Tag Archives: Media

25 Billion Dollar Shakedown Of The Banks

Today’s news is saturated with the Obama administration’s $25 billion shakedown of the mortgage banking industry. Only the media doesn’t characterize it that way. It’s a head-fake. It’s another excuse for a huge slush fund and street money, same as what TARP and the $785 billion ‘stimulus’  package were. Can’t have too much money for a re-election campaign you know.

The banks were participants for sure. But, not necessarily willing participants.

Learn what caused the mortgage crises. This video shows who it was that was sounding the alarms and trying to prevent what happened from happening. Enjoy. This video was removed from YouTube a couple of times since its first release so capture it if you can. It lays to rest who is responsible, exposing the lies you are being told today.

Abortion, Birth Control, Democrats’ Holy Sacrament

The clash of religions has finally come to the forefront. Those Americans who believe that the Constitution and Bill of Rights, personal freedom, personal responsibility and liberty mean something are rising up against the provision in Obamacare that mandates that religious organizations provide contraception and abortion access even though it is against their faith or be fined (any amount) are finally seeing what motivates and animates the Liberal/Progressive wing of the Democratics {sic} Party.

It’s all about power. The power of the government to not just govern, but to control as many aspects of our lives as possible. Like any good Marxist regime would do.

It’s not like these kind of services are not already available in any county or state health department, Planned Parenthood, or any other abortion club. But that’s not enough for these Marxists. They want to force private and religious institutions to do it too, or be fined hundreds of millions of dollars.

Hearken back when the Obama administration was trying to get the un-Affordable Health Care Act passed. States had to be bribed. In order to get their last vote, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), had to be convinced that the bill would not pay for such things. And on top of that, we were not allowed to see what was in the bill before it was deemed passed. Remember Nancy Pelosi saying, we have to pass it to see what’s in it?

And where is the media on Obama’s subterfuge? Nowhere but complicit.

To get their agenda into law, Obama and his acolytes have to lie about their true intentions, knowing that the dumb masses will accept whatever they say. But hey, as long as most of the country can get on the government dole, who cares anymore?

Some democratics care, as do all of the republican candidates for president. That’s who.

8.3 Percent, The Fraud Continues

I suppose we should be mourning the sudden death of 1.2 million Americans. Because last week, the Obama administration’s Bureau of Labor Statistics refused to count them as still unemployed. Which they are, still unemployed. From Obama’s perspective, they may as well be dead.

No doubt, the unemployment percent that the administration puts out leading up to the 2012 election will continue to decrease even though there is no real increase in employment. They will continue to use this shrinking workforce math to make the unemployment percentage go down.

You won’t find the truth in your local newspaper. They have way too much invested in The One now to tell you what the administration is doing with the numbers.

In a December post, when the unemployment rate went from 9 to 8.6, the analysis then is identical to January’s.

From CNBC:

When the unemployment rate declines, we want to see both employment and participation increase as discouraged workers return to the labor force. Today, we got the former, but not the latter, making the 0.4 percent drop look a bit suspect,” Neil Dutta, US economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, told clients. “We would not be surprised to see the unemployment rate give back some of its decline in the coming month(s).”

Well I’m surprised! NOT! As it turned out, there was no give back. They did not factor in the Christmas season layoffs in their report. That might come on Friday when they normally make ‘adjustments’ and most likely won’t get any attention in the media. Let’s wait and see.

This fraud perpetrated by the administration was detailed HERE a couple of months ago.
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Friday 13th Stimulus Bill, Third Anniversary

Remember that $787 Billion ‘stimulus’ bill? The Democrat controlled congress passed it on Friday 13th nearly three years ago. That’s the one President Obama sold to us as going towards shovel-ready infrastructure projects and green technology. It was supposed to create jobs here, in the United States.

The stimulus bill turned out to be a slush fund to award green energy grants to big campaign contributors and to buttress under-funded labor union pension and benefit plans in the states. And the green technology jobs went to China. Feeling stimulated yet?

It also marks the third anniversary of the death of the ‘media watchdog.’

Why Is Obama MIA On Iran’s Threats?

As Iran continues to tweak the United States, and the international community in general, with its threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, and test firing long and short-range missiles, and showing off its nuclear capabilities in nuclear warhead technologies, the American people are wondering when President Obama will address them from behind his desk in the Oval Office. As Commander-in-Chief, he should be the one to bring us up to date with Iran’s sabre rattling, and tell us, and the mullahs in Iran, how he intends to handle the potentially disastrous course that Iran is on.

Instead, this is what we get from The White House . . .

Iran’s latest warning “reflects the fact that Iran is in a position of weakness,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters, adding that Tehran’s threats suggest “a measure of the impact that the sanctions have been having on Iran.”

It was the media, coupled with Obama’s own audacity, that made President Obama. Set him up to be the messiah. The One who would turn radical Islamists into friends and neighbors, change the climate and lower the sea level. So where are they now?

If there were a diagnostic list for the symptoms of a regime gone rogue, Iran would tick off every box. Taking hostages? Check. Sponsoring terrorism? Check. Covertly pursuing nuclear weapons? Check. Under international sanctions? Check. Repressing its own people? Check. Threatening to close the world’s oil highway, the Strait of Hormuz, in international waters? Check.

And where is our President on this? He is not found in the Oval Office, addressing the American people on Iran’s threats. He’s on the back nine. Obama’s absence on this topic shows Iran Obama’s weakness. It’s a real knee-slapper for Iran. And for Obama, it’s like ‘voting present.’

How’s that ‘improving our image” around the world and in Islamic countries working out?

Not On Virginia Ballot

Only two candidates for Virginia’s Republican primary will be on the March 6 ballot. They are the ones who have done it before, Gov. Romney and Rep. Paul.

Wazzupwidat? If not getting on the Virginia ballot is any measure of the candidates’ leadership, they’re in trouble.

Gingrich is one of five candidates that failed to make the Virginia ballot, but you wouldn’t know that from the AP title:  Gingrich fails to qualify for Va. primary ballot

Obama Doesn’t Like His Job

Here’s a peek into the liberal’s version of what’s wrong with President Obama.

Tina Brown believes that he just doesn’t like his job. Jon Meacham compares him to Jimmy Carter, ‘a technocratic president who thinks he’s really smart and perhaps above it all.’

Apparently, these liberals don’t buy the ‘leading from behind’ explanation. Obama’s problem is he is President of a country that he does not like.

There’s really nothing more to know about President Obama than his roots. When you understand where he came from, everything he has done and wants to do to this country begins to make sense.

He is, was, and always has been a community organizer. Community organizers pit people against people. Those people with the pitchforks that Obama said he could unleash on the banks if they didn’t go along with his bailout . . . the Occupy Everywhere crowd. It’s what community organizers do.

Link: Tina Brown: Obama ‘Doesn’t Like His Job’

8.6 Percent Jobless Rate Is Bogus

The percent figure that the Bureau of Labor Statistics put out yesterday is not what it appears to be.

The administration goes through some machinations of the number of people out of work to make the unemployment percent seem to go down. They no longer count, like they no longer exist, those people out of work who gave up looking, the underemployed, and those whose 99 weeks of unemployment compensation has run out. When you count them as still alive, the unemployment rate is 15.6 percent.

When you don’t count the them, you cut (on paper) the number of people in the job pool. That is how the administration and their media followers can say the percentage dropped .4% from 9 to 8.6 and yet make it sound like things are getting better. When they are not.

When the unemployment rate declines, we want to see both employment and participation increase as discouraged workers return to the labor force. Today, we got the former, but not the latter, making the 0.4 percent drop look a bit suspect,” Neil Dutta, US economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, told clients. “We would not be surprised to see the unemployment rate give back some of its decline in the coming month(s).”

Considering that nearly half of the jobs created were for the Christmas retail season, expect them to go away in January.

This smoke and mirrors scheme was explained last August in this post.

Throwing Good Money After Bad, Again

Speaking of the government stimulus spending and green jobs. The Obama administration picked Southeast Michigan as one of 20 regions from around the country for economic growth grant money. The goal is to create an economic cluster of so-called clean technology manufacturing that is expected to generate jobs, business and exports for the region. Emphasis on jobs, business, and exports for the region.

News of the transaction is also noteworthy. You have the headline-grabbing union-busting Huffington Post putting a happy face on the deal. But when you follow the link to the story, you’ll see evidence that this is yet another waste of taxpayer money in the name of green jobs. Apparently, the thieves at the Huffington post don’t even read the stories they steal, let alone give credit to Jaclyn Trop, the writer of the story.

In reading the story, the economic growth stimulus money will be used in the Southeast Michigan Advanced Energy Storage Systems Initiative. Batteries. Great idea when you consider that Michigan is home to more than 35 advanced battery companies and suppliers for battery systems and electric vehicles, more than any other state, according to the Michigan Economic Development Corp.

Sounds like a good investment of taxpayer money. Except for the fact that, once again, markets exist when there is demand for a product. Lacking demand, there is no market, no business. According to the article, this is a product that nobody wants. What is the point of boosting manufacturing of a product that is already over supplied and without market demand sufficient to stay in business and effectively compete with China?

Michigan has given solar and lithium-ion battery manufacturers tens of millions of dollar in state tax incentives in recent years, but both industries are building more products than there is demand for, according to industry reports.

OK, that was the ‘good’ news. The bad news is . . .

The worldwide manufacturing capacity of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles will greatly exceed supply unless demand by automakers increases significantly in the short run, according to a September report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.


Energy Conversion Devices Inc., the Auburn Hills maker of solar panels and lithium-ion batteries, has been trying to sell its battery operation. And its losses grow since demand for solar panels in Europe has dried up and Chinese companies have offered lower-priced alternatives.

Given the circumstances in the marketplace, I’m not anticipating this government spending will have a different result than Solyndra. Meanwhile, keep a sharp eye out for all the new jobs, business, and exports for Southeast Michigan.

Obama’s Jobs Act And The Left’s World View

If you want to know why the U.S. economy and jobs picture still sucks, all you need to do is examine the world where the political Left lives. Take this video clip of The ED Show on the Lean Forward (Bend Over) Network for example. The subject is about President Obama’s bus tour trying to push his Jobs Act, aka the class-warfare-tax-increase-labor-union-bail-out bill.

There is one undeniable fact where the first two years of the Obama administration is concerned. Whether by hook or by crook, Obama got everything he wanted. He got the un-Affordable Health Care Act, he got his so-called stimulus bills, he got his auto industry and Wall Street, the mortgage industry, student loan industry. The bail outs, all of them. And most behind closed doors without any input from the ‘other side of the aisle.’

In this video, ‘Democratic Strategist’ Krystal Ball does her best to deny all of it in what has become the Democrats’ narrative.

The republicans have been coming up with the narrative that the President got everything he wanted in the first two years he had a Democratic congress, he had a Democratic Senate so of course he got everything he wanted, when the reality was Republicans from day one said we will defeat this president and they did everything they could to obstruct progress, to obstruct the focus on jobs, to obstruct doing anything that would help the American people.

Since Republicans were not successful in stopping any of it, her point is . . .?

Then there’s this gem from Mr. Pro-Capitalism himself Mike Papantonio, host of the Ring of Fire talk radio show and frequent guest of Sargent Shultz’s show.

Shultz asks Papantonio about taxing the millionaires and billionaires. “What about the millionaires? Do you think the majority of wealthy people in this country would be OK with .5 percent over a million dollars?”

They do. I don’t think they have problems with it Ed because most millionaires understand, they believe in capitalism. And in order for capitalism to work, you have to put money into the system. You have to move it by uh uh if you move it by way of government into people’s hands, that works!

When the Left has their own version of reality and their own definition of capitalism, is it any wonder why Obama’s ‘economic recovery’ has been a dismal failure?