reading The Right Way To Tax

aSide Order

Isn’t it amazing how the politicos in Washington get their shorts in a wad over uniforms for the U.S. olympic team being made in China? Too bad they aren’t as concerned when it comes to borrowing their money.

While the economy slows down, and unemployment is at record levels for a record amount of time, President Obama’s message is revealing more and more of his Marxist philosophy and fascist economic model tendencies when he says  that small business owners did not make their business or make them grow. “If you’re successful in business, you didn’t get there on your own,” he said. That “someone else” he suggests is the government. A defeatist attitude for free-market capitalism and, for America as we know it. And particularly dangerous coming from our president.

As an aside from the debate in Washington about whether or not to raise the debt ceiling, spend less, or balance the budget, there is something else just as ominous to the country and future generations that you should know about.

We all understand that borrowing money has a direct cost to it, the interest rate. Interest rates now are at all-time lows. No problem. When interest rates go back up, big problem.


Sen. Tom Coburn expounds on the “Debt Bomb.” “The problem isn’t that we haven’t agreed, the problem is that we’ve agreed way too much,” explained Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) in a recent interview with The Heritage Foundation. “Otherwise we wouldn’t have trillion-dollar deficits, $16 trillion in debt, and unfunded liabilities of $113-131 trillion.”



Obama’s Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform

Amongst the class warfare tax rhetoric, repeating (known) debunked stories about Bain and Romney, was this most unreported story on Friday . . .Obama just gutted the welfare reform act of 1996 by eliminating the work requirement. No debate or involvement of congress.

The Ruler Barack Hussien Kardashian Obama makes laws by himself, illegal immigration, welfare. And decides which law he doesn’t want to follow, AZ v United States.

This reform was very successful. TANF became the only welfare program (out of more than 70) that promoted greater self-reliance. It moved 2.8 million families off the welfare rolls and into jobs so that they were providing for themselves. Child poverty fell, and single-parent employment rose. Recipients were required to perform at least 20–30 hours per week of work or job preparation activities in exchange for the cash benefit.

Now, Obama’s HHS is claiming that it can waive those work requirements that are at the heart of the law, and without Congress’s consent.

Who knew there was a groundswell of opinion to define watching TV or sleeping as ‘work?’ Working hard to grow a population dependent on the government? Check. It also shows that Obama is not restrained by the law and, is no advocate for the poor. Taking steps to help dismantle a productive family is not helpful. It’s disgraceful. Screw the constitution.

Link: Morning Bell: Obama’s Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform.

Obama Raising Taxes

In 2010, the last time “the Bush tax cuts” were scheduled to expire (remember the Democrat-controlled congress wouldn’t pass those tax rates into law unless they were ‘temporary?’) President Obama said that raising taxes during a recession would be counter-productive to any recovery. A correct statement. So the bill was extended two years. Notice too how tax cuts expire and tax increases don’t.

Now two years later and in another campaign season, his stump speech is that it was those “Bush tax cuts for the rich” that caused our economic trouble. That, and his claiming ignorance. Ignorance that the economy was so bad that he and his advisers did not know how bad things were. You’ve heard it. It’s all Bush’s fault.

Today Obama wants to keep the tax rates for the ‘middle class.’ Have you noticed how this president calls the Bush tax cuts as “tax cuts for the rich?” The fraud he is perpetrating on the American people is that the Bush tax cuts were tax cuts for EVERYONE, including the middle class. Sans the class warfare.

The ‘class warfare tactic’ demands that they be called tax cuts for the rich, and, it is Obama who is going to give the middle class a tax cut. The reality is the tax rates that Bush signed were tax cuts for the middle class too! Obama likes those, and wants to own them.

The only way Barack Obama can get away with this fraud is the legacy media will allow him to get away with it.

How’s this explanation work for you? ‘It was those tax cuts that caused the economy and jobs to tank. That’s why I want to extend them.’

I don’t know how President Obama sleeps at night when he continues to lie to us to advance his agenda. He does it because it works on the ‘less informed.’ Or as Boortz refers to them, the ‘dumb masses.’ It’s unfortunate for America that Community Organizer Barack Obama can’t be honest about it. And he deserves to be re-elected for that?

Wrong And Right Direction In Job Growth

Picture a swimmer flailing away to keep his head above water to keep from drowning. Now picture President Obama bragging about creating 80,000 jobs last month as “a step in the right direction.”

All he has to brag about is the economy is not dead yet.

Considering that, to keep up with population growth, a break-even number for job creation is 150,000 to 250,000 new jobs per month (depending on whose estimation you want to believe), any number below that means the employment picture is worsening. Not getting better and, contrary to the administration’s spin, is going in the wrong direction.

Links: Obama’s Magic Number? 150,000 Jobs Per Month  |  Demand More than ‘New Normal’  |  Obama on job numbers: ‘It’s still tough out there’

Barack, Whining For Dollars

Got an email from my President today. He sounds a little panicky to me.

Ross — {yeah, we’re on a first-name basis}

I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent in his re-election campaign, if things continue as they have so far.

I’m not just talking about the super PACs and anonymous outside groups — I’m talking about the Romney campaign itself. Those outside groups just add even more to the underlying problem.

The Romney campaign raises more than we do, and the math isn’t hard to understand: Through the primaries, we raised almost three-quarters of our money from donors giving less than $1,000, while Mitt Romney’s campaign raised more than three-quarters of its money from individuals giving $1,000 or more.

{I’m afraid you’ll be last to find out why.}

And, again, that’s not including the massive outside spending by super PACs and front groups funneling up to an additional billion dollars into ads trashing me, you, and everything we believe in.

{No, it’s just you Barack. And your idea of the relationship between the government and the people.}

We can be outspent and still win — but we can’t be outspent 10 to 1 and still win.

More than 2.2 million Americans have already chipped in for us, and I’m so grateful for it. As we face this week’s fundraising deadline, can you make a donation of $3 or more today?

Every donation you make today automatically enters you to join Michelle and me for one of the last grassroots dinners of this campaign — today is your last chance to get your name in.

{Speaking of that. What did the ‘winners’ of the dinner party in Manhattan have to say to you about their ideas to fix the economy?}

These dinners represent how we do things differently. My opponent spent this past weekend at a secretive retreat for the biggest donors to both his campaign and the super PACs that support him.

I’ve got other responsibilities I’m attending to.

{Like the illegal immigration catch and release program. Trying to find out who is leaking national defense secrets while attempting to cover up the Fast & Furious investigation by illegally applying your executive privilege.}

Donate today to stand for our kind of politics: {emphasis added}


Thank you,



Enemies Welcome!

That may as well be the sign in Arizona. Today’s Supreme Court ruling upheld Arizona’s right to verify legal status if the person is stopped for any other legal reason. Then they can call ICE to report them, who is then supposed to pick them up, decide their status, and deport if they are illegals. The rest of SB1070 was rejected as being the sole responsibility of the federal government.

True to form is the response from the executive branch over the court’s decision. Hey Arizona, don’t bother reporting any illegals you may find. We’re not interested in enforcing the law that the Supreme Court just said was our responsibility. LOL  Deal with it.

When the state can not protect itself and its sovereignty, the union of sovereign states are sovereign no more. Centralized government control and punishment on display.

And the message this sends to the world? All illegals, terrorists, and enemies we don’t even know we have,  are welcome in the United States. Just use the Arizona border with Mexico and behave yourself in public. Have a nice day.

Isn’t it amazing that, to get what he wants, undocumented democrats, he is restrained by no law, no constitution, and no oath. The Obama administration is the lawless administration.

Link: Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinion

Today In History

It was four years ago that, as a candidate, Barack Obama broke his first pledge. It was his promise to take public funds for his campaign.

Back then they were called ‘pledges.’ Today, they’re known for what they are. And anyone who trusts a liar with their vote must have something much worse to worry about. According to Obama, it’s Republicans.

Did you notice how long it took for the ‘community organizer’ in him to show?

I’ll sit down with John McCain, and make sure that we have a system that is fair for both sides.

Here’s another gem to remember.

I said early on I will not take PAC money. I will not take money from federally registered lobbyists.

One thing surrounding Barack Obama remains consistent from four years ago. With Barack Obama, there has always been a question of trust.