Tag Archives: Media

No Enthusiasm Gap Shrink In Florida

Washington reporter Jamie Dupree looks at early voting results in states where it exists.

In Florida, almost 800,000 votes are already in, and when you look at the party breakdown, you see that 52.8% of the ballots are in from Republicans to 33.7% for Democrats.

That the ‘enthusiasm gap’ we’ve been hearing about is lessening seems to be more imagined (by the Left and the media) than real.

Early Voting Numbers | Jamie Dupree Washington Insider.

NPR Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

A day after George Soros offers a million dollars to NPR, a left-leaning and publicly funded radio broadcasting network, for the purpose of hiring the right kind of journalists and reporters, Juan Williams gets fired. That fact alone has people wondering if the firing of Williams was not more than a coincidence.

All that aside. Let’s take stock into recent facts of history, beginning with the airliner attacks on 9/11 and the people who hijacked the planes and crashed them into buildings, killing everyone on board and about 3,000 others. Then add to that the warnings that the Department of Homeland Security, and both presidents since, have made over the years and again just recently in Europe, and as Juan recalled, the terrorist who last week said, at his trial in New York, that this was just the beginning of jihad against the West.

When Americans are cautioned to be aware of your surroundings, what does that mean to you? To me, it means exactly what Juan put into words. It’s too bad that the PC Left, and the Hezbollah supporting C.A.I.R. (Ameriphobes) prefer to not be faced with facts or the truth, but that’s their problem and should not be Juan Williams’ problem.

For their blatant firing of Juan Williams for the reason they stated, National Public Radio is awarded the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Politicians And The Dumb Masses

One of President Obama’s campaign promises was not to raise taxes on middle-class Americans. So here’s my question: If there’s a corporate tax increase either in the form of “cap and trade” or income tax, does it turn out to be a middle-class tax increase? Most people would say no but let’s look at it.

There’s a whole subject area in economics known as tax incidence — namely, who bears the burden of a tax? The first thing that should be recognized is that the burden of a tax is not necessarily borne by the party upon whom it is levied. That is, for example, if a sales tax is levied on gasoline retailers, they don’t bear the full burden of the tax. Part of it is shifted to customers in the form of higher gasoline prices.

Suppose your local politician tells you, as a homeowner, “I’m not going to raise taxes on you! I’m going to raise taxes on your land.” You’d probably tell him that he’s an idiot because land does not pay taxes; only people pay taxes. That means a tax on your land is a tax on you. You say, “Williams, that’s pretty elementary, isn’t it?” Not quite.

What about the politician who tells us that he’s not going to raise taxes on the middle class; instead, he’s going to raise corporate income taxes as means to get rich corporations to pay their rightful share of government? If a tax is levied on a corporation, and if it is to survive, it will have one of three responses, or some combination thereof. One response is to raise the price of its product, so who bears the burden? Another response is to lower dividends; again, who bears the burden? Yet another response is to lay off workers. In each case, it is people, not some legal fiction called a corporation, who bear the burden of the tax.

Because corporations have these responses to the imposition of a tax, they are merely government tax collectors.

They collect money from people and send it to Washington. Therefore, you should tell that politician, who promises to tax corporations instead of you, that he’s an idiot because corporations, like land, do not pay taxes. Only people pay taxes.

Here’s another tax question, even though it doesn’t sound like it. Which workers receive higher pay: those on a road construction project moving dirt with shovels and wheelbarrows or those moving dirt atop a giant earthmover? If you said the worker atop the earthmover, go to the head of the class. But why? It’s not because he’s unionized or that construction contractors have a fondness for earthmover operators. It’s because the worker atop the earthmover is working with more capital, thereby making him more productive. Higher productivity means higher wages.

It’s not rocket science to conclude that whatever lowers the cost of capital formation, such as lowering the cost of investing in earthmovers, enables contractors to purchase more of them. Workers will have more capital to work with and as a result enjoy higher wages. Policies that raise the cost of capital formation such as capital gains taxes, low depreciation allowances and corporate taxes, thereby reduce capital formation, and serve neither the interests of workers, investors nor consumers. It does serve the interests of politicians who get more resources to be able to buy votes.

You might wonder how congressmen can get away with taxes and other measures that reduce our prosperity potential. Part of the answer is ignorance and the anti-business climate promoted in academia and the news media. The more important reason is that prosperity foregone is invisible. In other words, we can never tell how much richer we would have been without today’s level of congressional interference in our lives and therefore don’t fight it as much as we should.

The above was graciously lifted from a piece entitled Politicians Exploit Economic Ignorance by Walter E. Williams.

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

‘Shovel Ready,’ Obama’s ‘Read My Lips’

Couldn’t help but notice the comparison here. Bush 41 made his pledge not to raise taxes with his ‘read my lips’ statement at the 1988 Republican National Convention as he accepted the nomination. He made that case as part of his platform. Similarly, candidate Obama ran on jump starting the economy with ‘shovel ready’ projects. He made the same case in passing the $787 billion porkulus bill. But that’s where the similarity ends. For Obama, there was no time to read the bill. But the money was going to be spent on projects that could start within 90 days, he said.

Aside from Ted Kennedy’s funeral, what other shovel ready jobs were there? Today President Obama says there’s no such thing as ‘shovel ready.’

As for the media reaction. That remains to be seen. You will recall that they skewered Bush 41 after he raised taxes, relentlessly, day after day, front page, above the fold. (Isn’t that what Barack Obama wants to do today? Raise taxes?) All those who think the media will treat Obama the same way, please raise your hand. Be on the lookout for it. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think you’ll see the same kind of reaction. Even though Obama’s deception put our country into debt for generations to come, I think the media will give him a pass. But come November 2, I doubt the voters will.

It Finally Happened, President Obama Wins M.R.I.O.T.D. Award

At a please-don’t-give-up-on-me-and-the-Democrat(ic)-Party rally in Philadelphia yesterday, the President of the United States again berated and bashed the Chamber of Commerce. Accusing the Chamber of Commerce of using foreign monies to defeat Democrats in November. Accusing them of being shills for big business. You know, much like the Soros wing of the party did two years ago to help get him elected.

Right. Accusing the Chamber of Commerce, which represents business, of being a shill for business is like saying Jerry Lewis is a shill for muscular dystrophy, or the Shriners are a shill for burned children, or the Special Olympics is a shill for the handicapped.

What our president doesn’t get, or refuses to get, is that business is capitalism, which produces jobs and revenue in free markets. Conversely, it contracts in less-than-free markets. And holds back investment because of the FUD Factor. This is the direction our president wants to take us. He has already called the Chamber and businesses ‘the enemy.’ Spoken like a true socialist/progressive. For which he gets praise from the far left in his party, currently its main stream.

But here’s the best part, and the reason President Obama wins this award. The New York Times doesn’t even buy it. They noticed that the administration offered no proof of the allegation. And caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place, The White House was forced to admit that they had no evidence. Not surprising for a community organizer-turned president.

The Lunch Counter presents the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award to President Barack Obama

Link: The Soros Web and the Spiders Within

Obama Gets The Book Thrown At Him

Well, not The book, but A book. Leave it to the foreign press to tell us that a book was thrown at President Obama at a rally in Philadelphia today.

If you don’t know by now. Philadelphians are tough fans for politicians as well as their sports teams.

There was one jerk there with his clothes off. What?

How many times did you see a shoe being thrown at Bush?

Link: Obama has book thrown at him at Philadelphia rally | Mail Online.

Khavari For Governor YouTube Video

This isn’t a flashy video produced in Hollywood. It’s not funded by the coffers of the DNC or the RNC. And it’s not funded by special interests. Unless by ‘special interests’ you mean you and me and individual citizens around the State of Florida who care as much about Florida as he does. Right, it’s not fancy or flashy. And, it doesn’t attack the character of his opponents nor does it call them evil or criminals. I already did that.

What it does do is show you how sincere candidate Farid Khavari (I) is on helping the State of Florida and its citizens. He details the reason you should vote for him. He doesn’t tell you why you should not vote for someone else. How refreshing!

Isn’t this the kind of person we’ve been looking for to be chief executive of our state? Farid Khavari is the only candidate with an actual plan for the State of Florida that will promote economic recovery and create private sector jobs while making it possible for people to stay in their homes.

Like him, I invite you to go to his website and check out his plan for yourself. Then on November 2, vote for the person you think can deliver for Florida instead of the candidate with the most TV and print exposure. I think you will find that to be Dr. Farid Khavari, Independent candidate for Governor of the State of Florida.

Link: Khavari For Governor

CNN’s Rick Sanchez Fired For Comment

Saying stuff like this used to be a resume enhancement for media types. Is CNN really serious or is this what happens when your ratings get down to friends, family members, and employees? Maybe he would have been OK if the target of his comment was a conservative?

CNN fired news anchor Rick Sanchez on Friday, a day after he called Jon Stewart a bigot in a radio show interview where he also questioned whether Jews should be considered a minority.

Intramural sniping like this is interesting to watch though. It does put Sanchez between a rock and a hard place. If CNN fired you, where else is there to go? Or to put it another way, who else would want you?

Other than possibly Rick Sanchez and his family, who cares?

Link: CNN’s Sanchez fired after calling Stewart a bigot